Base Design Import

Base design passed from internal simulation. Now to see how the tools handle things!
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 261eeb9..d0a4662 100644
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
       same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
       identification within third-party archives.
-   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Copyright [2022] [Ryan M Price]
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b8cb5c7..a343216 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 # PDK switch varient
-export PDK?=sky130B
-#export PDK?=gf180mcuC
+#export PDK?=sky130B
+export PDK?=gf180mcuC
 export PDKPATH?=$(PDK_ROOT)/$(PDK)
diff --git a/ b/
index 34b9a05..2aa0193 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,8 +5,17 @@
 | :exclamation: Important Note            |
-## Please fill in your project documentation in this file 
 Refer to [README](docs/source/index.rst#section-quickstart) for a quickstart of how to use caravel_user_project
 Refer to [README](docs/source/index.rst) for this sample project documentation. 
+| :exclamation: Important MAKE!           |
+This design uses design rules for the gf180mcuC PDK.
+This project implements a 16 bit RISC themed processor for educational purposes. 
+Since the number of IO pins are limited the Address/Databus are merged into a single external bus.
+More documentation to come in the following days!
diff --git a/openlane/user_Minx16/config.json b/openlane/user_Minx16/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..055b66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/user_Minx16/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+    "DESIGN_NAME": "Minx16Top",
+    "DESIGN_IS_CORE": 0,
+    "VERILOG_FILES": ["dir::../../verilog/rtl/defines.v", "dir::../../verilog/rtl/Minx16/*"],
+    "MACRO_PLACEMENT_CFG": "dir::macro.cfg",
+    "VERILOG_FILES_BLACKBOX": ["dir::../../verilog/rtl/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.v"],
+    "EXTRA_LEFS": "dir::../../lef/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.lef",
+    "EXTRA_GDS_FILES": "dir::../../gds/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.gds",
+    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 100,
+    "CLOCK_PORT": "clk_i",
+    "CLOCK_NET": "Minx16Top.clk_i",
+    "FP_SIZING": "absolute",
+    "DIE_AREA": "0 0 2000 2000",
+    "FP_PIN_ORDER_CFG": "dir::pin_order.cfg",
+    "PL_TARGET_DENSITY": 0.50,
+    "VDD_NETS": ["vccd1"],
+    "GND_NETS": ["vssd1"],
+    "RUN_CVC": 1,
+    "pdk::sky130*": {
+        "FP_CORE_UTIL": 45,
+        "RT_MAX_LAYER": "met4",
+        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_hd": {
+            "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10
+        },
+        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_hdll": {
+            "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10
+        },
+        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_hs": {
+            "CLOCK_PERIOD": 8
+        },
+        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_ls": {
+            "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10,
+            "SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT": 5
+        },
+        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_ms": {
+            "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10
+        }
+    },
+    "pdk::gf180mcuC": {
+        "STD_CELL_LIBRARY": "gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0",
+        "CLOCK_PERIOD": 50.0,
+        "FP_CORE_UTIL": 40,
+        "RT_MAX_LAYER": "Metal4",
+        "SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT": 4,
+        "PL_TARGET_DENSITY": 0.45
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openlane/user_Minx16/macro.cfg b/openlane/user_Minx16/macro.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1567a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/user_Minx16/macro.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+oddMemHigh  250.0000  250.00 N
+oddMemLow   250.0000  1000.00 N
+evenMemHigh 1000.0000 250.00 N
+evenMemLow  1000.0000 1000.00 N
diff --git a/openlane/user_Minx16/pin_order.cfg b/openlane/user_Minx16/pin_order.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603257a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlane/user_Minx16/pin_order.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Alu.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Alu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07455e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Alu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+module Alu (
+  input       [ 3:0] op
+, input       [15:0] dba
+, input       [15:0] dbb
+, input              ci
+, input              op8
+, output reg  [15:0] Y
+, output wire        Co
+, output wire        Zo
+, output wire        Vo
+, output wire        No
+  reg C;
+  assign C8  = (( dba[7]  &  dbb[7])  &  Y[7]  ) | 
+               (( dba[7]  ^  dbb[7])  & ~Y[7]  ) | 
+               ((~dba[7]  & ~dbb[7])  &  Y[7]  ) ; 
+  assign C16 = C; 
+  assign Z16 = Y == 0;
+  assign Z8  = Y[7:0] == 0;
+  assign N16 = Y[15];
+  assign N8  = Y[7];
+  assign V16 = (~Y[15]&dba[15]&dbb[15]) | (Y[15]&(~dba[15])&(~dbb[15]));
+  assign V8  = (~Y[7] &dba[7] &dbb[7])  | (Y[7] &(~dba[7]) &(~dbb[7]));
+  assign Co = (op8) ? C8 : C16;
+  assign Zo = (op8) ? Z8 : Z16;
+  assign No = (op8) ? N8 : N16;
+  assign Vo = (op8) ? V8 : V16;
+  always @*
+    case(op)
+      4'b0000 : {C, Y} = {1'b0,  16'd0};
+      4'b0001 : {C, Y} = {1'b0,  dba};
+      4'b0010 : {C, Y} =         dba + 1'b1;
+      4'b0011 : {C, Y} =         dba - 1'b1;
+      4'b0100 : {C, Y} =         dba + dbb + 1'b0;
+      4'b0101 : {C, Y} =         dba + dbb + ci;
+      4'b0110 : {C, Y} =         dba - dbb - 1'b0;
+      4'b0111 : {C, Y} =         dba - dbb - ci;
+      4'b1000 : {C, Y} = {1'b0, ~dba};
+      4'b1001 : {C, Y} = {1'b0,  dba & dbb};
+      4'b1010 : {C, Y} = {1'b0,  dba | dbb};
+      4'b1011 : {C, Y} = {1'b0,  dba ^ dbb};
+      4'b1100 : {C, Y} = {dba,    1'b0};
+      4'b1101 : {C, Y} = {dba[0], 1'b0, dba[15:1]};
+      4'b1110 : {C, Y} = {dba,    ci};
+      4'b1111 : {C, Y} = {dba[0], ci, dba[15:1]};
+    endcase
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Biu16.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Biu16.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..360130f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Biu16.v
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+module Biu1616 (
+  input               clk
+, input               rst
+, input       [A-1:0] core_Addr_i
+, input       [D-1:0] core_Data_i
+, output reg  [D-1:0] core_Data_o
+, input               core_rd16
+, input               core_rd8
+, input       [  1:0] core_wr
+, output reg          core_rdy
+, output reg          core_done
+, output reg  [A-1:0] bus_Addr_o
+, output reg  [A-1:0] bus_Addr_e
+, input       [D-1:0] bus_Data_i
+, output reg  [D-1:0] bus_Data_o
+, output reg  [D-1:0] bus_Data_e
+, output reg  [B-1:0] bus_stb_o
+, output reg  [B-1:0] bus_stb_e
+, output reg          bus_rd_o
+, output reg          bus_rd_e
+, output reg          bus_wr_o
+, output reg          bus_wr_e
+, input               bus_rdy_i
+, input               bus_req_i
+, output reg          bus_ack_o
+  localparam A = 16;
+  localparam ADRENABLE   = {A{1'b1}};
+  localparam ADRDISABLE  = {A{1'b0}};
+  localparam D = 16;
+  localparam B = D / 8;
+  localparam BUSENABLE   = {D{1'b0}};
+  localparam BUSDISABLE  = {D{1'b1}};
+  localparam STBENABLE   = {B{1'b0}};
+  localparam STBDISABLE  = {B{1'b1}};
+  localparam STBACTIVE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam STBINACTIVE = 1'b0;
+  localparam RDACTIVE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam RDINACTIVE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam RDENABLE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam RDDISABLE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam WRACTIVE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam WRINACTIVE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam WRENABLE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam WRDISABLE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam STATE_RESET = 3'b000; // 
+  localparam STATE_IDLE  = 3'b001; // 
+  localparam STATE_16A   = 3'b010; // 
+  localparam STATE_16B   = 3'b011; // 
+  localparam STATE_16C   = 3'b100; // 
+  localparam STATE_16D   = 3'b101; // 
+  localparam STATE_BUSR  = 3'b110; // Bus access was requested given
+  wire core_wr16 =  core_wr[0] & core_wr[1];
+  wire core_wr8  =  core_wr[0] ^ core_wr[1];
+  wire core_wrs  = (core_wr[0] | core_wr[1]);
+  wire core_rds  = (core_rd16  | core_rd8  );
+  wire core16    = (core_rd16  | core_wr16 );
+  wire core8     = (core_rd8   | core_wr8  );
+  wire unaligned = core_Addr_i[0] & core16;
+  reg [A-1:0] tAddr;
+  reg [2:0] pstate, nstate;
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    if( rst == 1'b0 )
+      pstate = STATE_RESET;
+    else
+      pstate = nstate;
+  always @*
+    begin
+      bus_Data_o = bus_Data_o;
+      bus_Data_e = bus_Data_e;
+      bus_Addr_o = bus_Addr_o;
+      bus_Addr_e = ADRENABLE;
+      bus_ack_o  = 1'b0;
+      bus_rd_o   = RDINACTIVE;
+      bus_rd_e   = RDENABLE;
+      bus_wr_o   = WRINACTIVE;
+      bus_wr_e   = WRENABLE;
+      core_rdy   = 1'b0;
+      core_done  = 1'b0;
+      case(pstate)
+        STATE_RESET : begin
+                        tAddr       = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Addr_o  = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Data_o  = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Data_e  = BUSDISABLE;
+                        core_Data_o = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_stb_o   = {B{STBINACTIVE}};
+                        bus_stb_e   = STBENABLE;
+                        nstate      = STATE_IDLE;
+                      end
+        STATE_IDLE  : begin
+                        tAddr       = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Addr_o  = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Data_o  = 16'h0000;
+                        bus_Data_e  = BUSDISABLE;
+                        core_Data_o = 16'h0000;
+                        core_rdy    = 1'b1;
+                        bus_stb_o   = {B{STBINACTIVE}};
+                        bus_stb_e   = STBENABLE;
+                        if( bus_req_i == 1'b1 )
+                          nstate = STATE_BUSR;
+                        else if( core16 | core8 )
+                          begin
+                            if( core_wr16 == 1'b1 & core_wr8 == 1'b0 & core_Addr_i[0] == 1'b0 )
+                              begin
+                                tAddr      = {core_Addr_i[A-1:1], 1'b0};
+                                bus_Data_o = (core_wrs) ? core_Data_i : 16'h0000;
+                                bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                                nstate     = STATE_16A;
+                              end
+                            else if( core_wr16 == 1'b1 & core_wr8 == 1'b0 & core_Addr_i[0] == 1'b1) 
+                              begin
+                                tAddr      = core_Addr_i;
+                                bus_Data_o = (core_wrs) ? {core_Data_i[7:0], core_Data_i[7:0]} : 16'h0000;
+                                bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                                nstate     = STATE_16A;
+                              end
+                            else if( core_wr16 == 1'b0 & core_wr[1] == 1'b0 & core_wr[0] == 1'b1 )
+                              begin
+                                tAddr      = core_Addr_i;
+                                bus_Data_o = (core_wrs) ? {core_Data_i[7:0], core_Data_i[7:0]} : 16'h0000;
+                                bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                                nstate     = STATE_16A;
+                              end
+                            else if( core_wr16 == 1'b0 & core_wr[1] == 1'b1 & core_wr[0] == 1'b0 )
+                              begin
+                                tAddr      = core_Addr_i;
+                                bus_Data_o = (core_wrs) ? {core_Data_i[15:8], core_Data_i[15:8]} : 16'h0000;
+                                bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                                nstate     = STATE_16A;
+                              end
+                            else
+                              begin
+                                tAddr      = core_Addr_i;
+                                bus_Data_o = 0;
+                                bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                                nstate     = STATE_16A;
+                              end
+                          end
+                        else
+                          nstate = STATE_IDLE;
+                      end
+        STATE_16A   : begin
+                        if( core16 & core_Addr_i[0] == 1'b0)
+                          bus_stb_o = {B{STBACTIVE}};
+                        else
+                          bus_stb_o = { ( tAddr[0]) ? STBACTIVE : STBINACTIVE,
+                                        (~tAddr[0]) ? STBACTIVE : STBINACTIVE};
+                        bus_stb_e   = STBENABLE;
+                        bus_Addr_o  = tAddr;
+                        bus_rd_o    = (core_rds) ? RDACTIVE : RDINACTIVE;
+                        bus_wr_o    = (core_wrs) ? WRACTIVE : WRINACTIVE;
+                        nstate      = STATE_16B;
+                      end
+        STATE_16B   : begin
+                        if( core_rd16 == 1'b1 & core_Addr_i[0] == 1'b0 )
+                          core_Data_o = bus_Data_i;
+                        else if( bus_stb_o[1] )
+                          core_Data_o = bus_Data_i[15:8];
+                        else
+                          core_Data_o = bus_Data_i[7:0];
+                        bus_stb_o   = bus_stb_o;
+                        bus_stb_e   = STBENABLE;
+                        bus_rd_o    = (core_rds) ? RDACTIVE : RDINACTIVE;
+                        bus_wr_o    = (core_wrs) ? WRACTIVE : WRINACTIVE;
+                        if( bus_rdy_i == 1'b1 & unaligned == 1'b1 )
+                          begin
+                            tAddr     = tAddr + 1;
+                            nstate    = STATE_16C;
+                            core_done = 1'b0;
+                          end
+                        else if( bus_rdy_i == 1'b1 & unaligned == 1'b0 )
+                          begin
+                            nstate    = STATE_IDLE;
+                            core_done = 1'b1;
+                          end
+                        else
+                          begin
+                            nstate    = STATE_16B;
+                            core_done = 1'b0;
+                          end
+                      end
+        STATE_16C   : begin
+                        if( core_wrs )
+                          begin
+                            bus_Data_o = {8'h00, core_Data_i[15:8]};
+                            bus_Data_e = BUSENABLE;
+                          end
+                        else
+                          begin
+                            bus_Data_o = 0;
+                            bus_Data_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                          end
+                        bus_Addr_o   = tAddr;
+                        bus_stb_o    = {STBINACTIVE, STBACTIVE};
+                        bus_stb_e    = STBENABLE;
+                        bus_rd_o     = (core_rds) ? RDACTIVE : RDINACTIVE;
+                        bus_wr_o     = (core_wrs) ? WRACTIVE : WRINACTIVE;
+                        nstate       = STATE_16D;
+                      end
+        STATE_16D   : begin
+                        core_Data_o[15:8] = bus_Data_i[7:0];
+                        bus_stb_o         = bus_stb_o;
+                        bus_stb_e         = STBENABLE;
+                        bus_rd_o          = (core_rds) ? RDACTIVE : RDINACTIVE;
+                        bus_wr_o          = (core_wrs) ? WRACTIVE : WRINACTIVE;
+                        core_done         = bus_rdy_i;
+                        if( bus_rdy_i == 1'b1 )
+                          nstate          = STATE_IDLE;
+                        else
+                          nstate          = STATE_16D;
+                      end
+        STATE_BUSR  : begin
+                        bus_Addr_e = ADRDISABLE;
+                        bus_Data_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                        bus_stb_o  = STBINACTIVE;
+                        bus_stb_o  = STBDISABLE;
+                        bus_rd_o   = RDINACTIVE;
+                        bus_rd_e   = RDDISABLE;
+                        bus_wr_o   = WRINACTIVE;
+                        bus_wr_e   = WRDISABLE;
+                        bus_ack_o  = 1'b1;
+                        if( bus_req_i == 1'b1 )
+                          nstate = STATE_BUSR;
+                        else
+                          nstate = STATE_IDLE;
+                      end
+        default     : begin
+                        nstate = STATE_RESET;
+                      end
+      endcase
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Controller.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Controller.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a190e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Controller.v
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+module Controller (
+  input              clk
+, input              rst
+, input              intr_i
+, output reg         inta
+, input              nmir
+, output reg         nmia
+, input              trap
+, output reg         trapa
+, input       [15:0] ir
+, input              status
+, input              done
+, output reg         ldIr
+, output reg         ldSp
+, output reg         incSp
+, output reg         decSp
+, output reg         ldPc
+, output reg         incPc
+, output reg         rd16
+, output reg         rd8
+, output reg  [ 1:0] wr
+, output reg  [ 2:0] addrSel
+, output reg  [ 2:0] dataSel
+, output reg  [ 2:0] trapSel
+, output reg  [ 2:0] ra
+, output reg  [ 2:0] rb
+, output reg  [ 2:0] rd
+, output reg  [ 2:0] wd
+, output reg  [ 3:0] aluop
+, output reg  [ 3:0] flagCond
+, output reg         flagSave
+, output reg         flagRest
+, output reg         op8
+  reg  irqA = 0;
+  wire intr = intr_i & irqA;
+  reg dbg_invalidop = 0;
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] ALU16   with top bits == 3'b000? alu 16 bit
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] ALU16   with top bits == 3'b001? alu 8h bit
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] ALU16   with top bits == 3'b010? alu 8l bit
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] MEMORY  with top bits == 3'b011? alu slot can diff read/write, 16 or 8 bit
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] JUMP    with top bits == 3'b100? alu slot can diff conditions
+  // [15:13] [12:9][8:6][5:3][2:0] FREE    with top bits == 3'b1xx? 
+  wire [2:0] majorOp = ir[15:13];
+  wire [3:0] minorOp = ir[12: 9];
+  reg [3:0] pstate, nstate;
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    if( rst == 1'b0 )
+      pstate = 0;
+    else
+      pstate = nstate;
+  always @*
+    begin
+      if( rst == 1'b0 )
+        irqA = 0;
+      dbg_invalidop = 1'b0;
+      inta          = 1'b0;
+      nmia          = 1'b0;
+      trapa         = 1'b0;
+      trapSel       = 3'b000;
+      ldIr          = 1'b0;
+      ldSp          = 1'b0;
+      incSp         = 1'b0;
+      decSp         = 1'b0;
+      ldPc          = 1'b0;
+      incPc         = 1'b0;
+      op8           = 1'b0;
+      rd16          = 1'b0;
+      rd8           = 1'b0;
+      wr            = 2'b00;
+      addrSel       = 3'b000;
+      dataSel       = 3'b000;
+      ra            = 3'b000;
+      rb            = 3'b000;
+      rd            = 3'b000;
+      wd            = 3'b000;
+      aluop         = 4'b0000;
+      flagCond      = 1'b0;
+      flagSave      = 1'b0;
+      flagRest      = 1'b0;
+      case(pstate)
+        4'b0000 : begin
+                    addrSel = 3'b000;
+                    rd16    = 1'b1;
+                    ldIr    = 1'b1;
+                    incPc   = done;
+                    if( done == 1'b1 )
+                      nstate = 4'b0001;
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b0000;
+                  end
+        4'b0001 : begin
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                    case(majorOp)
+                      3'b000 : begin //Alu 16 bit
+                                 flagSave = 1'b1;
+                                 dataSel  = 3'b001;
+                                 aluop    = minorOp;
+                                 ra       = ir[ 8:6];
+                                 rb       = ir[ 5:3];
+                                 rd       = ir[ 2:0];
+                                 wd       = 3'b011;
+                                 nstate   = 4'b1111;
+                               end
+                      3'b001 : begin //Alu 8 bit high
+                                 flagSave = 1'b1;
+                                 dataSel  = 3'b001;
+                                 aluop    = minorOp;
+                                 ra       = ir[ 8:6];
+                                 rb       = ir[ 5:3];
+                                 rd       = ir[ 2:0];
+                                 wd       = 3'b010;
+                                 nstate   = 4'b1111;
+                               end
+                      3'b010 : begin //Alu 8 bit low
+                                 flagSave = 1'b1;
+                                 dataSel  = 3'b001;
+                                 aluop    = minorOp;
+                                 ra       = ir[ 8:6];
+                                 rb       = ir[ 5:3];
+                                 rd       = ir[ 2:0];
+                                 wd       = 3'b001;
+                                 op8      = 1'b1;
+                                 nstate   = 4'b1111;
+                               end
+                      3'b011 : begin //Memory operations
+                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                 case(minorOp)
+                                   4'b0000 : begin //16 bit read
+                                               rd16     = 1'b1;
+                                               ra       = ir[8:6];
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               rd       = ir[2:0];
+                                               wd       = 3'b011;
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[5:3];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0001 : begin //16 bit write
+                                               wr       = 2'b11;
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               ra       = ir[2:0];
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b011;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[8:6];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0010 : begin //8 bit read low
+                                               rd8      = 1'b1;
+                                               ra       = ir[8:6];
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               rd       = ir[2:0];
+                                               wd       = 3'b001;
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[5:3];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0011 : begin //8 bit write low
+                                               wr       = 2'b01;
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               ra       = ir[2:0];
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b011;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[8:6];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0100 : begin //8 bit read high
+                                               rd8      = 1'b1;
+                                               ra       = ir[8:6];
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               rd       = ir[2:0];
+                                               wd       = 3'b110;
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[5:3];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0101 : begin //8 bit write high
+                                               wr       = 2'b10;
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               ra       = ir[2:0];
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b011;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[8:6];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0110 : begin //8 Bit read and save sign extend
+                                               rd8      = 1'b1;
+                                               ra       = ir[8:6];
+                                               rb       = ir[5:3];
+                                               rd       = ir[2:0];
+                                               wd       = 3'b011;
+                                               dataSel  = 3'b101;
+                                               addrSel  = ir[5:3];
+                                               if( done )
+                                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                               else
+                                                 nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0111 : begin //Load 8 bit sign extended immediate into register
+                                               rd      = {2'b00, ir[8]};
+                                               wd      = 3'b011;
+                                               dataSel = 3'b111;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1000 : begin //8 Bit immediate load
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1001 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1010 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1011 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1100 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1101 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1110 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1111 : begin
+                                               rd      = ir[10:8];
+                                               wd      = {1'b0, ir[11], ~ir[11]};
+                                               dataSel = 3'b110;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                 endcase
+                               end
+                      3'b100 : begin //Jump and Call
+                                 flagCond     = minorOp;
+                                 if( ir[8] ) //Call instruction
+                                   begin
+                                     if( status )
+                                       begin
+                                         //Save PC
+                                         wr        = 2'b11;
+                                         if( ~(minorOp == 4'b1111) )
+                                           trapSel = 3'b111;
+                                         else
+                                           trapSel = 3'b000;
+                                         dataSel   = 3'b010; 
+                                         addrSel   = 3'b101;
+                                         decSp     = done;
+                                         if( done )
+                                           nstate  = 4'b1000;
+                                         else
+                                           nstate  = 4'b0001;
+                                       end
+                                     else
+                                       nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                   end
+                                 else //Jump instruction
+                                   begin
+                                     if( status & ~(minorOp == 4'b1111))
+                                       begin
+                                         rd16     = 1'b1;
+                                         dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                                         addrSel  = 3'b000;
+                                         ldPc     = done;
+                                         if( done )
+                                           nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                         else
+                                           nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                       end
+                                     else if( status & (minorOp == 4'b1111))
+                                       begin
+                                         ra       = ir[7:5];
+                                         dataSel  = 3'b011;
+                                         ldPc     = 1'b1;
+                                         nstate   = 4'b1111;
+                                       end
+                                     else
+                                       begin
+                                         incPc  = 1'b1;
+                                         nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                       end
+                                   end
+                               end
+                      3'b101 : begin //Call
+                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                               end
+                      3'b110 : begin //Free
+                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                               end
+                      3'b111 : begin //Special Operations
+                                 nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                 case(minorOp)
+                                   4'b0000 : begin //Load SP
+                                               if( ir[8] == 1'b1 )
+                                                 begin
+                                                   ldSp    = 1'b1;
+                                                   dataSel = 3'b111;
+                                                   nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                                 end
+                                               else
+                                                 begin
+                                                   rd16     = 1'b1;
+                                                   dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                                                   addrSel  = 3'b000;
+                                                   ldSp     = 1'b1;
+                                                   incPc    = done;
+                                                   if( done )
+                                                     nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                                   else
+                                                     nstate = 4'b0001;
+                                                 end
+                                             end
+                                   4'b0001 : begin //Set Flag
+                                               if( ir[8] == 1'b1 )
+                                                 irqA  = 1'b1;
+                                               else
+                                                 irqA  = 1'b0;
+                                               nstate  = 4'b1111;
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1110 : begin //return from interrupt
+                                               flagCond   = ir[7:4];
+                                               if( status )
+                                                 begin
+                                                   incSp  = 1'b1;
+                                                   nstate = 4'b1010; //Load Flags from stack then PC
+                                                 end
+                                               else
+                                                 begin
+                                                   nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                                 end
+                                             end
+                                   4'b1111 : begin //return
+                                               flagCond   = ir[7:4];
+                                               if( status )
+                                                 begin
+                                                   incSp  = 1'b1;
+                                                   nstate = 4'b1001; //Load PC from stack
+                                                 end
+                                               else
+                                                 begin
+                                                   nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                                 end
+                                             end
+                                   default : nstate = 4'b1111;
+                                 endcase
+                               end
+                    endcase
+                  end
+        4'b0010 : begin // jump operation
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                  end
+        4'b0011 : begin
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                  end
+        4'b0100 : begin
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                  end
+        4'b0101 : begin
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                  end
+        4'b0110 : begin
+                    nstate = 4'b1111;
+                  end
+        4'b1000 : begin // Finish Call by loading PC from selected destination
+                    if( ~(minorOp == 4'b1111))
+                      begin
+                        rd16     = 1'b1;
+                        dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                        addrSel  = 3'b000;
+                        ldPc     = done;
+                        if( done )
+                          nstate = 4'b1111;
+                        else
+                          nstate = 4'b1000;
+                      end
+                    else if(minorOp == 4'b1111)
+                      begin
+                        ra       = ir[7:5];
+                        dataSel  = 3'b011;
+                        ldPc     = 1'b1;
+                        nstate   = 4'b1111;
+                      end
+                    else
+                      begin
+                        incPc  = 1'b1;
+                        nstate = 4'b1111;
+                      end
+                  end
+        4'b1001 : begin  //Read from stack PC
+                    rd16    = 1'b1;
+                    ldPc    = 1'b1;
+                    addrSel = 3'b101;
+                    dataSel = 3'b000;
+                    if( done )
+                      nstate = 4'b1111;
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b1001;
+                  end
+        4'b1010 : begin  //Read from stack PC
+                    rd16    = 1'b1;
+                    ldPc    = 1'b1;
+                    addrSel = 3'b101;
+                    dataSel = 3'b000;
+                    if( done )
+                      nstate = 4'b1011;
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b1010;
+                  end
+        4'b1011 : begin  //Read from stack Flags
+                    rd16     = 1'b1;
+                    flagRest = 1'b1;
+                    addrSel  = 3'b101;
+                    dataSel  = 3'b000;
+                    incSp    = done;
+                    if( done )
+                      nstate = 4'b1111;
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b1011;
+                  end
+        4'b1100 : begin //Interrupts! Save PC
+                    trapSel  = 3'b000;
+                    wr       = 2'b11;
+                    dataSel  = 3'b010; 
+                    addrSel  = 3'b101;
+                    decSp    = done;
+                    if( done )
+                      nstate = 4'b1101;
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b1100;
+                  end
+        4'b1101 : begin //Load PC
+                    dataSel  = 3'b010; 
+                    addrSel  = 3'b101;
+                    if     ( trap == 1'b1 )
+                      trapSel  = 3'b001;
+                    else if( nmir == 1'b1 )
+                      trapSel  = 3'b010;
+                    else if( intr == 1'b1 )
+                      trapSel  = 3'b011;
+                    else
+                      trapSel  = 3'b000;
+                    nstate   = 4'b1110;
+                  end
+        4'b1110 : begin //Load PC
+                    ldPc  = 1'b1;
+                    dataSel  = 3'b010; 
+                    addrSel  = 3'b101;
+                    if     ( trap == 1'b1 )
+                      begin
+                        trapSel  = 3'b001;
+                        trapa    = 1'b1;
+                      end
+                    else if( nmir == 1'b1 )
+                      begin
+                        trapSel  = 3'b010;
+                        nmia     = 1'b1;
+                      end
+                    else if( intr == 1'b1 )
+                      begin
+                        trapSel  = 3'b011;
+                        inta     = 1'b1;
+                      end
+                    else
+                      trapSel  = 3'b000;
+                    nstate   = 4'b0000;
+                  end
+        4'b1111 : begin //Int ack
+                    if( trap == 1'b1 | nmir == 1'b1 | intr == 1'b1 )
+                      begin
+                        wr       = 2'b11;
+                        trapSel  = 3'b000;
+                        dataSel  = 3'b100; 
+                        addrSel  = 3'b101;
+                        decSp    = done;
+                        if( done )
+                          nstate = 4'b1100;
+                        else
+                          nstate = 4'b1111;
+                      end
+                    else
+                      nstate = 4'b0000;
+                  end
+        default : nstate = 4'b0000;
+      endcase
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/FlagRegister.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/FlagRegister.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e231dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/FlagRegister.v
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module FlagRegister (
+  input             clk
+, input             rst
+, input       [3:0] flagCond
+, output reg        status
+, input             LD
+, input             flagRest
+, input             Ci
+, input             Ni
+, input             Zi
+, input             Vi
+, input             Cbk
+, input             Nbk
+, input             Zbk
+, input             Vbk
+, output reg        Co
+, output reg        No
+, output reg        Zo
+, output reg        Vo
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+      if( rst == 1'b0 )
+        Co <= 1'b0;
+      else if (LD == 1'b1)
+        Co <= Ci;
+      else if (flagRest == 1'b1)
+        Co <= Cbk;
+      else
+        Co <= Co;
+    end
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+      if( rst == 1'b0 )
+        Vo <= 1'b0;
+      else if (LD == 1'b1)
+        Vo <= Vi;
+      else if (flagRest == 1'b1)
+        Vo <= Vbk;
+      else
+        Vo <= Vo;
+    end
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+      if( rst == 1'b0 )
+        No <= 1'b0;
+      else if (LD == 1'b1)
+        No <= Ni;
+      else if (flagRest == 1'b1)
+        No <= Nbk;
+      else
+        No <= No;
+    end
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+      if( rst == 1'b0 )
+        Zo <= 1'b0;
+      else if (LD == 1'b1)
+        Zo <= Zi;
+      else if (flagRest == 1'b1)
+        Zo <= Zbk;
+      else
+        Zo <= Zo;
+    end
+  //    7        5        3        1
+  //({C16, C8, Z16, Z8, V16, V8, N16, N8})
+  always @*
+    case(flagCond)
+      4'b0000 : status = 1'b0; 
+      4'b0001 : status = 1'b1; 
+      4'b0010 : status =   Zo; // Zero 
+      4'b0011 : status =  ~Zo; //~Zero
+      4'b0100 : status =   Co; // Carry
+      4'b0101 : status =  ~Co; //~Carry
+      4'b0110 : status =   Vo; // Overflow
+      4'b0111 : status =  ~Vo; //~Overflow
+      4'b1000 : status =   No; // minus 
+      4'b1001 : status =  ~No; // plus 
+      4'b1010 : status =         (~No & ~Vo) | ( No & Vo);  //greather than or equal 
+      4'b1011 : status =         ( No & ~Vo) | (~No & Vo);  //Less than
+      4'b1100 : status =  ~Zo & ((~No & ~Vo) | ( No & Vo)); // greather than 
+      4'b1101 : status =   Zo & (( No & ~Vo) | (~No & Vo)); // less than or equal 
+      4'b1110 : status = 1'b0;
+      4'b1111 : status = 1'b1;
+    endcase
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Cpu.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Cpu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ee9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Cpu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+module Minx16Cpu (
+  input              clk_i
+, input              rst_i
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_Addr_o
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_Addr_e
+, input       [15:0] dbus_Data_i
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_Data_o
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_Data_e
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_o
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_e
+, output wire        dbus_rd_o
+, output wire        dbus_rd_e
+, output wire        dbus_wr_o
+, output wire        dbus_wr_e
+, input              dbus_rdy_i
+, input              dbus_req_i
+, output wire        dbus_ack_o
+, input              intr_i
+, output wire        inta_o
+, input              nmir_i
+, output wire        nmia_o
+  wire clk = clk_i;
+  wire rst = rst_i;
+  reg  [15:0] databus;
+  reg  [15:0] core_Addr;
+  wire [15:0] core_Data_o;
+  wire        core_rd16;
+  wire        core_rd8;
+  wire [ 1:0] core_wr;
+  wire        core_rdy;
+  wire        core_done;
+  wire [15:0] wpc, pc, sp, ir;
+  wire [15:0] alu;
+  wire        ldIr;
+  wire        ldSp;
+  wire        incSp;
+  wire        decSp;
+  wire        ldPc;
+  wire        incPc;
+  wire [ 2:0] addrSel;
+  wire [ 2:0] dataSel;
+  wire [ 2:0] ra, rb;
+  wire [15:0] da, db;
+  wire [ 2:0] rd, wd;
+  wire [ 3:0] aluOp;
+  wire [ 3:0] flagCond;
+  wire        flagSave;
+  wire [ 2:0] trapSel;
+  wire        Ci, Co, Zo, No, Vo, op8, status;
+  //Nothing trapping this build iteration
+  wire trap = 1'b0;
+  wire trapa;
+  Biu1616 busUnit (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .core_Addr_i(core_Addr  )
+    , .core_Data_i(databus    )
+    , .core_Data_o(core_Data_o)
+    , .core_rd16  (core_rd16  )
+    , .core_rd8   (core_rd8   )
+    , .core_wr    (core_wr    )
+    , .core_rdy   (core_rdy   )
+    , .core_done  (core_done  )
+    , .bus_Addr_o (dbus_Addr_o)
+    , .bus_Addr_e (dbus_Addr_e)
+    , .bus_Data_i (dbus_Data_i)
+    , .bus_Data_o (dbus_Data_o)
+    , .bus_Data_e (dbus_Data_e)
+    , .bus_stb_o  (dbus_stb_o )
+    , .bus_stb_e  (dbus_stb_e )
+    , .bus_rd_o   (dbus_rd_o  )
+    , .bus_rd_e   (dbus_rd_e  )
+    , .bus_wr_o   (dbus_wr_o  )
+    , .bus_wr_e   (dbus_wr_e  )
+    , .bus_rdy_i  (dbus_rdy_i )
+    , .bus_req_i  (dbus_req_i )
+    , .bus_ack_o  (dbus_ack_o )
+  );
+  Alu computationCenter (
+      .op (aluOp)
+    , .dba(da)
+    , .dbb(db)
+    , .ci (Ci)
+    , .op8(op8)
+    , .Y  (alu)
+    , .Co (Co)
+    , .Zo (Zo)
+    , .Vo (Vo)
+    , .No (No)
+  );
+  RegFile16 #(3) cpuRegs (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .ra(ra)
+    , .da(da)
+    , .rb(rb)
+    , .db(db)
+    , .rd(rd)
+    , .dd(databus)
+    , .wd(wd)
+  );
+  StackPointer #(16) spReg (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .LD(ldSp)
+    , .INC(incSp)
+    , .DEC(decSp)
+    , .D(databus)
+    , .Q(sp)
+  );
+  ProgramCounter #(16) pcReg (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .LD(ldPc)
+    , .INC(incPc)
+    , .D(databus)
+    , .Q(pc)
+  );
+  Register #(16) irReg (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .LD(ldIr)
+    , .D(databus)
+    , .Q(ir)
+  );
+  FlagRegister frReg (
+      .clk(clk)
+    , .rst(rst)
+    , .flagCond(flagCond)
+    , .status  (status)
+    , .LD      (flagSave)
+    , .flagRest(flagRest)
+    , .Ci      (Co)
+    , .Ni      (No)
+    , .Vi      (Vo)
+    , .Zi      (Zo)
+    , .Cbk     (databus[3])
+    , .Zbk     (databus[2])
+    , .Nbk     (databus[1])
+    , .Vbk     (databus[0])
+    , .Co      (Ci)
+    , .Zo      (Zi)
+    , .No      (Ni)
+    , .Vo      (Vi)
+  );
+  Controller brain (
+    .clk(clk)
+  , .rst(rst)
+  , .trap        (trap)
+  , .trapa       (trapa)
+  , .intr_i      (intr_i)
+  , .inta        (inta_o)
+  , .nmir        (nmir_i)
+  , .nmia        (nmia_o)
+  , .ir(ir)
+  , .status(status)
+  , .done(core_done | 1'b0 ) // Combinatorial (misinterpretation) of icarus verilog.. seems to break all if two fsms
+                             // communcate with each other. this shouldn't fix it but it does.. LOL
+  , .ldIr (ldIr)
+  , .ldSp (ldSp)
+  , .incSp(incSp)
+  , .decSp(decSp)
+  , .ldPc (ldPc)
+  , .incPc(incPc)
+  , .rd16    (core_rd16)
+  , .rd8     (core_rd8 )
+  , .wr      (core_wr  )
+  , .addrSel (addrSel)
+  , .dataSel (dataSel)
+  , .ra      (ra)
+  , .rb      (rb)
+  , .rd      (rd)
+  , .wd      (wd)
+  , .aluop   (aluOp)
+  , .op8     (op8)
+  , .flagCond(flagCond)
+  , .flagRest(flagRest)
+  , .flagSave(flagSave)
+  , .trapSel (trapSel )
+  );
+  always @*
+    case(addrSel)
+      3'b000 : core_Addr = pc;
+      3'b001 : core_Addr = pc;
+      3'b010 : core_Addr = da; //Register?
+      3'b011 : core_Addr = db; 
+      3'b100 : core_Addr = pc + da; 
+      3'b101 : core_Addr = sp; 
+      3'b110 : core_Addr = 16'h0001; 
+      3'b111 : core_Addr = 16'h0000; 
+    endcase
+  trapAddr trapHandles(
+    .trapSel(trapSel)
+  , .pc(pc)
+  , .cpc(wpc)
+  );
+  //dataMux datMux(databus, dataSel, core_Data_o, alu, pc, da);
+  always @*
+    case(dataSel)
+      3'b000 : databus = core_Data_o;
+      3'b001 : databus = alu;
+      3'b010 : databus = wpc;
+      3'b011 : databus = da;
+      3'b100 : databus = {12'h000, Ci, Zi, Ni, Vi};
+      3'b101 : databus = {{8{core_Data_o[7]}}, core_Data_o[7:0] };
+      3'b110 : databus = {   ir[7:0], ir[7:0]};
+      3'b111 : databus = {{8{ir[7]}}, ir[7:0]}; //Sign extend
+    endcase
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Top.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Top.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e844260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/Minx16Top.v
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+module Minx16Top (
+  input              clk_i
+, input              rst_i
+, input       [15:0] dbus_ADBus_i
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_ADBus_o
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_ADBus_e
+, output wire        dbus_ale_o
+, output wire        dbus_ale_e
+, output wire        dbus_dle_o
+, output wire        dbus_dle_e
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_o
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_e
+, output wire        dbus_rd_o
+, output wire        dbus_rd_e
+, output wire        dbus_wr_o
+, output wire        dbus_wr_e
+, input              dbus_rdy_i
+, input              dbus_req_i
+, output wire        dbus_ack_o
+, input              intr_i
+, output wire        inta_o
+, input              nmir_i
+, output wire        nmia_o
+  wire [15:0] core_Addr_i;
+  wire [15:0] core_Data_i;
+  wire [15:0] core_Data_o;
+  wire [ 1:0] core_stb_o;
+  wire        core_rd_o;
+  wire        core_wr_o;
+  wire        core_rdy_i;
+  wire [15:0] scb_Addr_o;
+  wire [15:0] scb_Data_i;
+  wire [15:0] scb_Data_o;
+  wire [ 1:0] scb_stb_o;
+  wire        scb_ce_o;
+  wire        scb_rd_o;
+  wire        scb_wr_o;
+  wire        scb_rdy_i;
+  Minx16Cpu cpu (
+    .clk_i       (clk_i)
+  , .rst_i       (rst_i)
+  , .intr_i      (intr_i)
+  , .inta_o      (inta_o)
+  , .nmir_i      (nmir_i)
+  , .nmia_o      (nmia_o)
+  , .dbus_Addr_o (core_Addr_i)
+  , .dbus_Addr_e ()
+  , .dbus_Data_i (core_Data_o)
+  , .dbus_Data_o (core_Data_i)
+  , .dbus_Data_e ()
+  , .dbus_stb_o  (core_stb_o)
+  , .dbus_stb_e  ()
+  , .dbus_rd_o   (core_rd_o)
+  , .dbus_rd_e   ()
+  , .dbus_wr_o   (core_wr_o)
+  , .dbus_wr_e   ()
+  , .dbus_rdy_i  (core_rdy_i | 1'b0)
+  , .dbus_req_i  (dbus_req_i)
+  , .dbus_ack_o  ()
+  );
+  MinxFoldedBus1616 biu (
+    .clk_i(clk_i)
+  , .rst_i(rst_i)
+  , .core_Addr_i(core_Addr_i)
+  , .core_Data_i(core_Data_i)
+  , .core_Data_o(core_Data_o)
+  , .core_stb_i(core_stb_o)
+  , .core_rd_i(core_rd_o)
+  , .core_wr_i(core_wr_o)
+  , .core_rdy_o(core_rdy_i)
+    , .scb_Addr_o(scb_Addr_o)
+    , .scb_Data_i(scb_Data_o)
+    , .scb_Data_o(scb_Data_i)
+    , .scb_stb_o (scb_stb_o)
+    , .scb_ce_o  (scb_ce_o)
+    , .scb_rd_o  (scb_rd_o)
+    , .scb_wr_o  (scb_wr_o)
+    , .scb_rdy_i (scb_rdy_i)
+  , .dbus_ADBus_i(dbus_ADBus_i)
+  , .dbus_ADBus_o(dbus_ADBus_o)
+  , .dbus_ADBus_e(dbus_ADBus_e)
+  , .dbus_ale_o  (dbus_ale_o)
+  , .dbus_ale_e  (dbus_ale_e)
+  , .dbus_dle_o  (dbus_dle_o)
+  , .dbus_dle_e  (dbus_dle_e)
+  , .dbus_stb_o  (dbus_stb_o)
+  , .dbus_stb_e  (dbus_stb_e)
+  , .dbus_rd_o   (dbus_rd_o)
+  , .dbus_rd_e   (dbus_rd_e)
+  , .dbus_wr_o   (dbus_wr_o)
+  , .dbus_wr_e   (dbus_wr_e)
+  , .dbus_rdy_i  (dbus_rdy_i)
+  , .dbus_req_i  (dbus_req_i)
+  , .dbus_ack_o  (dbus_ack_o)
+  );
+  //Block of fast memory
+  SCB_memory scratchPad (
+      .clk_i     (clk_i)
+    , .rst_i     (rst_i)
+    , .scb_Addr_i(scb_Addr_o)
+    , .scb_Data_i(scb_Data_i)
+    , .scb_Data_o(scb_Data_o)
+    , .scb_stb_i (scb_stb_o)
+    , .scb_ce_i  (scb_ce_o)
+    , .scb_rd_i  (scb_rd_o)
+    , .scb_wr_i  (scb_wr_o)
+    , .scb_rdy_o (scb_rdy_i)
+  );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/MinxFoldedBus1616.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/MinxFoldedBus1616.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a387a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/MinxFoldedBus1616.v
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+module MinxFoldedBus1616 (
+  input               clk_i
+, input               rst_i
+//Core side
+, input       [A-1:0] core_Addr_i
+, input       [D-1:0] core_Data_i
+, output reg  [D-1:0] core_Data_o
+, input       [B-1:0] core_stb_i
+, input               core_rd_i
+, input               core_wr_i
+, output reg          core_rdy_o
+//Scratchpad Memory
+, output reg  [A-1:0] scb_Addr_o
+, input       [D-1:0] scb_Data_i
+, output reg  [D-1:0] scb_Data_o
+, output reg  [B-1:0] scb_stb_o
+, output reg          scb_ce_o
+, output reg          scb_rd_o
+, output reg          scb_wr_o
+, input               scb_rdy_i
+//Bus side with multiplexed bus
+, input       [A-1:0] dbus_ADBus_i
+, output reg  [D-1:0] dbus_ADBus_o
+, output reg  [D-1:0] dbus_ADBus_e
+, output reg          dbus_ale_o
+, output reg          dbus_ale_e
+, output reg          dbus_dle_o
+, output reg          dbus_dle_e
+, output reg  [B-1:0] dbus_stb_o
+, output reg  [B-1:0] dbus_stb_e
+, output reg          dbus_rd_o
+, output reg          dbus_rd_e
+, output reg          dbus_wr_o
+, output reg          dbus_wr_e
+, input               dbus_rdy_i
+, input               dbus_req_i
+, output reg          dbus_ack_o
+  localparam SCBBASE     = 16'hF800;
+  localparam A = 16;
+  localparam D = 16;
+  localparam B = 2;
+  localparam BUSENABLE   = {D{1'b0}};
+  localparam BUSDISABLE  = {D{1'b1}};
+  localparam STBENABLE   = {B{1'b0}};
+  localparam STBDISABLE  = {B{1'b1}};
+  localparam STBACTIVE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam STBINACTIVE = 1'b0;
+  localparam ALEACTIVE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam ALEINACTIVE = 1'b0;
+  localparam ALEENABLE   = 1'b0;
+  localparam ALEDISABLE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam DLEACTIVE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam DLEINACTIVE = 1'b0;
+  localparam DLEENABLE   = 1'b0;
+  localparam DLEDISABLE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam RDACTIVE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam RDINACTIVE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam RDENABLE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam RDDISABLE   = 1'b1;
+  localparam WRACTIVE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam WRINACTIVE  = 1'b1;
+  localparam WRENABLE    = 1'b0;
+  localparam WRDISABLE   = 1'b1;
+  wire rdActive = core_rd_i == RDACTIVE;
+  wire wrActive = core_wr_i == WRACTIVE;
+  wire  scb_cen = (core_Addr_i >= SCBBASE && core_Addr_i < SCBBASE + 2**(9+2));
+  reg [3:0] pstate, nstate;
+  always @ (posedge clk_i or negedge rst_i)
+    if( rst_i == 1'b0 )
+      pstate <= 0;
+    else
+      pstate <= nstate;
+  always @*
+    begin
+      dbus_ADBus_o = 0;
+      dbus_ADBus_e = BUSENABLE;
+      dbus_ale_o   = ALEINACTIVE;
+      dbus_ale_e   = ALEENABLE;
+      dbus_dle_o   = DLEINACTIVE;
+      dbus_dle_e   = DLEENABLE;
+      dbus_stb_o   = STBINACTIVE;
+      dbus_stb_e   = STBENABLE;
+      dbus_rd_o    = RDINACTIVE;
+      dbus_rd_e    = RDENABLE;
+      dbus_wr_o    = WRINACTIVE;
+      dbus_wr_e    = WRENABLE;
+      dbus_ack_o   = 1'b0;
+      core_rdy_o   = 1'b0;
+      scb_Addr_o   = {A{1'b0}};
+      scb_Data_o   = {D{1'b0}};
+      scb_ce_o     = 1'b0;
+      scb_stb_o    = {B{STBINACTIVE}};
+      scb_rd_o     = RDINACTIVE;
+      scb_wr_o     = WRINACTIVE;
+      case(pstate)
+        4'b0000 : begin
+                   core_Data_o  = 0;
+                 end
+        4'b0001 : begin
+                   dbus_ADBus_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                   dbus_ale_e   = ALEDISABLE;
+                   dbus_dle_e   = DLEDISABLE;
+                   dbus_stb_e   = STBDISABLE;
+                   dbus_rd_e    = RDDISABLE;
+                   dbus_wr_e    = WRDISABLE;
+                   dbus_ack_o   = 1'b1;
+                 end
+        4'b0010 : begin
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Addr_i;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = {B{STBACTIVE}};
+                   dbus_ale_o   = ALEINACTIVE;
+                 end
+        4'b0011 : begin
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Addr_i;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = {B{STBACTIVE}};
+                   dbus_ale_o   = ALEACTIVE;
+                 end
+        4'b0100 : begin
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Addr_i;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = {B{STBACTIVE}};
+                   dbus_ale_o   = ALEINACTIVE;
+                 end
+        4'b0101 : begin
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Data_i;
+                   if(~wrActive)
+                     dbus_ADBus_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                   dbus_dle_o   = DLEACTIVE;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = core_stb_i;
+                   dbus_rd_o    = RDINACTIVE;
+                   dbus_wr_o    = WRINACTIVE;
+                 end
+        4'b0110 : begin
+                   core_Data_o  = dbus_ADBus_i;
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Data_i;
+                   if(~wrActive)
+                     dbus_ADBus_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                   dbus_dle_o   = DLEACTIVE;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = core_stb_i;
+                   dbus_rd_o    = core_rd_i;
+                   dbus_wr_o    = WRINACTIVE;
+                 end
+        4'b0111 : begin
+                   core_Data_o  = dbus_ADBus_i;
+                   dbus_ADBus_o = core_Data_i;
+                   if(~wrActive)
+                     dbus_ADBus_e = BUSDISABLE;
+                   dbus_dle_o   = DLEACTIVE;
+                   dbus_stb_o   = core_stb_i;
+                   dbus_rd_o    = core_rd_i;
+                   dbus_wr_o    = core_wr_i;
+                   core_rdy_o   = dbus_rdy_i;
+                 end
+        4'b1000 : begin
+                   scb_Addr_o   = core_Addr_i;
+                   scb_Data_o   = core_Data_i;
+                   scb_ce_o     = 1'b1;
+                   core_Data_o  = scb_Data_i;
+                   scb_stb_o    = core_stb_i;
+                   scb_rd_o     = core_rd_i;
+                   scb_wr_o     = core_wr_i;
+                  end
+        4'b1001 : begin
+                   scb_Addr_o   = core_Addr_i;
+                   scb_Data_o   = core_Data_i;
+                   scb_ce_o     = 1'b1;
+                   core_Data_o  = scb_Data_i;
+                   scb_stb_o    = core_stb_i;
+                   scb_rd_o     = core_rd_i;
+                   scb_wr_o     = core_wr_i;
+                  end
+        4'b1010 : begin
+                   scb_Addr_o   = core_Addr_i;
+                   scb_Data_o   = core_Data_i;
+                   scb_ce_o     = 1'b1;
+                   core_Data_o  = scb_Data_i;
+                   scb_stb_o    = core_stb_i;
+                   scb_rd_o     = core_rd_i;
+                   scb_wr_o     = core_wr_i;
+                   core_rdy_o   = scb_rdy_i;
+                 end
+      endcase
+    end
+  always @*
+    begin
+      nstate = 4'b0000;
+      case(pstate)
+        4'b0000  : begin
+                     if(scb_cen & (rdActive || wrActive))
+                       nstate = 4'b1000;
+                     if(~scb_cen & (rdActive || wrActive))
+                       nstate = 4'b0010;
+                     else if( dbus_req_i )
+                       nstate = 4'b0001;
+                   end
+        4'b0001  : if( dbus_req_i )
+                     nstate = 4'b0001;
+        4'b0010  : nstate   = 4'b0011;
+        4'b0011  : nstate   = 4'b0100;
+        4'b0100  : nstate   = 4'b0101;
+        4'b0101  : nstate   = 4'b0110;
+        4'b0110  : nstate   = 4'b0111;
+        4'b0111  : if( dbus_rdy_i )
+                     nstate = 4'b0000;
+                   else
+                     nstate = 4'b0111;
+        4'b1000  : nstate = 4'b1001;
+        4'b1001  : nstate = 4'b1010;
+        4'b1010  : nstate = 4'b0000;
+      endcase
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ParametricRegister.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ParametricRegister.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6a9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ParametricRegister.v
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Register #( 
+  parameter W = 8
+) (
+  input              clk
+, input              rst
+, input              LD
+, input      [W-1:0] D
+, output reg [W-1:0] Q
+  initial Q = 0;
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+        if( rst == 1'b0 )
+          Q <= 0;
+        else if (LD == 1'b1)
+          Q <= D;
+        else
+          Q <= Q;
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ProgramCounter.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ProgramCounter.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ebbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/ProgramCounter.v
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module ProgramCounter #( 
+  parameter W = 8
+) (
+  input              clk
+, input              rst
+, input              LD
+, input              INC
+, input      [W-1:0] D
+, output reg [W-1:0] Q
+  initial Q = 0;
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+        if( rst == 1'b0 )
+          Q <= 0;
+        else if (LD == 1'b1)
+          Q <= D;
+        else if (INC == 1'b1)
+          Q <= Q + (W/8);
+        else
+          Q <= Q;
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/RegFile.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/RegFile.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b00c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/RegFile.v
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+module RegFile16 #(
+  parameter A = 3
+) (
+  input               clk
+, input               rst
+, input       [A-1:0] ra
+, output reg  [ 15:0] da
+, input       [A-1:0] rb
+, output reg  [ 15:0] db
+, input       [A-1:0] rd
+, input       [ 15:0] dd
+, input       [  2:0] wd
+  localparam N = 2 ** A;
+  reg [15:0] file [N-1:0];
+  wire [15:0] dv = file[rd];
+  reg  [15:0] df;
+  always @*
+    case(wd)
+        3'b000 : df = dv;
+        3'b001 : df = {dv[15:8], dd[ 7:0]};
+        3'b010 : df = {dd[15:8], dv[ 7:0]};
+        3'b011 : df = dd;
+        3'b100 : df = {dv[ 7:0], dv[15:8]};
+        3'b101 : df = {dv[ 7:0], dd[15:8]};
+        3'b110 : df = {dd[ 7:0], dv[15:8]};
+        3'b111 : df = {dd[ 7:0], dd[15:8]};
+      endcase
+  integer ii;  
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    if( rst == 1'b0 )
+      for(ii = 0; ii < N; ii = ii + 1)
+        file[ii] = 16'h0000;
+    else
+      file[rd] = df;
+  always @ (negedge clk)
+    da = file[ra];
+  always @ (negedge clk)
+    db = file[rb];
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/StackPointer.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/StackPointer.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd3b9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/StackPointer.v
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module StackPointer #( 
+  parameter W = 8
+) (
+  input              clk
+, input              rst
+, input              LD
+, input              INC
+, input              DEC
+, input      [W-1:0] D
+, output reg [W-1:0] Q
+  initial Q = 0;
+  always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst)
+    begin
+        if( rst == 1'b0 )
+          Q <= 0;
+        else if (LD == 1'b1)
+          Q <= D;
+        else if (INC == 1'b1)
+          Q <= Q + (W/8);
+        else if (DEC == 1'b1)
+          Q <= Q - (W/8);
+        else
+          Q <= Q;
+    end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/scb.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/scb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0327be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/scb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+//Design for 1024x16 or 2kb of onboard memory scratchpad
+module SCB_memory (
+  input               clk_i
+, input               rst_i
+, input       [A-1:0] scb_Addr_i
+, input       [D-1:0] scb_Data_i
+, output wire [D-1:0] scb_Data_o
+, input       [B-1:0] scb_stb_i
+, input               scb_ce_i
+, input               scb_rd_i
+, input               scb_wr_i
+, output wire         scb_rdy_o
+  localparam A = 11;
+  localparam D = 16;
+  localparam B =  2;
+  wire  highSelect = scb_ce_i &  scb_Addr_i[10];
+  wire   lowSelect = scb_ce_i & ~scb_Addr_i[10];
+  wire   oddSelect = scb_ce_i &  scb_stb_i[1];
+  wire  evenSelect = scb_ce_i &  scb_stb_i[0];
+  wire [ 8:0] addr =  scb_Addr_i[9:1];
+  wire [ 7:0] dblo =  scb_Data_i[7:0];
+  wire [ 7:0] dbhi =  scb_Data_i[15:8];
+  wire [ 7:0] dbolo, dbohi, dbelo, dbehi;
+  wire [15:0] dbol = {dbolo, dbelo};
+  wire [15:0] dboh = {dbohi, dbehi};
+  assign scb_rdy_o  = 1'b1;
+  assign scb_Data_o = (highSelect) ? dboh :dbol;
+  gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 oddMemLow  (
+    .CLK (clk_i)
+  , .CEN (~(oddSelect & lowSelect))
+  , .GWEN(~scb_ce_i | scb_wr_i)
+  , .WEN (8'h00)
+  , .A   (addr)
+  , .D   (dbhi)
+  , .Q   (dbolo)
+  );
+  gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 oddMemHigh (
+    .CLK (clk_i)
+  , .CEN (~(oddSelect & highSelect))
+  , .GWEN(~scb_ce_i | scb_wr_i)
+  , .WEN (8'h00)
+  , .A   (addr)
+  , .D   (dbhi)
+  , .Q   (dbohi)
+  );
+  gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 evenMemLow (
+    .CLK (clk_i)
+  , .CEN (~(evenSelect & lowSelect))
+  , .GWEN(~scb_ce_i | scb_wr_i)
+  , .WEN (8'h00)
+  , .A   (addr)
+  , .D   (dblo)
+  , .Q   (dbelo)
+  );
+  gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 evenMemHigh(
+    .CLK (clk_i)
+  , .CEN (~(evenSelect & highSelect))
+  , .GWEN(~scb_ce_i | scb_wr_i)
+  , .WEN (8'h00)
+  , .A   (addr)
+  , .D   (dblo)
+  , .Q   (dbehi)
+  );
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/Minx16/trapAddr.v b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/trapAddr.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2798a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/Minx16/trapAddr.v
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module trapAddr #(
+  parameter A = 16
+) (
+  input       [  2:0] trapSel
+, input       [A-1:0] pc
+, output reg  [A-1:0] cpc
+  always @*
+    case(trapSel)
+      3'b000 : cpc = pc;
+      3'b001 : cpc = 16'h0400;
+      3'b010 : cpc = 16'h0800;
+      3'b011 : cpc = 16'h0c00;
+      3'b100 : cpc = 16'h0000;
+      3'b101 : cpc = 16'h0000;
+      3'b110 : cpc = 16'h0000;
+      3'b111 : cpc = pc + 2'd2;
+    endcase
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.v b/verilog/rtl/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484732b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/rtl/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.v
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+ * $Id: $
+ * Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Project:             018 5VGREEN SRAM
+ * Author:              GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+ * Data Created:        05-06-2014
+ * Revision:		0.0
+ *
+ * Description:         gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 Simulation Model
+ */
+`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
+module gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 (
+	CLK,
+	CEN,
+	WEN,
+	A,
+	D,
+	Q,
+	VDD,
+input           CLK;
+input           CEN;    //Chip Enable
+input           GWEN;   //Global Write Enable
+input   [7:0]  	WEN;    //Write Enable
+input   [8:0]   A;
+input   [7:0]  	D;
+output	[7:0]	Q;
+inout		VDD;
+inout		VSS;
+reg	[7:0]	mem[511:0];
+reg	[7:0]	qo_reg;
+wire		cen_flag;
+wire		write_flag;
+wire		read_flag;
+reg             ntf_Tcyc;	//notifier for clock period/low/high pulse
+reg             ntf_Tckh;
+reg             ntf_Tckl;
+reg		ntf_tcs;	//notifier for setup time
+reg		ntf_tas;
+reg		ntf_tds;
+reg		ntf_tws;
+reg		ntf_twis;
+reg             ntf_tch;	//notifier for hold time
+reg             ntf_tah;
+reg             ntf_tdh;
+reg             ntf_twh;
+reg             ntf_twih;
+wire		no_st_viol;	//no setup violation
+wire		no_hd_viol;	//no hold violation
+wire		no_ck_viol;	//no clock related violation
+reg             clk_dly;        //for read/write
+reg             write_flag_dly; //for write invalidation
+reg             read_flag_dly;  //for read invalidation
+reg             cen_dly;
+reg             cen_fell;       //detect CEN 1 -> 0 transition
+reg             cen_not_rst;    //detect CEN is not reset initially
+wire    [7:0]  we;       	//inversion of WEN
+wire    [7:0]  cd2;
+wire    [7:0]  cd4;
+wire    [7:0]  cd5;
+reg    	[7:0]  cdx;
+reg	[8:0]	marked_a;
+integer         i;
+assign Q = qo_reg;
+//---- for debugging
+wire    [7:0]  mem_0;
+wire	[7:0]  mem_1;
+wire	[7:0]  mem_2;
+wire	[7:0]  mem_3;
+assign mem_0 = mem[0];
+assign mem_1 = mem[1];
+assign mem_2 = mem[2];
+assign mem_3 = mem[3];
+always @(CEN) cen_dly = #100 CEN;
+always @(CEN or cen_dly) begin
+  if (!CEN & cen_dly) cen_fell = 1'b1;
+always @(posedge CLK) begin
+  if (!CEN & !cen_fell & !cen_not_rst) cen_not_rst = 1;
+always @(posedge cen_not_rst) begin
+  $display("-------- WARNING: CEN is not reset, memory is not operational ---------");
+  $display("-------- @Time %0t: scope = %m", $realtime, " ---------");
+always @(posedge cen_fell) begin
+  $display("-------- MESSAGE: CEN is just reset, memory is operational ---------");
+  $display("-------- @Time %0t: scope = %m", $realtime, " ---------");
+assign cen_flag   =  cen_fell & !CEN;
+assign write_flag =  cen_fell & !CEN & !GWEN & !(&WEN);
+assign read_flag  =  cen_fell & !CEN &  GWEN;
+reg cen_flag_dly;
+always @(cen_flag) cen_flag_dly = #100 cen_flag;
+  specparam Tcyc = 55600 : 55600 : 55600;
+  specparam Tckh = 25000 : 25000 : 25000;
+  specparam Tckl = 25000 : 25000 : 25000;
+  specparam tcs  = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
+  specparam tas  = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
+  specparam tds  = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
+  specparam tws  = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
+  specparam twis = 5000 : 5000 : 5000;
+  specparam tch  = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
+  specparam tah  = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
+  specparam tdh  = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
+  specparam twh  = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
+  specparam twih = 10000 : 10000 : 10000;
+  specparam ta   = 45000 : 45000 : 45000;
+  specparam Tdly  = 100 : 100: 100;
+//---- CLK period/pulse timing
+  $period (negedge CLK, Tcyc, ntf_Tcyc);
+  $width  (posedge CLK, Tckh, 0, ntf_Tckh);
+  $width  (negedge CLK, Tckl, 0, ntf_Tckl);
+//---- CEN setup/hold timing
+  $setup (negedge CEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tcs, ntf_tcs);
+  $setup (posedge CEN, posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tcs, ntf_tcs);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag_dly, posedge CEN, tch, ntf_tch);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag,     negedge CEN, tch, ntf_tch);
+//---- GWEN setup/hold timing
+  $setup (negedge GWEN,  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tws, ntf_tws);
+  $setup (posedge GWEN,  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tws, ntf_tws);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge GWEN, twh, ntf_twh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge GWEN, twh, ntf_twh);
+//---- WEN[7:0] setup/hold timing
+  $setup (negedge WEN[0],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[1],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[2],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[3],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[4],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[5],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[6],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (negedge WEN[7],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[0],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[1],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[2],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[3],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[4],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[5],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[6],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $setup (posedge WEN[7],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, twis, ntf_twis);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[0],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[1],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[2],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[3],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[4],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[5],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[6],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge WEN[7],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[0],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[1],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[2],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[3],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[4],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[5],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[6],  twih, ntf_twih);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge WEN[7],  twih, ntf_twih);
+//---- A[8:0] setup/hold timing
+  $setup (posedge A[0],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[1],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[2],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[3],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[4],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[5],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[6],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[7],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (posedge A[8],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[0],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[1],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[2],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[3],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[4],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[5],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[6],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[7],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $setup (negedge A[8],  posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, tas, ntf_tas);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[0],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[1],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[2],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[3],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[4],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[5],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[6],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[7],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, negedge A[8],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[0],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[1],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[2],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[3],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[4],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[5],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[6],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[7],  tah, ntf_tah);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& cen_flag, posedge A[8],  tah, ntf_tah);
+//---- D[7:0] setup/hold timing
+  $setup (posedge D[0],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[1],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[2],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[3],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[4],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[5],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[6],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (posedge D[7],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[0],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[1],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[2],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[3],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[4],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[5],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[6],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $setup (negedge D[7],  posedge CLK &&& write_flag, tds, ntf_tds);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[0],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[1],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[2],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[3],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[4],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[5],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[6],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, negedge D[7],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[0],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[1],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[2],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[3],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[4],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[5],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[6],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+  $hold  (posedge CLK &&& write_flag, posedge D[7],  tdh, ntf_tdh);
+//---- Output delay
+// rise transition:     0->1, z->1, Ta
+// fall transition:     1->0, 1->z, Ta
+// turn-off transition: 0->z, 1->z, Tcqx
+//if (!CEN & GWEN) (posedge CLK => (Q : 8'bx)) = (Ta, Ta, Tcqx);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[0]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[1]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[2]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[3]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[4]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[5]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[6]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+if ((CEN == 1'b0) && (GWEN == 1'b1)) (posedge CLK => (Q[7]  : 1'bx)) = (ta, ta);
+assign no_st_viol = ~(|{ntf_tcs, ntf_tas, ntf_tds, ntf_tws, ntf_twis});
+assign no_hd_viol = ~(|{ntf_tch, ntf_tah, ntf_tdh, ntf_twh, ntf_twih});
+assign no_ck_viol = ~(|{ntf_Tcyc, ntf_Tckh, ntf_Tckl});
+always @(CLK) clk_dly        = #Tdly CLK;
+always @(CLK) write_flag_dly = #200 write_flag;
+always @(CLK) read_flag_dly  = #200 read_flag;
+always @(posedge CLK) marked_a = A;
+assign we  = ~WEN;
+assign cd2 = mem[A] & WEN;	//set write bits to 0, others unchanged
+assign cd4 = D & we;		//set write bits to 0/1, others = 0
+assign cd5 = cd2 | cd4;		//memory content after write
+always @(posedge CLK) cdx = {8{1'bx}} & we;    //latch cdx
+always @(posedge clk_dly) begin
+  if (write_flag) begin 	//write
+    if (no_st_viol) begin 	//write, no viol
+      mem[A] = cd5;
+    end
+    else begin                 	//write, with viol
+      mem[A] = mem[A] ^ cdx;    //1^x = x
+      qo_reg = qo_reg ^ cdx;
+    end
+  end //write
+  else if (read_flag) begin     //read
+    if (no_st_viol) begin 	//read, no viol
+      qo_reg = mem[marked_a];
+    end
+    else begin                  //read, with viol
+      qo_reg = 8'bx;
+    end
+  end //read
+always @(negedge clk_dly) begin         	//invalidate write/read when hold/clk viol
+  if (no_hd_viol == 0 | no_ck_viol == 0) begin
+    if (write_flag_dly) begin
+      if (ntf_twh) begin
+        mem[marked_a] = mem[marked_a] ^ 8'bx; //GWEN can't be used to generate cdx
+        qo_reg        = qo_reg ^ 8'bx;
+      end
+      else begin
+        mem[marked_a] = mem[marked_a] ^ cdx;
+        qo_reg        = qo_reg ^ cdx;
+      end
+    end
+    else if (read_flag_dly) begin
+      qo_reg = 8'bx;
+    end
+    #100;
+    ntf_tch  = 0;
+    ntf_tah  = 0;
+    ntf_tdh  = 0;
+    ntf_twh  = 0;
+    ntf_twih = 0;
+    ntf_Tcyc  = 0;
+    ntf_Tckh  = 0;
+    ntf_Tckl  = 0;
+  end
+  else begin
+    #100;
+    ntf_tch  = 0;
+    ntf_tah  = 0;
+    ntf_tdh  = 0;
+    ntf_twh  = 0;
+    ntf_twih = 0;
+    ntf_Tcyc  = 0;
+    ntf_Tckh  = 0;
+    ntf_Tckl  = 0;
+  end
+always @(posedge ntf_tcs or posedge ntf_tas or posedge ntf_tds or
+         posedge ntf_tws or posedge ntf_twis or
+         posedge ntf_tch or posedge ntf_tah or posedge ntf_tdh or
+         posedge ntf_twh or posedge ntf_twih or
+         posedge ntf_Tcyc or posedge ntf_Tckh or posedge ntf_Tckl) begin
+  if (cen_fell) begin
+    #Tdly;
+    if (ntf_tcs)  $display("---- ERROR: CEN setup violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tas)  $display("---- ERROR: A setup violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tds)  $display("---- ERROR: D setup violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tws)  $display("---- ERROR: GWEN setup violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_twis) $display("---- ERROR: WEN setup violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tch)  $display("---- ERROR: CEN hold violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tah)  $display("---- ERROR: A hold violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_tdh)  $display("---- ERROR: D hold violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_twh)  $display("---- ERROR: GWEN hold violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_twih) $display("---- ERROR: WEN hold violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_Tcyc) $display("---- ERROR: CLK period violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_Tckh) $display("---- ERROR: CLK pulse width high violation! ----");
+    if (ntf_Tckl) $display("---- ERROR: CLK pulse width low violation! ----");
+  end
+always @(posedge cen_fell) begin	//reset fasle notifiers
+  ntf_tcs  = 0;				//after CEN reset (CEN from 1 to 0)
+  ntf_tas  = 0;
+  ntf_tds  = 0;
+  ntf_tws  = 0;
+  ntf_twis = 0;
+  ntf_tch  = 0;
+  ntf_tah  = 0;
+  ntf_tdh  = 0;
+  ntf_twh  = 0;
+  ntf_twih = 0;
+always @(negedge clk_dly) begin	//reset setup/hold notifiers
+  #100;
+  ntf_tcs  = 0;
+  ntf_tas  = 0;
+  ntf_tds  = 0;
+  ntf_tws  = 0;
+  ntf_twis = 0;
+  ntf_tch  = 0;
+  ntf_tah  = 0;
+  ntf_tdh  = 0;
+  ntf_twh  = 0;
+  ntf_twih = 0;
+initial begin			//initialization
+  ntf_Tcyc  = 0;
+  ntf_Tckh  = 0;
+  ntf_Tckl  = 0;
+  ntf_tcs  = 0;
+  ntf_tas  = 0;
+  ntf_tds  = 0;
+  ntf_tws  = 0;
+  ntf_twis = 0;
+  ntf_tch  = 0;
+  ntf_tah  = 0;
+  ntf_tdh  = 0;
+  ntf_twh  = 0;
+  ntf_twih = 0;
+  marked_a = 9'd0;
+  qo_reg         = 8'd0;
+  clk_dly        = 0;
+  write_flag_dly = 0;
+  read_flag_dly  = 0;
+  cen_dly        = 0;
+  cen_fell       = 0;
+  cen_not_rst    = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<512; i=i+1) begin
+    mem[i] = 8'd0;
+  end
diff --git a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v b/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
index 26081e9..04421fe 100644
--- a/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
+++ b/verilog/rtl/user_proj_example.v
@@ -18,20 +18,7 @@
  * user_proj_example
- *
- * This is an example of a (trivially simple) user project,
- * showing how the user project can connect to the logic
- * analyzer, the wishbone bus, and the I/O pads.
- *
- * This project generates an integer count, which is output
- * on the user area GPIO pads (digital output only).  The
- * wishbone connection allows the project to be controlled
- * (start and stop) from the management SoC program.
- *
- * See the testbenches in directory "mprj_counter" for the
- * example programs that drive this user project.  The three
- * testbenches are "io_ports", "la_test1", and "la_test2".
- *
+ * 
@@ -44,17 +31,17 @@
     // Wishbone Slave ports (WB MI A)
-    input wb_clk_i,
-    input wb_rst_i,
-    input wbs_stb_i,
-    input wbs_cyc_i,
-    input wbs_we_i,
-    input [3:0] wbs_sel_i,
-    input [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
-    input [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
-    output wbs_ack_o,
+    input         wb_clk_i,
+    input         wb_rst_i,
+    input         wbs_stb_i,
+    input         wbs_cyc_i,
+    input         wbs_we_i,
+    input  [ 3:0] wbs_sel_i,
+    input  [31:0] wbs_dat_i,
+    input  [31:0] wbs_adr_i,
+    output        wbs_ack_o,
     output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,
     // Logic Analyzer Signals
     input  [127:0] la_data_in,
     output [127:0] la_data_out,
@@ -68,98 +55,74 @@
     // IRQ
     output [2:0] irq
-    wire clk;
-    wire rst;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
-    wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
-    wire [31:0] rdata; 
-    wire [31:0] wdata;
-    wire [BITS-1:0] count;
-    wire valid;
-    wire [3:0] wstrb;
-    wire [31:0] la_write;
-    // WB MI A
-    assign valid = wbs_cyc_i && wbs_stb_i; 
-    assign wstrb = wbs_sel_i & {4{wbs_we_i}};
-    assign wbs_dat_o = rdata;
-    assign wdata = wbs_dat_i;
-    // IO
-    assign io_out = count;
-    assign io_oeb = {(`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1){rst}};
-    // IRQ
-    assign irq = 3'b000;	// Unused
-    // LA
-    assign la_data_out = {{(127-BITS){1'b0}}, count};
-    // Assuming LA probes [63:32] are for controlling the count register  
-    assign la_write = ~la_oenb[63:32] & ~{BITS{valid}};
-    // Assuming LA probes [65:64] are for controlling the count clk & reset  
-    assign clk = (~la_oenb[64]) ? la_data_in[64]: wb_clk_i;
-    assign rst = (~la_oenb[65]) ? la_data_in[65]: wb_rst_i;
-    counter #(
-        .BITS(BITS)
-    ) counter(
-        .clk(clk),
-        .reset(rst),
-        .ready(wbs_ack_o),
-        .valid(valid),
-        .rdata(rdata),
-        .wdata(wbs_dat_i),
-        .wstrb(wstrb),
-        .la_write(la_write),
-        .la_input(la_data_in[63:32]),
-        .count(count)
-    );
+  wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_in;
+  wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_out;
+  wire [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] io_oeb;
+  wire [1:0] mode = io_in[37:36];
+  Minx16Top cpu16 (
+      .clk_i       (io_in [33])
+    , .rst_i       (io_in [32])
+    , .dbus_ADBus_i(io_in [31:16])
+    , .dbus_ADBus_o(io_out[31:16])
+    , .dbus_ADBus_e(io_oeb[31:16])
+    , .dbus_ale_o  (io_out[15])
+    , .dbus_ale_e  (io_oeb[15])
+    , .dbus_dle_o  (io_out[14])
+    , .dbus_dle_e  (io_oeb[14])
+    , .dbus_stb_o  (io_out[13:12])
+    , .dbus_stb_e  (io_oeb[13:12])
+    , .dbus_rd_o   (io_out[11])
+    , .dbus_rd_e   (io_oeb[11])
+    , .dbus_wr_o   (io_out[10])
+    , .dbus_wr_e   (io_oeb[10])
+    , .dbus_rdy_i  (io_in [9])
+    , .dbus_req_i  (io_in [8])
+    , .dbus_ack_o  (io_out[7])
+    , .intr_i      (io_in [6])
+    , .inta_o      (io_out[5])
+    , .nmir_i      (io_in [34])
+    , .nmia_o      (io_out[35])
+  );
-module counter #(
-    parameter BITS = 32
-    input clk,
-    input reset,
-    input valid,
-    input [3:0] wstrb,
-    input [BITS-1:0] wdata,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_write,
-    input [BITS-1:0] la_input,
-    output ready,
-    output [BITS-1:0] rdata,
-    output [BITS-1:0] count
+(* blackbox *)
+module Minx16Top (
+  input              clk_i
+, input              rst_i
+, input       [15:0] dbus_ADBus_i
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_ADBus_o
+, output wire [15:0] dbus_ADBus_e
+, output wire        dbus_ale_o
+, output wire        dbus_ale_e
+, output wire        dbus_dle_o
+, output wire        dbus_dle_e
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_o
+, output wire [ 1:0] dbus_stb_e
+, output wire        dbus_rd_o
+, output wire        dbus_rd_e
+, output wire        dbus_wr_o
+, output wire        dbus_wr_e
+, input              dbus_rdy_i
+, input              dbus_req_i
+, output wire        dbus_ack_o
+, input              intr_i
+, output wire        inta_o
+, input              nmir_i
+, output wire        nmia_o
-    reg ready;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] count;
-    reg [BITS-1:0] rdata;
-    always @(posedge clk) begin
-        if (reset) begin
-            count <= 0;
-            ready <= 0;
-        end else begin
-            ready <= 1'b0;
-            if (~|la_write) begin
-                count <= count + 1;
-            end
-            if (valid && !ready) begin
-                ready <= 1'b1;
-                rdata <= count;
-                if (wstrb[0]) count[7:0]   <= wdata[7:0];
-                if (wstrb[1]) count[15:8]  <= wdata[15:8];
-                if (wstrb[2]) count[23:16] <= wdata[23:16];
-                if (wstrb[3]) count[31:24] <= wdata[31:24];
-            end else if (|la_write) begin
-                count <= la_write & la_input;
-            end
-        end
-    end
 `default_nettype wire