blob: 51c3d776dcd49fb73cdb09c796c6bd67da0c5c16 [file] [log] [blame]
module FPU_move(rst_l,opcode,Move_Input_IEEE,Move_Output_IEEE);
//Standard Defination For Parameterization
parameter Std = 31; // Means IEEE754 Std 32 Bit Single Precision -1 for bits
input [Std : 0] Move_Input_IEEE; // Input of IEEE754 32 Move Instruction
input [1:0] opcode; // opcode for selection
input rst_l; // clock & reset for Synchronizations
output [Std : 0] Move_Output_IEEE; // Output of IEEE754 32 Move Instruction
wire [Std : 0] Move_Output_IEEE; // Define reg becuase it is Output of IEEE754 32 Move Instruction
// New logic will be
assign Move_Output_IEEE = (rst_l == 1'b0) ? { (Std+1){1'b0} } : (opcode[0] == 1'b1) ? Move_Input_IEEE : (opcode[1] == 1'b1) ? Move_Input_IEEE : { (Std+1){1'b0} } ;