*NOTE: The value -1
, if not meaningful, indicates that the report/log from which the information is extracted wasn't found (the stage responsible for it was skipped or failed).
Variable | Description |
design | The directory of the design |
design_name | The name of the top level module of the design |
config | The name of the configurations file of the design |
flow_status | The status of the flow at the end of the run. Extracted from total_runtime.txt |
total_runtime | The total runtime of running the process on the design. Extracted from total_runtime.txt |
routed_runtime | The runtime of running the process up to (including) detailed routing on the design. Extracted from routed_runtime.txt |
DIEAREA_mm^2 | The diearea in mm2 as reported from the def file. |
CellPer_mm^2 | The number of cells in the design as reported by yosys divided by the diearea in mm2. |
(Cell/mm^2)/Core_Util | The number of cells in the design as reported by yosys divided by the diearea in mm2, all divided by the FP_CORE_UTIL configuration parameter. |
OpenDP_Util | The core utilization of the design. Extracted from openDP logs. |
Peak_Memory_Usage_MB | The peak memory usage of Tritonroute during optimization iterations. Extracted from tritonRoute logs. |
cell_count | The number of cells in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
tritonRoute_Violations | The total number of violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute logs. |
Short_Violations | The total number of shorts violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute drc. |
MetSpc_violations | The total number of MetSpc violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute drc. |
OffGrid_violations | The total number of off-grid violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute drc. |
MinHole_violations | The total number of MinHole violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute drc. |
Other_violations | The total number of other types of violations from running TritonRoute. Extracted from tritonRoute drc. |
Magic_violations | The total number of magic drc violations in the design. Extracted from Magic drc. |
antenna_violations | The total number of antenna violations in the design. Extracted from Magic antenna check or OpenROAD ARC. |
lvs_total_errors | The total number of mismatches and differences between the final layout and the netlist of the design. Extracted from Netgen LVS report. |
cvc_total_errors | The total number of electric errors detected by CVC. Extracted from CVC report. |
klayout_violations | The total number of klayout drc violations in the design. Extracted from klayout drc report ran on the magic generated GDS-II. |
wire_length | The total wire length in the design. Extracted from tritonRoute logs. |
vias | The number of vias in the final design. Extracted from tritonRoute logs. |
wns | Worst Negative Slack. Reported after Synthesis. Extracted from OpenSTA. |
pl_wns | Worst Negative Slack. Reported after global placement and before optimizations using estimate parasitics. Extracted from RePlAce/OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
opt_wns | Worst Negative Slack. Extracted from OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
fastroute_tns | Worst Negative Slack. Reported after global routing using estimate parasitics. Extracted from FastRoute/OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
spef_wns | Worst Negative Slack. Reported after routing and spef extraction. Extracted from OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
tns | Total Negative Slack. Reported after Synthesis. Extracted from OpenSTA. |
pl_tns | Total Negative Slack. Reported after global placement and before optimizations using estimate parasitics. Extracted from RePlAce/OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
opt_tns | Total Negative Slack. Reported after OpenPhySyn optimizations. Extracted from OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
fastroute_tns | Total Negative Slack. Reported after global routing using estimate parasitics. Extracted from FastRoute/OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
spef_tns | Total Negative Slack. Reported after routing and spef extraction. Extracted from OpenSTA. If the report wasn't found, the value from the previous STA report is used. |
HPWL | Final value for the half-perimeter wire length. Extracted from RePlace logs. |
routing_layer1_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 1 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
routing_layer2_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 2 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
routing_layer3_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 3 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
routing_layer4_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 4 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
routing_layer5_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 5 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
routing_layer6_pct | The percentage usage of routing resources on layer 6 in global routing. Extracted from fastroute log. |
wires_count | The number of wires in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
wire_bits | The number of wire bits in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
public_wires_count | The number of public wires in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
public_wire_bits | The number of public wire bits in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
memories_count | The number of memories in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
memory_bits | The number of memory bits in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
cells_pre_abc | The number of cells before ABC. Extracted from yosys logs. |
AND | The number of AND gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
DFF | The number of flip flops in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
NAND | The number of NAND gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
NOR | The number of NOR gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
OR | The number of OR gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
XOR | The number of XOR gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
XNOR | The number of XNOR gates in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
MUX | The number of multiplexers in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
inputs | The number of inputs in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
outputs | The number of outputs in the design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
level | The number of levels in the final design. Extracted from yosys logs. |
EndCaps | The number of endcaps in the final design. Extracted from tapcell log. |
TapCells | The number of tapcells in the final design. Extracted from tapcell log. |
Diodes | The number of diodes in the final design. Extracted from diode logs or Fastroute log based on the used diode insertion strategy. |
Total_Physical_Cells | The sum of endcaps, tapcells, and diodes in the final design. |
suggested_clock_frequency | The suggested clock frequency to be used with the design. Calculated based on the value of spef_wns , and reported in MHz . |
suggested_clock_period | TThe suggested clock period to be used with the design. Calculated based on the value of spef_wns , and reported in ns . |
Variable | Description |
CLOCK_PERIOD | The clock period for the design in ns |
SYNTH_STRATEGY | Strategies for abc logic synthesis and technology mapping Possible values are "DELAY |
SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT | The max load that the output ports can drive. (Default: 5 cells) |
FP_CORE_UTIL | The core utilization percentage. (Default: 50 percent) |
FP_ASPECT_RATIO | The core's aspect ratio (height / width). (Default: 1 ) |
FP_PDN_VPITCH | The pitch of the vertical power stripes on the metal layer 4 in the power distribution network (Default: 153.6 ) |
FP_PDN_HPITCH | The pitch of the horizontal power stripes on the metal layer 5 in the power distribution network (Default: 153.18 ) |
PL_TARGET_DENSITY | The desired placement density of cells. It reflects how spread the cells would be on the core area. 1 = closely dense. 0 = widely spread (Default: 0.55 ) |
GLB_RT_ADJUSTMENT | Reduction in the routing capacity of the edges between the cells in the global routing graph. Values range from 0 to 1. 1 = most reduction, 0 = least reduction (Default: 0.2 ) |
STD_CELL_LIBRARY | Specifies the standard cell library used. (Default: sky130_fd_sc_hd ) |
CELL_PAD | Cell padding; increases the width of cells. (Default: 2 microns -- 2 sites) |
These variables are optional that can be specified in the configuration parameters file. Please refere to this file for the full list of configurations.