blob: 70ff764af0ee60647202ad8e84bc5cdce43a450c [file] [log] [blame]
parameter bit [15:0] PAD_STRAP = (2'b00 << `PSTRAP_CLK_SRC ) |
(2'b00 << `PSTRAP_CLK_DIV ) |
(1'b1 << `PSTRAP_UARTM_CFG ) |
(1'b1 << `PSTRAP_QSPI_SRAM ) |
(2'b10 << `PSTRAP_QSPI_FLASH ) |
(2'b00 << `PSTRAP_CLK_SKEW ) |
`ifdef RISC_BOOT // RISCV Based Test case
parameter bit [15:0] PAD_STRAP = 16'b0000_0001_1011_0000;
parameter bit [15:0] PAD_STRAP = 16'b0000_0000_1011_0000;
wire [15:0] strap_in;
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_SRC] = 2'b00; // System Clock Source wbs/riscv: User clock1
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_DIV] = 2'b00; // Clock Division for wbs/riscv : 0 Div
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_UARTM_CFG] = 1'b0; // uart master config control - constant value based on system clock selection
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_QSPI_SRAM] = 1'b1; // QSPI SRAM Mode Selection - Quad
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_QSPI_FLASH] = 2'b10; // QSPI Fash Mode Selection - Quad
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_RESET_MODE] = 1'b1; // Riscv Reset control - Removed Riscv on Power On Reset
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_CACHE_BYPASS] = 1'b0; // Riscv Cache Bypass: 0 - Cache Enable
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_SRAM_CLK_EDGE] = 1'b0; // Riscv SRAM clock edge selection: 0 - Normal
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_SKEW] = 2'b00; // Skew selection 2'b00 - Default value
assign strap_in[`PSTRAP_DEFAULT_VALUE] = 1'b0; // 0 - Normal
// Run in Fast Sim Mode
`ifdef GL
force u_top.mprj.u_wb_host.u_reg._8654_.Q= 1'b1;
force u_top.mprj.u_wb_host.u_reg.u_fastsim_buf.X = 1'b1;
task init;
//#1 - Apply Reset
#1000 RSTB = 1;
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
#1000 RSTB = 0;
//#3 - Remove Reset
#1000 RSTB = 1;
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#4 - Wait for Power on reset removal
wait(u_top.mprj.p_reset_n == 1);
// #5 - Wait for system reset removal
wait(u_top.mprj.s_reset_n == 1); // Wait for system reset removal
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#2 - Apply Strap
strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_SRC] = 2'b00; // System Clock Source wbs/riscv: User clock1
strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_DIV] = 2'b00; // Clock Division for wbs/riscv : 0 Div
strap_in[`PSTRAP_UARTM_CFG] = 1'b0; // uart master config control - constant value based on system clock selection
strap_in[`PSTRAP_QSPI_SRAM] = 1'b1; // QSPI SRAM Mode Selection - Quad
strap_in[`PSTRAP_QSPI_FLASH] = 2'b10; // QSPI Fash Mode Selection - Quad
strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_RESET_MODE] = 1'b1; // Riscv Reset control - Removed Riscv on Power On Reset
strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_CACHE_BYPASS] = 1'b0; // Riscv Cache Bypass: 0 - Cache Enable
strap_in[`PSTRAP_RISCV_SRAM_CLK_EDGE] = 1'b0; // Riscv SRAM clock edge selection: 0 - Normal
strap_in[`PSTRAP_CLK_SKEW] = 2'b00; // Skew selection 2'b00 - Default value
strap_in[`PSTRAP_DEFAULT_VALUE] = 1'b0; // 0 - Normal
force u_top.io_in[36:29] = strap_in[15:8];
force u_top.io_in[20:13] = strap_in[7:0];
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#3 - Remove Reset
wb_rst_i = 0; // Remove Reset
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#4 - Wait for Power on reset removal
wait(u_top.p_reset_n == 1);
// #5 - Release the Strap
release u_top.io_in[36:29];
release u_top.io_in[20:13];
// #6 - Wait for system reset removal
wait(u_top.s_reset_n == 1); // Wait for system reset removal
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
task apply_strap;
input [15:0] strap;
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#1 - Apply Reset
RSTB = 0;
//#2 - Apply Strap
force u_top.mprj_io[36:29] = strap[15:8];
force u_top.mprj_io[20:13] = strap[7:0];
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
//#3 - Remove Reset
RSTB = 1; // Remove Reset
//#4 - Wait for Power on reset removal
wait(u_top.mprj.p_reset_n == 1);
// #5 - Release the Strap
release u_top.mprj_io[36:29];
release u_top.mprj_io[20:13];
// #6 - Wait for system reset removal
wait(u_top.mprj.s_reset_n == 1); // Wait for system reset removal
repeat (10) @(posedge clock);
// Create Pull Up/Down Based on Reset Strap Parameter
genvar gCnt;
for(gCnt=0; gCnt<16; gCnt++) begin : g_strap
if(gCnt < 8) begin
if(PAD_STRAP[gCnt]) begin
end else begin
end else begin
if(PAD_STRAP[gCnt]) begin
end else begin
`ifdef RISC_BOOT // RISCV Based Test case
task wait_riscv_boot;
// GLBL_CFG_MAIL_BOX used as mail box, each core update boot up handshake at 8 bit
// bit[7:0] - core-0
// bit[15:8] - core-1
// bit[23:16] - core-2
// bit[31:24] - core-3
$display("Status: Waiting for RISCV Core Boot ... ");
wait(u_top.mprj.u_pinmux.u_glbl_reg.reg_15 == 8'h1);
$display("Status: RISCV Core is Booted ");
* This is Baud Rate to clock divider conversion for Test Bench
* Note: DUT uses 16x baud clock, where are test bench uses directly
* baud clock, Due to 16x Baud clock requirement at RTL, there will be
* some resolution loss, we expect at lower baud rate this resolution
* loss will be less. For Quick simulation perpose higher baud rate used
* *************************************************************************/
task tb_set_uart_baud;
input [31:0] ref_clk;
input [31:0] baud_rate;
output [31:0] baud_div;
reg [31:0] baud_div;
// for 230400 Baud = (50Mhz/230400) = 216.7
baud_div = ref_clk/baud_rate; // Get the Bit Baud rate
// Baud 16x = 216/16 = 13
baud_div = baud_div/16; // To find the RTL baud 16x div value to find similar resolution loss in test bench
// Test bench baud clock , 16x of above value
// 13 * 16 = 208,
// (Note if you see original value was 216, now it's 208 )
baud_div = baud_div * 16;
// Test bench half cycle counter to toggle it
// 208/2 = 104
baud_div = baud_div/2;
//As counter run's from 0 , substract from 1
baud_div = baud_div-1;