blob: 245107b2a997eade5c5ab495e931a14211b59649 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 , Julien OURY
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Julien OURY <>
module user_proj_example(
inout wire vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout wire vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
// Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
input wire wb_clk_i,
input wire wb_rst_i,
input wire wbs_stb_i,
input wire wbs_cyc_i,
input wire wbs_we_i,
input wire [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input wire [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input wire [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output wire wbs_ack_o,
output wire [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
// Logic Analyzer Signals
input wire [127:0] la_data_in,
output wire [127:0] la_data_out,
input wire [127:0] la_oenb,
// IOs
input wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
// IRQ
output wire [2:0] irq
wire rst_n;
// Wishbone SLV 0 interface
wire wbs_s0_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s0_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s0_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s0_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s0_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s0_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s0_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s0_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 1 interface
wire wbs_s1_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s1_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s1_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s1_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s1_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s1_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s1_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s1_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 2 interface
wire wbs_s2_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s2_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s2_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s2_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s2_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s2_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s2_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s2_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 3 interface
wire wbs_s3_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s3_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s3_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s3_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s3_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s3_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s3_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s3_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 4 interface
wire wbs_s4_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s4_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s4_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s4_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s4_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s4_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s4_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s4_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 5 interface
wire wbs_s5_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s5_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s5_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s5_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s5_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s5_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s5_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s5_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 6 interface
wire wbs_s6_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s6_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s6_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s6_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s6_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s6_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s6_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s6_ack_i ;
// Wishbone SLV 7 interface
wire wbs_s7_cyc_o ;
wire wbs_s7_stb_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s7_adr_o ;
wire wbs_s7_we_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s7_dat_o ;
wire [3:0] wbs_s7_sel_o ;
wire [31:0] wbs_s7_dat_i ;
wire wbs_s7_ack_i ;
// IO
assign io_out[37:35] = {( 3){1'b0}};
assign io_out[33:32] = {( 2){1'b0}};
assign io_out[23: 0] = {(24){1'b0}};
assign io_oeb[37:35] = {( 3){1'b1}};
assign io_oeb[34] = 1'b0 ; // String LED outputs
assign io_oeb[33:32] = {( 2){1'b1}};
assign io_oeb[31:24] = {( 8){1'b0}}; // MOTOR outputs
assign io_oeb[23: 0] = {(24){1'b1}};
// LA
assign la_data_out = {(128){1'b0}};
assign irq[2] = 1'b0;
assign rst_n = ~wb_rst_i;
wishbone_1mst_to_8slv #(
.ADDR_S0(32'h30000000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 0
.MASK_S0(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 0
.ADDR_S1(32'h30010000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 1
.MASK_S1(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 1
.ADDR_S2(32'h30020000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 2
.MASK_S2(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 2
.ADDR_S3(32'h30030000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 3
.MASK_S3(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 3
.ADDR_S4(32'h30040000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 4
.MASK_S4(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 4
.ADDR_S5(32'h30050000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 5
.MASK_S5(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 5
.ADDR_S6(32'h30060000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 6
.MASK_S6(32'hFFFF0000), // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 6
.ADDR_S7(32'h30070000), // Base address of Wishbone SLV 7
.MASK_S7(32'hFFFF0000) // Mask address of Wishbone SLV 7
) i_wishbone_1mst_to_8slv (
// Wishbone MST interface
.wbs_m_we_i (wbs_we_i ),
// Wishbone SLV 0 interface
.wbs_s0_we_o (wbs_s0_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 1 interface
.wbs_s1_we_o (wbs_s1_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 2 interface
.wbs_s2_we_o (wbs_s2_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 3 interface
.wbs_s3_we_o (wbs_s3_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 4 interface
.wbs_s4_we_o (wbs_s4_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 5 interface
.wbs_s5_we_o (wbs_s5_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 6 interface
.wbs_s6_we_o (wbs_s6_we_o ),
// Wishbone SLV 7 interface
.wbs_s7_we_o (wbs_s7_we_o ),
nec_ir_receiver #(
.NB_STAGES (10),
.PSIZE (20),
.DSIZE (11),
.ASIZE ( 4)
) i_nec_ir_receiver (
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (wb_clk_i ),
.wbs_we_i (wbs_s0_we_o ),
.ir_in (io_in[37] ),
.irq (irq[0] )
pseudorandom i_pseudorandom (
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (wb_clk_i ),
// Wishbone bus
.wbs_cyc_i (wbs_s1_cyc_o),
.wbs_stb_i (wbs_s1_stb_o),
.wbs_adr_i (wbs_s1_adr_o),
.wbs_we_i (wbs_s1_we_o ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbs_s1_dat_o),
.wbs_sel_i (wbs_s1_sel_o),
.wbs_dat_o (wbs_s1_dat_i),
.wbs_ack_o (wbs_s1_ack_i)
step_motor_controller #(
) i_step_motor_controller_0 (
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (wb_clk_i ),
// Wishbone bus
.wbs_cyc_i (wbs_s2_cyc_o),
.wbs_stb_i (wbs_s2_stb_o),
.wbs_adr_i (wbs_s2_adr_o),
.wbs_we_i (wbs_s2_we_o ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbs_s2_dat_o),
.wbs_sel_i (wbs_s2_sel_o),
.wbs_dat_o (wbs_s2_dat_i),
.wbs_ack_o (wbs_s2_ack_i),
// Motor outputs
.motor_a1 (io_out[31]),
.motor_a2 (io_out[30]),
.motor_b1 (io_out[29]),
.motor_b2 (io_out[28])
step_motor_controller #(
) i_step_motor_controller_1 (
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (wb_clk_i ),
// Wishbone bus
.wbs_cyc_i (wbs_s3_cyc_o),
.wbs_stb_i (wbs_s3_stb_o),
.wbs_adr_i (wbs_s3_adr_o),
.wbs_we_i (wbs_s3_we_o ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbs_s3_dat_o),
.wbs_sel_i (wbs_s3_sel_o),
.wbs_dat_o (wbs_s3_dat_i),
.wbs_ack_o (wbs_s3_ack_i),
// Motor outputs
.motor_a1 (io_out[27]),
.motor_a2 (io_out[26]),
.motor_b1 (io_out[25]),
.motor_b2 (io_out[24])
string_led_controller #(
) i_string_led_controller (
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.clk (wb_clk_i ),
.wbs_cyc_i (wbs_s4_cyc_o),
.wbs_stb_i (wbs_s4_stb_o),
.wbs_adr_i (wbs_s4_adr_o),
.wbs_we_i (wbs_s4_we_o ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbs_s4_dat_o),
.wbs_sel_i (wbs_s4_sel_o),
.wbs_dat_o (wbs_s4_dat_i),
.wbs_ack_o (wbs_s4_ack_i),
.irq (irq[1] ),
.sout (io_out[34] )
assign wbs_s5_dat_i = 32'h00000000;
assign wbs_s6_dat_i = 32'h00000000;
assign wbs_s7_dat_i = 32'h00000000;
assign wbs_s5_ack_i = wbs_s5_stb_o;
assign wbs_s6_ack_i = wbs_s6_stb_o;
assign wbs_s7_ack_i = wbs_s7_stb_o;