Minor cleanup after merging pull request #127 from Tim Ansell.
diff --git a/docs.txt b/docs.txt
index 8683406..c2882b2 100644
--- a/docs.txt
+++ b/docs.txt
@@ -140,26 +140,26 @@
 	make				Generate local staging area
 	sudo make install   		Install onto local system
-    Which will install to /usr/local/share/pdks directory.
+    which will install to /usr/share/pdk directory.
     Users can also elect to install somewhere by giving ./configure the
     `--prefix` and other similar standard ./configure options.
     For example;
-	    Installing to /usr/share/pdks;
+	    Installing to /usr/local/share/pdk;
-		./configure --prefix=/usr
+		./configure --prefix=/usr/local
 		sudo make install
-	    Installing to /opt/share/pdks;
+	    Installing to /opt/share/pdk;
 		./configure --prefix=/opt
 		sudo make install
-	    Installing to ~/pdks;
+	    Installing to ~/pdk;
 		./configure --prefix=$HOME --datarootdir=$HOME
@@ -169,16 +169,16 @@
     is destined to be installed on other machines should set`--prefix`
     to be the final install location and use `DESTDIR` with
     `make install` to the directory where the files should be staged,
-    see the following example;
+    see the following example:
         ./configure --prefix=/usr
-	# Need to use sudo so the file end up with the right
+	# Need to use sudo so the file ends up with the right
 	# permissions.
 	sudo make DESTDIR=/tmp/package
 	(cd /tmp/package; tar -cvf ../dist.tar)
-    Then on the final install machine you would want to do;
+    Then on the final install machine you would want to do:
         (sudo cd /usr; tar -xvf dist.tar)