blob: 9931483bbb7b84d8a5148de1f18878c45a47feaa [file] [log] [blame]
// file: SAR.v
// A parametrized Successive Approximation Register (SAR)
// The module is so compact; it is only 110 cells for
// 8-bit SAR using SKY130 HD library
// author: Mohamed Shalan (
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module SAR #(parameter SIZE = 8) (
input wire clk, // The clock
input wire reset_n, // Active low reset
input wire start, // Conversion start
input wire cmp, // Analog comparator output
output wire [SIZE-1:0] out, // The output sample
output wire [SIZE-1:0] outn, // Inverted output for active low DAC
output wire done, // Conversion is done
output wire clkn // Inverted clock to be used by the clocked analog comparator
reg [SIZE-1:0] result;
reg [SIZE-1:0] shift;
// FSM to handle the SAR operation
reg [1:0] state, nstate;
localparam IDLE=0, CONV=1, DONE=2;
always @*
case (state)
IDLE: if(start) nstate = CONV;
else nstate = IDLE;
CONV: if(shift == 1'b1) nstate = DONE;
else nstate = CONV;
DONE: nstate = IDLE;
default: nstate = IDLE;
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
state <= IDLE;
state <= nstate;
// Shift Register
always @(posedge clk)
if(state == IDLE)
shift <= 1'b1 << (SIZE-1);
else if(state == CONV)
shift<= shift >> 1;
// The SAR
wire [SIZE-1:0] current = (cmp == 1'b0) ? ~shift : {SIZE{1'b1}} ;
wire [SIZE-1:0] next = shift >> 1;
always @(posedge clk)
if(state == IDLE)
result <= 1'b1 << (SIZE-1);
else if(state == CONV)
result <= (result | next) & current;
assign out = result;
assign outn = ~result;
assign clkn = ~clk;
assign done = (state==DONE);