blob: 456e51ab99d6800fb2504bc8130e9d507df3a224 [file] [log] [blame]
`default_nettype none
`timescale 1ns/1ns
`ifdef FORMAL
`define MPRJ_IO_PADS 38
`define MPRJ_IO_PADS 38
module wrapper_fibonacci (
inout vdda1, // User area 1 3.3V supply
inout vdda2, // User area 2 3.3V supply
inout vssa1, // User area 1 analog ground
inout vssa2, // User area 2 analog ground
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vccd2, // User area 2 1.8v supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
inout vssd2, // User area 2 digital ground
// interface as user_proj_example.v
input wire wb_clk_i,
input wire wb_rst_i,
input wire wbs_stb_i, /* strobe */
input wire wbs_cyc_i,
input wire wbs_we_i,
input wire [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
input wire [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
input wire [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
output wire wbs_ack_o,
output wire [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
// Logic Analyzer Signals
// only provide first 32 bits to reduce wiring congestion
input wire [31:0] la_data_in,
output wire [31:0] la_data_out,
input wire [31:0] la_oenb,
// IOs
input wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
output wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
output wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
// IRQ
output wire [2:0] irq,
// extra user clock
input wire user_clock2,
// active input, only connect tristated outputs if this is high
input wire active
// all outputs must be tristated before being passed onto the project
wire buf_wbs_ack_o;
wire [31:0] buf_wbs_dat_o;
wire [31:0] buf_la_data_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] buf_io_out;
wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] buf_io_oeb;
wire [2:0] buf_irq;
`ifdef FORMAL
// formal can't deal with z, so set all outputs to 0 if not active
assign wbs_ack_o = active ? buf_wbs_ack_o : 1'b0;
assign wbs_dat_o = active ? buf_wbs_dat_o : 32'b0;
assign la_data_out = active ? buf_la_data_out : 32'b0;
assign io_out = active ? buf_io_out : {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'b0}};
assign io_oeb = active ? buf_io_oeb : {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'b0}};
assign irq = active ? buf_irq : 3'b0;
`include "properties.v"
// tristate buffers
assign wbs_ack_o = active ? buf_wbs_ack_o : 1'bz;
assign wbs_dat_o = active ? buf_wbs_dat_o : 32'bz;
assign la_data_out = active ? buf_la_data_out : 32'bz;
assign io_out = active ? buf_io_out : {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'bz}};
assign io_oeb = active ? buf_io_oeb : {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'bz}};
assign irq = active ? buf_irq : 3'bz;
// permanently set oeb so that outputs are always enabled: 0 is output, 1 is high-impedance
assign buf_io_oeb = {`MPRJ_IO_PADS{1'b0}};
wire reset = la_data_in[0];
wire [5:0] clock_op;
wire fibonacci_clock;
wire fibonacci_switch;
wire [5:0] clocks;
clkdiv #(.WIDTH(8)) Clock_1 (
clkdiv #(.WIDTH(16)) Clock_2 (
clkdiv #(.WIDTH(24)) Clock_3 (
clkdiv #(.WIDTH(32)) Clock_4 (
clkdiv #(.WIDTH(36)) Clock_5 (
wb_logic WishBone (
assign clocks[0] = wb_clk_i;
assign fibonacci_clock = clock_op[5] ? clocks[5] :
(clock_op[4] ? clocks[4] :
(clock_op[3] ? clocks[3] :
(clock_op[2] ? clocks[2] :
(clock_op[1] ? clocks[1] :
fibonacci #(.WIDTH(30)) Fibonacci(
`default_nettype wire