blob: 2f4c510fdd89dd1f92b4ee4e941785b8b4e9449a [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// Wishbone Interconnect ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the mbist_ctrl cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// 1. 1 masters and 5 slaves share bus Wishbone connection ////
//// M0 - WB_PORT ////
//// S0 - Glbl_Reg ////
//// S1 - MBIST1 ////
//// S2 - MBIST2 ////
//// S3 - MBIST3 ////
//// S4 - MBIST4 ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module wb_interconnect(
input logic vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
input logic vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
// Clock Skew Adjust
input logic [3:0] cfg_cska_wi,
input logic wbd_clk_int,
output logic wbd_clk_wi,
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_n,
// Master 0 Interface
input logic [31:0] m0_wbd_dat_i,
input logic [31:0] m0_wbd_adr_i,
input logic [3:0] m0_wbd_sel_i,
input logic m0_wbd_we_i,
input logic m0_wbd_cyc_i,
input logic m0_wbd_stb_i,
output logic [31:0] m0_wbd_dat_o,
output logic m0_wbd_ack_o,
output logic m0_wbd_err_o,
// Slave 0 Interface
input logic [31:0] s0_wbd_dat_i,
input logic s0_wbd_ack_i,
//input logic s0_wbd_err_i, - unused
output logic [31:0] s0_wbd_dat_o,
output logic [7:0] s0_wbd_adr_o,
output logic [3:0] s0_wbd_sel_o,
output logic s0_wbd_we_o,
output logic s0_wbd_cyc_o,
output logic s0_wbd_stb_o,
// Slave 1 Interface
input logic [31:0] s1_wbd_dat_i,
input logic s1_wbd_ack_i,
// input logic s1_wbd_err_i, - unused
output logic [31:0] s1_wbd_dat_o,
output logic [10:0] s1_wbd_adr_o,
output logic [3:0] s1_wbd_sel_o,
output logic s1_wbd_we_o,
output logic s1_wbd_cyc_o,
output logic s1_wbd_stb_o,
// Slave 2 Interface
input logic [31:0] s2_wbd_dat_i,
input logic s2_wbd_ack_i,
// input logic s2_wbd_err_i, - unused
output logic [31:0] s2_wbd_dat_o,
output logic [10:0] s2_wbd_adr_o, // glbl reg need only 8 bits
output logic [3:0] s2_wbd_sel_o,
output logic s2_wbd_we_o,
output logic s2_wbd_cyc_o,
output logic s2_wbd_stb_o,
// Slave 3 Interface
// Uart is 8bit interface
input logic [31:0] s3_wbd_dat_i,
input logic s3_wbd_ack_i,
// input logic s3_wbd_err_i,
output logic [31:0] s3_wbd_dat_o,
output logic [9:0] s3_wbd_adr_o,
output logic [3:0] s3_wbd_sel_o,
output logic s3_wbd_we_o,
output logic s3_wbd_cyc_o,
output logic s3_wbd_stb_o,
// Slave 4 Interface
input logic [31:0] s4_wbd_dat_i,
input logic s4_wbd_ack_i,
// input logic s4_wbd_err_i,
output logic [31:0] s4_wbd_dat_o,
output logic [9:0] s4_wbd_adr_o,
output logic [3:0] s4_wbd_sel_o,
output logic s4_wbd_we_o,
output logic s4_wbd_cyc_o,
output logic s4_wbd_stb_o
// Type define
// WishBone Wr Interface
typedef struct packed {
logic [31:0] wbd_dat;
logic [31:0] wbd_adr;
logic [3:0] wbd_sel;
logic wbd_we;
logic wbd_cyc;
logic wbd_stb;
logic [3:0] wbd_tid; // target id
} type_wb_wr_intf;
// WishBone Rd Interface
typedef struct packed {
logic [31:0] wbd_dat;
logic wbd_ack;
logic wbd_err;
} type_wb_rd_intf;
// Master Write Interface
type_wb_wr_intf m0_wb_wr;
// Master Read Interface
type_wb_rd_intf m0_wb_rd;
// Slave Write Interface
type_wb_wr_intf s0_wb_wr;
type_wb_wr_intf s1_wb_wr;
type_wb_wr_intf s2_wb_wr;
type_wb_wr_intf s3_wb_wr;
type_wb_wr_intf s4_wb_wr;
// Slave Read Interface
type_wb_rd_intf s0_wb_rd;
type_wb_rd_intf s1_wb_rd;
type_wb_rd_intf s2_wb_rd;
type_wb_rd_intf s3_wb_rd;
type_wb_rd_intf s4_wb_rd;
type_wb_wr_intf m_bus_wr; // Multiplexed Master I/F
type_wb_rd_intf m_bus_rd; // Multiplexed Slave I/F
type_wb_wr_intf s_bus_wr; // Multiplexed Master I/F
type_wb_rd_intf s_bus_rd; // Multiplexed Slave I/F
// Wishbone interconnect clock skew control
clk_skew_adjust u_skew_wi
.vccd1 (vccd1 ),// User area 1 1.8V supply
.vssd1 (vssd1 ),// User area 1 digital ground
.clk_in (wbd_clk_int ),
.sel (cfg_cska_wi ),
.clk_out (wbd_clk_wi )
// 0x0000_0000 to 0x0000_0FFF - GLBL
// 0x0000_1000 to 0x0000_1FFF - MBIST1
// 0x0000_2000 to 0x0000_2FFF - MBIST2
// 0x0000_3000 to 0x0000_3FFF - MBIST3
// 0x0000_4000 to 0x0000_4FFF - MBIST4
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [3:0] m0_wbd_tid_i = (m0_wbd_adr_i[15:12] == 4'b0000 ) ? 4'b0000 : // GLBL
(m0_wbd_adr_i[15:12] == 4'b0001 ) ? 4'b0001 : // MBIST1
(m0_wbd_adr_i[15:12] == 4'b0010 ) ? 4'b0010 : // MBIST2
(m0_wbd_adr_i[15:12] == 4'b0011 ) ? 4'b0011 : // MBIST3
(m0_wbd_adr_i[15:12] == 4'b0100 ) ? 4'b0100 : // MBIST4
// Master Mapping
// -------------------------------------
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_dat = m0_wbd_dat_i;
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_adr = {m0_wbd_adr_i[31:2],2'b00};
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_sel = m0_wbd_sel_i;
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_we = m0_wbd_we_i;
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_cyc = m0_wbd_cyc_i;
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_stb = m0_wbd_stb_i;
assign m0_wb_wr.wbd_tid = m0_wbd_tid_i;
assign m0_wbd_dat_o = m0_wb_rd.wbd_dat;
assign m0_wbd_ack_o = m0_wb_rd.wbd_ack;
assign m0_wbd_err_o = m0_wb_rd.wbd_err;
// Slave Mapping
// -------------------------------------
// Masked Now and added stagging FF now
assign s0_wbd_dat_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_dat ;
assign s0_wbd_adr_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_adr[7:0] ;
assign s0_wbd_sel_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_sel ;
assign s0_wbd_we_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_we ;
assign s0_wbd_cyc_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
assign s0_wbd_stb_o = s0_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
assign s1_wbd_dat_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_dat ;
assign s1_wbd_adr_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ;
assign s1_wbd_sel_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_sel ;
assign s1_wbd_we_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_we ;
assign s1_wbd_cyc_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
assign s1_wbd_stb_o = s1_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
assign s2_wbd_dat_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_dat ;
assign s2_wbd_adr_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // Global Reg Need 8 bit
assign s2_wbd_sel_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_sel ;
assign s2_wbd_we_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_we ;
assign s2_wbd_cyc_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
assign s2_wbd_stb_o = s2_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
assign s3_wbd_dat_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
assign s3_wbd_adr_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // Global Reg Need 8 bit
assign s3_wbd_sel_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
assign s3_wbd_we_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_we ;
assign s3_wbd_cyc_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
assign s3_wbd_stb_o = s3_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
assign s4_wbd_dat_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_dat[31:0] ;
assign s4_wbd_adr_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_adr[10:0] ; // Global Reg Need 8 bit
assign s4_wbd_sel_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_sel[3:0] ;
assign s4_wbd_we_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_we ;
assign s4_wbd_cyc_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_cyc ;
assign s4_wbd_stb_o = s4_wb_wr.wbd_stb ;
assign s0_wb_rd.wbd_dat = s0_wbd_dat_i ;
assign s0_wb_rd.wbd_ack = s0_wbd_ack_i ;
assign s0_wb_rd.wbd_err = 1'b0; // s0_wbd_err_i ; - unused
assign s1_wb_rd.wbd_dat = s1_wbd_dat_i ;
assign s1_wb_rd.wbd_ack = s1_wbd_ack_i ;
assign s1_wb_rd.wbd_err = 1'b0; // s1_wbd_err_i ; - unused
assign s2_wb_rd.wbd_dat = s2_wbd_dat_i ;
assign s2_wb_rd.wbd_ack = s2_wbd_ack_i ;
assign s2_wb_rd.wbd_err = 1'b0; // s2_wbd_err_i ; - unused
assign s3_wb_rd.wbd_dat = s3_wbd_dat_i ;
assign s3_wb_rd.wbd_ack = s3_wbd_ack_i ;
assign s3_wb_rd.wbd_err = 1'b0; // s3_wbd_err_i ; - unused
assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_dat = s4_wbd_dat_i ;
assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_ack = s4_wbd_ack_i ;
assign s4_wb_rd.wbd_err = 1'b0; // s3_wbd_err_i ; - unused
// arbitor removed as only one master
wire [1:0] gnt = 2'b0;;
// Generate Multiplexed Master Interface based on grant
always_comb begin
2'h0: m_bus_wr = m0_wb_wr;
default: m_bus_wr = m0_wb_wr;
// Generate Multiplexed Slave Interface based on target Id
wire [3:0] s_wbd_tid = s_bus_wr.wbd_tid; // to fix iverilog warning
always_comb begin
4'h0: s_bus_rd = s0_wb_rd;
4'h1: s_bus_rd = s1_wb_rd;
4'h2: s_bus_rd = s2_wb_rd;
4'h3: s_bus_rd = s3_wb_rd;
4'h4: s_bus_rd = s4_wb_rd;
default: s_bus_rd = s0_wb_rd;
// Connect Master => Slave
assign s0_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 4'b0000) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
assign s1_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 4'b0001) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
assign s2_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 4'b0010) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
assign s3_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 4'b0011) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
assign s4_wb_wr = (s_wbd_tid == 4'b0100) ? s_bus_wr : 'h0;
// Connect Slave to Master
assign m0_wb_rd = (gnt == 2'b00) ? m_bus_rd : 'h0;
// Stagging FF to break write and read timing path
wb_stagging u_m_wb_stage(
.clk_i (clk_i ),
.rst_n (rst_n ),
// WishBone Input master I/P
.m_wbd_dat_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_dat ),
.m_wbd_adr_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_adr ),
.m_wbd_sel_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_sel ),
.m_wbd_we_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_we ),
.m_wbd_cyc_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_cyc ),
.m_wbd_stb_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_stb ),
.m_wbd_tid_i (m_bus_wr.wbd_tid ),
.m_wbd_dat_o (m_bus_rd.wbd_dat ),
.m_wbd_ack_o (m_bus_rd.wbd_ack ),
.m_wbd_err_o (m_bus_rd.wbd_err ),
// Slave Interface
.s_wbd_dat_i (s_bus_rd.wbd_dat ),
.s_wbd_ack_i (s_bus_rd.wbd_ack ),
.s_wbd_err_i (s_bus_rd.wbd_err ),
.s_wbd_dat_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_dat ),
.s_wbd_adr_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_adr ),
.s_wbd_sel_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_sel ),
.s_wbd_we_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_we ),
.s_wbd_cyc_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_cyc ),
.s_wbd_stb_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_stb ),
.s_wbd_tid_o (s_bus_wr.wbd_tid )