blob: 9d16bff065957a8ebc014ee260de0f1523f7e575 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 RIOSLab
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include "params.vh"
module core_empty #(
parameter XLEN = 64,
parameter VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN = 32,
) (
inout vdd, // User area 1 1.8V supply
inout vss,
input clk,
input reset,
// others ports
output others_wb_cyc_o,
output others_wb_stb_o,
output others_wb_we_o,
output [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN - 1 : 0] others_wb_adr_o,
output [WB_DATA_LEN-1:0] others_wb_dat_o,
output [WB_DATA_LEN/8-1:0] others_wb_sel_o,
input others_wb_ack_i,
input [WB_DATA_LEN -1:0] others_wb_dat_i,
// Dcache interface
output dcache_req_valid_o,
output dcache_opcode,
output [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] dcache_req_addr,
output [2:0] dcache_type_o, //4*2(s/u)
output [XLEN-1:0] dcache_st_data_o,
output dcache_resp_ready_o,
input dcache2back_resp_valid_i,
output [LSU_LSQ_SIZE_WIDTH - 1: 0] back2dcache_lsq_index_o,
input [XLEN-1:0] dcache2back_resp_data_i,
input dcache_req_ready_i,
input [LSU_LSQ_SIZE_WIDTH - 1: 0] dcache2back_rob_index_i,
// Icache interface
output icache_req_valid_o,
input icache_req_ready_i,
output [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] icache_req_addr,
output icache_resp_ready_o,
input icache_resp_valid_i,
input [31:0] icache_resp_address_i,
input [31:0] insn_i,
// CSR interupt controller
input meip
wire [LSU_LSQ_SIZE_WIDTH - 1:0] back2dcache_lsq_index;
assign back2dcache_lsq_index_o = back2dcache_lsq_index;
wire back2dcache_req_valid;
assign dcache_req_valid_o = back2dcache_req_valid;
wire back2dcache_req_opcode;
assign dcache_opcode = back2dcache_req_opcode;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2dcache_req_addr;
assign dcache_req_addr = back2dcache_req_addr;
wire [1:0] back2dcache_req_size;
wire back2dcache_req_sign;
assign dcache_type_o = {back2dcache_req_sign, back2dcache_req_size};
wire [XLEN-1:0] back2dcache_req_data; // lsu发给dcache要store 的data
assign dcache_st_data_o = back2dcache_req_data;
wire back2dcache_resp_reday;
assign dcache_resp_ready_o = back2dcache_resp_reday;
wire [LSU_LSQ_SIZE_WIDTH - 1:0] dcache2back_rob_index;
assign dcache2back_rob_index = dcache2back_rob_index_i;
// wire back2front_buff_nxt_pc_valid;
// wire back2front_instr_buff_nxt_pc;
wire front2back_valid;
wire [3:0] front2back_ecause;
wire front2back_exception;
wire front2back_uses_rs1;
wire front2back_uses_rs2; //标记是否使用,1 bit
wire front2back_uses_rd;
wire front2back_uses_csr;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] front2back_pc;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] front2back_next_pc;
wire front2back_is_alu;
wire [1:0] front2back_alu_select_a;
wire [1:0] front2back_alu_select_b;
wire [2:0] front2back_cmp_function;
wire [IMM_LEN-1:0] front2back_imm_data;
wire front2back_half;
wire front2back_is_fence;
wire [2:0] front2back_alu_function;
wire front2back_alu_function_modifier;
wire front2back_branch;
wire front2back_jump;
wire front2back_load;
wire front2back_store;
wire [1:0] front2back_load_store_size;
wire front2back_load_signed;
wire [4:0] front2back_rs1_address;
wire [4:0] front2back_rs2_address;
wire [4:0] front2back_rd_address;
wire [CSR_ADDR_LEN-1:0] front2back_csr_address;
wire [XLEN-1:0] front2back_csr_data;
wire front2back_read;
wire front2back_write;
wire front2back_csr_readable;
wire front2back_csr_writeable;
wire front2back_wfi;
wire front2back_mret;
wire back2front_branch_valid;
wire back2front_btb_valid;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2front_btb_pc;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2front_btb_next_pc_o;
wire back2front_gshare_pred_valid;
wire back2front_gshare_taken;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2front_gshare_pred_pc;
wire back2front_pc_valid;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2front_pc;
wire [31:0] csr2front_trap_vector;
wire [31:0] csr2front_mret_vector;
wire [CSR_ADDR_LEN-1:0] front2csr_address;
wire front2back_is_csr = front2back_read | front2back_write;
//todo:some bugs here!!!
// wire [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH-1:0] front2exp_ecause;
wire back2exp_cm_valid;
wire back2exp_wfi;
wire back2exp_mret;
wire back2exp_exp_valid;
wire back2csr_wb_valid;
wire [XLEN-1:0] back2csr_wb_data;
wire [CSR_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2csr_wb_addr;
wire [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH-1:0] back2exp_cm_ecause;
wire front2back_rob_ready;
wire global_trapped;
wire global_wfi;
wire global_mret;
wire exp2back_wfi_ctrl;
assign exp2back_wfi_ctrl = global_wfi;
wire exp2back_trapped;
assign exp2back_trapped = global_trapped;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] back2excp_pc;
wire csr2exp_eip;
wire csr2exp_tip;
wire csr2exp_sip;
wire exp2csr_retired;
wire [VIRTUAL_ADDR_LEN-1:0] exp2csr_ecp;
wire [EXCEPTION_CODE_WIDTH-1:0] exp2csr_ecause;
wire exp2csr_interupt;
// wire [31:0] exp2csr_data;
// wire [CSR_ADDR_LEN-1:0] exp2csr_address;
// wire exp2csr_write;
wire csr2front_writeable;
wire csr2front_readable;
wire [XLEN-1:0] csr2front_data;
wire back2csr_wr_valid;
assign back2csr_wr_valid = !global_trapped && back2csr_wb_valid;
frontend hehe_frontend(
//gshare from fu
// from fu
// from exception ctrl
// from csr
//from icache
// to icache
// // exceptions
// .exception_valid_o(front2back_exception),
// .ecause_o(front2back_ecause),
// from rob
//from fu_i(), maybe fu todo
// to csr todo
// from csr
// to rob
.ecause_out_o(front2back_ecause), //from decode
.exception_out_o(front2back_exception), //64 alu addition
// .is_csr_o(front2back_is_csr),
//to rob (control)
// to rob (csr)
// to rob (alu)
// to rob (branch)
// to rob (lsu)
backend hehe_backend(
// global
//related to excp
//related to decode
//<decode> lsu
// <decode> csr
//related to csr.v
//to btb
//to gshare
//to pc_gen
//to decode
.req_data_o(back2dcache_req_data), // lsu发给dcache要store 的data
// <> bus
excep_ctrl hehe_excp(
//from rob
.rob_cm_exp_pc(back2excp_pc), //?
.rob_cm_ecause(back2exp_cm_ecause), //?
// from csr
// control pipeline signal
.mret(global_mret), //?
// to csr
csr hehe_csr(
//from excption
//to exception