| `include "openram_defines.v" |
| |
| module openram_testchip( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply |
| inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply |
| inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground |
| inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground |
| inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply |
| inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply |
| inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground |
| inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground |
| `endif |
| input resetn, |
| input clk, |
| input la_in_load, |
| input la_sram_load, |
| input [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_in, |
| // GPIO bit to clock control register |
| input gpio_in, |
| input gpio_scan, |
| input gpio_sram_load, |
| input global_csb, |
| // wishbone related control signals |
| input wb_clk_i, |
| input wb_rst_i, |
| input wbs_stb_i, |
| input wbs_cyc_i, |
| input wbs_we_i, |
| input [3:0] wbs_sel_i, |
| input [31:0] wbs_dat_i, |
| input [31:0] wbs_adr_i, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] wbs_sram8_data, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] wbs_sram9_data, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] wbs_sram10_data, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] wbs_sram11_data, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] wbs_sram12_data, |
| output wbs_ack_o, |
| output [31:0] wbs_dat_o, |
| // SRAM data outputs to be captured |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram0_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram1_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram2_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram3_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram4_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram5_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram6_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram7_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram8_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram9_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram10_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram11_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram12_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram13_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram14_data1, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data0, |
| input [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] sram15_data1, |
| |
| // Shared control/data to the SRAMs |
| output reg [`ADDR_SIZE-1:0] addr0, |
| output reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] din0, |
| output reg web0, |
| output reg [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] wmask0, |
| output reg [`ADDR_SIZE-1:0] addr1, |
| output reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] din1, |
| output reg web1, |
| output reg [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] wmask1, |
| // One CSB for each SRAM |
| // One CSB for each SRAM |
| output reg [`MAX_CHIPS-1:0] csb0, |
| output reg [`MAX_CHIPS-1:0] csb1, |
| |
| output reg [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] la_data_out, |
| output reg gpio_out |
| ); |
| |
| // Store input instruction |
| reg [`TOTAL_SIZE-1:0] sram_register; |
| reg csb0_temp; |
| reg csb1_temp; |
| |
| // Mux output to connect final output data |
| // into sram_register |
| reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] read_data0; |
| reg [`DATA_SIZE-1:0] read_data1; |
| |
| // SRAM input connections |
| reg [`SELECT_SIZE-1:0] chip_select; |
| |
| // wires connecting sram8 wrapper to sram8 macro |
| wire ram8_clk0; |
| wire ram8_csb0; |
| wire ram8_web0; |
| wire [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] ram8_wmask0; |
| wire [7:0] ram8_addr0; |
| wire [31:0] ram8_din0; |
| wire [31:0] ram8_dout0; |
| // wires connecting sram9 wrapper to sram9 macro |
| wire ram9_clk0; |
| wire ram9_csb0; |
| wire ram9_web0; |
| wire [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] ram9_wmask0; |
| wire [7:0] ram9_addr0; |
| wire [31:0] ram9_din0; |
| wire [31:0] ram9_dout0; |
| // wires connecting sram10 wrapper to sram10 macro |
| wire ram10_clk0; |
| wire ram10_csb0; |
| wire ram10_web0; |
| wire [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] ram10_wmask0; |
| wire [7:0] ram10_addr0; |
| wire [31:0] ram10_din0; |
| wire [31:0] ram10_dout0; |
| // wires connecting sram11 wrapper to sram11 macro |
| wire ram11_clk0; |
| wire ram11_csb0; |
| wire ram11_web0; |
| wire [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] ram11_wmask0; |
| wire [7:0] ram11_addr0; |
| wire [31:0] ram11_din0; |
| wire [31:0] ram11_dout0; |
| // wires connecting sram12 wrapper to sram12 macro |
| wire ram12_clk0; |
| wire ram12_csb0; |
| wire ram12_web0; |
| wire [`WMASK_SIZE-1:0] ram12_wmask0; |
| wire [7:0] ram12_addr0; |
| wire [31:0] ram12_din0; |
| wire [31:0] ram12_dout0; |
| // wires connecting between mux & sram8 |
| wire wbs_or8_stb; |
| wire wbs_or8_cyc; |
| wire wbs_or8_we; |
| wire [3:0] wbs_or8_sel; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or8_dat_i; |
| wire wbs_or8_ack; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or8_dat_o; |
| // wires connecting between mux & sram9 |
| wire wbs_or9_stb; |
| wire wbs_or9_cyc; |
| wire wbs_or9_we; |
| wire [3:0] wbs_or9_sel; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or9_dat_i; |
| wire wbs_or9_ack; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or9_dat_o; |
| // wires connecting between mux & sram10 |
| wire wbs_or10_stb; |
| wire wbs_or10_cyc; |
| wire wbs_or10_we; |
| wire [3:0] wbs_or10_sel; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or10_dat_i; |
| wire wbs_or10_ack; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or10_dat_o; |
| // wires connecting between mux & sram11 |
| wire wbs_or11_stb; |
| wire wbs_or11_cyc; |
| wire wbs_or11_we; |
| wire [3:0] wbs_or11_sel; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or11_dat_i; |
| wire wbs_or11_ack; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or11_dat_o; |
| // wires connecting between mux & sram12 |
| wire wbs_or12_stb; |
| wire wbs_or12_cyc; |
| wire wbs_or12_we; |
| wire [3:0] wbs_or12_sel; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or12_dat_i; |
| wire wbs_or12_ack; |
| wire [31:0] wbs_or12_dat_o; |
| |
| always @ (posedge clk) begin |
| if(!resetn) begin |
| sram_register <= {`TOTAL_SIZE{1'b0}}; |
| end |
| // GPIO scanning for transfer |
| else if(gpio_scan) begin |
| sram_register <= {sram_register[`TOTAL_SIZE-2:0], gpio_in}; |
| end |
| // LA parallel load |
| else if(la_in_load) begin |
| sram_register <= la_data_in; |
| end |
| // Store results for read out |
| else if(gpio_sram_load || la_sram_load) begin |
| |
| sram_register <= {sram_register[`TOTAL_SIZE-1:`TOTAL_SIZE-`SELECT_SIZE-`ADDR_SIZE], |
| read_data0, |
| read_data1, |
| sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1:0]}; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| wishbone_ram_mux WB_RAM_MUX( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| // main wishbone signals coming here |
| .wbs_ufp_stb_i(wbs_stb_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_we_i(wbs_we_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_sel_i(wbs_sel_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_dat_i(wbs_dat_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ufp_ack_o(wbs_ack_o), |
| .wbs_ufp_dat_o(wbs_dat_o), |
| // wishbone signals to sram 8 |
| .wbs_or8_stb_o(wbs_or8_stb), |
| .wbs_or8_cyc_o(wbs_or8_cyc), |
| .wbs_or8_we_o(wbs_or8_we), |
| .wbs_or8_sel_o(wbs_or8_sel), |
| .wbs_or8_dat_i(wbs_or8_dat_i), |
| .wbs_or8_ack_i(wbs_or8_ack), |
| .wbs_or8_dat_o(wbs_or8_dat_o), |
| // wishbone signals to sram 9 |
| .wbs_or9_stb_o(wbs_or9_stb), |
| .wbs_or9_cyc_o(wbs_or9_cyc), |
| .wbs_or9_we_o(wbs_or9_we), |
| .wbs_or9_sel_o(wbs_or9_sel), |
| .wbs_or9_dat_i(wbs_or9_dat_i), |
| .wbs_or9_ack_i(wbs_or9_ack), |
| .wbs_or9_dat_o(wbs_or9_dat_o), |
| // wishbone signals to sram 10 |
| .wbs_or10_stb_o(wbs_or10_stb), |
| .wbs_or10_cyc_o(wbs_or10_cyc), |
| .wbs_or10_we_o(wbs_or10_we), |
| .wbs_or10_sel_o(wbs_or10_sel), |
| .wbs_or10_dat_i(wbs_or10_dat_i), |
| .wbs_or10_ack_i(wbs_or10_ack), |
| .wbs_or10_dat_o(wbs_or10_dat_o), |
| // wishbone signals to sram 11 |
| .wbs_or11_stb_o(wbs_or11_stb), |
| .wbs_or11_cyc_o(wbs_or11_cyc), |
| .wbs_or11_we_o(wbs_or11_we), |
| .wbs_or11_sel_o(wbs_or11_sel), |
| .wbs_or11_dat_i(wbs_or11_dat_i), |
| .wbs_or11_ack_i(wbs_or11_ack), |
| .wbs_or11_dat_o(wbs_or11_dat_o), |
| // wishbone signals to sram 12 |
| .wbs_or12_stb_o(wbs_or12_stb), |
| .wbs_or12_cyc_o(wbs_or12_cyc), |
| .wbs_or12_we_o(wbs_or12_we), |
| .wbs_or12_sel_o(wbs_or12_sel), |
| .wbs_or12_dat_i(wbs_or12_dat_i), |
| .wbs_or12_ack_i(wbs_or12_ack), |
| .wbs_or12_dat_o(wbs_or12_dat_o) |
| ); |
| |
| wishbone_wrapper #(.BASE_ADDR(32'h3000_0000), .ADDR_WIDTH(8)) SRAM8_WRAPPER( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| .wbs_stb_i(wbs_or8_stb), |
| .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_or8_cyc), |
| .wbs_we_i(wbs_or8_we), |
| .wbs_sel_i(wbs_or8_sel), |
| .wbs_dat_i(wbs_or8_dat_o), |
| .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ack_o(wbs_or8_ack), |
| .wbs_dat_o(wbs_or8_dat_i), |
| // OpenRAM interface |
| .ram_clk0(ram8_clk0), // (output) clock |
| .ram_csb0(ram8_csb0), // (output) active low chip select |
| .ram_web0(ram8_web0), // (output) active low write control |
| .ram_wmask0(ram8_wmask0), // (output) write (byte) mask |
| .ram_addr0(ram8_addr0), // (output) |
| .ram_din0(wbs_sram8_data), // (input) read from sram and sent through wb |
| .ram_dout0(ram8_din0) // (output) read from wb and sent to sram |
| ); |
| |
| wishbone_wrapper #(.BASE_ADDR(32'h3000_0400), .ADDR_WIDTH(9)) SRAM9_WRAPPER( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| .wbs_stb_i(wbs_or9_stb), |
| .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_or9_cyc), |
| .wbs_we_i(wbs_or9_we), |
| .wbs_sel_i(wbs_or9_sel), |
| .wbs_dat_i(wbs_or9_dat_o), |
| .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ack_o(wbs_or9_ack), |
| .wbs_dat_o(wbs_or9_dat_i), |
| // OpenRAM interface |
| .ram_clk0(ram9_clk0), // (output) clock |
| .ram_csb0(ram9_csb0), // (output) active low chip select |
| .ram_web0(ram9_web0), // (output) active low write control |
| .ram_wmask0(ram9_wmask0), // (output) write (byte) mask |
| .ram_addr0(ram9_addr0), // (output) |
| .ram_din0(wbs_sram9_data), // (input) read from sram and sent through wb |
| .ram_dout0(ram9_din0) // (output) read from wb and sent to sram |
| ); |
| |
| wishbone_wrapper #(.BASE_ADDR(32'h3000_0c00), .ADDR_WIDTH(10)) SRAM10_WRAPPER( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| .wbs_stb_i(wbs_or10_stb), |
| .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_or10_cyc), |
| .wbs_we_i(wbs_or10_we), |
| .wbs_sel_i(wbs_or10_sel), |
| .wbs_dat_i(wbs_or10_dat_o), |
| .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ack_o(wbs_or10_ack), |
| .wbs_dat_o(wbs_or10_dat_i), |
| // OpenRAM interface |
| .ram_clk0(ram10_clk0), // (output) clock |
| .ram_csb0(ram10_csb0), // (output) active low chip select |
| .ram_web0(ram10_web0), // (output) active low write control |
| .ram_wmask0(ram10_wmask0), // (output) write (byte) mask |
| .ram_addr0(ram10_addr0), // (output) |
| .ram_din0(wbs_sram10_data), // (input) read from sram and sent through wb |
| .ram_dout0(ram10_din0) // (output) read from wb and sent to sram |
| ); |
| |
| wishbone_wrapper #(.BASE_ADDR(32'h3000_1c00), .ADDR_WIDTH(9)) SRAM11_WRAPPER( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| .wbs_stb_i(wbs_or11_stb), |
| .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_or11_cyc), |
| .wbs_we_i(wbs_or11_we), |
| .wbs_sel_i(wbs_or11_sel), |
| .wbs_dat_i(wbs_or11_dat_o), |
| .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ack_o(wbs_or11_ack), |
| .wbs_dat_o(wbs_or11_dat_i), |
| // OpenRAM interface |
| .ram_clk0(ram11_clk0), // (output) clock |
| .ram_csb0(ram11_csb0), // (output) active low chip select |
| .ram_web0(ram11_web0), // (output) active low write control |
| .ram_wmask0(ram11_wmask0), // (output) write (byte) mask |
| .ram_addr0(ram11_addr0), // (output) |
| .ram_din0(wbs_sram11_data), // (input) read from sram and sent through wb |
| .ram_dout0(ram11_din0) // (output) read from wb and sent to sram |
| ); |
| |
| wishbone_wrapper #(.BASE_ADDR(32'h3000_2c00), .ADDR_WIDTH(10)) SRAM12_WRAPPER( |
| .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), |
| .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), |
| .wbs_stb_i(wbs_or12_stb), |
| .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_or12_cyc), |
| .wbs_we_i(wbs_or12_we), |
| .wbs_sel_i(wbs_or12_sel), |
| .wbs_dat_i(wbs_or12_dat_o), |
| .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i), |
| .wbs_ack_o(wbs_or12_ack), |
| .wbs_dat_o(wbs_or12_dat_i), |
| // OpenRAM interface |
| .ram_clk0(ram12_clk0), // (output) clock |
| .ram_csb0(ram12_csb0), // (output) active low chip select |
| .ram_web0(ram12_web0), // (output) active low write control |
| .ram_wmask0(ram12_wmask0), // (output) write (byte) mask |
| .ram_addr0(ram12_addr0), // (output) |
| .ram_din0(wbs_sram12_data), // (input) read from sram and sent through wb |
| .ram_dout0(ram12_din0) // (output) read from wb and sent to sram |
| ); |
| |
| // Splitting register bits into fields |
| always @(*) begin |
| if(wbs_stb_i && wbs_cyc_i) begin |
| // select on the basis of strobe signals here |
| // for example: |
| // at any given time wbs_or8_stb or wbs_or9_stb will be active |
| // based on that take their values and provide to the sram control signals |
| chip_select = 0; |
| |
| if(wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb) begin |
| csb0_temp = ram8_csb0; |
| addr0 = ram8_addr0; |
| din0 = ram8_din0; |
| web0 = ram8_web0; |
| wmask0 = ram8_wmask0; |
| // dont cares for now since we are just testing single port for now |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && wbs_or9_stb) begin |
| csb0_temp = ram9_csb0; |
| addr0 = ram9_addr0; |
| din0 = ram9_din0; |
| web0 = ram9_web0; |
| wmask0 = ram9_wmask0; |
| // dont cares for now since we are just testing single port for now |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && wbs_or10_stb) begin |
| csb0_temp = ram10_csb0; |
| addr0 = ram10_addr0; |
| din0 = ram10_din0; |
| web0 = ram10_web0; |
| wmask0 = ram10_wmask0; |
| // dont cares for now since we are just testing single port for now |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && !wbs_or10_stb && wbs_or11_stb) begin |
| csb0_temp = ram11_csb0; |
| addr0 = ram11_addr0; |
| din0 = ram11_din0; |
| web0 = ram11_web0; |
| wmask0 = ram11_wmask0; |
| // dont cares for now since we are just testing single port for now |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && !wbs_or10_stb && !wbs_or11_stb && wbs_or12_stb) begin |
| csb0_temp = ram12_csb0; |
| addr0 = ram12_addr0; |
| din0 = ram12_din0; |
| web0 = ram12_web0; |
| wmask0 = ram12_wmask0; |
| // dont cares for now since we are just testing single port for now |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| end |
| else begin |
| chip_select = sram_register[`TOTAL_SIZE-1:`TOTAL_SIZE-`SELECT_SIZE]; |
| |
| din0 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`PORT_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`PORT_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb0_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`PORT_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web0 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask0 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE-1:`PORT_SIZE]; |
| |
| addr1 = sram_register[`PORT_SIZE-1:`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| din1 = sram_register[`DATA_SIZE+`WMASK_SIZE+1:`WMASK_SIZE+2]; |
| csb1_temp = global_csb | sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE+1]; |
| web1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE]; |
| wmask1 = sram_register[`WMASK_SIZE-1:0]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Apply the correct CSB |
| always @(*) begin |
| // this can be improved like the following: |
| // csb0 = ~( (~{15'b111111111111111, csb0_temp}) << chip_select); |
| if(wbs_stb_i && wbs_cyc_i) begin |
| if(wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb) begin |
| csb0 = {7'b1111111, csb0_temp, 8'b11111111}; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && wbs_or9_stb) begin |
| csb0 = {6'b111111, csb0_temp, 9'b111111111}; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && wbs_or10_stb) begin |
| csb0 = {5'b11111, csb0_temp, 10'b1111111111}; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && !wbs_or10_stb && wbs_or11_stb) begin |
| csb0 = {4'b1111, csb0_temp, 11'b11111111111}; |
| end |
| else if(!wbs_or8_stb && !wbs_or9_stb && !wbs_or10_stb && !wbs_or11_stb && wbs_or12_stb) begin |
| csb0 = {3'b111, csb0_temp, 12'b111111111111}; |
| end |
| csb1 = 16'b1111111111111111; |
| end |
| else begin |
| csb0 = ~( (~{15'b111111111111111, csb0_temp}) << chip_select); |
| csb1 = ~( (~{15'b111111111111111, csb1_temp}) << chip_select); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Mux value of correct SRAM data input to feed into |
| // DFF clocked by la/gpio clk |
| always @ (*) begin |
| case(chip_select) |
| 4'd0: begin |
| read_data0 = sram0_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram0_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd1: begin |
| read_data0 = sram1_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram1_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd2: begin |
| read_data0 = sram2_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram2_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd3: begin |
| read_data0 = sram3_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram3_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd4: begin |
| read_data0 = sram4_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram4_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd5: begin |
| read_data0 = sram5_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram5_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd6: begin |
| read_data0 = sram6_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram6_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd7: begin |
| read_data0 = sram7_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram7_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd8: begin |
| read_data0 = sram8_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram8_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd9: begin |
| read_data0 = sram9_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram9_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd10: begin |
| read_data0 = sram10_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram10_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd11: begin |
| read_data0 = sram11_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram11_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd12: begin |
| read_data0 = sram12_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram12_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd13: begin |
| read_data0 = sram13_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram13_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd14: begin |
| read_data0 = sram14_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram14_data1; |
| end |
| 4'd15: begin |
| read_data0 = sram15_data0; |
| read_data1 = sram15_data1; |
| end |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| // Output logic |
| always @ (*) begin |
| gpio_out = sram_register[`TOTAL_SIZE-1]; |
| la_data_out = sram_register; |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |