| // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| `default_nettype none |
| module mgmt_core ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| inout VPWR, |
| inout VGND, |
| `endif |
| // GPIO (dedicated pad) |
| output gpio_out_pad, // Connect to out on gpio pad |
| input gpio_in_pad, // Connect to in on gpio pad |
| output gpio_mode0_pad, // Connect to dm[0] on gpio pad |
| output gpio_mode1_pad, // Connect to dm[2] on gpio pad |
| output gpio_outenb_pad, // Connect to oe_n on gpio pad |
| output gpio_inenb_pad, // Connect to inp_dis on gpio pad |
| // Flash memory control (SPI master) |
| output flash_csb, |
| output flash_clk, |
| output flash_csb_oeb, |
| output flash_clk_oeb, |
| output flash_io0_oeb, |
| output flash_io1_oeb, |
| output flash_io2_oeb, // through GPIO 36 |
| output flash_io3_oeb, // through GPIO 37 |
| output flash_csb_ieb, |
| output flash_clk_ieb, |
| output flash_io0_ieb, |
| output flash_io1_ieb, |
| output flash_io0_do, |
| output flash_io1_do, |
| input flash_io0_di, |
| input flash_io1_di, |
| // Master reset |
| input resetb, |
| input porb, |
| // Clocking |
| input clock, |
| // LA signals |
| input [127:0] la_input, // From User Project to cpu |
| output [127:0] la_output, // From CPU to User Project |
| output [127:0] la_oenb, // LA output enable |
| output [127:0] la_iena, // LA input enable |
| // Housekeeping SPI |
| output sdo_out, |
| output sdo_outenb, |
| // JTAG |
| output jtag_out, |
| output jtag_outenb, |
| // User Project Control Signals |
| input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_in_data, |
| output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_out_data, |
| output [`MPRJ_PWR_PADS-1:0] pwr_ctrl_out, |
| input mprj_vcc_pwrgood, |
| input mprj2_vcc_pwrgood, |
| input mprj_vdd_pwrgood, |
| input mprj2_vdd_pwrgood, |
| output mprj_io_loader_resetn, |
| output mprj_io_loader_clock, |
| output mprj_io_loader_data_1, |
| output mprj_io_loader_data_2, |
| // WB MI A (User project) |
| input mprj_ack_i, |
| input [31:0] mprj_dat_i, |
| output mprj_cyc_o, |
| output mprj_stb_o, |
| output mprj_we_o, |
| output [3:0] mprj_sel_o, |
| output [31:0] mprj_adr_o, |
| output [31:0] mprj_dat_o, |
| |
| output core_clk, |
| output user_clk, |
| output core_rstn, |
| input [2:0] user_irq, |
| output [2:0] user_irq_ena, |
| |
| // Metal programmed user ID / mask revision vector |
| input [31:0] mask_rev, |
| |
| // MGMT area R/W interface for mgmt RAM |
| output [`RAM_BLOCKS-1:0] mgmt_ena, |
| output [(`RAM_BLOCKS*4)-1:0] mgmt_wen_mask, |
| output [`RAM_BLOCKS-1:0] mgmt_wen, |
| output [7:0] mgmt_addr, |
| output [31:0] mgmt_wdata, |
| input [(`RAM_BLOCKS*32)-1:0] mgmt_rdata, |
| |
| // MGMT area RO interface for user RAM |
| output mgmt_ena_ro, |
| output [7:0] mgmt_addr_ro, |
| input [31:0] mgmt_rdata_ro |
| ); |
| wire ext_clk_sel; |
| wire pll_clk, pll_clk90; |
| wire ext_reset; |
| wire hk_connect; |
| wire trap; |
| wire irq_spi; |
| |
| // JTAG (to be implemented) |
| wire jtag_out; |
| wire jtag_out_pre = 1'b0; |
| wire jtag_outenb = 1'b1; |
| wire jtag_oenb_state; |
| |
| // SDO |
| wire sdo_out; |
| wire sdo_out_pre; |
| wire sdo_oenb_state; |
| |
| // Housekeeping SPI vectors |
| wire [4:0] spi_pll_div; |
| wire [2:0] spi_pll_sel; |
| wire [2:0] spi_pll90_sel; |
| wire [25:0] spi_pll_trim; |
| |
| // All but the first two and last two IOs share the in and out data line |
| // and so the output data line must be high-impedence when the input is |
| // enabled. |
| |
| wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_oeb_data; |
| wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_out_predata; |
| |
| wire mgmt_mux_csb, mgmt_mux_sck, mgmt_mux_sdi; |
| wire pass_thru_user_csb, pass_thru_user_sck, pass_thru_user_sdi; |
| wire pass_thru_mgmt_sdo, pass_thru_mgmt_csb; |
| wire pass_thru_mgmt_sck, pass_thru_mgmt_sdi; |
| wire pass_thru_mgmt, pass_thru_user; |
| wire spi_pll_ena, spi_pll_dco_ena; |
| |
| // During external reset, data lines 8 to 10 are used by the user flash |
| // pass-through mode. |
| |
| assign mgmt_mux_csb = (pass_thru_user == 1'b1) ? |
| pass_thru_user_csb : mgmt_out_predata[8]; |
| assign mgmt_mux_sck = (pass_thru_user == 1'b1) ? |
| pass_thru_user_sck : mgmt_out_predata[9]; |
| assign mgmt_mux_sdi = (pass_thru_user == 1'b1) ? |
| pass_thru_user_sdi : mgmt_out_predata[10]; |
| |
| genvar i; |
| |
| generate |
| for (i = 0; i < 2; i = i + 1) begin |
| assign mgmt_out_data[i] = mgmt_out_predata[i]; |
| end |
| for (i = 2; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin |
| assign mgmt_out_data[i] = (mgmt_oeb_data[i]) ? 1'bz : mgmt_out_predata[i]; |
| end |
| assign mgmt_out_data[8] = (mgmt_oeb_data[8]) ? 1'bz : mgmt_mux_csb; |
| assign mgmt_out_data[9] = (mgmt_oeb_data[9]) ? 1'bz : mgmt_mux_sck; |
| assign mgmt_out_data[10] = (mgmt_oeb_data[10]) ? 1'bz : mgmt_mux_sdi; |
| for (i = 11; i < `MPRJ_IO_PADS-2; i = i + 1) begin |
| assign mgmt_out_data[i] = (mgmt_oeb_data[i]) ? 1'bz : mgmt_out_predata[i]; |
| end |
| for (i = `MPRJ_IO_PADS-2; i < `MPRJ_IO_PADS; i = i + 1) begin |
| assign mgmt_out_data[i] = mgmt_out_predata[i]; |
| end |
| endgenerate |
| |
| // Override default function for SDO and JTAG outputs if purposely |
| // set for override by the management SoC. |
| assign sdo_out = (sdo_oenb_state == 1'b0) ? mgmt_out_predata[1] : sdo_out_pre; |
| assign jtag_out = (jtag_oenb_state == 1'b0) ? mgmt_out_predata[0] : jtag_out_pre; |
| |
| caravel_clocking clocking( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vdd1v8(VPWR), |
| .vss(VGND), |
| `endif |
| .ext_clk_sel(ext_clk_sel), |
| .ext_clk(clock), |
| .pll_clk(pll_clk), |
| .pll_clk90(pll_clk90), |
| .resetb(resetb), |
| .sel(spi_pll_sel), |
| .sel2(spi_pll90_sel), |
| .ext_reset(ext_reset), // From housekeeping SPI |
| .core_clk(core_clk), |
| .user_clk(user_clk), |
| .resetb_sync(core_rstn) |
| ); |
| |
| // These wires are defined in the SoC but are not being used because |
| // the SoC flash is reduced to a 2-pin I/O |
| wire flash_io2_oeb, flash_io3_oeb; |
| wire flash_io2_ieb, flash_io3_ieb; |
| wire flash_io2_di, flash_io3_di; |
| |
| // The following functions are connected to specific user project |
| // area pins, when under control of the management area (during |
| // startup, and when not otherwise programmed for the user project). |
| |
| // JTAG = jtag_out (inout) |
| // SDO = sdo_out (output) (shared with SPI master) |
| // SDI = mgmt_in_data[2] (input) (shared with SPI master) |
| // CSB = mgmt_in_data[3] (input) (shared with SPI master) |
| // SCK = mgmt_in_data[4] (input) (shared with SPI master) |
| // ser_rx = mgmt_in_data[5] (input) |
| // ser_tx = mgmt_out_data[6] (output) |
| // irq = mgmt_in_data[7] (input) |
| // flash_csb = mgmt_out_data[8] (output) (user area flash) |
| // flash_sck = mgmt_out_data[9] (output) (user area flash) |
| // flash_io0 = mgmt_in/out_data[10] (input) (user area flash) |
| // flash_io1 = mgmt_in/out_data[11] (output) (user area flash) |
| // irq2_pin = mgmt_in_data[12] (input) |
| // trap_mon = mgmt_in_data[13] (output) |
| // clk1_mon = mgmt_in_data[14] (output) |
| // clk2_mon = mgmt_in_data[15] (output) |
| |
| |
| // OEB lines for [0] and [1] are the only ones connected directly to |
| // the pad. All others have OEB controlled by the configuration bit |
| // in the control block. |
| |
| mgmt_soc soc ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vdd1v8(VPWR), |
| .vss(VGND), |
| `endif |
| .clk(core_clk), |
| .resetn(core_rstn), |
| .trap(trap), |
| // GPIO |
| .gpio_out_pad(gpio_out_pad), |
| .gpio_in_pad(gpio_in_pad), |
| .gpio_mode0_pad(gpio_mode0_pad), |
| .gpio_mode1_pad(gpio_mode1_pad), |
| .gpio_outenb_pad(gpio_outenb_pad), |
| .gpio_inenb_pad(gpio_inenb_pad), |
| .irq_spi(irq_spi), |
| // Flash |
| .flash_csb(flash_csb), |
| .flash_clk(flash_clk), |
| .flash_csb_oeb(flash_csb_oeb), |
| .flash_clk_oeb(flash_clk_oeb), |
| .flash_io0_oeb(flash_io0_oeb), |
| .flash_io1_oeb(flash_io1_oeb), |
| .flash_io2_oeb(flash_io2_oeb), |
| .flash_io3_oeb(flash_io3_oeb), |
| .flash_csb_ieb(flash_csb_ieb), |
| .flash_clk_ieb(flash_clk_ieb), |
| .flash_io0_ieb(flash_io0_ieb), |
| .flash_io1_ieb(flash_io1_ieb), |
| .flash_io2_ieb(flash_io2_ieb), |
| .flash_io3_ieb(flash_io3_ieb), |
| .flash_io0_do(flash_io0_do), |
| .flash_io1_do(flash_io1_do), |
| .flash_io0_di(flash_io0_di), |
| .flash_io1_di(flash_io1_di), |
| .flash_io2_di(flash_io2_di), |
| .flash_io3_di(flash_io3_di), |
| // SPI pass-through to/from SPI flash controller |
| .pass_thru_mgmt(pass_thru_mgmt), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_csb(pass_thru_mgmt_csb), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sck(pass_thru_mgmt_sck), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sdi(pass_thru_mgmt_sdi), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sdo(pass_thru_mgmt_sdo), |
| // SDO and JTAG state for output override |
| .sdo_oenb_state(sdo_oenb_state), |
| .jtag_oenb_state(jtag_oenb_state), |
| // SPI master->slave direct connection |
| .hk_connect(hk_connect), |
| // Secondary clock (for monitoring) |
| .user_clk(user_clk), |
| // Logic Analyzer |
| .la_input(la_input), |
| .la_output(la_output), |
| .la_oenb(la_oenb), |
| .la_iena(la_iena), |
| // User Project I/O Configuration |
| .mprj_vcc_pwrgood(mprj_vcc_pwrgood), |
| .mprj2_vcc_pwrgood(mprj2_vcc_pwrgood), |
| .mprj_vdd_pwrgood(mprj_vdd_pwrgood), |
| .mprj2_vdd_pwrgood(mprj2_vdd_pwrgood), |
| .mprj_io_loader_resetn(mprj_io_loader_resetn), |
| .mprj_io_loader_clock(mprj_io_loader_clock), |
| .mprj_io_loader_data_1(mprj_io_loader_data_1), |
| .mprj_io_loader_data_2(mprj_io_loader_data_2), |
| // User project IRQ |
| .user_irq(user_irq), |
| .user_irq_ena(user_irq_ena), |
| // I/O data |
| .mgmt_in_data(mgmt_in_data), |
| .mgmt_out_data(mgmt_out_predata), |
| .mgmt_oeb_data(mgmt_oeb_data), |
| .pwr_ctrl_out(pwr_ctrl_out), |
| // User Project Slave ports (WB MI A) |
| .mprj_cyc_o(mprj_cyc_o), |
| .mprj_stb_o(mprj_stb_o), |
| .mprj_we_o(mprj_we_o), |
| .mprj_sel_o(mprj_sel_o), |
| .mprj_adr_o(mprj_adr_o), |
| .mprj_dat_o(mprj_dat_o), |
| .mprj_ack_i(mprj_ack_i), |
| .mprj_dat_i(mprj_dat_i), |
| // MGMT area R/W interface for mgmt RAM |
| .mgmt_ena(mgmt_ena), |
| .mgmt_wen_mask(mgmt_wen_mask), |
| .mgmt_wen(mgmt_wen), |
| .mgmt_addr(mgmt_addr), |
| .mgmt_wdata(mgmt_wdata), |
| .mgmt_rdata(mgmt_rdata), |
| // MGMT area RO interface for user RAM |
| .mgmt_ena_ro(mgmt_ena_ro), |
| .mgmt_addr_ro(mgmt_addr_ro), |
| .mgmt_rdata_ro(mgmt_rdata_ro) |
| ); |
| |
| digital_pll pll ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .VPWR(VPWR), |
| .VGND(VGND), |
| `endif |
| .resetb(resetb), |
| .enable(spi_pll_ena), |
| .osc(clock), |
| .clockp({pll_clk, pll_clk90}), |
| .div(spi_pll_div), |
| .dco(spi_pll_dco_ena), |
| .ext_trim(spi_pll_trim) |
| ); |
| |
| // Housekeeping SPI (SPI slave module) |
| housekeeping_spi housekeeping ( |
| `ifdef USE_POWER_PINS |
| .vdd(VPWR), |
| .vss(VGND), |
| `endif |
| .RSTB(porb), |
| .SCK((hk_connect) ? mgmt_out_predata[4] : mgmt_in_data[4]), |
| .SDI((hk_connect) ? mgmt_out_predata[2] : mgmt_in_data[2]), |
| .CSB((hk_connect) ? mgmt_out_predata[3] : mgmt_in_data[3]), |
| .SDO(sdo_out_pre), |
| .sdo_enb(sdo_outenb), |
| .pll_dco_ena(spi_pll_dco_ena), |
| .pll_sel(spi_pll_sel), |
| .pll90_sel(spi_pll90_sel), |
| .pll_div(spi_pll_div), |
| .pll_ena(spi_pll_ena), |
| .pll_trim(spi_pll_trim), |
| .pll_bypass(ext_clk_sel), |
| .irq(irq_spi), |
| .reset(ext_reset), |
| .trap(trap), |
| .mask_rev_in(mask_rev), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_reset(pass_thru_mgmt), |
| .pass_thru_user_reset(pass_thru_user), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sck(pass_thru_mgmt_sck), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_csb(pass_thru_mgmt_csb), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sdi(pass_thru_mgmt_sdi), |
| .pass_thru_mgmt_sdo(pass_thru_mgmt_sdo), |
| .pass_thru_user_sck(pass_thru_user_sck), |
| .pass_thru_user_csb(pass_thru_user_csb), |
| .pass_thru_user_sdi(pass_thru_user_sdi), |
| .pass_thru_user_sdo(mgmt_in_data[11]) |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule |
| `default_nettype wire |