blob: 5f71929c95c8a7dd977ec7c91f08669348a3af7b [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype wire
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
`include "uprj_netlists.v"
`include "caravel_netlists.v"
`include "spiflash.v"
`include "tb_prog.v"
module Lexicon_tb();
reg clock;
reg RSTB;
reg CSB;
reg power1, power2;
reg power3, power4;
wire gpio;
wire [37:0] mprj_io;
wire [27:0] mprj_io_0;
wire mprj_ready;
assign mprj_io_0 = mprj_io[35:8];
assign mprj_ready = mprj_io[37];
assign mprj_io[3] = (CSB == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
always #12.5 clock <= (clock === 1'b0);
initial begin
clock = 0;
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, Lexicon_tb);
// Repeat cycles of 1000 clock edges as needed to complete testbench
//repeat (300) begin
// repeat (1000) @(posedge clock);
//$display ("Monitor: Timeout, Test Project IO Stimulus (RTL) Failed");
initial begin
wait(mprj_ready == 1'b1)
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for factorial
/*wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0000001);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0000002);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0000006);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0000018);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0000078);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h00002D0);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h00013B0);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0009D80);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0058980);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'h0375F00);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for prime_num
/*wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd1);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd3);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd7);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd11);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd13);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for multliplication_table
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd10);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd15);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd20);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd25);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd30);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for mean & Determinant
// wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for power
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd64);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for flip number
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd4889874);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for Queue
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd6);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd7);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for perfect square
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
// Observe Output pins [35:8] for counter / ascending / reverse
/*wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd0);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd1);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd2);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd3);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd4);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd5);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd6);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd7);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd8);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd9);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd10);
wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd11);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd3);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd2);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd1);
//wait(mprj_io_0 == 28'd0);
$display("MPRJ-IO state = %d", mprj_io[35:8]);
`ifdef GL
$display("Monitor: Test 1 Mega-Project IO (GL) Passed");
$display("Monitor: Test 1 Mega-Project IO (RTL) Passed");
// Reset Operation
initial begin
RSTB <= 1'b0;
CSB <= 1'b1; // Force CSB high
RSTB <= 1'b1; // Release reset
CSB = 1'b0; // CSB can be released
initial begin // Power-up sequence
power1 <= 1'b0;
power2 <= 1'b0;
power3 <= 1'b0;
power4 <= 1'b0;
power1 <= 1'b1;
power2 <= 1'b1;
power3 <= 1'b1;
power4 <= 1'b1;
always @(mprj_io) begin
#1 $display("MPRJ-IO state = %d, at time = %0t ", mprj_io[35:8], $time);
wire flash_csb;
wire flash_clk;
wire flash_io0;
wire flash_io1;
wire r_Rx_Serial;
assign mprj_io[5] = r_Rx_Serial;
assign mprj_io[3:0] = 4'h0;
wire VDD3V3 = power1;
wire VDD1V8 = power2;
wire USER_VDD3V3 = power3;
wire USER_VDD1V8 = power4;
wire VSS = 1'b0;
caravel uut (
.vddio (VDD3V3),
.vssio (VSS),
.vdda (VDD3V3),
.vssa (VSS),
.vccd (VDD1V8),
.vssd (VSS),
.vdda1 (USER_VDD3V3),
.vdda2 (USER_VDD3V3),
.vssa1 (VSS),
.vssa2 (VSS),
.vccd1 (USER_VDD1V8),
.vccd2 (USER_VDD1V8),
.vssd1 (VSS),
.vssd2 (VSS),
.clock (clock),
.gpio (gpio),
.mprj_io (mprj_io),
.resetb (RSTB)
spiflash #(
) spiflash (
.io2(), // not used
.io3() // not used
uartprog #(
) prog_uut (
.mprj_ready (mprj_ready),
.r_Rx_Serial (r_Rx_Serial)
`default_nettype wire