| vvp i2c_test.vvp |
| Memory 5 bytes = 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx |
| Reading i2c_test.hex |
| i2c_test.hex loaded into memory |
| Memory 5 bytes = 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx 0xxx |
| WARNING: ../../../verilog/user_behav_models/W25Q32JVxxIM.v:356: $readmemh(/home/siva/Documents/caravel_user_project_extended/verilog/user_behav_models/MEM.txt): Not enough words in the file for the requested range [0:4194303]. |
| ERROR: ../../../verilog/user_behav_models/W25Q32JVxxIM.v:357: $readmemh: Unable to open SECSI.TXT for reading. |
| ERROR: ../../../verilog/user_behav_models/W25Q32JVxxIM.v:358: $readmemh: Unable to open SFDP.TXT for reading. |
| WARNING: ../../../verilog/user_behav_models/W25Q32JVxxIM.v:359: $readmemh: Standard inconsistency, following 1364-2005. |
| ERROR: ../../../verilog/user_behav_models/W25Q32JVxxIM.v:359: $readmemh: Unable to open SREG.TXT for reading. |
| VCD info: dumpfile i2c_test.vcd opened for output. |
| GPO state = zzzzZ |
| GPO state = zzzzZ |
| GPO state = zzzzz |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = 00000 |
| GPO state = abcde |
| GPIO state = 10101011110011011110 |
| Monitor: Test 1 Mega-Project IO (RTL) Passed |
| rm i2c_test.elf i2c_test.vvp |
| |