License UPRJ_CI Caravel Build

Actuator Controller

Harding Design

make actuator_driver_controller
make user_project_wrrappper

RTL Simulation

make verify-spi_transfer_test-rtl # run spi passthrough
make verify-memory_test-rtl # run read and write to memory test
make verify-actuator_driver_test0-rtl # set actuator to all zeros position test
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-rtl # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-rt2 # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time, invert output test

GL Simulation

make verify-spi_transfer_test-gl # run spi passthrough
make verify-memory_test-gl # run read and write to memory test
make verify-actuator_driver_test0-gl # set actuator to all zeros position test
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-gl # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-gl # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time, invert output test

GL+SDF Simulation

make verify-spi_transfer_test-gl-sdf # run spi passthrough
make verify-memory_test-gl-sdf # run read and write to memory test
make verify-actuator_driver_test0-gl-sdf # set actuator to all zeros position test
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-gl-sdf # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time
make verify-actuator_driver_test1-gl-sdf # set actuator to count up and done one bit at a time, invert output test

Spi Commuation Packet

Memory Mapped Registers