Corrected the fill generation script to avoid dropping fill outside
the chip area if the chip area is not an exact multiple of the check
step. Also added a density check script for running on final GDS
with fill (the output of the fill generation script).
diff --git a/sky130/ b/sky130/
index b4f0bd6..9fabc6c 100644
--- a/sky130/
+++ b/sky130/
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@
(cd ${MAGICTOP_STAGING_A} ; ln -s ${REV_DIR} current)
cp -rp custom/scripts/seal_ring_generator ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/.
cp custom/scripts/ ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/.
+ cp custom/scripts/ ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/.
${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}.tech > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.tech
${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH} > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}
${CPP} ${SKY130A_DEFS} magic/${TECH}.magicrc > ${MAGIC_STAGING_A}/${SKY130A}.magicrc
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0df2423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ---
+# Run density checks on a design (from GDS, after running fill generation).
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import select
+import subprocess
+def usage():
+ print("Usage:")
+ print(" [<gds_file_name>] [-keep]")
+ print("")
+ print("where:")
+ print(" <gds_file_name> is the path to the .gds file to be checked.")
+ print("")
+ print(" If '-keep' is specified, then keep the check script.")
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ optionlist = []
+ arguments = []
+ debugmode = False
+ keepmode = False
+ for option in sys.argv[1:]:
+ if option.find('-', 0) == 0:
+ optionlist.append(option)
+ else:
+ arguments.append(option)
+ if len(arguments) != 1:
+ print("Wrong number of arguments given to")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ gds_filepath = arguments[0]
+ gdspath = os.path.split(gds_filepath)[0]
+ if gdspath == '':
+ gdspath = os.getcwd()
+ if os.path.splitext(gds_filepath)[1] != '.gds':
+ if os.path.splitext(gds_filepath)[1] == '':
+ gds_filepath += '.gds'
+ else:
+ print('Error: Project is not a GDS file!')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Check for valid path to the GDS file
+ if not os.path.isdir(gdspath):
+ print('Error: Project path "' + gds_filepath + '" does not exist or is not readable.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Check for valid path to the layout directory (NOTE: Should check for
+ # additional argument or open_pdks install if not in a standard project space;
+ # this needs to be done.)
+ gdsroot = os.path.split(gdspath)[0]
+ magpath = gdsroot + '/mag'
+ if not os.path.isdir(magpath):
+ print('Error: Layout path "' + magpath + '" does not exist or is not readable.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if '-debug' in optionlist:
+ debugmode = True
+ if '-keep' in optionlist:
+ keepmode = True
+ # NOTE: There should be some attempt to find the installed PDK magicrc file
+ # if there is no mag/ directory.
+ rcfile = magpath + '/.magicrc'
+ with open(magpath + '/check_density.tcl', 'w') as ofile:
+ print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile)
+ print('crashbackups stop', file=ofile)
+ print('drc off', file=ofile)
+ print('snap internal', file=ofile)
+ print('set starttime [orig_clock format [orig_clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Started reading GDS: $starttime"', file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ print('flush stdout', file=ofile)
+ print('update idletasks', file=ofile)
+ # Read GDS file
+ print('gds readonly true', file=ofile)
+ print('gds rescale false', file=ofile)
+ print('gds read ' + gds_filepath, file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ print('set midtime [orig_clock format [orig_clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Starting density checks: $midtime"', file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ print('flush stdout', file=ofile)
+ print('update idletasks', file=ofile)
+ # Get step box dimensions (700um for size and 70um for step)
+ print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile)
+ # print('box size 700um 700um', file=ofile)
+ # print('set stepbox [box values]', file=ofile)
+ # print('set stepwidth [lindex $stepbox 2]', file=ofile)
+ # print('set stepheight [lindex $stepbox 3]', file=ofile)
+ print('box size 70um 70um', file=ofile)
+ print('set stepbox [box values]', file=ofile)
+ print('set stepsizex [lindex $stepbox 2]', file=ofile)
+ print('set stepsizey [lindex $stepbox 3]', file=ofile)
+ print('select top cell', file=ofile)
+ print('expand', file=ofile)
+ print('set fullbox [box values]', file=ofile)
+ print('set xmax [lindex $fullbox 2]', file=ofile)
+ print('set xmin [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile)
+ print('set fullwidth [expr {$xmax - $xmin}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set xtiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullwidth + 0.0) / $stepsizex))}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set ymax [lindex $fullbox 3]', file=ofile)
+ print('set ymin [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile)
+ print('set fullheight [expr {$ymax - $ymin}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set ytiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullheight + 0.0) / $stepsizey))}]', file=ofile)
+ print('box size $stepsizex $stepsizey', file=ofile)
+ print('set xbase [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile)
+ print('set ybase [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "XTILES: $xtiles"', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "YTILES: $ytiles"', file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ # Need to know what fraction of a full tile is the last row and column
+ print('set xfrac [expr {($xtiles * $stepsizex - $fullwidth + 0.0) / $stepsizex}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set yfrac [expr {($ytiles * $stepsizey - $fullheight + 0.0) / $stepsizey}]', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "XFRAC: $xfrac"', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "YFRAC: $yfrac"', file=ofile)
+ print('cif ostyle density', file=ofile)
+ # Process density at steps. For efficiency, this is done in 70x70 um
+ # areas, dumped to a file, and then aggregated into the 700x700 areas.
+ print('for {set y 0} {$y < $ytiles} {incr y} {', file=ofile)
+ print(' for {set x 0} {$x < $xtiles} {incr x} {', file=ofile)
+ print(' set xlo [expr $xbase + $x * $stepsizex]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set ylo [expr $ybase + $y * $stepsizey]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set xhi [expr $xlo + $stepsizex]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set yhi [expr $ylo + $stepsizey]', file=ofile)
+ print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile)
+ # Flatten this area
+ print(' flatten -dobbox -nolabels tile', file=ofile)
+ print(' load tile', file=ofile)
+ print(' select top cell', file=ofile)
+ # Run density check for each layer
+ print(' puts stdout "Density results for tile x=$x y=$y"', file=ofile)
+ print(' set fdens [cif list cover fom_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set pdens [cif list cover poly_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set ldens [cif list cover li_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set m1dens [cif list cover m1_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set m2dens [cif list cover m2_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set m3dens [cif list cover m3_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set m4dens [cif list cover m4_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' set m5dens [cif list cover m5_all]', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "FOM: $fdens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "POLY: $pdens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "LI1: $ldens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "MET1: $m1dens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "MET2: $m2dens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "MET3: $m3dens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "MET4: $m4dens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' puts stdout "MET5: $m5dens"', file=ofile)
+ print(' flush stdout', file=ofile)
+ print(' update idletasks', file=ofile)
+ print(' load ' + project_with_id, file=ofile)
+ print(' cellname delete tile', file=ofile)
+ print(' }', file=ofile)
+ print('}', file=ofile)
+ print('set endtime [orig_clock format [orig_clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]', file=ofile)
+ print('puts stdout "Ended: $endtime"', file=ofile)
+ print('', file=ofile)
+ myenv = os.environ.copy()
+ myenv['MAGTYPE'] = 'mag'
+ print('Running density checks on file ' + gds_filepath, flush=True)
+ mproc = subprocess.Popen(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole',
+ '-rcfile', rcfile, magpath + '/check_density.tcl'],
+ stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd = magpath,
+ env = myenv,
+ universal_newlines = True)
+ # Use signal to poll the process and generate any output as it arrives
+ fomfill = []
+ polyfill = []
+ lifill = []
+ met1fill = []
+ met2fill = []
+ met3fill = []
+ met4fill = []
+ met5fill = []
+ xtiles = 0
+ ytiles = 0
+ xfrac = 0.0
+ yfrac = 0.0
+ while mproc:
+ status = mproc.poll()
+ if status != None:
+ try:
+ output = mproc.communicate(timeout=1)
+ except ValueError:
+ print('Magic forced stop, status ' + str(status))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ outlines = output[0]
+ errlines = output[1]
+ for line in outlines.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ dpair = line.split(':')
+ if len(dpair) == 2:
+ layer = dpair[0]
+ try:
+ density = float(dpair[1].strip())
+ except:
+ continue
+ if layer == 'FOM':
+ fomfill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'POLY':
+ polyfill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'LI1':
+ lifill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'MET1':
+ met1fill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'MET2':
+ met2fill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'MET3':
+ met3fill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'MET4':
+ met4fill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'MET5':
+ met5fill.append(density)
+ elif layer == 'XTILES':
+ xtiles = int(dpair[1].strip())
+ elif layer == 'YTILES':
+ ytiles = int(dpair[1].strip())
+ elif layer == 'XFRAC':
+ xfrac = float(dpair[1].strip())
+ elif layer == 'YFRAC':
+ yfrac = float(dpair[1].strip())
+ for line in errlines.splitlines():
+ print(line)
+ print('Magic exited with status ' + str(status))
+ if int(status) != 0:
+ sys.exit(int(status))
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ n = 0
+ while True:
+ n += 1
+ if n > 100:
+ n = 0
+ status = mproc.poll()
+ if status != None:
+ break
+ sresult =[mproc.stdout, mproc.stderr], [], [], 0)[0]
+ if mproc.stdout in sresult:
+ outstring = mproc.stdout.readline().strip()
+ print(outstring)
+ elif mproc.stderr in sresult:
+ outstring = mproc.stderr.readline().strip()
+ print(outstring)
+ else:
+ break
+ total_tiles = (ytiles - 9) * (xtiles - 9)
+ print('')
+ print('Density results (total tiles = ' + str(total_tiles) + '):')
+ # Full areas are 10 x 10 tiles = 100. But the right and top sides are
+ # not full tiles, so the full area must be prorated.
+ sideadjust = 90.0 + (10.0 * xfrac)
+ topadjust = 90.0 + (10.0 * yfrac)
+ corneradjust = 81.0 + (9.0 * xfrac) + (9.0 * yfrac) + (xfrac * yfrac)
+ print('')
+ print('FOM Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ fomaccum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ fomaccum += sum(fomfill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(fomaccum / atotal))
+ if fomaccum < 33.0:
+ print('***Error: FOM Density < 33%')
+ elif fomaccum > 57.0:
+ print('***Error: FOM Density > 57%')
+ print('')
+ print('POLY Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ polyaccum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ polyaccum += sum(polyfill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(polyaccum / atotal))
+ print('')
+ print('LI Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ liaccum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ liaccum += sum(lifill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(liaccum / atotal))
+ if liaccum < 35.0:
+ print('***Error: LI Density < 35%')
+ elif liaccum > 70.0:
+ print('***Error: LI Density > 70%')
+ print('')
+ print('MET1 Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ met1accum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ met1accum += sum(met1fill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(met1accum / atotal))
+ if met1accum < 35.0:
+ print('***Error: MET1 Density < 35%')
+ elif met1accum > 70.0:
+ print('***Error: MET1 Density > 70%')
+ print('')
+ print('MET2 Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ met2accum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ met2accum += sum(met2fill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(met2accum / atotal))
+ if met2accum < 35.0:
+ print('***Error: MET2 Density < 35%')
+ elif met2accum > 70.0:
+ print('***Error: MET2 Density > 70%')
+ print('')
+ print('MET3 Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ met3accum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ met3accum += sum(met3fill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(met3accum / atotal))
+ if met3accum < 35.0:
+ print('***Error: MET3 Density < 35%')
+ elif met3accum > 70.0:
+ print('***Error: MET3 Density > 70%')
+ print('')
+ print('MET4 Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ met4accum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ met4accum += sum(met4fill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(met4accum / atotal))
+ if met4accum < 35.0:
+ print('***Error: MET4 Density < 35%')
+ elif met4accum > 70.0:
+ print('***Error: MET4 Density > 70%')
+ print('')
+ print('MET5 Density:')
+ for y in range(0, ytiles - 9):
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = topadjust
+ else:
+ atotal = 100.0
+ for x in range(0, xtiles - 9):
+ if x == xtiles - 10:
+ if y == ytiles - 10:
+ atotal = corneradjust
+ else:
+ atotal = sideadjust
+ met5accum = 0
+ for w in range(y, y + 10):
+ base = xtiles * w + x
+ met5accum += sum(met5fill[base : base + 10])
+ print('Tile (' + str(x) + ', ' + str(y) + '): ' + str(met5accum / atotal))
+ if met5accum < 45.0:
+ print('***Error: MET5 Density < 45%')
+ elif met5accum > 86.0:
+ print('***Error: MET5 Density > 80%')
+ if not keepmode:
+ os.remove(magpath + '/check_density.tcl')
+ print('')
+ print('Done!')
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
index cb481d9..1f9254f 100755
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@
print('set xmax [lindex $fullbox 2]', file=ofile)
print('set xmin [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile)
print('set fullwidth [expr {$xmax - $xmin}]', file=ofile)
- print('set xtiles [expr {int(ceil($fullwidth / $stepwidth))}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set xtiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullwidth + 0.0) / $stepwidth))}]', file=ofile)
print('set ymax [lindex $fullbox 3]', file=ofile)
print('set ymin [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile)
print('set fullheight [expr {$ymax - $ymin}]', file=ofile)
- print('set ytiles [expr {int(ceil($fullheight / $stepheight))}]', file=ofile)
+ print('set ytiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullheight + 0.0) / $stepheight))}]', file=ofile)
print('box size $stepwidth $stepheight', file=ofile)
print('set xbase [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile)
print('set ybase [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile)
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@
print(' set ylo [expr $ybase + $y * $stepheight]', file=ofile)
print(' set xhi [expr $xlo + $stepwidth]', file=ofile)
print(' set yhi [expr $ylo + $stepheight]', file=ofile)
+ print(' if {$xhi > $fullwidth} {set xhi $fullwidth}', file=ofile)
+ print(' if {$yhi > $fullheight} {set yhi $fullheight}', file=ofile)
print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile)
# The flattened area must be larger than the fill tile by >1.5um
print(' box grow c 1.6um', file=ofile)
@@ -145,6 +147,8 @@
print(' property GDS_FILE ""', file=ofile)
# Set boundary using comment layer, to the size of the step box
# This corresponds to the "topbox" rule in the wafflefill(tiled) style
+ print(' select top cell', file=ofile)
+ print(' erase comment', file=ofile)
print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile)
print(' paint comment', file=ofile)
print(' puts stdout "Writing GDS. . . "', file=ofile)