blob: e433647caf0bacec25c370eac4737d4c87b13c3c [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# sky130A.par --- Parameter file for GrayWolf
# NOTE: all distance units are in centimicrons unless otherwise stated
# WARNING: this is NOT tcl syntax! No Comments on end of actual data line.
# The vast majority of quantities here are not used (read instead from techLEF, etc.)
# values are resistance in ohms/sq and capacitance in fF/um^2
# TODO: properly pick directions
layer metal1 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
layer metal2 0.105 0.0001 vertical
layer metal3 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
layer metal4 0.105 0.0001 vertical
layer metal5 0.105 0.0001 horizontal
via via12 metal1 metal2
via via23 metal2 metal3
via via34 metal3 metal4
via via45 metal4 metal5
# 0.5 um
width metal1 50
width metal2 60
# 0.6 um
width metal3 60
width metal4 60
width metal5 60
# TODO verify these two numbers
width via12 50
width via23 50
width via34 50
width via45 50
# Set spacing = track pitch - width, so that GrayWolf places pins
# on the right pitch.
# Pitches are (in um):
# metal1 = 200, metal2 = 160, metal3 = 200, metal4 = 320
## pitch m1: 1.3um m2: 1.4um m3: 1.3um
## width m1: 0.5um m2: 0.6um m3: 0.6um
## space 0.8 0.8 0.7 (pitch calc)
## fab-space 0.45 0.5 0.6
spacing metal1 metal1 80
spacing metal2 metal2 80
spacing metal3 metal3 80
spacing metal4 metal4 80
spacing metal5 metal5 80
# (WAS:) Stacked vias allowed
# spacing via12 via23 0
# To disable Stacked?: give non-zero spacing (centimicrons = 10 nanometer = 1/100 of micron)
# TODO need real value here:
spacing via12 via23 0
spacing via23 via34 0
spacing via34 via45 0
# .2um .15um
overhang via12 metal1 20
overhang via12 metal2 15
overhang via23 metal2 20
overhang via23 metal3 15
overhang via34 metal3 14
overhang via34 metal4 16
overhang via45 metal4 14
overhang via45 metal5 16
*vertical_wire_weight : 1.0
*vertical_path_weight : 1.0
*padspacing : variable
*rowSep : 0.0 0
# min pitch of m1,m2,m3 (FIXME):
*track.pitch : 130
*graphics.wait : off
*last_chance.wait : off
*random.seed : 12345
# TODO: proper track.pitch number above, plus feedThruWidth below
TWMC*chip.aspect.ratio : 1.0
# FIXME: Change width to width of minimum fill cell
TWSC*feedThruWidth : 280 layer 1
TWSC* : on
TWSC*ignore_feeds : true
TWSC*call_row_evener : true
TWSC*even_rows_maximally : true
# TWSC* : on
GENR*row_to_tile_spacing: 1
# GENR*numrows : 6
GENR*flip_alternate_rows : 1