diff --git a/info.yaml b/info.yaml
index 65e82e8..31c26b4 100644
--- a/info.yaml
+++ b/info.yaml
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 # TinyTapeout project information
-  wokwi_id:    334445762078310996        # If using wokwi, set this to your project's ID
-#  source_files:        # If using an HDL, set wokwi_id as 0 and uncomment and list your source files here
-#    - verilog/rtl/counter.v
-#    - verilog/rtl/decoder.v
-#  top_module:  "seven_segment_seconds"      # put the name of your top module here, make it unique by prepending your github username
+  wokwi_id:    0        # If using wokwi, set this to your project's ID
+  source_files:        # If using an HDL, set wokwi_id as 0 and uncomment and list your source files here. Source files must be in ./src
+    - browndeer_rv8u.v
+    - des.v
+    - registers.v
+  top_module:  "browndeer_rv8u"      # put the name of your top module here, make it unique by prepending your github username
 # As everyone will have access to all designs, try to make it easy for someone new to your design to know what
 # it does and how to operate it.
@@ -14,33 +15,33 @@
 # This info will be automatically collected and used to make a datasheet for the chip.
-  author:       ""      # Your name
-  discord:      ""      # Your discord handle - make sure to include the # part as well
-  title:        ""      # Project title
-  description:  ""      # Short description of what your project does
-  how_it_works: ""      # Longer description of how the project works
-  how_to_test:  ""      # Instructions on how someone could test your project, include things like what buttons do what and how to set the clock if needed
+  author:       "David Richie"      # Your name
+  discord:      ""      # Your discord handle
+  title:        "RV8U - 8-bit RISC-V Microcore Processor"      # Project title
+  description:  "8-bit processor based on RISC-V ISA"      # Short description of what your project does
+  how_it_works: "Executes reduced RISC-V based ISA"      # Longer description of how the project works
+  how_to_test:  "Requires interfacing to external memory"      # Instructions on how someone could test your project, include things like what buttons do what and how to set the clock if needed
   external_hw:  ""      # Describe any external hardware needed
-  language:     "wokwi" # other examples include Verilog, Amaranth, VHDL, etc
+  language:     "verilog" # other examples include Verilog, Amaranth, VHDL, etc
   doc_link:     ""      # URL to longer form documentation, eg the README.md in your repository
-  clock_hz:     0       # Clock frequency in Hz (if required) we are expecting max clock frequency to be ~6khz. Provided on input 0.
+  clock_hz:     1000       # Clock frequency in Hz (if required)
   picture:      ""      # relative path to a picture in your repository
   inputs:               # a description of what the inputs do
     - clock
     - reset
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
-    - none
+    - serdes input bit 0
+    - serdes input bit 1
+    - serdes input bit 2
+    - serdes input bit 3
+    - serdes input bit 4
+    - serdes input bit 5
-    - segment a         # a description of what the outputs do
-    - segment b
-    - segment c
-    - segment d
-    - segment e
-    - segment f
-    - segment g
-    - none
+    - serdes output bit 0
+    - serdes output bit 1
+    - serdes output bit 2
+    - serdes output bit 3
+    - serdes output bit 4
+    - serdes output bit 5
+    - serdes output bit 6
+    - serdes output bit 7
diff --git a/src/browndeer_rv8u.v b/src/browndeer_rv8u.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cd5f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/browndeer_rv8u.v
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+/* browndeer_rv8u.v
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Brown Deer Technology, LLC. (www.browndeertechnology.com)
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *    https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* DAR */
+ * RV8U - 8-bit RISC-V Microcore Processor
+ *
+ * The rv8u (Barentsburg core) is a custom 8-bit RISC-V core supporting 
+ * 8-bit data operations with instructions encoded into 16-bit double-words.
+ * The core supports the full RISC-V base ISA with the following exceptions.
+ * Register file is reduced to 8 registers, with rs2 access limited to x0-x3.
+ * Additionally the auipc instruction was removed.  The non-standard ISA
+ * designation 'u' was chosen to mean 'microcore' since the core is very small.
+ * Programming is supported by a custom assembler we use for developing custom
+ * RISC-V cores.  A simple post-processor could be written for other assemblers
+ * to directly map instructions generated for the rv32i base ISA, if the
+ * assembly instrucitons comply with the reduced rv8u ISA limitations.
+ *
+ * Pin definitions:
+ * input 	in_clk			base serdes clock
+ * input		io_in[1]			reset
+ * input		io_in[7:2]		6-bit serdes input
+ * output	io_out[7:0]		8-bit serdes output
+ * 
+ */
+//module barentsburg_core(
+module browndeer_rv8u(
+//	input in_clk,
+//	input [7:1] io_in,
+	input [7:0] io_in, // ZZZ
+	output [7:0] io_out
+//	output [BITS-3:0] debug_pc,
+//	output [IBITS-1:0] debug_instr,
+//	output [3:0] debug_valid_out,
+//	input [RBITS-1:0] debug_reg_sel,
+//	output reg [BITS-1:0] debug_reg_dout
+	wire in_clk; // ZZZ
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Parameters //////////
+	////////////////////////////////
+	parameter BITS = 8;
+	parameter IBITS = 16;
+	parameter RBITS = 3;
+	parameter NREG = 8;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Declarations //////////
+	//////////////////////////////////
+	/// pipeline control
+	wire inval;
+	wire valid_out0;
+	wire valid_out1;
+	reg valid_out3;
+	/// flow control
+	reg [BITS-3:0] pc;
+	reg [BITS-3:0] pc_1;
+	reg [BITS-3:0] pc_2;
+	wire pc_jump;
+	reg [BITS-3:0] jump_addr;
+	/// instr
+	reg [IBITS-1:0] instr;
+	reg [IBITS-1:0] instr_2;
+	/// hazard
+	reg [NREG-1:0] ldr_hzd;
+	/// reg control
+	wire [RBITS-1:0] rd;
+	wire [RBITS-1:0] rs1;
+	wire [RBITS-1:0] rs2;
+	wire reg_we;
+	wire reg_we_arb;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] rd_din;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] nxt_rd_din;
+	reg [RBITS-1:0] rd_sel_arb;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] rs1_dout;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] rs2_dout;
+	reg [RBITS-1:0] rd_3;
+	/// imm operand
+	wire ri;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] imm;
+	/// reg dependency
+	wire use_rd_e1;
+	wire use_rd_e2;
+	wire use_rs1;
+	wire use_rs2;
+	/// IALU
+	reg [3:0] op;
+	wire [BITS-1:0] op_result;
+	wire cc_zero;
+	wire cc_neg;
+	wire cc_v;
+	/// ins_
+	wire reg_wen;
+	wire ins_br;
+	wire ins_jal;
+	wire ins_jalr;
+	wire ins_str;
+	wire ins_ldr;
+	wire ins_halt;
+	wire ins_lui;
+	reg ins_ldr_3;
+	reg ri_3;
+	/// bits alias probably not necessary
+	wire [2:0] funct3;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Declarations PIPELINE_STAGE_0_ILR //////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// pipeline control
+	reg nxt_valid0;
+	// flow control
+	reg [BITS-3:0] pc0;
+	reg [BITS-3:0] nxt_pc, nxt_pc0;
+	reg valid0;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/////////// Declarations PIPELINE STAGE 1 IL //////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	wire [IBITS-1:0] nxt_instr;
+	reg valid1;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Declarations PIPELINE STAGE 2 ID ///////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	wire en2;
+	reg [3:0] imm3210;
+	reg valid2;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Pipeline Stage 3 E1 Declarations ///////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	wire [BITS-1:0] arg0;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] arg1;
+	reg stall;
+	reg ben;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// Pipeline Stage 4 E2 Declarations ///////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	wire en4;
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// ISA Decoder Declarations //////////
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////
+	wire rv_itype, rv_stype, rv_btype;
+	wire rv_op, rv_op_imm;
+	///////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// IALU Declarations //////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////
+	wire [BITS-1:0] a_result_sub;
+	wire [BITS-1:0] a_result_srl;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] a_result;
+	reg [7:0] a_sx;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] a_sign_extend;
+	wire [4:0] a_shamt;
+	wire run;
+	wire run_not_stall;
+	assign run = (~ rst);
+	assign run_not_stall = run & (~ stall);
+   /////////////////////////
+   ////////// DES //////////
+   /////////////////////////
+   wire des_clk_out;
+   wire [5:0] des_sin;
+   wire [7:0] des_sout;
+   wire [31:0] des_din;
+   wire [23:0] des_dout;
+   //////////////////////////
+   ////////// core //////////
+   //////////////////////////
+   wire clk;
+   wire rst;
+   reg halt;
+   wire [BITS-3:0] imem_addr;
+   wire [IBITS-1:0] imem_dout;
+   wire [BITS-1:0] dmem_addr;
+   wire [BITS-1:0] dmem_din;
+   wire [BITS-1:0] dmem_dout;
+   wire dmem_we;
+   wire dmem_en;
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////   DES   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	des des(
+   	.in_clk (in_clk),
+   	.rst (rst),
+   	.des_sin (des_sin),
+   	.des_sout (des_sout),
+   	.des_din (des_din),
+   	.des_dout (des_dout),
+   	.des_clk_out (des_clk_out)
+	);
+   assign in_clk = io_in[0]; // ZZZ
+   assign rst = io_in[1];
+   assign des_sin = io_in[7:2];
+   assign io_out = des_sout;
+   assign clk = des_clk_out;
+   assign imem_dout[15:0] = des_dout[15:0];
+   assign dmem_dout = des_dout[23:16];
+   assign des_din[5:0] = imem_addr;
+   assign des_din[13:6] = dmem_addr;
+   assign des_din[21:14] = dmem_din;
+   assign des_din[22] = dmem_we;
+   assign des_din[23] = dmem_en;
+   assign des_din[24] = halt;
+	assign des_din[31:25] = 7'd0;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////   PIPELINE STAGE 0 (ILR)   /////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/// pipeline control ///
+	assign valid_out0 = valid0 & ~ inval;
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			valid0 <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run) begin
+			if (stall) 
+				valid0 <= valid_out0;
+			else
+				valid0 <= 1;
+		end
+		else begin
+			valid0 <= valid_out0;
+		end
+	end
+	/// flow control ///
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (pc_jump) begin
+			nxt_pc0 = jump_addr;
+			nxt_pc = jump_addr + 1;
+		end
+		else if (stall) begin
+			nxt_pc0 = pc0;
+			nxt_pc = pc;
+		end
+		else begin
+			nxt_pc0 = pc;
+			nxt_pc = pc + 1;
+		end
+	end
+	assign imem_addr = nxt_pc0;
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			pc0 <= 0;
+			pc <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run) begin
+			pc0 <= nxt_pc0;
+			pc <= nxt_pc;
+		end
+		else begin
+			pc0 <= pc0;
+			pc <= pc;
+		end
+	end
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////   PIPELINE STAGE 1 (IL)   //////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/// pipeline control ///
+	assign valid_out1 = valid1 & ~ inval;
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			valid1 <= 0;
+			pc_1 <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run_not_stall) begin
+			valid1 <= valid_out0;
+			pc_1 <= pc;
+		end
+		else begin
+			valid1 <= valid_out1;
+			pc_1 <= pc_1;
+		end
+	end
+	/// generate instruction ///
+	assign nxt_instr = imem_dout[IBITS-1:0];
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) 
+			instr <= 0;
+		else if (run_not_stall & valid_out0) 
+			instr <= nxt_instr;
+		else 
+			instr <= instr;
+	end
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////   PIPELINE STAGE 2 (ID)   //////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/// pipeline control ///
+	assign en2 = valid_out1;
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			valid2 <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run_not_stall) begin
+			valid2 <= valid_out1;
+		end
+		else begin
+			valid2 <= valid2;
+		end
+	end
+	/// pc, instr data flow
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			pc_2 <= 0;
+			instr_2 <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run_not_stall) begin
+			pc_2 <= pc_1;
+         if (valid_out1)
+            instr_2 <= instr;
+         else
+            instr_2 <= 16'hffff;
+		end
+		else begin
+			pc_2 <= pc_2;
+			instr_2 <= instr_2;
+		end
+	end
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////   PIPELINE STAGE 3 (E1)   //////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst)
+			valid_out3 <= 0;
+		else if (run_not_stall)
+			valid_out3 <= valid2;
+		else if (run & en4)
+			valid_out3 <= 0;
+		else
+			valid_out3 <= valid_out3;
+	end
+	assign rd = instr_2[5:3];
+	assign funct3 = instr_2[8:6];
+	assign rs1 = instr_2[11:9];
+	assign rs2[1:0] = instr_2[13:12];
+	assign rs2[2] = 0;
+	assign ins_lui	 		= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b111);
+	assign ins_jal		 	= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b110);
+	assign ins_jalr	 	= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b100);
+	assign rv_op_imm 		= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b001);
+	assign rv_op	 		= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b011);
+	assign ins_br	 		= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b010);
+	assign ins_ldr 		= ((instr_2[2:0] == 3'b000) & (~ funct3[2]));
+	assign ins_str 		= ((instr_2[2:0] == 3'b000) & funct3[2]);
+	assign use_rd_e1 = reg_wen | ins_jal | ins_jalr | ins_lui;
+	assign use_rd_e2 = (~ funct3[2]) & ins_ldr;
+	assign use_rs1 = ins_ldr | reg_wen | ins_jalr | ins_br | ins_str;
+	assign use_rs2 = (reg_wen & ~ ri_3) | ins_br | ins_str;
+	assign ins_halt 		= (instr_2[2:0] == 3'b000) & (funct3 == 3'b000);
+	assign rv_itype = ins_ldr | rv_op_imm | ins_jalr;
+	assign rv_stype = ins_str;
+	assign rv_btype = ins_br;
+	assign ri = rv_itype | rv_stype;
+	assign reg_wen = rv_op | rv_op_imm;
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (ins_str | ins_ldr | ins_br)
+			op[2:0] = 3'b000;
+		else 
+			op[2:0] = funct3;
+		op[3] = ins_br | ((rv_op | ( rv_op_imm & funct3[2])) & instr_2[15]);
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (rv_itype)
+			imm3210 = { instr_2[15:12] };
+		else
+			imm3210 = { instr_2[14], instr_2[5:3] };
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (rv_itype|rv_btype|rv_stype)
+			imm = { instr_2[15], instr_2[15], instr_2[15], instr_2[15], imm3210 };
+		else
+			imm = instr_2[13:6];
+	end
+	assign reg_we = valid2
+		& (reg_wen|ins_jal|ins_jalr|ins_lui) & (~ stall);
+	assign dmem_we = valid2 & ins_str & (~ stall);
+	assign arg0 = rs1_dout;
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (ri) begin
+			arg1 = imm[BITS-1:0];
+		end
+		else
+			arg1 = rs2_dout;
+	end
+	/// IALU ///
+	assign a_shamt = arg1[4:0];
+	assign a_result_sub = arg0 - arg1;
+	assign a_result_srl = arg0 >> a_shamt;
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		case (arg1[2:0])
+			3'b000: a_sx = 8'b00000000;
+			3'b001: a_sx = 8'b10000000;
+			3'b010: a_sx = 8'b11000000;
+			3'b011: a_sx = 8'b11100000;
+			3'b100: a_sx = 8'b11110000;
+			3'b101: a_sx = 8'b11111000;
+			3'b110: a_sx = 8'b11111100;
+			3'b111: a_sx = 8'b11111110;
+		endcase
+		if (arg0[BITS-1])
+			a_sign_extend = a_sx;
+		else
+			a_sign_extend = 8'd0;
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		case (op[2:0])
+			3'b000: begin
+				if (op[3]) 
+					a_result = a_result_sub;
+				else
+					a_result = arg0 + arg1;
+			end
+			3'b001: begin
+				a_result = arg0 << a_shamt; // sll
+			end
+			3'b010: begin
+				a_result = { 7'd0, cc_neg }; // slt
+			end
+			3'b011: begin
+				a_result = { 7'd0, cc_v}; // sltu
+			end
+			3'b100: begin
+				a_result = arg0 ^ arg1; // xor
+			end
+			3'b101: begin
+				if (op[3])
+					a_result = a_sign_extend | a_result_srl; // sra
+				else
+					a_result = a_result_srl; // srl
+			end
+			3'b110: begin
+				a_result = arg0 | arg1;
+			end
+			3'b111: begin
+				a_result = arg0 & arg1;
+			end
+		endcase
+	end
+	assign cc_neg = a_result_sub[BITS-1];
+	assign cc_zero = (a_result_sub == 0);
+	assign cc_v = ( cc_neg & ~(arg0[BITS-1] ^ arg1[BITS-1])) 
+		| ((~arg0[BITS-1]) & arg1[BITS-1] );
+	assign op_result = a_result;
+	assign dmem_addr = op_result[BITS-1:0];
+	assign dmem_din[BITS-1:0] = rs2_dout;
+	assign dmem_en = (ins_str | ins_ldr) & valid2 & (~ stall);
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (ins_lui)
+			rd_din = { imm[4:0], 3'd0 };
+		else if (ins_jal|ins_jalr) 
+			rd_din = { 2'b00, pc_2 };
+		else
+			rd_din = op_result;
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		case(funct3) 
+			3'b000 : ben = cc_zero;	// eq
+			3'b001 : ben = (~cc_zero); // ne
+			3'b010 : ben = 0;
+			3'b011 : ben = 0;
+			3'b100 : ben = cc_neg; // lt
+			3'b101 : ben = (cc_zero | (~cc_neg)); // ge
+			3'b110 : ben = cc_v; // ltu
+			3'b111 : ben = (cc_zero | (~cc_v)); // geu
+		endcase
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if (ins_jalr)
+			jump_addr = op_result[BITS-3:0];
+		else
+			jump_addr = pc_2 + { imm[BITS-3:0] };
+	end
+	assign pc_jump = valid2 & ((ben & ins_br) | ins_jal | ins_jalr);
+	assign inval = pc_jump & (~ stall);
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			halt <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run_not_stall & valid2) begin
+			halt <= ins_halt;
+		end
+		else begin
+			halt <= halt;
+		end
+	end
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			ins_ldr_3 <= 0;
+			rd_3 <= 0;
+			ri_3 <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run_not_stall) begin
+			ins_ldr_3 <= ins_ldr;
+			rd_3 <= rd;
+			ri_3 <= ri;
+		end
+		else begin
+			ins_ldr_3 <= ins_ldr_3;
+			rd_3 <= rd_3;
+			ri_3 <= ri_3;
+		end
+	end
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		if ( ldr_hzd == 'd0 )
+			stall = 0;
+		else if ( (use_rs1 & ldr_hzd[rs1]) | (use_rs2 & ldr_hzd[rs2])) // RAW HZD
+			stall = 1;
+		else if ( (use_rd_e2 & ldr_hzd[rd]) | (use_rd_e1) ) // WAW conflict
+			stall = 1;
+		else 
+			stall = 0;
+	end
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//////////   PIPELINE STAGE 4 (E2)   //////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  	assign en4 = valid_out3 & (ins_ldr_3 );
+   always @ (*)
+   begin
+      if (en4 & ins_ldr_3) begin
+         rd_sel_arb = rd_3;
+      end
+      else begin
+         rd_sel_arb = rd;
+      end
+   end
+	assign reg_we_arb = reg_we | (en4 & ins_ldr_3);
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	////////// REGISTERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/// write register
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+      	if (en4 & ins_ldr_3) begin
+    	     nxt_rd_din = dmem_dout[BITS-1:0];
+    	  end
+    	  else begin
+    	     nxt_rd_din = rd_din;
+    	  end
+	end
+	registers registers(
+   	.clk (clk),
+   	.run (run),
+   	.we (reg_we_arb),
+   	.rd (rd_sel_arb),
+   	.rs1 (rs1),
+   	.rs2 (rs2),
+   	.rd_din (nxt_rd_din),
+   	.rs1_dout (rs1_dout),
+   	.rs2_dout (rs2_dout)
+//   	.debug_reg_sel (debug_reg_sel),
+//   	.debug_reg_dout (debug_reg_dout)
+	);
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	/////////////////////////////
+	////////   Hazard   ////////
+	/////////////////////////////
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (rst) begin
+			ldr_hzd <= 0;
+		end
+		else if (run)
+			if (( ~(rd==0)) & (ins_ldr )  & ~ stall) begin
+				ldr_hzd <= ('d1 << rd);
+			end
+			else begin
+				ldr_hzd <= 0;
+			end
+		else begin
+			ldr_hzd <= ldr_hzd;
+		end
+	end
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	///////////////////////////
+	////////   DEBUG   ////////
+	///////////////////////////
+//	assign debug_pc = pc_2;
+//	assign debug_instr[15:0] = instr_2;
+//	assign debug_valid_out = { valid_out0, valid_out1, valid2, valid_out3 };
diff --git a/src/des.v b/src/des.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ca4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/des.v
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* des.v
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Brown Deer Technology, LLC. (www.browndeertechnology.com)
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *    https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* DAR */
+module des(
+	input in_clk,
+	input rst,
+   input [5:0] des_sin,
+   output reg [7:0] des_sout,
+   input [31:0] des_din,
+   output reg [23:0] des_dout,
+	output reg des_clk_out
+   reg [2:0] des_counter;
+   always @ (posedge in_clk, posedge rst)
+   begin
+      if (rst) 
+         des_counter <= 3'b111;
+      else if (des_counter == 3'b111) 
+         des_counter <= 3'b000;
+      else 
+         des_counter <= des_counter + 1;
+   end
+   always @ (posedge(in_clk), posedge(rst))
+   begin
+      if (rst == 1'b1)
+         des_clk_out <= 0;
+      else if (des_counter[1:0] == 2'b11)
+         des_clk_out <= ~ des_clk_out;
+      else
+         des_clk_out <= des_clk_out;
+   end
+   always @ (posedge in_clk)
+   begin
+      case (des_counter)
+         3'b000: des_dout[5:0] <= des_sin;
+         3'b001: des_dout[11:6] <= des_sin;
+         3'b010: des_dout[17:12] <= des_sin;
+         3'b011: des_dout[23:18] <= des_sin;
+         3'b100: begin end
+         3'b101: begin end
+         3'b110: begin end
+         3'b111: begin end
+      endcase
+   end
+   always @ (*)
+   begin
+      case (des_counter[1:0])
+         2'b00: des_sout = des_din[7:0];
+         2'b01: des_sout = des_din[15:8];
+         2'b10: des_sout = des_din[23:16];
+         2'b11: des_sout = des_din[31:24];
+      endcase
+   end
diff --git a/src/registers.v b/src/registers.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb6a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/registers.v
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* registers.v
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Brown Deer Technology, LLC. (www.browndeertechnology.com)
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *    https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* DAR */
+module registers(
+	input clk,
+	input run,
+	input we,
+	input [RBITS-1:0] rd,
+	input [RBITS-1:0] rs1,
+	input [RBITS-1:0] rs2,
+	input [BITS-1:0] rd_din,
+	output reg [BITS-1:0] rs1_dout,
+	output reg [BITS-1:0] rs2_dout
+//	input [RBITS-1:0] debug_reg_sel,
+//	output reg [BITS-1:0] debug_reg_dout
+	parameter BITS = 8;
+	parameter RBITS = 3;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r1;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r2;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r3;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r4;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r5;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r6;
+	reg [BITS-1:0] r7;
+	always @ (posedge clk)
+	begin
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b001)) 
+    	  r1 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r1 <= r1;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b010)) 
+    	  r2 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r2 <= r2;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b011)) 
+    	  r3 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r3 <= r3;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b100)) 
+    	  r4 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r4 <= r4;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b101)) 
+    	  r5 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r5 <= r5;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b110)) 
+    	  r6 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r6 <= r6;
+		if (run & we & (rd==3'b111)) 
+    	  r7 <= rd_din;
+		else 
+			r7 <= r7;
+	end
+	/// read register
+	always @ (*)
+	begin
+		case (rs2[1:0])
+			2'b00: rs2_dout = 'd0;
+			2'b01: rs2_dout = r1;
+			2'b10: rs2_dout = r2;
+			2'b11: rs2_dout = r3;
+		endcase
+		case (rs1)
+			3'b000: rs1_dout = 'd0;
+			3'b001: rs1_dout = r1;
+			3'b010: rs1_dout = r2;
+			3'b011: rs1_dout = r3;
+			3'b100: rs1_dout = r4;
+			3'b101: rs1_dout = r5;
+			3'b110: rs1_dout = r6;
+			3'b111: rs1_dout = r7;
+		endcase
+	end
+//	always @ (*)
+//	begin
+//		debug_reg_dout = r[debug_reg_sel];
+//	end