blob: ed0c1c1a0905afb1f94b3ac15c4cf22d350a7229 [file] [log] [blame]
module AHBSRAM#( parameter AW = 14)( // Address width
input HCLK, // system bus clock
input HRESETn, // system bus reset
input HSEL, // AHB peripheral select
input HREADY, // AHB ready input
input [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transfer type
input [2:0] HSIZE, // AHB hsize
input HWRITE, // AHB hwrite
input [AW-1:0] HADDR, // AHB address bus
input [31:0] HWDATA, // AHB write data bus
output HREADYOUT, // AHB ready output to S->M mux
output HRESP, // AHB response
output [31:0] HRDATA, // AHB read data bus
input [31:0] SRAMRDATA, // SRAM Read Data
output [AW-3:0] SRAMADDR, // SRAM address
output [3:0] SRAMWEN, // SRAM write enable (active high)
output [31:0] SRAMWDATA, // SRAM write data
output SRAMCS // SRAM Chip Select (active high)
reg [(AW-3):0] buf_addr; // Write address buffer
reg [ 3:0] buf_we; // Write enable buffer (data phase)
reg buf_hit; // High when AHB read address
// matches buffered address
reg [31:0] buf_data; // AHB write bus buffered
reg buf_pend; // Buffer write data valid
reg buf_data_en;//Data buffer write enable (data phase)
wire ahb_access = HTRANS[1] & HSEL & HREADY;
wire ahb_write = ahb_access & HWRITE;
wire ahb_read = ahb_access & (~HWRITE);
// Stored write data in pending state if new transfer is read
// buf_data_en indicate new write (data phase)
// ahb_read indicate new read (address phase)
// buf_pend is registered version of buf_pend_nxt
wire buf_pend_nxt = (buf_pend | buf_data_en) & ahb_read;
// RAM write happens when
// - write pending (buf_pend), or
// - new AHB write seen (buf_data_en) at data phase,
// - and not reading (address phase)
wire ram_write = (buf_pend | buf_data_en) & (~ahb_read); // ahb_write
// RAM WE is the buffered WE
assign SRAMWEN = {4{ram_write}} & buf_we[3:0];
// RAM address is the buffered address for RAM write otherwise HADDR
assign SRAMADDR = ahb_read ? HADDR[AW-1:2] : buf_addr;
// RAM chip select during read or write
assign SRAMCS = ahb_read | ram_write;
// Byte lane decoder and next state logic
wire tx_byte = (~HSIZE[1]) & (~HSIZE[0]);
wire tx_half = (~HSIZE[1]) & HSIZE[0];
wire tx_word = HSIZE[1];
wire byte_at_00 = tx_byte & (~HADDR[1]) & (~HADDR[0]);
wire byte_at_01 = tx_byte & (~HADDR[1]) & HADDR[0];
wire byte_at_10 = tx_byte & HADDR[1] & (~HADDR[0]);
wire byte_at_11 = tx_byte & HADDR[1] & HADDR[0];
wire half_at_00 = tx_half & (~HADDR[1]);
wire half_at_10 = tx_half & HADDR[1];
wire word_at_00 = tx_word;
wire byte_sel_0 = word_at_00 | half_at_00 | byte_at_00;
wire byte_sel_1 = word_at_00 | half_at_00 | byte_at_01;
wire byte_sel_2 = word_at_00 | half_at_10 | byte_at_10;
wire byte_sel_3 = word_at_00 | half_at_10 | byte_at_11;
// Address phase byte lane strobe
wire [3:0] buf_we_nxt ={byte_sel_3 & ahb_write, byte_sel_2 & ahb_write,
byte_sel_1 & ahb_write,byte_sel_0 & ahb_write};
// buf_data_en is data phase write control
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_data_en <= 1'b0;
buf_data_en <= ahb_write;
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[3] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[31:24] <= HWDATA[31:24];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[2] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[23:16] <= HWDATA[23:16];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[1] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[15: 8] <= HWDATA[15: 8];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[0] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[ 7: 0] <= HWDATA[ 7: 0];
// buf_we keep the valid status of each byte (data phase)
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_we <= 4'b0000;
else if(ahb_write)
buf_we <= buf_we_nxt;
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_addr <= {(AW-2){1'b0}};
else if (ahb_write)
buf_addr <= HADDR[(AW-1):2];
// Buf_hit detection logic
wire buf_hit_nxt = (HADDR[AW-1:2] == buf_addr[AW-3:0]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Read data merge : This is for the case when there is a AHB
// write followed by AHB read to the same address. In this case
// the data is merged from the buffer as the RAM write to that
// address hasn't happened yet
// ----------------------------------------------------------
wire [ 3:0] merge1 = {4{buf_hit}} & buf_we; // data phase, buf_we indicates data is valid
assign HRDATA={merge1[3] ? buf_data[31:24] : SRAMRDATA[31:24],
merge1[2] ? buf_data[23:16] : SRAMRDATA[23:16],
merge1[1] ? buf_data[15: 8] : SRAMRDATA[15: 8],
merge1[0] ? buf_data[ 7: 0] : SRAMRDATA[ 7: 0]};
// Synchronous state update
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_hit <= 1'b0;
else if(ahb_read)
buf_hit <= buf_hit_nxt;
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_pend <= 1'b0;
buf_pend <= buf_pend_nxt;
// if there is an AHB write and valid data in the buffer, RAM write data
// comes from the buffer. otherwise comes from the HWDATA
assign SRAMWDATA = (buf_pend) ? buf_data : HWDATA[31:0];
assign HREADYOUT = 1'b1;
assign HRESP = 1'b0;
module AHBSRAM #(
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameter Declarations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
parameter AW = 14) // Address width
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Port Definitions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
input wire HCLK, // system bus clock
input wire HRESETn, // system bus reset
input wire HSEL, // AHB peripheral select
input wire HREADY, // AHB ready input
input wire [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transfer type
input wire [2:0] HSIZE, // AHB hsize
input wire HWRITE, // AHB hwrite
input wire [31:0] HADDR, // AHB address bus
input wire [31:0] HWDATA, // AHB write data bus
output wire HREADYOUT, // AHB ready output to S->M mux
output wire [1:0] HRESP, // AHB response
output wire [31:0] HRDATA, // AHB read data bus
input wire [31:0] SRAMRDATA, // SRAM Read Data
output wire [3:0] SRAMWEN, // SRAM write enable (active high)
output wire [31:0] SRAMWDATA, // SRAM write data
output wire SRAMCS0,
//output wire SRAMCS1,
//output wire SRAMCS2,
//output wire SRAMCS3,
output wire [AW:0] SRAMADDR // SRAM address
); // SRAM Chip Select (active high)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Internal state
// ----------------------------------------------------------
reg [(AW-3 - 0):0] buf_addr; // Write address buffer
reg [ 3:0] buf_we; // Write enable buffer (data phase)
reg buf_hit; // High when AHB read address
// matches buffered address
reg [31:0] buf_data; // AHB write bus buffered
reg buf_pend; // Buffer write data valid
reg buf_data_en; // Data buffer write enable (data phase)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Read/write control logic
// ----------------------------------------------------------
wire ahb_access = HTRANS[1] & HSEL & HREADY;
wire ahb_write = ahb_access & HWRITE;
wire ahb_read = ahb_access & (~HWRITE);
// Stored write data in pending state if new transfer is read
// buf_data_en indicate new write (data phase)
// ahb_read indicate new read (address phase)
// buf_pend is registered version of buf_pend_nxt
wire buf_pend_nxt = (buf_pend | buf_data_en) & ahb_read;
// RAM write happens when
// - write pending (buf_pend), or
// - new AHB write seen (buf_data_en) at data phase,
// - and not reading (address phase)
wire ram_write = (buf_pend | buf_data_en) & (~ahb_read); // ahb_write
// RAM WE is the buffered WE
assign SRAMWEN = {4{ram_write}} & buf_we[3:0];
// RAM address is the buffered address for RAM write otherwise HADDR
assign SRAMADDR = ahb_read ? HADDR[AW-1:2] : buf_addr;
// RAM chip select during read or write
wire SRAMCS_src;
assign SRAMCS_src = ahb_read | ram_write;
assign SRAMCS0 = SRAMCS_src; // & (~HADDR[AW + 3]) & (~HADDR[AW + 2]);
//assign SRAMCS1 = SRAMCS_src & (~HADDR[AW + 3]) & (HADDR[AW + 2]);
//assign SRAMCS2 = SRAMCS_src & (HADDR[AW + 3]) & (~HADDR[AW + 2]);
//assign SRAMCS3 = SRAMCS_src & (HADDR[AW + 3]) & (HADDR[AW + 2]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Byte lane decoder and next state logic
// ----------------------------------------------------------
wire tx_byte = (~HSIZE[1]) & (~HSIZE[0]);
wire tx_half = (~HSIZE[1]) & HSIZE[0];
wire tx_word = HSIZE[1];
wire byte_at_00 = tx_byte & (~HADDR[1]) & (~HADDR[0]);
wire byte_at_01 = tx_byte & (~HADDR[1]) & HADDR[0];
wire byte_at_10 = tx_byte & HADDR[1] & (~HADDR[0]);
wire byte_at_11 = tx_byte & HADDR[1] & HADDR[0];
wire half_at_00 = tx_half & (~HADDR[1]);
wire half_at_10 = tx_half & HADDR[1];
wire word_at_00 = tx_word;
wire byte_sel_0 = word_at_00 | half_at_00 | byte_at_00;
wire byte_sel_1 = word_at_00 | half_at_00 | byte_at_01;
wire byte_sel_2 = word_at_00 | half_at_10 | byte_at_10;
wire byte_sel_3 = word_at_00 | half_at_10 | byte_at_11;
// Address phase byte lane strobe
wire [3:0] buf_we_nxt = { byte_sel_3 & ahb_write,
byte_sel_2 & ahb_write,
byte_sel_1 & ahb_write,
byte_sel_0 & ahb_write };
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Write buffer
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// buf_data_en is data phase write control
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_data_en <= 1'b0;
buf_data_en <= ahb_write;
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[3] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[31:24] <= HWDATA[31:24];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[2] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[23:16] <= HWDATA[23:16];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[1] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[15: 8] <= HWDATA[15: 8];
always @(posedge HCLK)
if(buf_we[0] & buf_data_en)
buf_data[ 7: 0] <= HWDATA[ 7: 0];
// buf_we keep the valid status of each byte (data phase)
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_we <= 4'b0000;
else if(ahb_write)
buf_we <= buf_we_nxt;
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_addr <= {(AW-2){1'b0}};
else if (ahb_write)
buf_addr <= HADDR[(AW-1):2];
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Buf_hit detection logic
// ----------------------------------------------------------
wire buf_hit_nxt = (HADDR[AW-1:2] == buf_addr[AW-3 - 0:0]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Read data merge : This is for the case when there is a AHB
// write followed by AHB read to the same address. In this case
// the data is merged from the buffer as the RAM write to that
// address hasn't happened yet
// ----------------------------------------------------------
wire [ 3:0] merge1 = {4{buf_hit}} & buf_we; // data phase, buf_we indicates data is valid
assign HRDATA =
{ merge1[3] ? buf_data[31:24] : SRAMRDATA[31:24],
merge1[2] ? buf_data[23:16] : SRAMRDATA[23:16],
merge1[1] ? buf_data[15: 8] : SRAMRDATA[15: 8],
merge1[0] ? buf_data[ 7: 0] : SRAMRDATA[ 7: 0] };
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Synchronous state update
// ----------------------------------------------------------
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_hit <= 1'b0;
else if(ahb_read)
buf_hit <= buf_hit_nxt;
always @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn)
buf_pend <= 1'b0;
buf_pend <= buf_pend_nxt;
// if there is an AHB write and valid data in the buffer, RAM write data
// comes from the buffer. otherwise comes from the HWDATA
assign SRAMWDATA = (buf_pend) ? buf_data : HWDATA[31:0];
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Assign outputs
// ----------------------------------------------------------
assign HREADYOUT = 1'b1;
assign HRESP = 2'b0;