blob: e01e0100c20255a0c61a83331b1957aa9c904c7b [file] [log] [blame]
Magic 8.3 revision 274 - Compiled on Fri Mar 4 22:53:06 UTC 2022.
Starting magic under Tcl interpreter
Using the terminal as the console.
Using NULL graphics device.
Processing system .magicrc file
Sourcing design .magicrc for technology sky130A ...
2 Magic internal units = 1 Lambda
Input style sky130(vendor): scaleFactor=2, multiplier=2
The following types are not handled by extraction and will be treated as non-electrical types:
mvobsactive ubm
Scaled tech values by 2 / 1 to match internal grid scaling
Loading sky130A Device Generator Menu ...
Loading "/opt/checks/drc_checks/magic/magic_drc_check.tcl" from command line.
Warning: Calma reading is not undoable! I hope that's OK.
Library written using GDS-II Release 6.0
Library name: LIB
Reading "nor4_x0".
Reading "nor3_x0".
Reading "nor2_x0".
Reading "nand4_x0".
Reading "nand3_x0".
Reading "nand2_x0".
Reading "buf_x2".
Reading "buf_x1".
Reading "inv_x4".
Reading "inv_x0".
Reading "one_x1".
CIF file read warning: CIF style sky130(vendor): units rescaled by factor of 5 / 1
Reading "zero_x1".
Reading "diode_w1".
Reading "tie_diff_w2".
Reading "tie_diff".
Reading "xr2_x1".
Reading "sff1_x4".
Reading "oa22_x2".
Reading "o4_x2".
Reading "o3_x2".
Reading "o2_x2".
Reading "nxr2_x1".
Reading "mx2_x2".
Reading "ao22_x2".
Reading "a4_x2".
Reading "a3_x2".
Reading "a2_x2".
Reading "user_project_core_mpw5_cts".
5000 uses
10000 uses
15000 uses
20000 uses
25000 uses
30000 uses
35000 uses
40000 uses
45000 uses
50000 uses
55000 uses
60000 uses
65000 uses
70000 uses
75000 uses
80000 uses
85000 uses
90000 uses
95000 uses
100000 uses
105000 uses
110000 uses
115000 uses
120000 uses
125000 uses
130000 uses
135000 uses
140000 uses
145000 uses
150000 uses
155000 uses
160000 uses
Reading "buf_x4".
Reading "decap_w0".
Reading "tie".
Reading "corona_cts".
Error while reading cell "corona_cts" (byte position 222156244): Unknown layer/datatype in boundary, layer=100 type=40
Error while reading cell "corona_cts" (byte position 222396436): Unknown layer/datatype in boundary, layer=100 type=60
Error while reading cell "corona_cts" (byte position 222571092): Unknown layer/datatype in boundary, layer=100 type=80
Error while reading cell "corona_cts" (byte position 222745748): Unknown layer/datatype in boundary, layer=100 type=100
Error while reading cell "corona_cts" (byte position 222920404): Unknown layer/datatype in boundary, layer=100 type=120
5000 uses
10000 uses
15000 uses
Deleting ambiguous-layer label "" from metal1 in cell corona_cts.
Reading "via4_3100x3100".
Reading "user_project_wrapper".
[INFO]: Loading user_project_wrapper
DRC style is now "drc(full)"
Loading DRC CIF style.
No errors found.
[INFO]: Should be divided by 3 or 4
[INFO]: DRC Checking DONE (/mnt/uffs/user/u6289_gatecat/design/coriolis_test_soc_-_mpw5_vexriscv/jobs/mpw_precheck/05cfc8b1-2f94-4673-acba-514db906fea5/outputs/reports/
[INFO]: Saving mag view with DRC errors(/mnt/uffs/user/u6289_gatecat/design/coriolis_test_soc_-_mpw5_vexriscv/jobs/mpw_precheck/05cfc8b1-2f94-4673-acba-514db906fea5/outputs/user_project_wrapper.magic.drc.mag)
[INFO]: Saved