iverilog test_uart.v ../verilog-uart/rtl/uart.v ../verilog-uart/rtl/uart_rx.v ../verilog-uart/rtl/uart_tx.v -o test_uart.out ./test_uart.out gtkwave test_uart.vcd
cd ../usb_cdc/ git apply ../0001-usb_cdc-fix-make-targets.patch cd examples/TinyFPGA-BX/OSS_CAD_Suite/ make PROJ=soc clean sim make PROJ=soc wave
Use TinyFPGA_BX to test.
See echo of slightly modified input.
cd ../usb_cdc/examples/TinyFPGA-BX/OSS_CAD_Suite/ tinyprog -l make PROJ=soc clean all make PROJ=soc prog tinyprog -b minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0
Attach another USB-TTL device to the first three pins on TinyFPGA_BX: GND, 1(RX), and 2(TX). One should see characters being passed between.
tinyprog -l make clean prog #tinyprog -b #open two terminals and connect them to usb2serial ports to see characters passed between them minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0