blob: d4fc8cb5d889162e0d7a969dd8e4942080d1bdb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, Dinesh Annayya ////
// ////
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ////
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ////
// You may obtain a copy of the License at ////
// ////
// ////
// ////
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ////
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ////
// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.///
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ////
// limitations under the License. ////
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ////
// SPDX-FileContributor: Dinesh Annayya <> ////
#ifndef __RISCV_MACROS_H
#define __RISCV_MACROS_H
#include "riscv_csr_encoding.h"
#include "sc_test.h"
// Begin Macro
#define RVTEST_RV64U \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV64UF \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV32U \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV32UF \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV64M \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV64S \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV32M \
.macro init; \
#define RVTEST_RV32S \
.macro init; \
#if __riscv_xlen == 64
# define CHECK_XLEN li a0, 1; slli a0, a0, 31; bgez a0, 1f; RVTEST_PASS; 1:
# define CHECK_XLEN li a0, 1; slli a0, a0, 31; bltz a0, 1f; RVTEST_PASS; 1:
#define INIT_PMP \
la t0, 1f; \
csrw mtvec, t0; \
li t0, -1; /* Set up a PMP to permit all accesses */ \
csrw pmpaddr0, t0; \
li t0, PMP_NAPOT | PMP_R | PMP_W | PMP_X; \
csrw pmpcfg0, t0; \
.balign 4; \
#define INIT_SPTBR \
la t0, 1f; \
csrw mtvec, t0; \
csrwi sptbr, 0; \
.balign 4; \
li a0, MSTATUS_MPP & (MSTATUS_MPP >> 1); \
csrs mstatus, a0; \
li a0, SIP_SSIP | SIP_STIP; \
csrs mideleg, a0; \
li a0, MSTATUS_MPP; \
csrs mstatus, a0; \
li a0, MSTATUS_FS & (MSTATUS_FS >> 1); \
csrs mstatus, a0; \
csrwi fcsr, 0
csrr a0, mhartid; \
1: bnez a0, 1b
#define EXTRA_INIT
#define INTERRUPT_HANDLER j other_exception /* No interrupts should occur */
.section .text.init; \
.org 0xC0, 0x00; \
.balign 64; \
.weak stvec_handler; \
.weak mtvec_handler; \
trap_vector: \
/* test whether the test came from pass/fail */ \
csrr a4, mcause; \
beq a4, a5, _report; \
beq a4, a5, _report; \
beq a4, a5, _report; \
/* if an mtvec_handler is defined, jump to it */ \
la a4, mtvec_handler; \
beqz a4, 1f; \
jr a4; \
/* was it an interrupt or an exception? */ \
1: csrr a4, mcause; \
bgez a4, handle_exception; \
handle_exception: \
/* we don't know how to handle whatever the exception was */ \
other_exception: \
/* some unhandlable exception occurred */ \
li a0, 0x1; \
_report: \
j sc_exit; \
.balign 64; \
.globl _start; \
_start: \
/*INIT_PMP;*/ \
li TESTNUM, 0; \
la t0, trap_vector; \
csrw mtvec, t0; \
/* if an stvec_handler is defined, delegate exceptions to it */ \
la t0, stvec_handler; \
beqz t0, 1f; \
csrw stvec, t0; \
li t0, (1 << CAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT) | \
csrw medeleg, t0; \
csrr t1, medeleg; \
bne t0, t1, other_exception; \
1: csrwi mstatus, 0; \
init; \
la t0, _run_test; \
csrw mepc, t0; \
csrr a0, mhartid; \
mret; \
.section .text; \
// End Macro
#define RVTEST_CODE_END ecall: ecall
// Pass/Fail Macro
#define RVTEST_PASS \
fence; \
mv a1, TESTNUM; \
li a0, 0x0; \
#define TESTNUM x28
#define RVTEST_FAIL \
fence; \
mv a1, TESTNUM; \
li a0, 0x1; \
// Data Section Macro
#define EXTRA_DATA
.pushsection .tohost,"aw",@progbits; \
.balign 64; .global tohost; tohost: .dword 0; \
.balign 64; .global fromhost; fromhost: .dword 0; \
.popsection; \
.balign 16; \
.global begin_regstate; begin_regstate: .dword 0; .dword 0; .dword 0; \
.balign 16; \
.global begin_signature; begin_signature:
#define RVTEST_DATA_END .balign 16; .global end_signature; end_signature:
# Helper macros
#define MASK_XLEN(x) ((x) & ((1 << (__riscv_xlen - 1) << 1) - 1))
#define TEST_CASE( testnum, testreg, correctval, code... ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
code; \
li x29, MASK_XLEN(correctval); \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
bne testreg, x29, fail;
# We use a macro hack to simpify code generation for various numbers
# of bubble cycles.
# Tests for instructions with immediate operand
#define SEXT_IMM(x) ((x) | (-(((x) >> 11) & 1) << 11))
#define TEST_IMM_OP( testnum, inst, result, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
inst x3, x1, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
#define TEST_IMM_OP_RVC( testnum, inst, result, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, val1; \
inst x1, imm; \
#define TEST_IMM_SRC1_EQ_DEST( testnum, inst, result, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
inst x1, x1, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
#define TEST_IMM_DEST_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x6, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
inst x3, x1, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
addi x6, x3, 0; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_IMM_SRC1_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
inst x3, x1, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_IMM_ZEROSRC1( testnum, inst, result, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
inst x1, x0, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
#define TEST_IMM_ZERODEST( testnum, inst, val1, imm ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x0, 0, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
inst x0, x1, SEXT_IMM(imm); \
# Tests for vector config instructions
#define TEST_VSETCFGIVL( testnum, nxpr, nfpr, bank, vl, result ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, (bank << 12); \
vsetcfg x1,nxpr,nfpr; \
li x1, vl; \
vsetvl x1,x1; \
#define TEST_VVCFG( testnum, nxpr, nfpr, bank, vl, result ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, (bank << 12) | (nfpr << 6) | nxpr; \
vsetcfg x1; \
li x1, vl; \
vsetvl x1,x1; \
#define TEST_VSETVL( testnum, nxpr, nfpr, bank, vl, result ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, (bank << 12); \
vsetcfg x1,nxpr,nfpr; \
li x1, vl; \
vsetvl x1, x1; \
# Tests for an instruction with register operands
#define TEST_R_OP( testnum, inst, result, val1 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x1, val1; \
inst x3, x1; \
#define TEST_R_SRC1_EQ_DEST( testnum, inst, result, val1 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, val1; \
inst x1, x1; \
#define TEST_R_DEST_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, val1 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x6, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, val1; \
inst x3, x1; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
addi x6, x3, 0; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
# Tests for an instruction with register-register operands
#define TEST_RR_OP( testnum, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
inst x3, x1, x2; \
#define TEST_RR_SRC1_EQ_DEST( testnum, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
inst x1, x1, x2; \
#define TEST_RR_SRC2_EQ_DEST( testnum, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x2, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
inst x2, x1, x2; \
#define TEST_RR_SRC12_EQ_DEST( testnum, inst, result, val1 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
inst x1, x1, x1; \
#define TEST_RR_DEST_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x6, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
inst x3, x1, x2; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
addi x6, x3, 0; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_RR_SRC12_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
inst x3, x1, x2; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_RR_SRC21_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, inst, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
inst x3, x1, x2; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_RR_ZEROSRC1( testnum, inst, result, val ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x2, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val); \
inst x2, x0, x1; \
#define TEST_RR_ZEROSRC2( testnum, inst, result, val ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x2, result, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val); \
inst x2, x1, x0; \
#define TEST_RR_ZEROSRC12( testnum, inst, result ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x1, result, \
inst x1, x0, x0; \
#define TEST_RR_ZERODEST( testnum, inst, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x0, 0, \
li x1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \
li x2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \
inst x0, x1, x2; \
# Test memory instructions
#define TEST_LD_OP( testnum, inst, result, offset, base ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
la x1, base; \
inst x3, offset(x1); \
#define TEST_ST_OP( testnum, load_inst, store_inst, result, offset, base ) \
TEST_CASE( testnum, x3, result, \
la x1, base; \
li x2, result; \
store_inst x2, offset(x1); \
load_inst x3, offset(x1); \
#define TEST_LD_DEST_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, offset, base ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: la x1, base; \
inst x3, offset(x1); \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
addi x6, x3, 0; \
li x29, result; \
bne x6, x29, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b; \
#define TEST_LD_SRC1_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, result, offset, base ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: la x1, base; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
inst x3, offset(x1); \
li x29, result; \
bne x3, x29, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_ST_SRC12_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, load_inst, store_inst, result, offset, base ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, result; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
la x2, base; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
store_inst x1, offset(x2); \
load_inst x3, offset(x2); \
li x29, result; \
bne x3, x29, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_ST_SRC21_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, load_inst, store_inst, result, offset, base ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: la x2, base; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
li x1, result; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
store_inst x1, offset(x2); \
load_inst x3, offset(x2); \
li x29, result; \
bne x3, x29, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
# Test branch instructions
#define TEST_BR1_OP_TAKEN( testnum, inst, val1 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x1, val1; \
inst x1, 2f; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
1: bne x0, TESTNUM, 3f; \
2: inst x1, 1b; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
#define TEST_BR1_OP_NOTTAKEN( testnum, inst, val1 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x1, val1; \
inst x1, 1f; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, 2f; \
1: bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
2: inst x1, 1b; \
#define TEST_BR1_SRC1_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst, val1 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, val1; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
inst x1, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_BR2_OP_TAKEN( testnum, inst, val1, val2 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x1, val1; \
li x2, val2; \
inst x1, x2, 2f; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
1: bne x0, TESTNUM, 3f; \
2: inst x1, x2, 1b; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
#define TEST_BR2_OP_NOTTAKEN( testnum, inst, val1, val2 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x1, val1; \
li x2, val2; \
inst x1, x2, 1f; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, 2f; \
1: bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
2: inst x1, x2, 1b; \
#define TEST_BR2_SRC12_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, inst, val1, val2 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x1, val1; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
li x2, val2; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
inst x1, x2, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_BR2_SRC21_BYPASS( testnum, src1_nops, src2_nops, inst, val1, val2 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: li x2, val2; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src1_nops \
li x1, val1; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## src2_nops \
inst x1, x2, fail; \
addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
# Test jump instructions
#define TEST_JR_SRC1_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: la x6, 2f; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
inst x6; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
2: addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
#define TEST_JALR_SRC1_BYPASS( testnum, nop_cycles, inst ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
li x4, 0; \
1: la x6, 2f; \
TEST_INSERT_NOPS_ ## nop_cycles \
inst x19, x6, 0; \
bne x0, TESTNUM, fail; \
2: addi x4, x4, 1; \
li x5, 2; \
bne x4, x5, 1b \
# Tests floating-point instructions
#define qNaNf 0f:7fc00000
#define sNaNf 0f:7f800001
#define qNaN 0d:7ff8000000000000
#define sNaN 0d:7ff0000000000001
#define TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, result, val1, val2, val3, code... ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
la a0, test_ ## testnum ## _data ;\
flw f0, 0(a0); \
flw f1, 4(a0); \
flw f2, 8(a0); \
lw a3, 12(a0); \
code; \
fsflags a1, x0; \
li a2, flags; \
bne a0, a3, fail; \
bne a1, a2, fail; \
j 2f; \
.balign 4; \
.data; \
test_ ## testnum ## _data: \
.float val1; \
.float val2; \
.float val3; \
.result; \
.text; \
#define TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, result, val1, val2, val3, code... ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
la a0, test_ ## testnum ## _data ;\
fld f0, 0(a0); \
fld f1, 8(a0); \
fld f2, 16(a0); \
ld a3, 24(a0); \
code; \
fsflags a1, x0; \
li a2, flags; \
bne a0, a3, fail; \
bne a1, a2, fail; \
j 2f; \
.data; \
.balign 8; \
test_ ## testnum ## _data: \
.double val1; \
.double val2; \
.double val3; \
.result; \
.text; \
#define TEST_FCVT_S_D( testnum, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, 0, double result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
fcvt.s.d f3, f0; fcvt.d.s f3, f3; fmv.x.d a0, f3)
#define TEST_FCVT_D_S( testnum, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, 0, float result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
fcvt.d.s f3, f0; fcvt.s.d f3, f3; fmv.x.s a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP1_S( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, float result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0; fmv.x.s a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP1_D( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, double result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0; fmv.x.d a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP1_S_DWORD_RESULT( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, dword result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0; fmv.x.s a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP1_D_DWORD_RESULT( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, dword result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0; fmv.x.d a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP2_S( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, float result, val1, val2, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0, f1; fmv.x.s a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP2_D( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, double result, val1, val2, 0.0, \
inst f3, f0, f1; fmv.x.d a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP3_S( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2, val3 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, float result, val1, val2, val3, \
inst f3, f0, f1, f2; fmv.x.s a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_OP3_D( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2, val3 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, double result, val1, val2, val3, \
inst f3, f0, f1, f2; fmv.x.d a0, f3)
#define TEST_FP_INT_OP_S( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, rm ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, word result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst a0, f0, rm)
#define TEST_FP_INT_OP_D( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, rm ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, dword result, val1, 0.0, 0.0, \
inst a0, f0, rm)
#define TEST_FP_CMP_OP_S( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_S_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, word result, val1, val2, 0.0, \
inst a0, f0, f1)
#define TEST_FP_CMP_OP_D( testnum, inst, flags, result, val1, val2 ) \
TEST_FP_OP_D_INTERNAL( testnum, flags, dword result, val1, val2, 0.0, \
inst a0, f0, f1)
#define TEST_FCLASS_S(testnum, correct, input) \
TEST_CASE(testnum, a0, correct, li a0, input; fmv.s.x fa0, a0; \
fclass.s a0, fa0)
#define TEST_FCLASS_D(testnum, correct, input) \
TEST_CASE(testnum, a0, correct, li a0, input; fmv.d.x fa0, a0; \
fclass.d a0, fa0)
#define TEST_INT_FP_OP_S( testnum, inst, result, val1 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
la a0, test_ ## testnum ## _data ;\
lw a3, 0(a0); \
li a0, val1; \
inst f0, a0; \
fsflags x0; \
fmv.x.s a0, f0; \
bne a0, a3, fail; \
j 1f; \
.balign 4; \
test_ ## testnum ## _data: \
.float result; \
#define TEST_INT_FP_OP_D( testnum, inst, result, val1 ) \
test_ ## testnum: \
li TESTNUM, testnum; \
la a0, test_ ## testnum ## _data ;\
ld a3, 0(a0); \
li a0, val1; \
inst f0, a0; \
fsflags x0; \
fmv.x.d a0, f0; \
bne a0, a3, fail; \
j 1f; \
.balign 8; \
test_ ## testnum ## _data: \
.double result; \
# Pass and fail code (assumes test num is in TESTNUM)
bne x0, TESTNUM, pass; \
fail: \
pass: \
# Test data section
#define TEST_DATA