| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Syntacore LLC © 2016-2021 |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
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| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // SPDX-FileContributor: Syntacore LLC |
| // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| /// @file <scr1_tcm.sv> |
| /// @brief Tightly-Coupled Memory (TCM) |
| /// |
| |
| `include "scr1_memif.svh" |
| `include "scr1_arch_description.svh" |
| |
| `ifdef SCR1_TCM_EN |
| module scr1_tcm |
| #( |
| parameter SCR1_TCM_SIZE = `SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH'h00010000 |
| ) |
| ( |
| // Control signals |
| input logic clk, |
| input logic rst_n, |
| |
| `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM |
| // SRAM0 PORT-0 |
| output logic sram0_clk0, |
| output logic sram0_csb0, |
| output logic sram0_web0, |
| output logic [8:0] sram0_addr0, |
| output logic [3:0] sram0_wmask0, |
| output logic [31:0] sram0_din0, |
| input logic [31:0] sram0_dout0, |
| |
| // SRAM-0 PORT-1 |
| output logic sram0_clk1, |
| output logic sram0_csb1, |
| output logic [8:0] sram0_addr1, |
| input logic [31:0] sram0_dout1, |
| |
| // SRAM1 PORT-0 |
| output logic sram1_clk0, |
| output logic sram1_csb0, |
| output logic sram1_web0, |
| output logic [8:0] sram1_addr0, |
| output logic [3:0] sram1_wmask0, |
| output logic [31:0] sram1_din0, |
| input logic [31:0] sram1_dout0, |
| |
| // SRAM-1 PORT-1 |
| output logic sram1_clk1, |
| output logic sram1_csb1, |
| output logic [8:0] sram1_addr1, |
| input logic [31:0] sram1_dout1, |
| |
| `endif |
| |
| // Core instruction interface |
| output logic imem_req_ack, |
| input logic imem_req, |
| input logic [`SCR1_IMEM_AWIDTH-1:0] imem_addr, |
| output logic [`SCR1_IMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] imem_rdata, |
| output logic [1:0] imem_resp, |
| |
| // Core data interface |
| output logic dmem_req_ack, |
| input logic dmem_req, |
| input logic dmem_cmd, |
| input logic [1:0] dmem_width, |
| input logic [`SCR1_DMEM_AWIDTH-1:0] dmem_addr, |
| input logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem_wdata, |
| output logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem_rdata, |
| output logic [1:0] dmem_resp |
| ); |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Local signal declaration |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| logic imem_req_en; |
| logic dmem_req_en; |
| logic imem_rd; |
| logic dmem_rd; |
| logic dmem_wr; |
| logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem_writedata; |
| logic [`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH-1:0] dmem_rdata_local; |
| logic [3:0] dmem_byteen; |
| logic [1:0] dmem_rdata_shift_reg; |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Core interface |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| assign imem_req_en = (imem_resp == SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK) ^ imem_req; |
| assign dmem_req_en = (dmem_resp == SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK) ^ dmem_req; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin |
| if (~rst_n) begin |
| imem_resp <= SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY; |
| end else if (imem_req_en) begin |
| imem_resp <= imem_req ? SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK : SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin |
| if (~rst_n) begin |
| dmem_resp <= SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY; |
| end else if (dmem_req_en) begin |
| dmem_resp <= dmem_req ? SCR1_MEM_RESP_RDY_OK : SCR1_MEM_RESP_NOTRDY; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign imem_req_ack = 1'b1; |
| assign dmem_req_ack = 1'b1; |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Memory data composing |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ifndef SCR1_TCM_MEM |
| // connect the TCM memory to SRAM-0 |
| assign sram0_clk1 = clk; |
| assign sram0_csb1 =!(imem_req & imem_addr[11] == 1'b0); |
| assign sram0_addr1 = imem_addr[10:2]; |
| |
| // connect the TCM memory to SRAM-1 |
| assign sram1_clk1 = clk; |
| assign sram1_csb1 =!(imem_req & imem_addr[11] == 1'b1); |
| assign sram1_addr1 = imem_addr[10:2]; |
| |
| // IMEM Read Data Selection Based on Address bit[11] |
| assign imem_rdata = (imem_addr[11] == 1'b0) ? sram0_dout1: sram1_dout1; |
| |
| // SRAM-0 Port 0 Control Generation |
| assign sram0_clk0 = clk; |
| assign sram0_csb0 = !(dmem_req & (imem_addr[11] == 1'b0) & ((dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) | (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR))); |
| assign sram0_web0 = !(dmem_req & (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR)); |
| assign sram0_addr0 = dmem_addr[10:2]; |
| assign sram0_wmask0 = dmem_byteen; |
| assign sram0_din0 = dmem_writedata; |
| |
| // SRAM-1 Port 0 Control Generation |
| assign sram1_clk0 = clk; |
| assign sram1_csb0 = !(dmem_req & (imem_addr[11] == 1'b1) & ((dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_RD) | (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR))); |
| assign sram1_web0 = !(dmem_req & (dmem_cmd == SCR1_MEM_CMD_WR)); |
| assign sram1_addr0 = dmem_addr[10:2]; |
| assign sram1_wmask0 = dmem_byteen; |
| assign sram1_din0 = dmem_writedata; |
| |
| |
| // DMEM Read Data Selection Based on Address bit[11] |
| assign dmem_rdata_local = (dmem_addr[11] == 1'b0) ? sram0_dout0: sram1_dout0; |
| |
| `endif |
| |
| //------------------------------ |
| always_comb begin |
| dmem_writedata = dmem_wdata; |
| dmem_byteen = 4'b1111; |
| case ( dmem_width ) |
| SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_BYTE : begin |
| dmem_writedata = {(`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH / 8){dmem_wdata[7:0]}}; |
| dmem_byteen = 4'b0001 << dmem_addr[1:0]; |
| end |
| SCR1_MEM_WIDTH_HWORD : begin |
| dmem_writedata = {(`SCR1_DMEM_DWIDTH / 16){dmem_wdata[15:0]}}; |
| dmem_byteen = 4'b0011 << {dmem_addr[1], 1'b0}; |
| end |
| default : begin |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Memory instantiation |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ifdef SCR1_TCM_MEM |
| scr1_dp_memory #( |
| .SCR1_WIDTH ( 32 ), |
| ) i_dp_memory ( |
| .clk ( clk ), |
| // Instruction port |
| // Port A |
| .rena ( imem_rd ), |
| .addra ( imem_addr[$clog2(SCR1_TCM_SIZE)-1:2] ), |
| .qa ( imem_rdata ), |
| // Data port |
| // Port B |
| .renb ( dmem_rd ), |
| .wenb ( dmem_wr ), |
| .webb ( dmem_byteen ), |
| .addrb ( dmem_addr[$clog2(SCR1_TCM_SIZE)-1:2] ), |
| .qb ( dmem_rdata_local ), |
| .datab ( dmem_writedata ) |
| ); |
| `endif |
| |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Data memory output generation |
| //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| always_ff @(posedge clk) begin |
| if (dmem_rd) begin |
| dmem_rdata_shift_reg <= dmem_addr[1:0]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign dmem_rdata = dmem_rdata_local >> ( 8 * dmem_rdata_shift_reg ); |
| |
| endmodule : scr1_tcm |
| |
| `endif // SCR1_TCM_EN |