Delete verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter directory
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/cntr_example.v b/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/cntr_example.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a3cfdeb..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/cntr_example.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents,
-// maskwork rights, copyrights and other intellectual property laws.
-// This reference design file, and your use thereof, is subject to and governed
-// by the terms and conditions of the applicable Altera Reference Design
-// License Agreement (either as signed by you or found at By
-// using this reference design file, you indicate your acceptance of such terms
-// and conditions between you and Altera Corporation. In the event that you do
-// not agree with such terms and conditions, you may not use the reference
-// design file and please promptly destroy any copies you have made.
-// This reference design file is being provided on an "as-is" basis and as an
-// accommodation and therefore all warranties, representations or guarantees of
-// any kind (whether express, implied or statutory) including, without
-// limitation, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for
-// a particular purpose, are specifically disclaimed. By making this reference
-// design file available, Altera expressly does not recommend, suggest or
-// require that this reference design file be used in combination with any
-// other product not provided by Altera.
-// baeckler - 06-16-2006
-// Modified by Jun (Jerry) Yin - 12-01-2022
-// Standard issue binary counter with all of the register secondary
-// hardware. (1 cell per bit)
-module cntr_example #(
- parameter BITS = 20
- inout vdd, // User area 1 1.8V supply
- inout vss, // User area 1 digital ground
- // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
- input wire wb_clk_i,
- input wire wb_rst_i,
- //input wire wbs_stb_i,
- //input wire wbs_cyc_i,
- //input wire wbs_we_i,
- //input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
- //input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
- //input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
- //output wbs_ack_o,
- //output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
- // Logic Analyzer Signals
- //input [63:0] la_data_in,
- //output [63:0] la_data_out,
- //input [63:0] la_oenb,
- // IOs
- //input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
- output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
- //output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
- // IRQ
- //output [2:0] irq
- wire clk;
- wire rst;
- //wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
- //wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
- //wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
- //wire [31:0] rdata;
- //wire [31:0] wdata;
- //wire [BITS-1:0] count;
- //wire valid;
- //wire [3:0] wstrb;
- //wire [31:0] la_write;
- // WB MI A
- //assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i;
- //assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
- //assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
- //assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
- // IO
- //assign io_out = count;
- //assign io_oeb = {(`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1){rst}};
- // IRQ
- //assign irq = 3'b000; // Unused
- // LA
- //assign la_data_out = {{(127-BITS){1'b0}}, count};
- // Assuming LA probes [63:32] are for controlling the count register
- //assign la_write = ~la_oenb[63:32] & ~{BITS{valid}};
- // Assuming LA probes [65:64] are for controlling the count clk & reset
- //assign clk = (~la_oenb[64]) ? la_data_in[64]: wb_clk_i;
- //assign rst = (~la_oenb[65]) ? la_data_in[65]: wb_rst_i;
- assign clk = wb_clk_i;
- assign rst = wb_rst_i;
- cntr_1 #(
- ) cntr_1(
- .clk(clk),
- .rstn(rst),
- .out1(io_out[BITS-17:0])
- );
- cntr_2 #(
- ) cntr_2(
- .clk(clk),
- .rstn(rst),
- .out2(io_out[BITS-13:BITS-16])
- );
- cntr_3 #(
- ) cntr_3(
- .clk(clk),
- .rstn(rst),
- .out3(io_out[BITS-9:BITS-12])
- );
- cntr_4 #(
- ) cntr_4(
- .clk(clk),
- .rstn(rst),
- .out4(io_out[BITS-5:BITS-8])
- );
- cntr_5 #(
- ) cntr_5(
- .clk(clk),
- .rstn(rst),
- .out5(io_out[BITS-1:BITS-4])
- );
- // cntr_6 #(
- // .BITS(BITS)
- // ) cntr_6(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rstn(rst),
- // .out6(io_out[BITS-13:BITS-16])
- // );
- // cntr_7 #(
- // .BITS(BITS)
- // ) cntr_7(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rstn(rst),
- // .out7(io_out[BITS-9:BITS-6])
- // );
- // cntr_8 #(
- // .BITS(BITS)
- // ) cntr_8(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rstn(rst),
- // .out8(io_out[BITS-5:BITS-8])
- // );
- // cntr_9 #(
- // .BITS(BITS)
- // ) cntr_9(
- // .clk(clk),
- // .rstn(rst),
- // .out9(io_out[BITS-1:BITS-4])
- // );
-module cntr_1 #(
- parameter BITS=4
- input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
- input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
- output reg[BITS-1:0] out1 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
- // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
- // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
- // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- if (! rstn)
- out1 <= 0;
- else
- out1 <= out1 + 1;
- end
-module cntr_2 #(
- parameter BITS=4
- input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
- input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
- output reg[BITS-1:0] out2 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
- // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
- // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
- // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- if (! rstn)
- out2 <= 0;
- else
- out2 <= out2 + 1;
- end
-module cntr_3 #(
- parameter BITS=4
- input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
- input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
- output reg[BITS-1:0] out3 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
- // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
- // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
- // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- if (! rstn)
- out3 <= 0;
- else
- out3 <= out3 + 1;
- end
-module cntr_4 #(
- parameter BITS=4
- input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
- input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
- output reg[BITS-1:0] out4 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
- // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
- // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
- // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- if (! rstn)
- out4 <= 0;
- else
- out4 <= out4 + 1;
- end
-module cntr_5 #(
- parameter BITS=4
- input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
- input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
- output reg[BITS-1:0] out5 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
- // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
- // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
- // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
- always @ (posedge clk) begin
- if (! rstn)
- out5 <= 0;
- else
- out5 <= out5 + 1;
- end
-// module cntr_6 #(
-// parameter BITS=4
-// )(
-// input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
-// input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
-// output reg[BITS-1:0] out6 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
-// );
-// // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
-// // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
-// // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
-// always @ (posedge clk) begin
-// if (! rstn)
-// out6 <= 0;
-// else
-// out6 <= out6 + 1;
-// end
-// endmodule
-// module cntr_7 #(
-// parameter BITS=4
-// )(
-// input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
-// input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
-// output reg[BITS-1:0] out7 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
-// );
-// // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
-// // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
-// // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
-// always @ (posedge clk) begin
-// if (! rstn)
-// out7 <= 0;
-// else
-// out7 <= out7 + 1;
-// end
-// endmodule
-// module cntr_8 #(
-// parameter BITS=4
-// )(
-// input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
-// input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
-// output reg[BITS-1:0] out8 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
-// );
-// // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
-// // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
-// // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
-// always @ (posedge clk) begin
-// if (! rstn)
-// out8 <= 0;
-// else
-// out8 <= out8 + 1;
-// end
-// endmodule
-// module cntr_9 #(
-// parameter BITS=4
-// )(
-// input clk, // Declare input port for the clock to allow counter to count up
-// input rstn, // Declare input port for the reset to allow the counter to be reset to 0 when required
-// output reg[BITS-1:0] out9 // Declare 4-bit output port to get the counter values
-// );
-// // This always block will be triggered at the rising edge of clk (0->1)
-// // Once inside this block, it checks if the reset is 0, then change out to zero
-// // If reset is 1, then the design should be allowed to count up, so increment the counter
-// always @ (posedge clk) begin
-// if (! rstn)
-// out9 <= 0;
-// else
-// out9 <= out9 + 1;
-// end
-// endmodule
-`default_nettype wire
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/user_project_wrapper.v b/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/user_project_wrapper.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0874e09..0000000
--- a/verilog/rtl/five_2bit_up_counter/user_project_wrapper.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-`default_nettype none
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * user_project_wrapper
- *
- * This wrapper enumerates all of the pins available to the
- * user for the user project.
- *
- * An example user project is provided in this wrapper. The
- * example should be removed and replaced with the actual
- * user project.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-module user_project_wrapper #(
- parameter BITS = 20
- inout vdd, // User area 5.0V supply
- inout vss, // User area ground
- // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
- input wb_clk_i,
- input wb_rst_i,
- input wbs_stb_i,
- input wbs_cyc_i,
- input wbs_we_i,
- input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
- input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
- input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
- output wbs_ack_o,
- output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
- // Logic Analyzer Signals
- input [63:0] la_data_in,
- output [63:0] la_data_out,
- input [63:0] la_oenb,
- // IOs
- input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in,
- output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out,
- output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb,
- // Independent clock (on independent integer divider)
- input user_clock2,
- // User maskable interrupt signals
- output [2:0] user_irq
-/* User project is instantiated here */
-/*user_proj_example mprj (
- .vdd(vdd), // User area 1 1.8V power
- .vss(vss), // User area 1 digital ground
- .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
- .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
- // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
- .wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
- .wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
- .wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
- .wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
- .wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
- .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
- .wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
- .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
- // Logic Analyzer
- .la_data_in(la_data_in),
- .la_data_out(la_data_out),
- .la_oenb (la_oenb),
- // IO Pads
- .io_in (io_in),
- .io_out(io_out),
- .io_oeb(io_oeb),
- // IRQ
- .irq(user_irq)
-); */
-cntr_example cntr_example_1 (
- .vdd(vdd), // User area 1 1.8V power
- .vss(vss), // User area 1 digital ground
- .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),
- .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),
- // MGMT SoC Wishbone Slave
- //.wbs_cyc_i(wbs_cyc_i),
- //.wbs_stb_i(wbs_stb_i),
- //.wbs_we_i(wbs_we_i),
- //.wbs_sel_i(wbs_sel_i),
- //.wbs_adr_i(wbs_adr_i),
- //.wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i),
- //.wbs_ack_o(wbs_ack_o),
- //.wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o),
- // Logic Analyzer
- //.la_data_in(la_data_in),
- //.la_data_out(la_data_out),
- //.la_oenb (la_oenb),
- // IO Pads
- //.io_in (io_in[3:0]),
- .io_out(io_out[8:0])
- //.io_oeb(io_oeb),
- // IRQ
- //.irq(user_irq)
-endmodule // user_project_wrapper
-`default_nettype wire