blob: 01ad0c46639b59bd2bfb4521c4e406c501150393 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 RIOSLab
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module new_alu(
input clk,
input rstn,
input stall,
input flush,
input [XLEN - 1:0] alu_input_a,
input [XLEN - 1:0] alu_input_b,
input [XLEN - 1:0] cmp_input_a,
input [XLEN - 1:0] cmp_input_b,
input half,
input [2:0] alu_function_select, //alu_function_out要
input function_modifier,
input [2:0] cmp_function_select,
input valid_i,
input [PHY_REG_ADDR_WIDTH - 1 : 0] rd_addr_i,
input [ROB_INDEX_WIDTH - 1:0] rob_index_i,
input jump_i,
input branch_i,
input [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1 : 0] pc_i,
input [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] next_pc_i,
output reg jump_o,
output reg branch_o,
output reg [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] pc_o,
output reg [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] next_pc_o,
// csr
input is_csr_i,
input [CSR_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] csr_address_i,
input [XLEN - 1 : 0] csr_data_i,
input csr_read_i,
input csr_write_i,
input csr_readable_i,
input csr_writeable_i,
output reg csr_valid_o,
output reg csr_read_o,
output reg csr_write_o,
output reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] csr_data_o,
output reg [CSR_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] csr_address_o,
// exception
output reg exception_valid_o,
output reg [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH - 1 : 0] ecause_o,
// 1st cycle output
// output [XLEN - 1:0] add_result,
output ready_o,
output reg done_o,
output reg [PHY_REG_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr_o,
output reg [ROB_INDEX_WIDTH - 1:0] rob_index_o,
// 2nd cycle output
output reg [XLEN - 1:0] alu_result,
output reg cmp_result
assign ready_o = ~stall;
reg quasi_result;
reg negate;
reg usign;
reg less;
reg is_equal;
reg is_less;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_add_sub_half_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_add_sub_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_sll_half_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_sll_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_slt_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_xor_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_srl_sra_half_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_srl_sra_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_and_clr_w;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] alu_result_or_w;
reg branch_w;
reg jump_w;
reg valid_w;
reg csr_exception_w;
reg exception_valid_w;
reg cmp_result_w;
reg [64:0] tmp_shifted;
reg [32:0] tmp_shiftedw;
reg [XLEN - 1 : 0] sllw_w;
reg [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH - 1 : 0] exception_code_w;
// reg csr_exception;
always @(*) begin
//control logic wire
valid_w = !flush & valid_i;
csr_exception_w = is_csr_i & ((csr_read_i & ~csr_readable_i) || (csr_write_i & ~csr_writeable_i));
exception_valid_w = csr_exception_w & valid_w;
exception_code_w = csr_exception_w ? 2 : 0;
jump_w = jump_i & valid_i;
branch_w = branch_i & valid_i;
//cmp result(wire)
less = cmp_function_select[2];
usign = cmp_function_select[1];
negate = cmp_function_select[0];
is_equal = (cmp_input_a == cmp_input_b);
is_less = ($signed({usign ? 1'b0 : cmp_input_a[63], cmp_input_a}) < $signed({usign ? 1'b0 : cmp_input_b[63], cmp_input_b}));
quasi_result = less ? is_less : is_equal;
cmp_result_w = negate ? !quasi_result : quasi_result;
//alu result(wire)
alu_result_add_sub_w = alu_input_a + (function_modifier ? -alu_input_b : alu_input_b);
alu_result_add_sub_half_w = {{32{alu_result_add_sub_w[31]}}, alu_result_add_sub_w[31:0]}; //64 modified
alu_result_sll_w = alu_input_a << alu_input_b[5:0];
sllw_w = alu_input_a << alu_input_b[4:0];
alu_result_sll_half_w = {{32{sllw_w[31]}}, sllw_w[31:0]};
alu_result_slt_w = {
$signed({alu_function_select[0] ? 1'b0 : alu_input_a[63], alu_input_a})
< $signed({alu_function_select[0] ? 1'b0 : alu_input_b[63], alu_input_b})
tmp_shifted = ($signed({function_modifier ? alu_input_a[63] : 1'b0, alu_input_a}) >>> alu_input_b[5:0]);
tmp_shiftedw = ($signed({function_modifier ? alu_input_a[31] : 1'b0, alu_input_a[31:0]}) >>> alu_input_b[4:0]);
alu_result_srl_sra_w = tmp_shifted[63:0];
alu_result_srl_sra_half_w = {{32{tmp_shiftedw[31]}}, tmp_shiftedw[31:0]};
alu_result_xor_w = alu_input_a ^ alu_input_b;
alu_result_or_w = alu_input_a | alu_input_b;
alu_result_and_clr_w = (function_modifier ? ~alu_input_a : alu_input_a) & alu_input_b;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rstn | flush) begin
jump_o <= '0;
branch_o <= '0;
pc_o <= '0;
next_pc_o <= '0;
csr_valid_o <= '0;
csr_read_o <= '0;
csr_write_o <= '0;
csr_data_o <= '0;
csr_address_o <= '0;
exception_valid_o <= '0;
ecause_o <= '0;
done_o <= '0;
rd_addr_o <= '0;
rob_index_o <= '0;
alu_result <= '0;
cmp_result <= '0;
else if (!stall) begin
done_o <= valid_w;
rd_addr_o <= rd_addr_i;
jump_o <= jump_w;
branch_o <= branch_w;
pc_o <= pc_i;
next_pc_o <= next_pc_i;
csr_valid_o <= is_csr_i & valid_i;;
csr_read_o <= csr_read_i;
csr_write_o <= csr_write_i;
csr_data_o <= csr_data_i;
csr_address_o <= csr_address_i;
exception_valid_o <= exception_valid_w;
ecause_o <= exception_code_w;
rob_index_o <= rob_index_i;
case (alu_function_select)
ALU_ADD_SUB: if(half) begin
alu_result <= alu_result_add_sub_half_w; //64 modified
end else begin
alu_result <= alu_result_add_sub_w;
ALU_SLL: if(half) begin
alu_result <= alu_result_sll_half_w;
end else begin
alu_result <= alu_result_sll_w;
ALU_SLTU: alu_result <= alu_result_slt_w;
ALU_XOR: alu_result <= alu_result_xor_w;
ALU_SRL_SRA: if( half) begin
alu_result <= alu_result_srl_sra_half_w;
end else begin
alu_result <= alu_result_srl_sra_w;
ALU_OR: alu_result <= alu_result_or_w;
ALU_AND_CLR: alu_result <= alu_result_and_clr_w;
cmp_result <= cmp_result_w;