| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| #// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Syntacore LLC © 2016-2021 |
| #// |
| #// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| #// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| #// You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| #// |
| #// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| #// |
| #// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| #// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| #// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| #// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| #// limitations under the License. |
| #// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| #// SPDX-FileContributor: Syntacore LLC |
| #// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| # Makefile for SCR1 |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| |
| # BUS = <AHB, AXI> |
| |
| export CFG ?= MAX |
| export BUS ?= AHB |
| |
| ifeq ($(CFG), MAX) |
| # Predefined configuration SCR1_CFG_RV32IMC_MAX |
| override ARCH := IMC |
| override VECT_IRQ := 1 |
| override IPIC := 1 |
| override TCM := 1 |
| override SIM_CFG_DEF := SCR1_CFG_RV32IMC_MAX |
| else |
| ifeq ($(CFG), BASE) |
| # Predefined configuration SCR1_CFG_RV32IC_BASE |
| override ARCH := IC |
| override VECT_IRQ := 1 |
| override IPIC := 1 |
| override TCM := 1 |
| override SIM_CFG_DEF := SCR1_CFG_RV32IC_BASE |
| else |
| ifeq ($(CFG), MIN) |
| # Predefined configuration SCR1_CFG_RV32EC_MIN |
| override ARCH := EC |
| override VECT_IRQ := 0 |
| override IPIC := 0 |
| override TCM := 1 |
| override SIM_CFG_DEF := SCR1_CFG_RV32EC_MIN |
| else |
| # CUSTOM configuration. Parameters can be overwritten |
| # These options are for compiling tests only. Set the corresponding RTL parameters manually in the file scr1_arch_description.svh. |
| # ARCH = <IMC, IC, IM, I, EMC, EM, EC, E> |
| # VECT_IRQ = <0, 1> |
| # IPIC = <0, 1> |
| # TCM = <0, 1> |
| ARCH ?= IMC |
| VECT_IRQ ?= 0 |
| IPIC ?= 0 |
| TCM ?= 0 |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # export all overrided variables |
| export ARCH |
| export VECT_IRQ |
| export IPIC |
| export TCM |
| export SIM_CFG_DEF |
| |
| ARCH_lowercase = $(shell echo $(ARCH) | tr A-Z a-z) |
| BUS_lowercase = $(shell echo $(BUS) | tr A-Z a-z) |
| |
| ifeq ($(ARCH_lowercase),) |
| ARCH_tmp = imc |
| else |
| ifneq (,$(findstring e,$(ARCH_lowercase))) |
| ARCH_tmp += e |
| else |
| ARCH_tmp += i |
| endif |
| ifneq (,$(findstring m,$(ARCH_lowercase))) |
| ARCH_tmp := $(ARCH_tmp)m |
| endif |
| ifneq (,$(findstring c,$(ARCH_lowercase))) |
| ARCH_tmp := $(ARCH_tmp)c |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| override ARCH=$(ARCH_tmp) |
| |
| # Use this parameter to enable tracelog |
| TRACE ?= 0 |
| |
| ifeq ($(TRACE), 1) |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # Use this parameter to pass additional options for simulation build command |
| |
| # Use this parameter to set the list of tests to run |
| # TARGETS = <riscv_isa, riscv_compliance, coremark, dhrystone21, hello, isr_sample> |
| export TARGETS := |
| |
| |
| export ABI ?= ilp32 |
| # Testbench memory delay patterns\ |
| (FFFFFFFF - no delay, 00000000 - random delay, 00000001 - max delay) |
| imem_pattern ?= FFFFFFFF |
| dmem_pattern ?= FFFFFFFF |
| |
| VCS_OPTS ?= |
| |
| current_goal := $(MAKECMDGOALS:run_%=%) |
| ifeq ($(current_goal),) |
| current_goal := verilator |
| endif |
| |
| # Paths |
| export root_dir := $(shell pwd) |
| export tst_dir := $(root_dir)/sim/tests |
| export inc_dir := $(tst_dir)/common |
| export bld_dir := $(root_dir)/build/$(current_goal)_$(BUS)_$(CFG)_$(ARCH)_IPIC_$(IPIC)_TCM_$(TCM)_VIRQ_$(VECT_IRQ)_TRACE_$(TRACE) |
| |
| test_results := $(bld_dir)/test_results.txt |
| test_info := $(bld_dir)/test_info |
| sim_results := $(bld_dir)/sim_results.txt |
| |
| todo_list := $(bld_dir)/todo.txt |
| # Environment |
| export CROSS_PREFIX ?= riscv64-unknown-elf- |
| export RISCV_GCC ?= $(CROSS_PREFIX)gcc |
| export RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(CROSS_PREFIX)objdump -D |
| export RISCV_OBJCOPY ?= $(CROSS_PREFIX)objcopy -O verilog |
| export RISCV_READELF ?= $(CROSS_PREFIX)readelf -s |
| #-- |
| ifneq (,$(findstring axi,$(BUS_lowercase))) |
| export rtl_top_files := axi_top.files |
| export rtl_tb_files := axi_tb.files |
| export top_module := scr1_top_tb_axi |
| else |
| export rtl_top_files := ahb_top.files |
| export rtl_tb_files := ahb_tb.files |
| export top_module := scr1_top_tb_ahb |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(findstring e,$(ARCH_lowercase))) |
| # Tests can be compiled for RVE only if gcc version 8.0.0 or higher |
| GCCVERSIONGT7 := $(shell expr `$(RISCV_GCC) -dumpfullversion | cut -f1 -d'.'` \> 7) |
| ifeq "$(GCCVERSIONGT7)" "1" |
| ABI := ilp32e |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| #-- |
| ifeq (,$(findstring e,$(ARCH_lowercase))) |
| # These tests cannot be compiled for RVE |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the riscv_isa |
| TARGETS += riscv_isa |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the riscv_compliance |
| TARGETS += riscv_compliance |
| endif |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the isr_sample |
| TARGETS += isr_sample |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the coremark |
| TARGETS += coremark |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the dhrystone |
| TARGETS += dhrystone21 |
| |
| # Comment this target if you don't want to run the hello test |
| TARGETS += hello |
| |
| # Targets |
| .PHONY: tests run_modelsim run_vcs run_ncsim run_verilator run_verilator_wf |
| |
| default: clean_test_list run_verilator |
| |
| clean_test_list: |
| rm -f $(test_info) |
| |
| echo_out: tests |
| @echo " Test | build | simulation " ; |
| @echo "$$(cat $(test_results))" |
| |
| tests: $(TARGETS) |
| |
| $(test_info): clean_hex tests |
| cd $(bld_dir) |
| |
| isr_sample: | $(bld_dir) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/isr_sample ARCH=$(ARCH) IPIC=$(IPIC) VECT_IRQ=$(VECT_IRQ) |
| |
| dhrystone21: | $(bld_dir) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/benchmarks/dhrystone21 EXT_CFLAGS="$(EXT_CFLAGS)" ARCH=$(ARCH) |
| |
| coremark: | $(bld_dir) |
| -$(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/benchmarks/coremark EXT_CFLAGS="$(EXT_CFLAGS)" ARCH=$(ARCH) |
| |
| riscv_isa: | $(bld_dir) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/riscv_isa ARCH=$(ARCH) |
| |
| riscv_compliance: | $(bld_dir) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/riscv_compliance ARCH=$(ARCH) |
| |
| hello: | $(bld_dir) |
| -$(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/hello EXT_CFLAGS="$(EXT_CFLAGS)" ARCH=$(ARCH) |
| |
| clean_hex: | $(bld_dir) |
| $(RM) $(bld_dir)/*.hex |
| |
| $(bld_dir): |
| mkdir -p $(bld_dir) |
| |
| run_vcs: $(test_info) |
| printf "" > $(test_results); |
| cd $(bld_dir); \ |
| $(bld_dir)/simv -V \ |
| +test_info=$(test_info) \ |
| +test_results=$(test_results) \ |
| +imem_pattern=$(imem_pattern) \ |
| +dmem_pattern=$(dmem_pattern) \ |
| $(VCS_OPTS) | tee $(sim_results) ;\ |
| printf " Test | build | simulation \n" ; \ |
| printf "$$(cat $(test_results)) \n" |
| run_modelsim: $(test_info) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(root_dir)/sim build_modelsim SIM_CFG_DEF=$(SIM_CFG_DEF) SIM_TRACE_DEF=$(SIM_TRACE_DEF) SIM_BUILD_OPTS=$(SIM_BUILD_OPTS); \ |
| printf "" > $(test_results); \ |
| cd $(bld_dir); \ |
| vsim -c -do "run -all" +nowarn3691 \ |
| +test_info=$(test_info) \ |
| +test_results=$(test_results) \ |
| +imem_pattern=$(imem_pattern) \ |
| +dmem_pattern=$(dmem_pattern) \ |
| work.$(top_module) \ |
| $(MODELSIM_OPTS) | tee $(sim_results) ;\ |
| printf "Simulation performed on $$(vsim -version) \n" ;\ |
| printf " Test | build | simulation \n" ; \ |
| printf "$$(cat $(test_results)) \n" |
| |
| run_ncsim: $(test_info) |
| printf "" > $(test_results); |
| cd $(bld_dir); \ |
| irun \ |
| -R \ |
| -64bit \ |
| +test_info=$(test_info) \ |
| +test_results=$(test_results) \ |
| +imem_pattern=$(imem_pattern) \ |
| +dmem_pattern=$(dmem_pattern) \ |
| $(NCSIM_OPTS) | tee $(sim_results) ;\ |
| printf "Simulation performed on $$(irun -version) \n" ;\ |
| printf " Test | build | simulation \n" ; \ |
| printf "$$(cat $(test_results)) \n" |
| |
| run_verilator: $(test_info) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(root_dir)/sim build_verilator SIM_CFG_DEF=$(SIM_CFG_DEF) SIM_TRACE_DEF=$(SIM_TRACE_DEF) SIM_BUILD_OPTS=$(SIM_BUILD_OPTS); |
| printf "" > $(test_results); |
| cd $(bld_dir); \ |
| echo $(top_module) | tee $(sim_results); \ |
| $(bld_dir)/verilator/V$(top_module) \ |
| +test_info=$(test_info) \ |
| +test_results=$(test_results) \ |
| +imem_pattern=$(imem_pattern) \ |
| +dmem_pattern=$(dmem_pattern) \ |
| $(VERILATOR_OPTS) | tee -a $(sim_results) ;\ |
| printf "Simulation performed on $$(verilator -version) \n" ;\ |
| printf " Test | build | simulation \n" ; \ |
| printf "$$(cat $(test_results)) \n" |
| |
| run_verilator_wf: $(test_info) |
| $(MAKE) -C $(root_dir)/sim build_verilator_wf SIM_CFG_DEF=$(SIM_CFG_DEF) SIM_TRACE_DEF=$(SIM_TRACE_DEF) SIM_BUILD_OPTS=$(SIM_BUILD_OPTS); |
| printf "" > $(test_results); |
| cd $(bld_dir); \ |
| echo $(top_module) | tee $(sim_results); \ |
| $(bld_dir)/verilator/V$(top_module) \ |
| +test_info=$(test_info) \ |
| +test_results=$(test_results) \ |
| +imem_pattern=$(imem_pattern) \ |
| +dmem_pattern=$(dmem_pattern) \ |
| $(VERILATOR_OPTS) | tee -a $(sim_results) ;\ |
| printf "Simulation performed on $$(verilator -version) \n" ;\ |
| printf " Test | build | simulation \n" ; \ |
| printf "$$(cat $(test_results)) \n" |
| clean: |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/benchmarks/dhrystone21 clean |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/riscv_isa clean |
| $(MAKE) -C $(tst_dir)/riscv_compliance clean |
| $(RM) -R $(root_dir)/build/* |
| $(RM) $(test_info) |