update repo
5 files changed
tree: 05cb118fbcfe013d492ad3701ab5e41dc26bf8ce
  1. .github/
  2. def/
  3. docs/
  4. gds/
  5. lef/
  6. mag/
  7. maglef/
  8. mpw_precheck/
  9. openlane/
  10. sdc/
  11. sdf/
  12. signoff/
  13. spef/
  14. spi/
  15. tapeout/
  16. test/
  17. verilog/
  18. .gitignore
  19. configure.py
  20. info.yaml
  22. Makefile
  23. README.md

Tiny User Project

Template for submitting TinyTapeout based projects to the Open MPW shuttle program.


  1. Generate a new project based on this template

  2. Set GitHub Pages Sources as GitHub Actions.

  3. Create a new Wokwi project.

  4. Update info.yaml with your wokwi_id and make sure the documentation for inputs and outputs matches the Wokwi design.

  5. Commit, push and check the user_project_ci workflow summary (if successful a new commit including the hardened files will be automatically created).

  6. Submit your project github repository to the next Open MPW shuttle.