name: Bug Report about: If OpenLane is not behaving as expected, please report here. title: '' labels: '' assignees: ''


A clear and concise description of what the bug is.


Please run the following set of commands in the OpenLane folder:

make survey || python3 ./ issue-survey

And copy and paste the ENTIRE output between the triple-backticks. Please do not gzip and upload the output.

If neither command succeeds, you are using an out of date version of OpenLane and should probably update. 

Reproduction Material

  • Upload a tarball containing the relevant design.
  • List the commands used to run the design.

If you see a message like Reproducible packaged: Please tarball and upload <PATH> if you're going to submit an issue in your logs, please also tarball and include that path. This will greatly speed up the fixing process.

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.


Add any relevant logs here. Please do ensure they're enclosed by the triple-backticks.