blob: 4bde6032046c6bccaf391d8d8a6ef71af1ef66a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Data word size
word_size = 2
# Number of words in the memory
num_words = 16
# Technology to use in $OPENRAM_TECH
tech_name = "sky130A"
# You can use the technology nominal corner only
# nominal_corner_only = True
process_corners = ["TT"]
# Voltage corners to characterize
supply_voltages = [ 1.8 ]
# Temperature corners to characterize
# temperatures = [ 0, 25 100]
# Output directory for the results
output_path = "temp"
# Output file base name
output_name = "sram_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(word_size,num_words,tech_name)
# Disable analytical models for full characterization (WARNING: slow!)
# analytical_delay = False