blob: 9bcefee9adf4720ea01f924f2ca700b13e485c36 [file] [log] [blame]
// GPIO Interrupt Generation
module gpio_intr_gen (
input logic mclk ,// System clk
input logic h_reset_n ,// system reset
input logic [31:0] gpio_prev_indata ,// previously captured GPIO I/P pins data
input logic [31:0] cfg_gpio_data_in ,// GPIO I/P pins data captured into this
input logic [31:0] cfg_gpio_out_data ,// GPIO statuc O/P data from config reg
input logic [31:0] cfg_gpio_dir_sel ,// decides on GPIO pin is I/P or O/P at pad level
input logic [31:0] cfg_gpio_posedge_int_sel ,// select posedge interrupt
input logic [31:0] cfg_gpio_negedge_int_sel ,// select negedge interrupt
output logic [31:0] pad_gpio_out ,// GPIO O/P to the gpio cfg reg
output logic [31:0] gpio_int_event // to the cfg interrupt status reg
integer i;
// Logic for interrupt detection
reg [31:0] local_gpio_int_event; // to the cfg interrupt status reg
for (i=0; i<32; i=i+1)
// looking for rising edge int
local_gpio_int_event[i] = ((cfg_gpio_posedge_int_sel[i] & ~gpio_prev_indata[i]
& cfg_gpio_data_in[i]) |
(cfg_gpio_negedge_int_sel[i] & gpio_prev_indata[i] &
// looking for falling edge int
assign gpio_int_event = local_gpio_int_event[31:0]; // goes as O/P to the cfg reg
assign pad_gpio_out = cfg_gpio_out_data[31:0] ;// O/P on the GPIO bus