blob: 760508769f8adcdb3d53271d35d0cf44b600bee0 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 , Dinesh Annayya
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-FileContributor: Created by Dinesh Annayya <>
//// ////
//// Wishbone host Interface ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the YIFive cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// This block does async Wishbone from one clock to other ////
//// clock domain ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// Revision : ////
//// 0.1 - 25th Feb 2021, Dinesh A ////
//// initial version ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module wb_host (
inout vccd1, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vssd1, // User area 1 digital ground
input logic user_clock1 ,
input logic user_clock2 ,
output logic sdram_clk ,
output logic cpu_clk ,
output logic rtc_clk ,
// Global Reset control
output logic wbd_int_rst_n ,
output logic cpu_rst_n ,
output logic spi_rst_n ,
output logic sdram_rst_n ,
output logic uart_rst_n ,
output logic i2cm_rst_n ,
output logic uart_i2c_sel ,
// Master Port
input logic wbm_rst_i , // Regular Reset signal
input logic wbm_clk_i , // System clock
input logic wbm_cyc_i , // strobe/request
input logic wbm_stb_i , // strobe/request
input logic [31:0] wbm_adr_i , // address
input logic wbm_we_i , // write
input logic [31:0] wbm_dat_i , // data output
input logic [3:0] wbm_sel_i , // byte enable
output logic [31:0] wbm_dat_o , // data input
output logic wbm_ack_o , // acknowlegement
output logic wbm_err_o , // error
// Slave Port
output logic wbs_clk_out , // System clock
input logic wbs_clk_i , // System clock
output logic wbs_cyc_o , // strobe/request
output logic wbs_stb_o , // strobe/request
output logic [31:0] wbs_adr_o , // address
output logic wbs_we_o , // write
output logic [31:0] wbs_dat_o , // data output
output logic [3:0] wbs_sel_o , // byte enable
input logic [31:0] wbs_dat_i , // data input
input logic wbs_ack_i , // acknowlegement
input logic wbs_err_i , // error
output logic [31:0] cfg_clk_ctrl1 ,
output logic [31:0] cfg_clk_ctrl2
// local dec
logic wbm_rst_n;
logic wbs_rst_n;
logic [31:0] wbm_dat_int; // data input
logic wbm_ack_int; // acknowlegement
logic wbm_err_int; // error
logic reg_sel ;
logic [1:0] sw_addr ;
logic sw_rd_en ;
logic sw_wr_en ;
logic [31:0] reg_rdata ;
logic [31:0] reg_out ;
logic reg_ack ;
logic [7:0] config_reg ;
logic [31:0] clk_ctrl1 ;
logic [31:0] clk_ctrl2 ;
logic sw_wr_en_0;
logic sw_wr_en_1;
logic sw_wr_en_2;
logic sw_wr_en_3;
logic [7:0] cfg_bank_sel;
logic [31:0] wbm_adr_int;
logic wbm_stb_int;
logic [23:0] reg_0; // Software_Reg_0
logic [2:0] cfg_wb_clk_ctrl;
logic [2:0] cfg_sdram_clk_ctrl;
logic [2:0] cfg_cpu_clk_ctrl;
logic [2:0] cfg_rtc_clk_ctrl;
logic [7:0] cfg_glb_ctrl;
assign wbm_rst_n = !wbm_rst_i;
assign wbs_rst_n = !wbm_rst_i;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_wb_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[0]),.X(wbd_int_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_cpu_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[1]),.X(cpu_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_spi_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[2]),.X(spi_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_sdram_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[3]),.X(sdram_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_uart_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[4]),.X(uart_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_i2cm_rst (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[5]),.X(i2cm_rst_n));
sky130_fd_sc_hd__bufbuf_16 u_buf_uart_i2c_sel (.A(cfg_glb_ctrl[7]),.X(uart_i2c_sel));
// To reduce the load/Timing Wishbone I/F, Strobe is register to create
// multi-cycle
logic wb_req;
always_ff @(negedge wbm_rst_n or posedge wbm_clk_i) begin
if ( wbm_rst_n == 1'b0 ) begin
wb_req <= '0;
end else begin
wb_req <= wbm_stb_i && (wbm_ack_o == 0) ;
assign wbm_dat_o = (reg_sel) ? reg_rdata : wbm_dat_int; // data input
assign wbm_ack_o = (reg_sel) ? reg_ack : wbm_ack_int; // acknowlegement
assign wbm_err_o = (reg_sel) ? 1'b0 : wbm_err_int; // error
// Local register decide based on address[31] == 1
// Locally there register are define to control the reset and clock for user
// area
// caravel user space is 0x3000_0000 to 0x30FF_FFFF
// So we have allocated
// 0x3080_0000 - 0x3080_00FF - Assigned to WB Host Address Space
// Since We need more than 16MB Address space to access SDRAM/SPI we have
// added indirect MSB 8 bit address select option
// So Address will be {Bank_Sel[7:0], wbm_adr_i[23:0}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
assign reg_sel = wb_req & (wbm_adr_i[23] == 1'b1);
assign sw_addr = wbm_adr_i [3:2];
assign sw_rd_en = reg_sel & !wbm_we_i;
assign sw_wr_en = reg_sel & wbm_we_i;
assign sw_wr_en_0 = sw_wr_en && (sw_addr==0);
assign sw_wr_en_1 = sw_wr_en && (sw_addr==1);
assign sw_wr_en_2 = sw_wr_en && (sw_addr==2);
assign sw_wr_en_3 = sw_wr_en && (sw_addr==3);
always @ (posedge wbm_clk_i or negedge wbm_rst_n)
begin : preg_out_Seq
if (wbm_rst_n == 1'b0)
reg_rdata <= 'h0;
reg_ack <= 1'b0;
else if (sw_rd_en && !reg_ack)
reg_rdata <= reg_out ;
reg_ack <= 1'b1;
else if (sw_wr_en && !reg_ack)
reg_ack <= 1'b1;
reg_ack <= 1'b0;
// Global + Clock Control
// -------------------------------------
assign cfg_glb_ctrl = reg_0[7:0];
assign cfg_wb_clk_ctrl = reg_0[10:8];
assign cfg_sdram_clk_ctrl = reg_0[15:12];
assign cfg_cpu_clk_ctrl = reg_0[19:16];
assign cfg_rtc_clk_ctrl = reg_0[23:20];
always @( *)
reg_out [31:0] = 8'd0;
case (sw_addr [1:0])
2'b00 : reg_out [31:0] = {8'h0, reg_0[23:0]};
2'b01 : reg_out [31:0] = {24'h0,cfg_bank_sel [7:0]};
2'b10 : reg_out [31:0] = cfg_clk_ctrl1 [31:0];
2'b11 : reg_out [31:0] = cfg_clk_ctrl2 [31:0];
default : reg_out [31:0] = 'h0;
generic_register #(24,0 ) u_glb_ctrl (
.we ({24{sw_wr_en_0}} ),
.data_in (wbm_dat_i[23:0] ),
.reset_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.clk (wbm_clk_i ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (reg_0[23:0])
generic_register #(8,8'h30 ) u_bank_sel (
.we ({8{sw_wr_en_1}} ),
.data_in (wbm_dat_i[7:0] ),
.reset_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.clk (wbm_clk_i ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (cfg_bank_sel[7:0] )
generic_register #(32,0 ) u_clk_ctrl1 (
.we ({32{sw_wr_en_2}} ),
.data_in (wbm_dat_i[31:0] ),
.reset_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.clk (wbm_clk_i ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (cfg_clk_ctrl1[31:0])
generic_register #(32,0 ) u_clk_ctrl2 (
.we ({32{sw_wr_en_3}} ),
.data_in (wbm_dat_i[31:0] ),
.reset_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.clk (wbm_clk_i ),
//List of Outs
.data_out (cfg_clk_ctrl2[31:0])
assign wbm_stb_int = wb_req & !reg_sel;
// Since design need more than 16MB address space, we have implemented
// indirect access
assign wbm_adr_int = {cfg_bank_sel[7:0],wbm_adr_i[23:0]};
async_wb u_async_wb(
// Master Port
.wbm_rst_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.wbm_clk_i (wbm_clk_i ),
.wbm_cyc_i (wbm_cyc_i ),
.wbm_stb_i (wbm_stb_int ),
.wbm_adr_i (wbm_adr_int ),
.wbm_we_i (wbm_we_i ),
.wbm_dat_i (wbm_dat_i ),
.wbm_sel_i (wbm_sel_i ),
.wbm_dat_o (wbm_dat_int ),
.wbm_ack_o (wbm_ack_int ),
.wbm_err_o (wbm_err_int ),
// Slave Port
.wbs_rst_n (wbs_rst_n ),
.wbs_clk_i (wbs_clk_i ),
.wbs_cyc_o (wbs_cyc_o ),
.wbs_stb_o (wbs_stb_o ),
.wbs_adr_o (wbs_adr_o ),
.wbs_we_o (wbs_we_o ),
.wbs_dat_o (wbs_dat_o ),
.wbs_sel_o (wbs_sel_o ),
.wbs_dat_i (wbs_dat_i ),
.wbs_ack_i (wbs_ack_i ),
.wbs_err_i (wbs_err_i )
// Generate Internal WishBone Clock
logic wb_clk_div;
logic cfg_wb_clk_div;
logic [1:0] cfg_wb_clk_ratio;
assign cfg_wb_clk_ratio = cfg_wb_clk_ctrl[1:0];
assign cfg_wb_clk_div = cfg_wb_clk_ctrl[2];
assign wbs_clk_out = (cfg_wb_clk_div) ? wb_clk_div : wbm_clk_i;
clk_ctl #(1) u_wbclk (
// Outputs
.clk_o (wb_clk_div ),
// Inputs
.mclk (wbm_clk_i ),
.reset_n (wbm_rst_n ),
.clk_div_ratio (cfg_wb_clk_ratio )
// Generate SDRAM Clock Generation
wire sdram_clk_div;
wire sdram_ref_clk;
wire sdram_clk_int;
wire cfg_sdram_clk_src_sel = cfg_sdram_clk_ctrl[0];
wire cfg_sdram_clk_div = cfg_sdram_clk_ctrl[1];
wire [1:0] cfg_sdram_clk_ratio = cfg_sdram_clk_ctrl[3:2];
assign sdram_ref_clk = (cfg_sdram_clk_src_sel) ? user_clock2 :user_clock1;
assign sdram_clk_int = (cfg_sdram_clk_div) ? sdram_clk_div : sdram_ref_clk;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_clkbuf_sdram (.A (sdram_clk_int), . X(sdram_clk));
clk_ctl #(1) u_sdramclk (
// Outputs
.clk_o (sdram_clk_div ),
// Inputs
.mclk (sdram_ref_clk ),
.reset_n (reset_n ),
.clk_div_ratio (cfg_sdram_clk_ratio)
// Generate CORE Clock Generation
wire cpu_clk_div;
wire cpu_ref_clk;
wire cpu_clk_int;
wire cfg_cpu_clk_src_sel = cfg_cpu_clk_ctrl[0];
wire cfg_cpu_clk_div = cfg_cpu_clk_ctrl[1];
wire [1:0] cfg_cpu_clk_ratio = cfg_cpu_clk_ctrl[3:2];
assign cpu_ref_clk = (cfg_cpu_clk_src_sel) ? user_clock2 : user_clock1;
assign cpu_clk_int = (cfg_cpu_clk_div) ? cpu_clk_div : cpu_ref_clk;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_clkbuf_cpu (.A (cpu_clk_int), . X(cpu_clk));
clk_ctl #(1) u_cpuclk (
// Outputs
.clk_o (cpu_clk_div ),
// Inputs
.mclk (cpu_ref_clk ),
.reset_n (reset_n ),
.clk_div_ratio (cfg_cpu_clk_ratio)
// Generate RTC Clock Generation
wire rtc_clk_div;
wire rtc_ref_clk;
wire rtc_clk_int;
wire cfg_rtc_clk_src_sel = cfg_rtc_clk_ctrl[0];
wire cfg_rtc_clk_div = cfg_rtc_clk_ctrl[1];
wire [1:0] cfg_rtc_clk_ratio = cfg_rtc_clk_ctrl[3:2];
assign rtc_ref_clk = (cfg_rtc_clk_src_sel) ? user_clock2 : user_clock1;
assign rtc_clk_int = (cfg_rtc_clk_div) ? rtc_clk_div : rtc_ref_clk;
sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_16 u_clkbuf_rtc (.A (rtc_clk_int), . X(rtc_clk));
clk_ctl #(1) u_rtcclk (
// Outputs
.clk_o (rtc_clk_div ),
// Inputs
.mclk (rtc_ref_clk ),
.reset_n (reset_n ),
.clk_div_ratio (cfg_rtc_clk_ratio)