Additional changes to the foundry_install script.  The main issue
was that the conditional block that lists what LEF macros needs
to write was not excluding the case where "lef" is already a
target and so magic does not need to generate any macros.  Also,
when creating the target list of LEF macros, the "exclude" list
was being applied to the macros and not the files.  Additionally,
when creating macro lists from verilog, CDL, or SPICE sources,
the corresponding exclude list should be used.
diff --git a/common/ b/common/
index 457483c..9a2793a 100755
--- a/common/
+++ b/common/
@@ -1342,7 +1342,10 @@
                     leffiles = []
                     lefmacros = []
-                    if have_lefanno:
+                    if have_lef:
+                        # Nothing to do;  LEF macros were already installed.
+                        pass
+                    elif have_lefanno:
                         # Find LEF file names in the source
                         if ef_format:
                             lefsrcdir = targetdir + lef_reflib + 'lef'
@@ -1353,7 +1356,23 @@
                         leffiles = os.listdir(lefsrclibdir)
                         leffiles = list(item for item in leffiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.lef')
+                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+                        if len(leffiles) > 0:
+                            lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in leffiles)
+                            notlefnames = []
+                            for exclude in lef_exclude:
+                                notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
+                            # Apply exclude list
+                            if len(notlefnames) > 0:
+                                for file in leffiles[:]:
+                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
+                                        leffiles.remove(file)
                         # Get list of abstract views to make from LEF macros
+                        # (Note:  exclude list can only contain the file being
+                        # read, not individual macro names in the file;  might
+                        # need some additional feature to accommodate this.)
                         for leffile in leffiles:
                             with open(lefsrclibdir + '/' + leffile, 'r') as ifile:
                                 ltext =
@@ -1363,23 +1382,24 @@
                                     if ltok[0] == 'MACRO':
-                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
-                        if len(lefmacros) > 0:
-                            lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
-                            notlefnames = []
-                            for exclude in lef_exclude:
-                                notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
-                            # Apply exclude list
-                            if len(notlefnames) > 0:
-                                for file in lefmacros[:]:
-                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
-                                        lefmacros.remove(file)
                     elif have_verilog and os.path.isdir(vlibdir):
                         # Get list of abstract views to make from verilog modules
+                        # (NOTE:  no way to apply exclude list here!)
                         vfiles = os.listdir(vlibdir)
                         vfiles = list(item for item in vfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.v')
+                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+                        if len(vfiles) > 0:
+                            vnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in vfiles)
+                            notvnames = []
+                            for exclude in verilog_exclude:
+                                notvnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(vnames, exclude))
+                            # Apply exclude list
+                            if len(notvnames) > 0:
+                                for file in vfiles[:]:
+                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notvnames:
+                                        vfiles.remove(file)
                         for vfile in vfiles:
                             with open(vlibdir + '/' + vfile, 'r') as ifile:
                                 vtext =
@@ -1393,23 +1413,23 @@
-                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
-                        if len(lefmacros) > 0:
-                            lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
-                            notlefnames = []
-                            for exclude in verilog_exclude:
-                                notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
-                            # Apply exclude list
-                            if len(notlefnames) > 0:
-                                for file in lefmacros[:]:
-                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
-                                        lefmacros.remove(file)
                     elif have_cdl and os.path.isdir(clibdir):
                         # Get list of abstract views to make from CDL subcircuits
                         cfiles = os.listdir(clibdir)
                         cfiles = list(item for item in cfiles if os.path.splitext(item)[1] == '.cdl')
+                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+                        if len(cfiles) > 0:
+                            cnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in cfiles)
+                            notcnames = []
+                            for exclude in cdl_exclude:
+                                notcnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(cnames, exclude))
+                            # Apply exclude list
+                            if len(notcnames) > 0:
+                                for file in cfiles[:]:
+                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notcnames:
+                                        cfiles.remove(file)
                         for cfile in cfiles:
                             with open(clibdir + '/' + cfile, 'r') as ifile:
                                 ctext =
@@ -1423,23 +1443,24 @@
-                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
-                        if len(lefmacros) > 0:
-                            lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
-                            notlefnames = []
-                            for exclude in cdl_exclude:
-                                notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
-                            # Apply exclude list
-                            if len(notlefnames) > 0:
-                                for file in lefmacros[:]:
-                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
-                                        lefmacros.remove(file)
                     elif have_spice and os.path.isdir(slibdir):
                         # Get list of abstract views to make from SPICE subcircuits
                         sfiles = os.listdir(slibdir)
                         sfiles = list(item for item in sfiles)
+                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
+                        if len(sfiles) > 0:
+                            snames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in sfiles)
+                            notsnames = []
+                            for exclude in spice_exclude:
+                                notsnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(snames, exclude))
+                            # Apply exclude list
+                            if len(notsnames) > 0:
+                                for file in sfiles[:]:
+                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notsnames:
+                                        sfiles.remove(file)
                         for sfile in sfiles:
                             with open(slibdir + '/' + sfile, 'r') as ifile:
                                 stext =
@@ -1453,19 +1474,6 @@
-                        # Create exclude list with glob-style matching using fnmatch
-                        if len(lefmacros) > 0:
-                            lefnames = list(os.path.split(item)[1] for item in lefmacros)
-                            notlefnames = []
-                            for exclude in spice_exclude:
-                                notlefnames.extend(fnmatch.filter(lefnames, exclude))
-                            # Apply exclude list
-                            if len(notlefnames) > 0:
-                                for file in lefmacros[:]:
-                                    if os.path.split(file)[1] in notlefnames:
-                                        lefmacros.remove(file)
                     if not lefmacros:
                         print('No source for abstract views:  Abstract views not made.')
                     elif not have_lef: