blob: 702c138314af1254ba7d78f6f686c275300e1ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// PWM Register ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the riscduino cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// 0.1 - 15th Aug 2022, Dinesh A ////
//// initial version ////
module pwm_reg (
// System Signals
// Inputs
input logic mclk ,
input logic h_reset_n ,
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
input logic reg_cs ,
input logic reg_wr ,
input logic [2:0] reg_addr ,
input logic [31:0] reg_wdata ,
input logic [3:0] reg_be ,
// Outputs
output logic [31:0] reg_rdata ,
output logic reg_ack ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm0_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm0_low ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm1_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm1_low ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm2_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm2_low ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm3_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm3_low ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm4_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm4_low ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm5_high ,
output logic [15:0] cfg_pwm5_low
// Internal Wire Declarations
logic sw_rd_en ;
logic sw_wr_en ;
logic [2:0] sw_addr ; // addressing 16 registers
logic [31:0] sw_reg_wdata ;
logic [3:0] sw_be ;
logic [31:0] reg_out ;
logic [31:0] reg_0 ; // CONFIG - Unused
logic [31:0] reg_1 ; // PWM-REG-0
logic [31:0] reg_2 ; // PWM-REG-1
logic [31:0] reg_3 ; // PWM-REG-2
logic [31:0] reg_4 ; // PWM-REG-3
logic [31:0] reg_5 ; // PWM-REG-4
logic [31:0] reg_6 ; // PWM-REG-5
assign sw_addr = reg_addr;
assign sw_rd_en = reg_cs & !reg_wr;
assign sw_wr_en = reg_cs & reg_wr;
assign sw_be = reg_be;
assign sw_reg_wdata = reg_wdata;
// register read enable and write enable decoding logic
wire sw_wr_en_0 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h0);
wire sw_wr_en_1 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h1);
wire sw_wr_en_2 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h2);
wire sw_wr_en_3 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h3);
wire sw_wr_en_4 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h4);
wire sw_wr_en_5 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h5);
wire sw_wr_en_6 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 3'h6);
wire sw_rd_en_0 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h0);
wire sw_rd_en_1 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h1);
wire sw_rd_en_2 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h2);
wire sw_rd_en_3 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h3);
wire sw_rd_en_4 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h4);
wire sw_rd_en_5 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h5);
wire sw_rd_en_6 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 3'h6);
always @ (posedge mclk or negedge h_reset_n)
begin : preg_out_Seq
if (h_reset_n == 1'b0) begin
reg_rdata <= 'h0;
reg_ack <= 1'b0;
end else if (reg_cs && !reg_ack) begin
reg_rdata <= reg_out;
reg_ack <= 1'b1;
end else begin
reg_ack <= 1'b0;
// reg-0: Reserve for pwm global config
assign reg_0 = 'h0;
// Logic for PWM-0 Config
assign cfg_pwm0_low = reg_1[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm0_high = reg_1[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_1 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_1 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_1 )
// Logic for PWM-1 Config
assign cfg_pwm1_low = reg_2[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm1_high = reg_2[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_2 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_2 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_2 )
// Logic for PWM-2 Config
assign cfg_pwm2_low = reg_3[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm2_high = reg_3[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_3 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_3 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_3 )
// Logic for PWM-3 Config
assign cfg_pwm3_low = reg_4[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm3_high = reg_4[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_4 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_4 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_4 )
// Logic for PWM-4 Config
assign cfg_pwm4_low = reg_5[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm4_high = reg_5[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_5 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_5 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_5 )
// Logic for PWM-5 Config
assign cfg_pwm5_low = reg_6[15:0]; // low period of w/f
assign cfg_pwm5_high = reg_6[31:16]; // high period of w/f
gen_32b_reg #(32'h0) u_reg_6 (
//List of Inputs
.reset_n (h_reset_n ),
.clk (mclk ),
.cs (sw_wr_en_6 ),
.we (sw_be ),
.data_in (sw_reg_wdata ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_6 )
reg_out [31:0] = 32'h0;
case (sw_addr [2:0])
3'b000 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_0 [31:0];
3'b001 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_1 [31:0];
3'b010 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_2 [31:0];
3'b011 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_3 [31:0];
3'b100 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_4 [31:0];
3'b101 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_5 [31:0];
3'b110 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_6 [31:0];
default : reg_out [31:0] = 32'h0;