Overhaul of the sky130 I/O pads.  With a few fixes to the magic tech file and
a few non-physical-mask changes to the vendor I/O cells, the I/O cells will
now read into magic in a way that they can be extracted from either GDS or
.mag views, and will pass LVS against the provided SPICE netlists, and will
be simulatable.  Important note:  Swapped the GDS purpose of "text" vs. "pin"
in the magic tech file so that it now matches the foundry use (previously it
was defined to match the foundry documentation, which was in conflict with
the foundry usage).
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 514ec94..e7dc85f 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_text_pin_gds.py b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_text_pin_gds.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9830150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_text_pin_gds.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# fix_text_pin_gds.py ---
+# Reverses the text and pin purposes in a file;  corrects older files
+# built from magic based on the documented purposes.  Changes files to
+# the actual usage, which is purpose 5 for pin, and purpose 16 for text.
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+    print('Usage:  fix_vssio_overlay_gds.py <filename>')
+    sys.exit(1)
+    file_name = sys.argv[1]
+# rendered text:
+#   0x0006     # RECORD_LENGTH              Bytes of data in this record
+#   0x16       # RECORD_TYPE:  TEXTTYPE     Texttype specification
+#   0x02       # DATA_TYPE:    INTEGER_2    Two byte signed integer
+#   0x0010     # DATA: 16
+#   0x0006     # RECORD_LENGTH              Bytes of data in this record
+#   0x17       # RECORD_TYPE:  PRESENTATION Text origin and font specification
+# and standard text:
+#   0x0006     # RECORD_LENGTH              Bytes of data in this record
+#   0x16       # RECORD_TYPE:  TEXTTYPE     Texttype specification
+#   0x02       # DATA_TYPE:    INTEGER_2    Two byte signed integer
+#   0x0010     # DATA: 16
+#   0x000c     # RECORD_LENGTH              Bytes of data in this record
+#   0x10       # RECORD_TYPE:  XY           An array of XY coordinates
+#   0x03       # DATA_TYPE:    INTEGER_4    Four byte signed integer
+# Convert this data
+orig_data_0 = b'\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x06\x17\x01'
+# To this data (change purpose type 16 to type 5)
+new_data_0 = b'\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x06\x17\x01'
+# Convert this data
+orig_data_1 = b'\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x0c\x10\x03'
+# To this data (change purpose type 16 to type 5)
+new_data_1 = b'\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x0c\x10\x03'
+# This is not efficient, but only needs to be done once.
+with open(file_name, 'rb') as ifile:
+    data = ifile.read()
+    data = data.replace(orig_data_0, new_data_0)
+    data = data.replace(orig_data_1, new_data_1)
+# Write back into the same file
+with open(file_name, 'wb') as ofile:
+    ofile.write(data)
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vddio_pad_gds.py b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vddio_pad_gds.py
index 3720225..be038a7 100755
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vddio_pad_gds.py
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vddio_pad_gds.py
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
 add_data_8 = b'\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x0e\x02\x00\x0d\x00\x2c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x00\xf8\x48\x00\x01\x22\x28\x00\x00\xf8\x48\x00\x01\x22\x28\x00\x01\x0d\xce\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x01\x0d\xce\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x00\xf8\x48\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # PADISOR label at (67.45um 66.22um) size 0.3um on MET3PIN
-add_data_9 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x07\x7a\x00\x01\x02\xac\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x52\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
+add_data_9 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x07\x7a\x00\x01\x02\xac\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x52\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # PADISOL label at (5.05um 66.22um) size 0.3um on MET3PIN
-add_data_10 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x00\x13\xba\x00\x01\x02\xac\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x4c\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
+add_data_10 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x00\x13\xba\x00\x01\x02\xac\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x4c\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # Append metal resistors after this data
 orig_data_1 = b'\x00\x02\x9d\x33\x00\x00\x2b\x1b\x00\x02\x9d\xfb\x00\x00\x2a\x53\x00\x02\x9d\xfb\x00\x00\x2a\x53\x00\x02\x9d\x33\x00\x04\x11\x00'
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vssio_pad_gds.py b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vssio_pad_gds.py
index d1b2ea3..a80c56d 100755
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vssio_pad_gds.py
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/fix_vssio_pad_gds.py
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@
 add_data_8 = b'\x00\x04\x08\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x0e\x02\x00\x0d\x00\x2c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x00\xe1\xa0\x00\x01\x22\x28\x00\x00\xe1\xa0\x00\x01\x22\x28\x00\x00\xf6\x90\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x00\xf6\x90\x00\x01\x22\x1e\x00\x00\xe1\xa0\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # PADISOR label at (67.45um 60.34um) size 0.3um on MET3PIN
-add_data_9 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x07\x7a\x00\x00\xeb\xb4\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x52\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
+add_data_9 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x01\x07\x7a\x00\x00\xeb\xb4\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x52\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # PADISOL label at (5.05um 60.34um) size 0.3um on MET3PIN
-add_data_10 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x10\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x00\x13\xba\x00\x00\xeb\xb4\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x4c\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
+add_data_10 = b'\x00\x04\x0c\x00\x00\x06\x0d\x02\x00\x46\x00\x06\x16\x02\x00\x05\x00\x06\x17\x01\x00\x05\x00\x06\x1a\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x1b\x05\x40\x4c\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\x00\x0c\x10\x03\x00\x00\x13\xba\x00\x00\xeb\xb4\x00\x0c\x19\x06\x50\x41\x44\x49\x53\x4f\x4c\x00\x00\x04\x11\x00'
 # Append after this data
 orig_data = b'\x00\x02\x7d\xd0\x00\x01\x11\xb1\x00\x02\x7e\x98\x00\x01\x10\xe9\x00\x02\x7e\x98\x00\x01\x10\xe9\x00\x02\x7d\xd0\x00\x04\x11\x00'
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_io.tcl b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_io.tcl
index 22546c6..d698908 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_io.tcl
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_io.tcl
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
-# Set the GDS input style to sky130(vendor).  This treats labels on the
-# TXT purpose (5) as pins, which is unfortunately done in a lot of the
-# vendor GDS files.
-cif istyle sky130(vendor)
+cif istyle sky130()
 gds flatten true
 gds flatglob *_cdns_*
 gds flatglob *sky130_fd_pr__*_example_*
-# ! flatten within the 120x2 ESD device
-gds flatglob *sky130_fd_io__gnd2gnd_s*
-gds flatglob *sky130_fd_io__gnd2gnd_d*
-gds flatglob *sky130_fd_io__gnd2gnd_t*
+# ! flatten the 120x2 ESD device
+gds flatglob *sky130_fd_io__gnd2gnd_*
 # The following cells have to be flattened for the gpiov2 pad to read in
 # correctly, and produce a layout that can be extracted and generate an
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_setup.tcl b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_setup.tcl
index f3a8585..ba6a7b3 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_setup.tcl
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_setup.tcl
@@ -1,4 +1 @@
-# Set the GDS input style to sky130(vendor).  This treats labels on the
-# TXT purpose (5) as pins, which is unfortunately done in a lot of the
-# vendor GDS files.
-cif istyle sky130(vendor)
+cif istyle sky130()
diff --git a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_sram.tcl b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_sram.tcl
index f4c3ace..af00660 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_sram.tcl
+++ b/sky130/custom/scripts/gds_import_sram.tcl
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-# Set the GDS input style to sky130(vendor).  This treats labels on the
-# TXT purpose (5) as pins, which is unfortunately done in a lot of the
-# vendor GDS files.
-cif istyle sky130(vendor)
+cif istyle sky130()
 # Ensure unique cell names when reading multiple GDS files
 calma unique true
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io.gds b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io.gds
index a8da398..024c773 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io.gds
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__analog.gds b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__analog.gds
index 40b248e..6e2a043 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__analog.gds
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__analog.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds
index c695d84..a88b83c 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/README b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04593bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/README
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+This directory contains standard format files for "sky130_ef_io",
+which is an efabless addendum to the SkyWater I/O library "sky130_fd_io".
+sky130_ef_io does the following:
+(1) Changes the orientation of the corner pad from upper-right to
+    lower-left with a wrapper cell called "sky130_fd_io__corner_pad".  Also
+    extends the power buses to make the dimensions of the corner pad
+    multiples of 1um.
+(2) Adds a 1um-wide spacer cell to complement the existing 5um-wide
+    spacer cell.
+(3) Adds wrappers for all the combinations of power pad base cell +
+    power pad overlay, to create all 12 combinations, for pads with
+    either high- or low-voltage clamps, connecting to one of the six
+    power domains vddio, vdda, vccd, vssio, vssa, or vssd.
+(4) Adds overlay cells that connect the clamps to the different domains,
+    in four commonly-used configurations.
+(5) Adds wrappers for specfic combinations of power pad base cells +
+    power pad overlay + clamp connection overlay, to create 8 common
+    combinations.
+(6) (5/28/2021) Added a separate wrapper cell for the top_power_hvc_wpadv2
+    cell for the "caravan" project to triple up metal to the pad for
+    high current supply applications.  The clamp and the pad remain
+    unconnected.
+"sky130_ef_io" is open source copyright 2020 efabless, Inc.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license
+Copy these .mag sources to open_pdks/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/
+Generate GDS:
+	load sky130_ef_io
+	cif *hier write disable		;# there are no interactions
+	gds library true		;# don't write top-level cell
+	gds addendum true		;# don't write readonly cells
+	gds write sky130_ef_io
+and copy sky130_fd_io.gds to open_pdks/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/gds/.
+For LEF views, use
+	lef write -hide
+and copy the resulting file to open_pdks/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/lef/.
+***BUT*** Some of the views need editing:
+(1) Move m4 obstruction in com_slice_Xum from 93.365 to 173.75 so that
+    the area is empty for placing subcells in this area.
+(2) Fix non-manhattan geometry in the corner of the corner cell.
+(3) Erase labels on non-Manhattan shapes in sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2
+    before running "lef write -hide".
+These two actions have been codified into the following scripts:
+	generate_gds_lib.sh
+	generate_lef_views.sh
+3/30/2021:  Corrected the power pad layouts to differentiate between
+	    the pad and the core (which are different nets).  Text
+	    "_PAD" added to the net on the pad, and port numbers
+	    modified to match the corrected CDL netlists in open_pdks.
+	    Rewriting GDS with the most recent magic techfile also
+	    corrects the port/text layer:purpose pairs.
+5/28/2021:  Added power cell with extra-wide metal3 for the "caravan"
+	    project.
+6/16/2021:  Fixed the mix-up between the "clamped" and "clamped2" pads.
+	    To be consistent with the verilog and SPICE, the .mag, .lef,
+	    and .gds views all need to have the names "clamped" and
+	    "clamped2" swapped.
+6/24/2021:  Fixed cell top_power_hvc, which had a Y offset of -47um.
+10/28/2021: Corrected an offset overlay on sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_pad.
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_gds_lib.sh b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_gds_lib.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a40435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_gds_lib.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# generate_gds_lib.sh ---
+# Generate the GDS according to the instructions in README.
+magic -dnull -noconsole -rcfile /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.magicrc << EOF
+drc off
+crashbackups stop
+load sky130_ef_io
+cif *hier write disable
+gds library true
+gds addendum true
+gds write sky130_ef_io
+exit 0
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_lef_views.sh b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_lef_views.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fccb0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/generate_lef_views.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# generate_lef_views.sh ---
+# Read all of the cell names from "topcells.txt" and generate LEF views
+# from them.  Then write those files to the ../lef directory.
+allcells=`cat topcells.txt`
+magic -dnull -noconsole -rcfile /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.magicrc << EOF
+drc off
+crashbackups stop
+set cells $allcells
+foreach cell \$cells {
+   load \$cell
+   lef write -hide
+quit -noprompt
+mv *.lef ../lef/
+exit 0
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io.mag
index e3e762d..34f8aa5 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io.mag
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io.mag
@@ -1,69 +1,77 @@
 tech sky130A
 magscale 1 2
-timestamp 1624544534
+timestamp 1636574685
+use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped3_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped3_pad_0
+timestamp 1636574685
+transform 1 0 -2456 0 1 -60530
+box 0 -2177 17187 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped3_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped3_pad_0
+timestamp 1636574685
+transform 1 0 25051 0 1 -59702
+box 0 -2184 17187 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1624544022
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 -778 0 1 -5714
 box 0 -434 15000 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 39000 0 1 -5606
-box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 19004 0 1 -5606
 box 0 -434 15000 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 77366 0 1 -5822
-box -2195 -2184 17228 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 39000 0 1 -5606
+box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 58346 0 1 -5496
 box 0 -434 15000 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 98450 0 1 -6148
-box -2195 -2184 17228 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 118340 0 1 -5714
+use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 77366 0 1 -5822
 box 0 -2107 17239 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 98450 0 1 -6148
+box 0 -2107 17239 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 118340 0 1 -5714
+box -2195 -2184 17228 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad_0
 timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 141083 0 1 -5048
-box -2195 -2184 17228 39593
+box 0 -46 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__top_power_hvc  sky130_ef_io__top_power_hvc_0
 timestamp 1624544534
 transform 1 0 163508 0 1 -6325
-box 0 -407 33800 39593
+box 0 -434 33800 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 -480 0 1 46173
 box 0 -46 15000 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 37912 0 1 46935
-box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 18134 0 1 46741
 box 0 -434 15000 39593
-use sky130_ef_io__vssio_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssio_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 79018 0 1 44233
-box 0 -46 15000 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 37912 0 1 46935
+box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssa_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssa_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 60016 0 1 44427
+box 0 -46 15000 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vssio_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssio_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 79018 0 1 44233
 box 0 -7 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 100540 0 1 44967
-box 0 -434 15000 39593
+box 0 -407 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__corner_pad  sky130_ef_io__corner_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1609343739
 transform 1 0 123795 0 1 46420
 box -271 -204 40000 40800
 use sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_20um  sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_20um_0
@@ -83,39 +91,39 @@
 transform 1 0 167600 0 1 45744
 box 0 0 200 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 19686 0 1 92471
-box 0 -434 15000 39993
-use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
-transform 1 0 38106 0 1 91155
-box 0 -46 15000 39593
+box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vdda_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vdda_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 -868 0 1 91931
 box 0 -46 15000 39593
+use sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_pad_0
+timestamp 1617120349
+transform 1 0 38106 0 1 91155
+box 0 -46 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vccd_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vccd_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 56526 0 1 91335
 box 0 -434 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 77078 0 1 92305
 box 0 -407 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__vddio_lvc_pad  sky130_ef_io__vddio_lvc_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1617120349
 transform 1 0 97048 0 1 92319
-box 0 -46 15000 39593
+box 0 -7 15000 39593
 use sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad  sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_0
-timestamp 1622214725
+timestamp 1602597384
 transform 1 0 119295 0 1 92724
 box -143 -543 16134 39593
 use sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2  sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1622147639
+timestamp 1636165381
 transform 1 0 140197 0 1 92452
 box -103 0 15124 40000
 use sky130_fd_io__top_gpio_ovtv2  sky130_ef_fd__top_gpio_ovtv2_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1622147639
+timestamp 1636165381
 transform 1 0 160920 0 1 92540
 box -80 -147 28211 40151
 << end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad.mag.orig b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad.mag.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b3aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad.mag.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1602597384
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 12486 -407 12538 -351
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 7956 15977 8019 15991
+rect 7956 15927 7969 15977
+tri 7969 15927 8019 15977 nw
+rect 675 -407 721 -361
+rect 1084 -407 1130 -328
+rect 1226 -407 1278 -355
+rect 2551 -407 2603 -363
+rect 3262 -407 3314 -306
+rect 4471 -407 4523 -340
+rect 5320 -407 5372 -379
+rect 5698 -407 5750 -355
+rect 6150 -407 6202 -351
+rect 6363 -407 6415 -363
+rect 7092 -407 7144 -351
+rect 7678 -407 7730 -318
+rect 9049 -407 9101 -355
+rect 9971 -407 10023 -355
+rect 13367 -407 13419 -355
+rect 13655 -407 13785 -363
+rect 15256 -407 15384 -363
+rect 15522 -407 15574 -363
+rect 15741 -407 15781 -363
+rect 15943 -407 15983 -215
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 80 -407 204 -244
+rect 9173 -407 9239 -355
+rect 12564 -407 12778 -260
+rect 15716 -407 15782 -254
+rect 15848 -407 15914 -244
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 15746 34750 16000 39593
+rect 0 13600 254 18593
+rect 15746 13600 16000 18593
+rect 0 12410 254 13300
+rect 15746 12410 16000 13300
+rect 0 11240 254 12130
+rect 15746 11240 16000 12130
+rect 0 10874 254 10940
+rect 15746 10874 16000 10940
+rect 0 10218 100 10814
+rect 15746 10218 15846 10814
+rect 0 9922 254 10158
+rect 15746 9922 16000 10158
+rect 0 9266 116 9862
+rect 15746 9266 15862 9862
+rect 0 9140 254 9206
+rect 15746 9140 16000 9206
+rect 0 7910 254 8840
+rect 15746 7910 16000 8840
+rect 0 6940 254 7630
+rect 15746 6940 16000 7630
+rect 0 5970 254 6660
+rect 15746 5970 16000 6660
+rect 0 4760 254 5690
+rect 15746 4760 16000 5690
+rect 0 3550 254 4480
+rect 15746 3550 16000 4480
+rect 0 2580 254 3270
+rect 15746 2580 16000 3270
+rect 0 1370 254 2300
+rect 15746 1370 16000 2300
+rect 0 0 254 1090
+rect 15746 0 16000 1090
+<< metal5 >>
+rect 0 34750 254 39593
+rect 15746 34750 16000 39593
+rect 6423 24687 10731 28996
+rect 0 13600 254 18590
+rect 15746 13600 16000 18590
+rect 0 12430 254 13280
+rect 15746 12430 16000 13280
+rect 0 11260 254 12110
+rect 15746 11260 16000 12110
+rect 0 9140 254 10940
+rect 15746 9140 16000 10940
+rect 0 7930 254 8820
+rect 15746 7930 16000 8820
+rect 0 6960 254 7610
+rect 15746 6960 16000 7610
+rect 0 5990 254 6640
+rect 15746 5990 16000 6640
+rect 0 4780 254 5670
+rect 15746 4780 16000 5670
+rect 0 3570 254 4460
+rect 15746 3570 16000 4460
+rect 0 2600 254 3250
+rect 15746 2600 16000 3250
+rect 0 1390 254 2280
+rect 15746 1390 16000 2280
+rect 0 20 254 1070
+rect 15746 20 16000 1070
+use sky130_fd_io__overlay_gpiov2  sky130_fd_io__overlay_gpiov2_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
+timestamp 1617033437
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box 0 407 16000 40000
+use sky130_fd_io__top_gpiov2  sky130_fd_io__top_gpiov2_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
+timestamp 1617033437
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
+box -143 -136 16134 40000
+<< labels >>
+flabel metal4 s 127 37925 127 37925 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 13600 254 18590 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 7930 254 8820 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSD
+port 34 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 11260 254 12110 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO_Q
+port 36 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 5990 254 6640 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSWITCH
+port 37 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 4780 254 5670 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 2600 193 3250 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDA
+port 30 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 3570 254 4460 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 1390 254 2280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VCCD
+port 28 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 12430 254 13280 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO_Q
+port 32 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 9140 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 6961 254 7610 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 0 20 254 1070 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VCCHIB
+port 29 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 34750 254 39593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 3550 254 4480 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 12410 254 13300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO_Q
+port 32 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 13600 254 18593 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 1370 254 2300 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VCCD
+port 28 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 9140 254 9206 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 5970 254 6660 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSWITCH
+port 37 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 9922 254 10158 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 11240 254 12130 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO_Q
+port 36 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 4760 254 5690 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 2580 193 3270 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VDDA
+port 30 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 10218 254 10814 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 AMUXBUS_A
+port 0 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 10874 254 10940 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 6940 254 7630 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 7910 254 8840 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VSSD
+port 34 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 9266 254 9862 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 AMUXBUS_B
+port 1 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 0 0 254 1090 3 FreeSans 520 0 0 0 VCCHIB
+port 29 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15873 37925 15873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 9140 16000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15807 2600 16000 3250 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDA
+port 30 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 7930 16000 8820 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSD
+port 34 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 11260 16000 12110 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO_Q
+port 36 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 4780 16000 5670 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 5990 16000 6640 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSWITCH
+port 37 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 6961 16000 7610 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 1390 16000 2280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VCCD
+port 28 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 12430 16000 13280 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO_Q
+port 32 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 13600 16000 18590 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 20 16000 1070 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VCCHIB
+port 29 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 15746 3570 16000 4460 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 7910 16000 8840 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSD
+port 34 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15807 2580 16000 3270 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDA
+port 30 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 11240 16000 12130 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO_Q
+port 36 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 4760 16000 5690 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 5970 16000 6660 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSWITCH
+port 37 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9922 16000 10158 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 10874 16000 10940 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 3550 16000 4480 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9140 16000 9206 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 6940 16000 7630 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSA
+port 33 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 12410 16000 13300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO_Q
+port 32 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 1370 16000 2300 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VCCD
+port 28 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 9266 16000 9862 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 AMUXBUS_B
+port 1 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 34750 16000 39593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO
+port 35 nsew ground bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 10218 16000 10814 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 AMUXBUS_A
+port 0 nse signal bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 13600 16000 18593 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VDDIO
+port 31 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal4 s 15746 0 16000 1090 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VCCHIB
+port 29 nsew power bidirectional
+flabel metal5 s 6423 24687 10731 28996 0 FreeSans 1600 0 0 0 PAD
+port 21 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal3 s 80 -407 204 -244 0 FreeSans 640 0 0 0 IN_H
+port 17 nsew signal output
+flabel metal2 s 675 -407 721 -361 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 OE_N
+port 19 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 1084 -407 1130 -328 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 IB_MODE_SEL
+port 15 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 1226 -407 1278 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 VTRIP_SEL
+port 38 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 2551 -407 2603 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ENABLE_VDDA_H
+port 10 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 3262 -407 3314 -306 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ENABLE_VSWITCH_H
+port 12 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 4471 -407 4523 -340 0 FreeSans 400 0 0 0 OUT
+port 20 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 5320 -407 5372 -379 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 HLD_OVR
+port 14 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 5698 -407 5750 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 DM[2]
+port 5 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 6150 -407 6202 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ANALOG_SEL
+port 4 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 6363 -407 6415 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 HLD_H_N
+port 13 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 7092 -407 7144 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ENABLE_H
+port 8 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 7678 -407 7730 -318 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ENABLE_INP_H
+port 9 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 9049 -407 9101 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 INP_DIS
+port 18 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 9173 -407 9239 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ANALOG_POL
+port 3 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 9971 -407 10023 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 DM[0]
+port 7 nsew signal input
+flabel metal1 s 12486 -407 12538 -351 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ANALOG_EN
+port 2 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 13367 -407 13419 -355 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 DM[1]
+port 6 nsew signal input
+flabel metal2 s 15522 -407 15574 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 SLOW
+port 25 nsew signal input
+flabel metal3 s 15848 -407 15914 -244 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 IN
+port 16 nsew signal output
+flabel metal3 s 12564 -407 12778 -260 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 PAD_A_NOESD_H
+port 24 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal2 s 13655 -407 13785 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 PAD_A_ESD_1_H
+port 23 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal2 s 15256 -407 15384 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 PAD_A_ESD_0_H
+port 22 nsew signal bidirectional
+flabel metal2 s 15943 -407 15983 -215 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 TIE_LO_ESD
+port 27 nsew signal output
+flabel metal2 s 15741 -407 15781 -363 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 TIE_HI_ESD
+port 26 nsew signal output
+flabel metal3 s 15716 -407 15782 -254 0 FreeSans 400 270 0 0 ENABLE_VDDIO
+port 11 nsew signal input
+<< properties >>
+string LEFclass PAD INOUT
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 0 16000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c695d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad_wrapped.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccdy_overlay.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccdy_overlay.mag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bd7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccdy_overlay.mag
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+tech sky130A
+magscale 1 2
+timestamp 1636577591
+<< metal1 >>
+rect 15240 14964 17187 15070
+rect 15240 9668 15318 14964
+rect 17081 9668 17187 14964
+rect 15240 5414 15313 9668
+rect 17115 5414 17187 9668
+rect 5101 -7 5685 83
+rect 4185 -163 11313 -7
+rect 15240 -163 17187 5414
+rect 4185 -1384 17187 -163
+rect 4185 -2184 16387 -1384
+tri 16387 -2184 17187 -1384 nw
+<< via1 >>
+rect 15318 9668 17081 14964
+rect 15313 5414 17115 9668
+<< metal2 >>
+rect 15240 39521 17187 39586
+rect 15240 34813 15294 39521
+rect 17136 34813 17187 39521
+rect 15240 14964 17187 34813
+rect 15240 9668 15318 14964
+rect 17081 9668 17187 14964
+rect 15240 5644 15313 9668
+rect 17115 5644 17187 9668
+rect 15240 4807 15278 5644
+rect 17134 4807 17187 5644
+rect 15240 4678 17187 4807
+<< via2 >>
+rect 15294 34813 17136 39521
+rect 15278 5414 15313 5644
+rect 15313 5414 17115 5644
+rect 17115 5414 17134 5644
+rect 15278 4807 17134 5414
+<< metal3 >>
+rect 15240 39521 17187 39586
+rect 15240 34813 15294 39521
+rect 17136 34813 17187 39521
+rect 15240 34743 17187 34813
+rect 15240 5644 17187 5683
+rect 15240 4807 15278 5644
+rect 17134 4807 17187 5644
+rect 15240 4753 17187 4807
+<< via3 >>
+rect 15294 34813 17136 39521
+rect 15278 4807 17134 5644
+<< metal4 >>
+rect 14957 39521 17187 39586
+rect 14957 34813 15294 39521
+rect 17136 34813 17187 39521
+rect 14957 34743 17187 34813
+rect 14987 5644 17187 5683
+rect 14987 4807 15278 5644
+rect 17134 4807 17187 5644
+rect 14987 4753 17187 4807
+<< properties >>
+string FIXED_BBOX 0 -7 15000 39593
+<< end >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
index e2e5f73..626b097 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
@@ -1,7 +1,664 @@
 tech sky130A
 magscale 1 2
-timestamp 1617120349
+timestamp 1636578979
+<< error_s >>
+rect 2691 37377 2692 37401
+rect 2772 37377 2773 37401
+rect 3245 37377 3246 37401
+rect 3326 37377 3327 37401
+rect 3799 37377 3800 37401
+rect 3880 37377 3881 37401
+rect 4353 37377 4354 37401
+rect 4434 37377 4435 37401
+rect 4907 37377 4908 37401
+rect 4988 37377 4989 37401
+rect 5461 37377 5462 37401
+rect 5542 37377 5543 37401
+rect 6015 37377 6016 37401
+rect 6096 37377 6097 37401
+rect 6569 37377 6570 37401
+rect 6650 37377 6651 37401
+rect 7123 37377 7124 37401
+rect 7204 37377 7205 37401
+rect 7677 37377 7678 37401
+rect 7758 37377 7759 37401
+rect 8231 37377 8232 37401
+rect 8312 37377 8313 37401
+rect 8785 37377 8786 37401
+rect 8866 37377 8867 37401
+rect 9339 37377 9340 37401
+rect 9420 37377 9421 37401
+rect 9893 37377 9894 37401
+rect 9974 37377 9975 37401
+rect 10447 37377 10448 37401
+rect 10528 37377 10529 37401
+rect 11001 37377 11002 37401
+rect 11082 37377 11083 37401
+rect 11555 37377 11556 37401
+rect 11636 37377 11637 37401
+rect 12109 37377 12110 37401
+rect 12190 37377 12191 37401
+rect 12663 37377 12664 37401
+rect 12744 37377 12745 37401
+rect 13217 37377 13218 37401
+rect 13298 37377 13299 37401
+rect 2715 37353 2749 37365
+rect 3269 37353 3303 37365
+rect 3823 37353 3857 37365
+rect 4377 37353 4411 37365
+rect 4931 37353 4965 37365
+rect 5485 37353 5519 37365
+rect 6039 37353 6073 37365
+rect 6593 37353 6627 37365
+rect 7147 37353 7181 37365
+rect 7701 37353 7735 37365
+rect 8255 37353 8289 37365
+rect 8809 37353 8843 37365
+rect 9363 37353 9397 37365
+rect 9917 37353 9951 37365
+rect 10471 37353 10505 37365
+rect 11025 37353 11059 37365
+rect 11579 37353 11613 37365
+rect 12133 37353 12167 37365
+rect 12687 37353 12721 37365
+rect 13241 37353 13275 37365
+rect 3245 35377 3246 35401
+rect 3326 35377 3327 35401
+rect 3799 35377 3800 35401
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+rect 9917 5353 9951 5365
+rect 10471 5353 10505 5365
+rect 11025 5353 11059 5365
+rect 11579 5353 11613 5365
+rect 12133 5353 12167 5365
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+rect 7279 3663 7365 3699
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+rect 4735 443 5087 3495
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+rect 5971 443 6323 3495
+rect 6383 443 6735 3495
+rect 6795 443 7147 3495
+rect 7279 275 7315 3663
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+rect 8321 443 8673 3495
+rect 8733 443 9085 3495
+rect 9145 443 9497 3495
+rect 9557 443 9909 3495
+rect 9969 443 10321 3495
+rect 10381 443 10733 3495
+rect 10793 443 11145 3495
+rect 7279 239 7365 275
 << metal1 >>
 rect 6867 95 7067 195
 rect 5242 -7 5540 69
@@ -77,18 +734,18 @@
 rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
 rect 0 20 254 1070
 rect 14746 20 15000 1070
+use sky130_fd_io__overlay_vccd_lvc  sky130_fd_io__overlay_vccd_lvc_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
+timestamp 1636578624
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 7 15000 39600
+use sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad  sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
+timestamp 1636578624
+transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
+box 0 0 15000 39600
 use sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccd_overlay  sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccd_overlay_0
 timestamp 1609281021
 transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
 box -2195 -2184 17228 39586
-use sky130_fd_io__overlay_vccd_lvc  sky130_fd_io__overlay_vccd_lvc_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1617033437
-transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
-box 0 7 15000 39600
-use sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad  sky130_fd_io__top_power_lvc_wpad_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1617033437
-transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
-box 0 0 15000 39600
 << labels >>
 flabel metal4 s 14873 37925 14873 37925 3 FreeSans 520 180 0 0 VSSIO
 port 16 nsew ground bidirectional
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad.mag
index d3dccc3..27d1fd4 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad.mag
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad.mag
@@ -1,7 +1,42 @@
 tech sky130A
 magscale 1 2
-timestamp 1617120349
+timestamp 1636578979
+<< error_s >>
+rect 2269 33953 2282 34189
+rect 12718 34173 12742 34189
+rect 12742 33953 12745 34173
+rect 1950 33865 2183 33881
+rect 1947 33662 1950 33865
+rect 12871 33811 13104 33827
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+rect 1630 33545 1747 33561
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+rect 13511 33171 13744 33187
+rect 13744 32951 13747 33171
+rect 987 32902 1215 32918
+rect 984 32891 987 32902
+rect 14004 20435 14016 20455
+rect 13780 20428 14004 20435
+rect 1253 20175 1256 20395
+rect 1256 20159 1489 20175
+rect 13690 20121 13693 20341
+rect 13457 20105 13690 20121
+rect 1573 19849 1582 20075
+rect 1582 19839 1809 19849
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+rect 13137 19785 13360 19791
+rect 1893 19535 1896 19755
+rect 1896 19519 2129 19535
+rect 13050 19481 13053 19701
+rect 12817 19465 13050 19481
+rect 2255 19173 2258 19393
+rect 2258 19157 2282 19173
+rect 12718 19157 12731 19393
 << metal2 >>
 rect 99 -407 4879 -259
 rect 5179 -407 5579 -182
@@ -75,11 +110,11 @@
 rect 0 20 254 1070
 rect 14746 20 15000 1070
 use sky130_fd_io__overlay_vssd_hvc  sky130_fd_io__overlay_vssd_hvc_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1617033437
+timestamp 1636578624
 transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
 box 0 407 15000 40000
 use sky130_fd_io__top_ground_hvc_wpad  sky130_fd_io__top_ground_hvc_wpad_1 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1617033437
+timestamp 1636578624
 transform 1 0 0 0 1 -407
 box 0 0 15000 40000
 << labels >>
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
index e410ac9..9c40f22 100644
--- a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad.mag
@@ -77,14 +77,6 @@
 rect 14746 1390 15000 2280
 rect 0 20 254 1070
 rect 14746 20 15000 1070
-use sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccd_overlay  sky130_ef_io__lvc_vccd_overlay_0
-timestamp 1609281021
-transform 1 0 0 0 1 0
-box -2195 -2184 17228 39586
-use sky130_fd_io__overlay_vssd_lvc  sky130_fd_io__overlay_vssd_lvc_0 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
-timestamp 1617033437
-transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
-box 0 7 15000 39600
 use sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad  sky130_fd_io__top_ground_lvc_wpad_1 $PDKPATH/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/mag
 timestamp 1617033437
 transform 1 0 0 0 1 -7
diff --git a/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/topcells.txt b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/topcells.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2292df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sky130/custom/sky130_fd_io/mag/topcells.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_10um sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_1um sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_20um sky130_ef_io__com_bus_slice_5um sky130_ef_io__corner_pad sky130_ef_io__gpiov2_pad sky130_ef_io__top_power_hvc sky130_ef_io__vccd_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped2_pad sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped3_pad sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vccd_lvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vdda_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vdda_lvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vddio_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vddio_lvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vssa_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssa_lvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssd_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped2_pad sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped3_pad sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vssd_lvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_clamped_pad sky130_ef_io__vssio_hvc_pad sky130_ef_io__vssio_lvc_pad sky130_fd_io__top_gpio_ovtv2 sky130_fd_io__top_xres4v2"
diff --git a/sky130/magic/sky130.tech b/sky130/magic/sky130.tech
index a85d1f3..ad18c6f 100644
--- a/sky130/magic/sky130.tech
+++ b/sky130/magic/sky130.tech
@@ -832,11 +832,11 @@
  layer WELLTXT
  	labels allnwell noport
-	calma 64 5
+	calma 64 16
  layer WELLPIN
  	labels allnwell port
-	calma 64 16
+	calma 64 5
 # SUB (text/port only)
@@ -844,11 +844,11 @@
  layer SUBTXT
  	labels pwell noport
-	calma 64 59
+	calma 122 16
  layer SUBPIN
  	labels pwell port
-	calma 122 16
+	calma 64 59
@@ -859,23 +859,23 @@
  layer DIFFTXT
  	labels allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap noport
-	calma	65 6
+	calma	65 16
  layer DIFFPIN
  	labels allnactivenontap,allpactivenontap port
-	calma	65 16
+	calma	65 6
 # TAP
  layer TAP 	allnactivetap,allpactivetap
- 	labels 	allnactivetap,allpactivetap port
- 	calma 	65 44
- layer TAPTXT
  	labels 	allnactivetap,allpactivetap noport
-	calma	65 5
+	calma	65 44
+ layer TAPPIN
+ 	labels 	allnactivetap,allpactivetap port
+ 	calma 	65 5
 # FOM
@@ -1095,11 +1095,11 @@
  layer POLYTXT
 	labels  allpoly noport
-	calma	66 5
+	calma	66 16
  layer POLYPIN
 	labels  allpoly port
-	calma	66 16
+	calma	66 5
  layer POLYFILL	polyfill
 	labels 	polyfill
@@ -1221,11 +1221,11 @@
  layer LITXT
  	labels *locali,coreli noport
-	calma 67 5
+	calma 67 16
  layer LIPIN
  	labels *locali,coreli port
-	calma 67 16
+	calma 67 5
  layer LIRES rli
 	labels rli
@@ -1250,11 +1250,11 @@
  layer MET1TXT
 	labels	allm1 noport
-	calma 	68 5
+	calma 	68 16
  layer MET1PIN
 	labels	allm1 port
-	calma 	68 16
+	calma 	68 5
  layer MET1RES rm1
 	labels rm1
@@ -1290,11 +1290,11 @@
  layer MET2TXT
 	labels	allm2 noport
-	calma	69 5
+	calma	69 16
  layer MET2PIN
 	labels	allm2 port
-	calma	69 16
+	calma	69 5
  layer MET2RES rm2
 	labels rm2
@@ -1319,11 +1319,11 @@
  layer MET3TXT
  	labels 	allm3 noport
-	calma	70 5
+	calma	70 16 
  layer MET3PIN
 	labels	allm3 port
-	calma	70 16 
+	calma	70 5
  layer MET3RES rm3
 	labels rm3
@@ -1352,11 +1352,11 @@
  layer MET4TXT
 	labels	allm4 noport
-	calma	71 5
+	calma	71 16
  layer MET4PIN
 	labels	allm4 port
-	calma	71 16
+	calma	71 5
  layer MET4RES rm4
 	labels rm4
@@ -1384,11 +1384,11 @@
  layer MET5TXT
 	labels	allm5 noport
-	calma	72 5
+	calma	72 16
  layer MET5PIN
 	labels	allm5 port
-	calma	72 16
+	calma	72 5
  layer MET5RES rm5
 	labels rm5
@@ -1409,11 +1409,11 @@
   layer RDLTXT
 	labels	*metrdl noport
-	calma	74 5
+	calma	74 16
   layer RDLPIN
 	labels  *metrdl port
-	calma	74 16
+	calma	74 5
   layer PI1	*metrdl
 	and	padl,glass
@@ -2414,21 +2414,13 @@
  and PNPID
  labels NWELL
- variants (vendor)
- labels WELLTXT port
- variants ()
  labels WELLTXT text
- variants *
  labels WELLPIN port
  and-not PNPID
  labels NWELL
- variants (vendor)
- labels WELLTXT port
- variants ()
  labels WELLTXT text
- variants *
  labels WELLPIN port
  templayer nwellarea NWELL
@@ -2453,11 +2445,7 @@
  grow 420
  shrink 420
- variants (vendor)
- labels SUBTXT port
- variants ()
  labels SUBTXT text
- variants *
  labels SUBPIN port
  layer dnwell DNWELL
@@ -2488,11 +2476,7 @@
  and-not CORELI
  copyup ndifcheck
  labels DIFF
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer ndiff ndiffarea
@@ -2512,11 +2496,6 @@
  copyup ndifcheck
  labels DIFF
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
- labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer mvndiff mvndiffarea
@@ -2565,11 +2544,7 @@
  and PSDM
  copyup pdifcheck
  labels DIFF 
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer pdiff pdiffarea
@@ -2613,11 +2588,7 @@
  and PSDM
  copyup mvpdifcheck
  labels DIFF
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer mvpdiff mvpdiffarea
@@ -2759,11 +2730,7 @@
  and-not DIODE
  and-not DIFFRES
  labels DIFF
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer pdiffres DIFFRES
@@ -2860,12 +2827,12 @@
  layer nsd nsdarea
  labels TAP
- layer nsd TAP,TAPTXT
+ layer nsd TAP,TAPPIN
  and NSDM
  and-not POLY
  and-not HVI,hvcheck
  labels TAP
- labels TAPTXT text
+ labels TAPPIN port
  layer corenvar TAP
  and NSDM
@@ -2897,7 +2864,7 @@
  and-not POLY
  and-not HVI,hvcheck
  labels TAP
- labels TAPTXT text
+ labels TAPPIN port
  layer corepvar TAP
  and PSDM
@@ -2914,11 +2881,7 @@
  and HVI,hvcheck
  and mvpfetexpand
  labels DIFF
- variants (vendor)
- labels DIFFTXT port
- variants ()
  labels DIFFTXT text
- variants *
  labels DIFFPIN port
  layer mvpdiffres DIFFRES
@@ -2985,11 +2948,11 @@
  layer mvnsd mvnsdarea
  labels TAP
- layer mvnsd TAP,TAPTXT
+ layer mvnsd TAP,TAPPIN
  and NSDM
  and HVI,hvcheck
  labels TAP
- labels TAPTXT text
+ labels TAPPIN port
  templayer mvnsdexpand mvnsdarea
  grow 500
@@ -3010,11 +2973,11 @@
  layer mvpsd mvpsdarea
  labels DIFF
- layer mvpsd TAP,TAPTXT
+ layer mvpsd TAP,TAPPIN
  and PSDM
  and HVI,hvcheck
  labels TAP
- labels TAPTXT text
+ labels TAPPIN port
  templayer mvpsdexpand mvpsdarea
  grow 500
@@ -3114,11 +3077,7 @@
  layer poly polyarea
  labels POLY
- variants (vendor)
- labels POLYTXT port
- variants ()
  labels POLYTXT text
- variants *
  labels POLYPIN port
  # Copy (non-resistor) poly areas up for contact checks
@@ -3515,22 +3474,14 @@
  and COREID
  labels LI
- variants (vendor)
- labels LITXT port
- variants ()
  labels LITXT text
- variants *
  labels LIPIN port
  layer locali LI,LITXT,LIPIN
  and-not COREID
  labels LI
- variants (vendor)
- labels LITXT port
- variants ()
  labels LITXT text
- variants *
  labels LIPIN port
  layer rli LI
@@ -3551,11 +3502,7 @@
  layer m1 MET1,MET1TXT,MET1PIN
  labels MET1
- variants (vendor)
- labels MET1TXT port
- variants ()
  labels MET1TXT text
- variants *
  labels MET1PIN port
  layer rm1 MET1
@@ -3623,11 +3570,7 @@
  layer m2 MET2,MET2TXT,MET2PIN
  labels MET2
- variants (vendor)
- labels MET2TXT port
- variants ()
  labels MET2TXT text
- variants *
  labels MET2PIN port
  layer rm2 MET2
@@ -3650,11 +3593,7 @@
  layer m3 MET3,MET3TXT,MET3PIN
  labels MET3
- variants (vendor)
- labels MET3TXT port
- variants ()
  labels MET3TXT text
- variants *
  labels MET3PIN port
  layer rm3 MET3
@@ -3682,11 +3621,7 @@
  layer m4 MET4,MET4TXT,MET4PIN
  labels MET4
- variants (vendor)
- labels MET4TXT port
- variants ()
  labels MET4TXT text
- variants *
  labels MET4PIN port
  layer rm4 MET4
@@ -3699,11 +3634,7 @@
  layer m5 MET5,MET5TXT,MET5PIN
  labels MET5
- variants (vendor)
- labels MET5TXT port
- variants ()
  labels MET5TXT text
- variants *
  labels MET5PIN port
  layer rm5 MET5
@@ -3730,11 +3661,7 @@
  layer metrdl RDL,RDLTXT,RDLPIN
  labels RDL
- variants (vendor)
- labels RDLTXT port
- variants ()
  labels RDLTXT text
- variants *
  labels RDLPIN port
@@ -3943,11 +3870,7 @@
  labels GLASS
- variants (vendor)
- labels PADTXT port
- variants ()
  labels PADTXT text
- variants *
  labels PADPIN port
  templayer boundary BOUND,STDCELL,PADCELL
@@ -3993,10 +3916,10 @@
  calma NWELL 64 20
  calma DIFF 65 20
+ calma TAP  65 44
  calma DNWELL 64 18
  calma SUBCUT 81 53
  calma PWRES 64 13
- calma TAP  65 44
  # LVTN
  calma LVTN 125 44
  # HVTR
@@ -4085,22 +4008,22 @@
  calma GLASS 76 20
- calma SUBTXT  64 59
- calma PADTXT  76 5
- calma DIFFTXT 65 6
- calma TAPTXT  65 5
- calma WELLTXT  64 5
- calma LITXT 67 5
- calma POLYTXT 66 5
- calma MET1TXT 68 5
- calma MET2TXT 69 5
- calma MET3TXT 70 5
+ calma SUBPIN  64 59
+ calma PADPIN  76 5
+ calma DIFFPIN 65 6
+ calma TAPPIN  65 5
+ calma WELLPIN  64 5
+ calma LIPIN 67 5
+ calma POLYPIN 66 5
+ calma MET1PIN 68 5
+ calma MET2PIN 69 5
+ calma MET3PIN 70 5
 #ifdef METAL5
- calma MET4TXT 71 5
- calma MET5TXT 72 5
+ calma MET4PIN 71 5
+ calma MET5PIN 72 5
- calma RDLTXT 74 5
+ calma RDLPIN 74 5
  calma LIRES 67 13
@@ -4131,21 +4054,21 @@
  calma MET5SHORT 72 15
- calma SUBPIN 122 16
- calma PADPIN 76 16
- calma DIFFPIN 65 16
- calma POLYPIN 66 16
- calma WELLPIN 64 16
- calma LIPIN 67 16
- calma MET1PIN 68 16
- calma MET2PIN 69 16
- calma MET3PIN 70 16
+ calma SUBTXT 122 16
+ calma PADTXT 76 16
+ calma DIFFTXT 65 16
+ calma POLYTXT 66 16
+ calma WELLTXT 64 16
+ calma LITXT 67 16
+ calma MET1TXT 68 16
+ calma MET2TXT 69 16
+ calma MET3TXT 70 16
 #ifdef METAL5
- calma MET4PIN 71 16
- calma MET5PIN 72 16
+ calma MET4TXT 71 16
+ calma MET5TXT 72 16
- calma RDLPIN 74 16
+ calma RDLTXT 74 16
  calma BOUND 235 4