Openlane CI/CD

There are two primary flows: the pull request flow and the deployment flow.

The deployment flow occurs on a daily basis. The PR flow happens whenever someone creates a new Pull Request. PRs can be created by contributors or by an automated tool updater that runs on a schedule.

A Diagram Of The Flow

  • A maintainer cannot review their own code, but they can merge it after a review by another maintainer.

Required Secrets

Repository secrets are used to protect certain credentials, but also as repository-dependent parameters for the CI.


MAIN_BRANCHThe main branch for OpenLane. Format: main


DOCKER_IMAGEThe name of the resulting Docker image (minus the tag). In our case, we use efabless/openlane.
TOOL_DOCKER_IMAGEThe name of the resulting Docker images for tools (minus the tag). In our case, we use efabless/openlane-tools.
DOCKERHUB_USERA username for a user that has push access to the organization that owns DOCKER_IMAGE on Docker Hub. In our case, that's an Efabless Employee with push access.
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORDThe password/token for the given username that has push access to the organization that owns DOCKER_IMAGE on Docker Hub.
LOG_UPLOAD_INFOCurrently unused: Information on a cloud platform to upload buckets to, in the format platform:bucket:encoded_credentials, where platform can be gcp/aws/etc, bucket is the bucket name, and encoded_credentials are simply the relevant credentials encoded in base64. It's a bit convoluted, but it makes it so different CI users can switch the platform out by changing a single secret. Currently, only the Google Cloud Platform is supported. Support for other platforms can be added to If this secret is not specified, the logs will not be uploaded.

Tool Updater

FORK_NAMEA fork to push branches for tool updates to. Format bot-account/OpenLane
MY_TOKENA token for the bot account that owns the fork.