blob: 284f1023b309e21bd7b69bc1f4a627e5ddb64c30 [file] [log] [blame]
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////-*- mode: cc-mode -*-
// /
// Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Nangate Inc. /
// All rights reserved. /
// /
// /
// Copyright Notice: /
// /
// This document contains confidential and proprietary information. /
// Reproduction or usage of this document, in part or whole, by any means, /
// electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical or otherwise is prohibited, /
// without written permission from Nangate Inc.. /
// /
// The information contained herein is protected by Danish and international /
// copyright laws. /
// /
var laElems = new Array();
var lastIndex = 0;
var TABLE_ID = "Table_";
function createTables() {
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var elCount = 0; elCount < elems.length; elCount++) {
var ngTable = elems[elCount].getAttribute('ngTable');
if (ngTable) {
var ngPair = new Array();
function createTablesTimeOut() {
var start = new Date().getTime();
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var focus = (pageInfo ? pageInfo.getAttribute('Focus') : '');
for (var elCount = lastIndex; elCount < laElems.length; elCount++) {
var elemNode = laElems[elCount][0];
var ngType = laElems[elCount][1];
var newElem = document.createElement('div');
switch (ngType) {
case "hidGr":
var hidGroup = elemNode.getAttribute('hidGr');
newElem.innerHTML = createHiddenPowerTable(elemNode, hidGroup);
case "tGr":
var tableGroup = elemNode.getAttribute('tGr');
newElem.innerHTML = createCellTable(elemNode, tableGroup, focus);
case "leakGrp":
newElem.innerHTML = createLeakTable(elemNode);
case "leakCurrGrp":
newElem.innerHTML = createCcsPowerTable(elemNode, 'leakCurr');
case "parGrp":
newElem.innerHTML = createCcsPowerTable(elemNode, 'par');
case "CharEnv":
newElem.innerHTML = createCharEnvTable(elemNode);
case "sumSc":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var summName = pageInfo.getAttribute('SummName');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
newElem.innerHTML = createScalarSumm(elemNode, cellPath, corner, summName);
case "sumGr":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var index1 = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i1');
var index2 = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i2');
var sumGroup = elemNode.getAttribute('sumGr');
if (index1 && index2)
newElem.innerHTML = create2DSumm(elemNode, index1, index2, cellPath, corner, mapName(sumGroup));
else if (index1)
newElem.innerHTML = create1DSumm(elemNode, index1, cellPath, corner, mapName(sumGroup));
case "stApp":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var index1 = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i1');
var stApp = elemNode.getAttribute('stApp');
if (index1)
newElem.innerHTML = create1StOrderAppSumm(elemNode, index1, cellPath, corner, mapName(stApp));
case "capGr":
var capGroup = elemNode.getAttribute('capGr');
if (capGroup == 'nldm') {
newElem.innerHTML = createNldmCap(elemNode);
} else if (capGroup == 'max') {
newElem.innerHTML = createMaxCap(elemNode);
case "minPW":
var minPW = elemNode.getAttribute('minPW');
newElem.innerHTML = createMinPw(elemNode, minPW);
case "QoRSumm":
case "mxcSumm":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var qorSumm = elemNode.getAttribute('QoRSumm');
var mxcSumm = elemNode.getAttribute('mxcSumm');
if (qorSumm)
newElem.innerHTML = createQoRSumm(elemNode, qorSumm, cellPath, corner);
else if (mxcSumm)
newElem.innerHTML = createMxcSumm(elemNode, mxcSumm, cellPath, corner);
case "sumSt":
var sumStats = elemNode.getAttribute("sumSt");
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var refNode = pageInfo.getAttribute('RefNode');
newElem.innerHTML = createStatsSumm(elemNode, cellPath, corner, refNode, mapName(sumStats), focus);
case "DATable":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var multiLib = pageInfo.getAttribute('MultiLib');
newElem.innerHTML = createDATables(elemNode, cellPath, corner, multiLib);
case "ConstrValidSumm":
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
newElem.innerHTML = createConstrValidTable(elemNode, cellPath, corner);
if (new Date().getTime() - start > 3000) {
lastIndex = elCount + 1;
// ************** Cell Page tables
function createHiddenPowerTable(elemNode, nRows) {
var index1Array = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i1');
var tableHtml = "";
if (index1Array) {
tableHtml += "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
tableHtml += createTableHeader(index1Array, null, null);
var innerTables = elemNode.getElementsByTagName('div');
var tName = "pin " + elemNode.getAttribute('arc');
for (var j = 0; j < nRows; j++) {
if (j == 0)
tableHtml += fillTableRow(innerTables[j], tName, nRows);
else {
tableHtml += fillTableRow(innerTables[j], null, null);
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
function createCellTable(elemNode, tableGroup, focus) {
var index1Array = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i1');
var index2Array = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i2');
var index3Array = getIndexArray(elemNode, 'i3');
var dimensions = index3Array ? 3 : (index2Array ? 2 : 1);
var innerTables = elemNode.getElementsByTagName('div');
var tableHtml = "";
for (var i = 0; i < innerTables.length; i++) {
if (innerTables[i])
tableHtml += "<a name=\"" + TABLE_ID + innerTables[i].getAttribute('id') + "\"/>";
var tableClass = (elemNode.parentNode.nodeName == "TD") ? "inner" : "big";
tableHtml += '<table border="1" class="' + tableClass + '" id="t_' + innerTables[0].getAttribute('id') + '">';
var eName = elemNode.parentNode.getAttribute('eName');
var addTimType = (eName && (eName == "Setup/Hold Metastability Window")) ? false : true;
if (dimensions > 1) {
var nCols = index2Array.length - 3;
var nRows = index1Array.length - 3;
if (dimensions == 3)
nRows *= index3Array.length - 3;
// Checks if strength factor indication should be added (grouped comparisons)
var addSF = false;
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
if (pageInfo) {
var refSF = pageInfo.getAttribute('RefSF');
if (refSF) {
if (eName && (eName == "Propagation Delay" || eName == "Output Transition" || eName == "Dynamic Power Consumption"))
addSF = true;
tableHtml += createTableHeader(index1Array, index2Array, index3Array, addSF);
if (dimensions == 2)
tableHtml += fillTable2D(nCols, index1Array, index2Array, innerTables[0], (tableGroup == 2 ? innerTables[1] : null), elemNode.getAttribute('arc'));
tableHtml += fillTable3D(nCols, index1Array, index3Array, innerTables[0], (tableGroup == 2 ? innerTables[1] : null), elemNode.getAttribute('arc'));
tableHtml += createCtx(elemNode.getAttribute('ctx'), nCols, dimensions, addTimType);
tableHtml += createStats(innerTables[0], (tableGroup == 2 ? innerTables[1] : null), nCols, dimensions, focus);
} else if (dimensions == 1) {
tableHtml += createTableHeader(index1Array, index2Array, index3Array);
var nRows = tableGroup;
var tName = elemNode.getAttribute('arc');
for (var j = 0; j < nRows; j++) {
if (j == 0)
tableHtml += fillTableRow(innerTables[j], tName, nRows);
else {
tableHtml += fillTableRow(innerTables[j], null, null);
var nCols = index1Array.length - 3;
tableHtml += createCtx(elemNode.getAttribute('ctx'), nCols, dimensions, addTimType);
tableHtml += createStats(innerTables[0], (tableGroup == 2 ? innerTables[1] : null), nCols, dimensions, focus);
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
function createLeakTable(elemNode) {
var header = elemNode.getAttribute('lTitles').split(';');
var entries = elemNode.getAttribute('entries').split('#');
var tableHtml = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
tableHtml += "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < header.length - 1; i++)
tableHtml += "<th>" + header[i] + "</th>";
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
tableHtml += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split('$');
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length - 1; j++) {
if (j == (cols.length - 2))
tableHtml += fillValue('leak', cols, j, i);
tableHtml += "<td align=\"center\">" + cols[j] + "</td>";
tableHtml += "</tr>";
tableHtml += "</tr>";
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
function createCcsPowerTable(elemNode, type) {
var entries = elemNode.getAttribute('entries').split('#');
var tableUnit = elemNode.getAttribute('grpUnit');
var tableHtml = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
tableHtml += "<tr><th width='100'>When</th><th width='100'>Type</th><th width='100'>Pin</th><th width='90'>Value " + tableUnit + "</th></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
tableHtml += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split('$');
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length - 1; j++) {
if (j == (cols.length - 2))
tableHtml += fillValue(type, cols, j, i);
tableHtml += "<td align=\"center\">" + cols[j] + "</td>";
tableHtml += "</tr>";
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
function createCharEnvTable(elemNode) {
var entries = elemNode.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
var tableHtml = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
tableHtml += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
tableHtml += "<th align=\"left\" width=200>" + cols[0] + "</th><td>" + cols[1] + "</td>";
tableHtml += "</tr>";
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
function createMaxCap(node) {
var table = "";
var unit = node.getAttribute('unit');
var libMaxCap = node.getAttribute('libMaxCap');
var libMaxCapFO = node.getAttribute('libMaxCapFO');
if (libMaxCap) {
table += "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">"
+ "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">Library</th></tr>"
+ "<tr><th>" + unit + "</th><th>FO</th></tr>"
+ "<tr><td class=\"num\">" + libMaxCap + "</td><td class=\"num\">" + (libMaxCapFO ? libMaxCapFO : "-") + "</td></tr>"
+ "</table>";
var hasFileCap = node.getAttribute('hasFileCap');
var hasFileFO = node.getAttribute('hasFileFO');
var hasEMCap = node.getAttribute('hasEMCap');
var hasEMFO = node.getAttribute('hasEMFO');
var hasDev = node.getAttribute('hasDev');
var fInv = false, fConv = false, fBounds = false, fDelay = false, fMinFo = false;
if (hasFileCap || hasEMCap) {
table += "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">" +
"<tr>" +
"<th rowspan=\"2\">Output</th>" +
(hasFileCap ? "<th colspan=\"2\">Liberty</th>" : "") +
(hasEMCap ? "<th colspan=\"2\">Electromigration</th>" : "") +
(hasDev ? "<th>Deviation</th>" : "") +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
(hasFileCap ? "<th>" + unit + "</th><th>FO</th>" : "") +
(hasEMCap ? "<th>" + unit + "</th><th>FO</th>" : "") +
(hasDev ? "<th>%</th>" : "") +
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
var emFlags = "", libFlags = "";
if (cols[6] == 0 && hasEMCap) {
fInv = true;
emFlags += "&#8224;";
} else {
if (cols[6] == 1 && hasEMCap) {
fConv = true;
emFlags += "&#8225;";
if (cols[7] && hasEMCap) {
fBounds = true;
emFlags += "&#8226;";
if (cols[8] && hasEMCap) {
fDelay = true;
emFlags += "&#176;";
if (cols[9] && hasEMCap) {
fMinFo = true;
emFlags += "&#168;";
if (cols[10] && hasFileCap) {
fMinFo = true;
libFlags += "&#168;";
for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
var toPrint = false;
if ((j > 0 && j < 3 && hasFileCap) ||
(j > 2 && j < 5 && hasEMCap) ||
(j == 5 && hasDev) ||
j == 0)
toPrint = true;
if (toPrint) {
if (!cols[j])
cols[j] = "-";
switch (j) {
case 0:
table += "<td class=\"num\">" + cols[0] + "</td>";
case 1:
table += fillValue('mxc', cols, j, i + "_" + j, null, null, libFlags);
case 3:
if (emFlags == "&#8224;")
cols[j] = "";
table += fillValue('mxc', cols, j, i + "_" + j, null, null, emFlags);
table += fillValue('mxc', cols, j, i + "_" + j, null, null);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
table += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
table += "<ul>";
if (fInv)
table += "<li>&#8224; : no capacitance value meets required current and frequency</li>";
if (fConv)
table += "<li>&#8225; : maximum capacitance value could not be precisely calculated</li>";
if (fBounds)
table += "<li>&#8226; : maximum capacitance is ouf of characterization limits</li>";
if (fDelay)
table += "<li>&#176; : maximum capacitance value bounded by frequency</xsl:text></li>";
if (fMinFo)
table += "<li>&#168; : maximum capacitance is below minimum fanout</li>";
table += "</ul>";
return table;
function createNldmCap(node) {
var ext = node.getAttribute('ext');
var unit = node.getAttribute('unit');
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
if (ext == 'y') {
table += "<tr>" +
"<th rowspan=\"2\">Input</th>" +
"<th rowspan=\"2\">Cg " + unit + "</th>" +
"<th colspan=\"3\">Fall</th>" +
"<th colspan=\"3\">Rise</th>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th>Typical</th>" +
"<th>Min</th>" +
"<th>Max</th>" +
"<th>Typical</th>" +
"<th>Min</th>" +
"<th>Max</th>" +
} else {
table += "<tr>" +
"<th>Input</th>" +
"<th>Cg " + unit + "</th>" +
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
table += "<td class=\"num\">" + cols[0] + "</td>";
for (var j = 1; j < cols.length - 1; j++) {
table += fillValue('CAP', cols, j, ((j == 1) ? cols[0] : j), null, null);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
// ************** Summaries
function createMxcSumm(node, unit, cellPath, corner) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
var hasEMCap = node.getAttribute('hasEMData');
var libMaxCap = node.getAttribute('libMaxCap');
var cellHeader = ((hasEMCap == 'yes' && !libMaxCap) ? "From Liberty" :
((hasEMCap == 'no' && !libMaxCap) ? "Max Capacitance" :
((hasEMCap == 'yes') ? "Cell<br/>From Liberty" : "Max Capacitance")));
var emHeader = (libMaxCap ? "Cell<br/>" : "") + "Electromigration";
table += "<tr>"
+ "<th rowspan=\"2\">Cell<br/>Name</th>"
+ (libMaxCap ? "<th>Library<br/>" + libMaxCap + " " + unit + "</th>" : "")
+ "<th colspan=\"2\">" + cellHeader + "</th>"
+ (hasEMCap == 'yes' ? "<th colspan=\"2\">" + emHeader + "</th>" : "")
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ (libMaxCap ? "<th width=\"70\">FO</th>" : "")
+ "<th width=\"70\">" + unit + "</th>"
+ "<th width=\"70\">FO</th>"
+ (hasEMCap == 'yes' ? "<th width=\"70\">" + unit + "</th><th width=\"70\">FO</th>" : "")
+ "</tr>";
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; ++i) {
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th>" + "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cols[0] + "_" + corner + ".html#" + mapName('MXC') + "\">" + cols[0] + "<a>" + "</th>";
var emFlags = "", libFlags = "";
if (cols[cols.length - 6] == 0 && hasEMCap) {
emFlags += "&#8224;";
else {
if (cols[cols.length - 6] == 1 && hasEMCap)
emFlags += "&#8225;";
if (cols[cols.length - 5] && hasEMCap)
emFlags += "&#8226;";
if (cols[cols.length - 4] && hasEMCap)
emFlags += "&#176;";
if (cols[cols.length - 3] && hasEMCap)
emFlags += "&#168;";
if (cols[cols.length - 2])
libFlags += "&#168;";
for (var j = 1; j < cols.length - 6; j++) {
var extra = "";
if (((j == 1 && !libMaxCap) ||
(j == 2 && libMaxCap)) &&
cols[j] != '-')
extra = libFlags;
else if ((j == 3 && !libMaxCap) ||
(j == 4 && libMaxCap)) {
extra = emFlags;
if (extra == "&#8224;")
cols[j] = "";
table += fillValue('mxc', cols, j, cols[0] + j, null, null, extra);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function createConstrValidTable(node, cellPath, corner) {
var timLabel = node.getAttribute("label");
var measure = node.getAttribute("constrValidSumm");
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += "<tr>"
+ "<th rowspan='3'>Cell<br/>Name</th>"
+ "<th colspan='4'>Propagation Delay</th>"
+ "<th colspan='4'>Output Transition</th>"
+ "<th colspan='2' rowspan='2'>Glitch Peak [%]</th>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<th colspan='2'>Push-Out " + timLabel + "</th>"
+ "<th colspan='2'>Push-Out [%]</th>"
+ "<th colspan='2'>Push-Out " + timLabel + "</th>"
+ "<th colspan='2'>Push-Out [%]</th>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<th title='Average'>&#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Standard Deviation / Average'>&#963; / &#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Average'>&#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Standard Deviation / Average'>&#963; / &#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Average'>&#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Standard Deviation / Average'>&#963; / &#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Average'>&#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Standard Deviation / Average'>&#963; / &#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Average'>&#956;</th>"
+ "<th title='Standard Deviation / Average'>&#963; / &#956;</th>"
+ "</tr>";
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; ++i) {
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
var baseLink = cellPath + cols[0] + "_" + corner + ".html";
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th>" + "<a href=\"" + baseLink + "\">" + cols[0] + "<a>" + "</th>";
var delay = new Array(4);
var transition = new Array(4);
var glitch = new Array(4);
var numTypes = (cols.length - 2) / 5;
for (var j = 0; j < numTypes; j++) {
var temp = new Array(4);
for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
temp[k] = cols[(j*5) + k + 2];
var typeName = cols[(j*5) + 1];
if (typeName == 'delay')
delay = temp;
else if (typeName == 'glitch_peak') {
glitch = temp;
} else if (typeName == 'transition') {
transition = temp;
for (var j = 0; j < delay.length; ++j) {
if (!delay[j])
delay[j] = '-';
table += fillValue('delay', delay, j, cols[0] + 'd' + measure + j, null, null, null, null);
for (var j = 0; j < transition.length; ++j) {
if (!transition[j])
transition[j] = '-';
table += fillValue('trans', transition, j, cols[0] + 't' + measure + j, null, null, null, null);
for (var j = 2; j < glitch.length; ++j) {
if (!glitch[j])
glitch[j] = '-';
table += fillValue('glitch', glitch, j, cols[0] + 'g' + measure + j, null, null, null, null);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function createQoRSumm(node, qorCols, cellPath, corner) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += "<tr>"
+ "<th rowspan=\"2\">Cell<br/>Name</th>"
+ "<th colspan=\"" + qorCols + "\">QoR</th>"
+ "<th rowspan=\"2\">Driveability</th>"
+ "<th rowspan=\"2\">Input<br/>Capacitance</th>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<th>Cell</th>"
+ "<th>Area</th>"
+ "<th>Delay</th>"
+ "<th>Switching<br/>Power</th>"
+ "<th>Leakage<br/>Power</th>"
+ (qorCols == 6 ? "<th>Maximum<br/>Capacitance</th>" : "")
+ "</tr>";
var sections = new Array(qorCols + 2);
sections[0] = '_CellChars';
sections[1] = mapName('PD');
sections[2] = mapName('PWR');
sections[3] = mapName('SP');
sections[4] = qorCols == 6 ? mapName('MXC') : mapName('OS');
sections[5] = qorCols == 6 ? mapName('OS') : mapName('CAP');
sections[6] = qorCols == 6 ? mapName('CAP') : mapName('DQ');
if (qorCols == 6)
sections[7] = mapName('DQ');
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; ++i) {
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
var baseLink = cellPath + cols[0] + "_" + corner + ".html#";
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th>" + "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cols[0] + "_" + corner + ".html\">" + cols[0] + "<a>" + "</th>";
for (var j = 1; j < cols.length - 2; j++) {
if (!cols[j])
cols[j] = '-';
var ind = (j == 3 && cols[cols.length - 2] == 'y') ? sections.length - 1 : j - 2;
var trace = (j > 1 && cols[j] != '-') ? baseLink + sections[ind] : "";
table += fillValue('qor', cols, j, cols[0] + j, null, null, null, trace);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function createMinPw(node, unit) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += "<tr><th>Input</th><th>Time " + unit + "</th></tr>";
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
table += "<td class=\"num\">" + cols[0] + " " + cols[1] + "</td>";
table += fillValue('mpw', cols, 2, cols[0] + cols[1], null, null);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function create1StOrderAppSumm(node, index1, cellPath, corner, section) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += createTableHeaderInline(index1);
var lines = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th>" + "<a href=\"" + cellPath + lines[i].getAttribute('t') + "_" + corner + ".html#" + section + "\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('t') + "<a>" + "</th>";
table += "<th onClick=\"rHL(this);\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('unit') + " " + buildPlot(lines[i], 'p') + "</th>";
var elems = lines[i].getAttribute('el').split(';');
for (var j = 0; j < elems.length - 1; j++) {
var traceLink = "";
var summTrace = lines[i].getAttribute('trace');
if (summTrace) {
var id2d = j;
traceLink = buildTraceLink(summTrace.split('#'), "", id2d);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, j, j, node, true, null, traceLink);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function create1DSumm(node, index1, cellPath, corner, section) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += createTableHeaderInline(index1);
var lines = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var cellName = lines[i].getAttribute('t');
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th>" + "<a name=\"" + TABLE_ID + lines[i].getAttribute('id') + "\"/>" + "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cellName + "_" + corner + ".html#" + section + "\">" + cellName + "<a>" + "</th>";
table += "<th onClick=\"rHL(this);\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('unit') + " " + buildPlot(lines[i], 'p') + "</th>";
var elems = lines[i].getAttribute('el').split(';');
for (var j = 0; j < elems.length - 1; j++) {
var perfSummTrace = lines[i].getAttribute('trace');
var id2d = "0_" + j;
var traceLink = "";
var tracePos = elems[j].search('#');
var trace = "";
if (tracePos > -1) {
trace = elems[j].substring(tracePos).split('#');
elems[j] = elems[j].substring(0, tracePos);
if (perfSummTrace)
traceLink = buildTraceLinkPerf(perfSummTrace.split('#'), trace, id2d);
traceLink = buildTraceLink(trace, cellName, id2d);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, j, id2d, node, null, null, traceLink);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function create2DSumm(node, index1, index2, cellPath, corner, section) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += createTableHeaderInline(index1, index2);
var lines = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cellName = lines[i].getAttribute('t');
table += "<th>" + "<a name=\"" + TABLE_ID + lines[i].getAttribute('id') + "\">" + "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cellName + "_" + corner + ".html#" + section + "\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('t') + "<a>" + "</th>";
table += "<th onClick=\"rHL(this);\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('unit') + " " + buildPlot(lines[i], 'p') + "</th>";
var elems = lines[i].getAttribute('el').split(';');
for (var j = 0; j < elems.length - 1; j++) {
var perfSummTrace = lines[i].getAttribute('trace');
var id2d = ((j/(index2.length - 3))|0) + "_" + (j % (index2.length - 3));
var traceLink = "";
var tracePos = elems[j].search('#');
var trace = "";
if (tracePos > -1) {
trace = elems[j].substring(tracePos).split('#');
elems[j] = elems[j].substring(0, tracePos);
if (perfSummTrace)
traceLink = buildTraceLinkPerf(perfSummTrace.split('#'), trace, id2d);
traceLink = buildTraceLink(trace, cellName, id2d);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, j, id2d, node, null, null, traceLink);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function createStatsSumm(node, cellPath, corner, refNode, section, focus) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
table += '<tr>' +
'<th colspan="2">Cell</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + ((focus == 'correlation' && refNode) ? 'Abs<br/>' : '') + 'Best</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + ((focus == 'correlation' && refNode) ? 'Abs<br/>' : '') + 'Worst</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + 'Average</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + 'Abs<br/>Average</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + ((focus == 'correlation' && refNode) ? 'Abs<br/>' : '') + 'Std Dev</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">' + ((focus == 'correlation' && refNode) ? 'Abs<br/>' : '') + 'StdDev/<br/>Avg</th>' +
'<th onClick="cHL(this);">RMS</th>' +
var lines = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cellName = lines[i].getAttribute('t');
table += "<th>" + "<a name=\"" + TABLE_ID + lines[i].getAttribute('id') + "\">"
+ "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cellName + "_" + corner + ".html#" + section + "\">" + lines[i].getAttribute('t') + "<a>"
+ "</th>";
table += "<th onClick=\"rHL(this);\">"
+ lines[i].getAttribute('unit') + " "
+ buildTablePopup(lines[i])
+ buildPlot(lines[i], 'p')
+ "</th>";
var elems = lines[i].getAttribute('st').split(';');
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 5, "5", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 0, "0", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 1, "1", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 2, "2", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 3, "3", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 6, "6", node, null, null, null);
table += fillValue(lines[i].getAttribute('id'), elems, 4, "4", node, null, null, null);
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
return table;
function createScalarSumm(node, cellPath, corner, summName) {
var table = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
var entries = node.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
var section = mapName(summName);
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length - 2; j++) {
if (j < 2) {
table += "<th>";
if (j == 0)
table += "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cols[j] + "_" + corner + ".html#" + section + "\">" + cols[j] + "<a>";
table += cols[j];
table += "</th>";
} else {
var trace = cols[cols.length - 2];
table += fillValue(summName, cols, j, cols[0] + "_" + j, node, null, null, buildTraceLink(trace, cols[0]));
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
table += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return table;
function createDATables(elemNode, cellPath, corner, multiLib) {
var entries = elemNode.getAttribute('entries').split('$');
var tableHtml = "<table border=\"1\" class=\"big\">";
var tableType = elemNode.getAttribute("DATable");
if (tableType == "Delay")
tableType = "PD";
tableType = "OS";
tableHtml += "<tr><th align='center' width=200>Instance Type</th>"
+ "<th align='center' width=70>Instance Name</th>"
+ "<th align='center' width=70>STA</th>"
+ "<th align='center' width=70>Spice</th>"
+ "<th align='center' width=70>Deviation [%]</th></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) {
tableHtml += "<tr>";
var cols = entries[i].split(';');
var lineName = "";
if (cols[0] != 'net' && cols[2] != '' && multiLib != 'yes') {
lineName = "<a href=\"" + cellPath + cols[0] + "_" + corner + ".html#" + mapName(tableType) + "\">" + cols[0] + "<a>";
} else {
lineName = cols[0];
lineName += (cols[1] == "yes" ? " *" : "");
tableHtml += "<th align='center'>" + lineName + "</th>";
for (var j = 2; j < cols.length - 1; ++j) {
tableHtml += "<td align='center'>" + cols[j] + "</td>";
tableHtml += fillValue("da" + tableType + i, cols, cols.length - 1, tableType + i + "_" + cols.length - 1, "", "", "", "");
tableHtml += "</tr>";
tableHtml += "</table>";
tableHtml += "<hr class=\"Title\"/>";
return tableHtml;
// ************** Auxiliar Methods
function getIndexArray(node, indexName) {
var index = node.getAttribute(indexName);
if (index)
return index.split(';');
return null;
function mapName(tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 'FP':
case 'RP':
case 'PWR' :
return 'DynamicPowerConsumption';
case 'TP':
case 'TPF':
case 'TPR' :
return 'TotalPower';
case 'FCP' :
return 'FullCyclePower';
case 'TFCP' :
return 'TotalFullCyclePower';
case 'CAP' :
return 'GateCapacitance';
case 'SP' :
return 'StaticPowerConsumption';
case 'OS' :
case 'OSRatio' :
case 'FOOS' :
return 'OutputTransition';
case 'PD' :
case 'PDRatio' :
case 'FO4D' :
case 'FOPD' :
return 'PropagationDelay';
case 'FCD' :
return 'FullCycleDelay';
case 'MS' :
return 'SetupHoldMetastability';
case 'RRMS' :
return 'RecoveryRemovalMetastability';
case 'ST' :
return 'Setup';
case 'HT' :
return 'Hold';
case 'RC' :
return 'Recovery';
case 'RM' :
return 'Removal';
case 'MP' :
return 'MinPulseWidth';
case 'DQ' :
return 'ConstrainedDataToOutputDelay';
case 'MXC' :
return 'MaxCapacitance';
case 'PDV' :
return 'PropagationDelayVoltageThreshold';
case 'PO' :
return 'Pushout';
return '';
function createTableHeaderInline(index1, index2) {
if (!index1 && !index2)
return "";
var table = "<thead><tr>";
var cspan = index2 ? (index2.length - 3) : 1;
table += "<th colspan=\"2\">" +
index1[0] + " " + index1[1] + "</th>";
for (var i = 0; i < index1.length - 3; i++)
table += "<th colspan=\"" + cspan + "\"" +
(index2 ? "" : "onclick=\"cHL(this);\"") +
">" + index1[i + 2] + "</th>";
table += "</tr>";
if (index2) {
table += "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" + index2[0] + " " + index2[1] + "</th>";
for (var i = 0; i < index1.length - 3; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < index2.length - 3; j++)
table += "<th onclick=\"cHL(this);\">" + index2[j + 2] + "</th>";
table += "</tr>";
table += "</thead>";
return table;
function buildTraceLinkPerf(tables, trace, id) {
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var summName = pageInfo.getAttribute('SummName');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
if (summName == 'OSRatio' || summName == 'PDRatio')
return "javascript:oTraceFr(\\'" + '../../' + mapName(summName == 'OSRatio' ? 'OS' : 'PD') + "_" + corner + ".html?elem=el_" + tables[0] + "_*_*&elem=el_" + tables[1] + "_*_*#" + TABLE_ID + tables[0] + "\\');";
var elems = new Array(2);
elems[0] = "";
elems[1] = "";
for (var i = 1; i < trace.length; ++i) {
var table = trace[i].substring(0, trace[i].search('_'));
var ind = 0;
if (table == tables[1])
ind = 1;
elems[ind] += (elems[ind] != "" ? "&" : "") + "elem=el_" + trace[i];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (!elems[i])
elems[i] = "elem=el_" + tables[i] + "_" + id;
if (summName == 'FO4D')
return "javascript:oFr(\\'?" + elems[0] + "%?" + elems[1] + "%#" + TABLE_ID + tables[0] + "%#" + TABLE_ID + tables[1] + "\\');";
return "javascript:oTFr(\\'" + elems[0] + "%" + elems[1] + "%#" + TABLE_ID + tables[0] + "%#" + TABLE_ID + tables[1] + "\\');";
function buildTraceLink(trace, cellName, id) {
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var summName = pageInfo.getAttribute('SummName');
var cellPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellPath');
var corner = pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner');
var link = cellPath + cellName + "_" + corner + ".html";
switch (summName) {
case 'MP':
return '';
case 'CAP':
case 'SP':
return link + "?elem=el_" + summName + "_" + trace + "#" + mapName(summName);
case 'FOOS':
case 'FOPD':
return mapName(summName) + "_" + corner + ".html?elem=el_" + trace + "_*_*#" + TABLE_ID + trace;
case 'FO4D':
return link + "?elem=el_" + trace[1] + "#" + TABLE_ID + trace[1].substring(0, trace[1].search('_'));
if (!trace)
return '';
if (!(trace instanceof Array))
return "javascript:oTraceFr(\\'" + link + "?elem=el_" + trace + "_" + id + "#" + TABLE_ID + trace + "\\');";
if (trace[1].search('_') == -1)
return "javascript:oTraceFr(\\'" + link + "?elem=el_" + trace[1] + "_" + id + "#" + TABLE_ID + trace[1] + "\\');";
else {
var elems = "";
var table = trace[1].substring(0, trace[1].search("_"));
for (var i = 1; i < trace.length; ++i) {
if (i > 1)
elems += "&";
elems += "elem=el_" + trace[i];
return "javascript:oTraceFr(\\'" + link + "?" + elems + "#" + TABLE_ID + table + "\\');";
return "";
function createTableHeader(index1, index2, index3, addSF) {
if (!index1)
return "";
var table = "<thead><tr>";
var cspan = (index3 ? 4 : (index2 ? 3 : 2));
var topIndex = index2 ? index2 : index1;
var tIndexSpan = index2 ? 2 : 1;
table += "<th colspan=\"" + cspan + "\">" +
topIndex[0] + " " + topIndex[1] + "</th>";
for (var i = 0; i < topIndex.length - 3; i++) {
table += "<th rowspan=\"" + tIndexSpan + "\" onclick=\"cHL(this);\">" +
topIndex[i + 2] + (addSF ? "*sf" : "") +
table += "</tr>";
if (index2) {
table += "<tr><th colspan=\"" + cspan + "\">" +
(index3 ? index3[0] + " " + index3[1] + " / " : "") +
index1[0] + " " + index1[1] +
table += "</thead>";
return table;
function fillTableRow(row, tblName, totalRows) {
var table = "<tr>";
if (tblName)
table += "<th rowspan=\"" + totalRows + "\">" + tblName + "</th>";
var desc = row.getAttribute('desc');
table += "<th onclick=\"rHL(this);\">" +
(desc ? row.getAttribute('desc') + " " : "") +
row.getAttribute('t') + " " +
buildPlot(row, 'p') +
var elems = row.getAttribute('el').split(';');
for (i = 0; i < elems.length - 1; i++) {
table += fillValue(row.getAttribute('id'), elems, i, i);
table += "</tr>";
return table;
function fillTable2D(nCols, index1, index2, t1Table, t2Table, arc) {
var nRows = index1.length - 3;
var rspan = (t2Table ? (nRows*2 + 1) : nRows);
var table = "<tr><th rowspan=\"" + rspan + "\"> " + arc + " </th>";
for (n = 0; n < (t2Table ? 2 : 1); n++) {
if (n == 1)
table += "<tr><th colspan=\"" + (nCols + 2) + "\"></tr><tr>";
var curTable = (n == 0 ? t1Table : t2Table);
var elems = curTable.getAttribute('el').split(';');
table += "<th rowspan=\"" + nRows + "\">" +
curTable.getAttribute('t') + " " +
buildPlot(curTable, 'p') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'wp') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'vwp') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'ewp') +
buildRefTrgLinks(curTable) +
for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
if (i != 0)
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th onclick=\"rHL(this);\">" + index1[i + 2] + "</th>";
for (j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
var traceLink = "";
var perfSummTrace = curTable.getAttribute('trace');
var id2d = i + "_" + j;
var tracePos = elems[i*nCols + j].search('#');
var trace = "";
if (tracePos > -1) {
trace = elems[i*nCols + j].substring(tracePos).split('#');
elems[i*nCols + j] = elems[i*nCols + j].substring(0, tracePos);
if (perfSummTrace)
traceLink = buildTraceLinkPerf(perfSummTrace.split('#'), trace, id2d);
else {
var cellName = curTable.parentNode.getAttribute('arc');
traceLink = buildTraceLink(trace, cellName, id2d);
table += fillValue(curTable.getAttribute('id'), elems, i*nCols + j, i + "_" + j, curTable, null, null, traceLink);
table += "</tr>";
return table;
function fillTable3D(nCols, index1, index3, t1Table, t2Table, arc) {
var nRows = (index1.length - 3) * (index3.length - 3);
var rspan = (t2Table ? (nRows*2 + 1) : nRows);
var rspan2 = index1.length - 3;
var table = "<tr><th rowspan=\"" + rspan + "\"> " + arc + " </th>";
for (n = 0; n < (t2Table ? 2 : 1); n++) {
if (n == 1)
table += "<tr><th colspan=\"" + (nCols + 3) + "\"></tr><tr>";
var curTable = (n == 0 ? t1Table : t2Table);
var elems = curTable.getAttribute('el').split(';');
table += "<th rowspan=\"" + nRows + "\">" +
curTable.getAttribute('t') + " " +
buildPlot(curTable, 'p') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'wp') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'vwp') +
buildPlot(curTable, 'ewp') +
buildRefTrgLinks(curTable) + "</th>";
for (i = 0; i < index3.length - 3; i++) {
if (i != 0)
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th rowspan=\"" + rspan2 + "\">" + index3[i + 2] + "</th>";
for (j = 0; j < index1.length - 3; j++) {
if (j != 0)
table += "<tr>";
table += "<th onclick=\"rHL(this);\">" + index1[j + 2] + "</th>";
for (k = 0; k < nCols; k++)
table += fillValue(curTable.getAttribute('id'), elems, ((i * nCols * rspan2) + (j * nCols) + k), i + "_" + j + "_" + k, curTable);
if (j != rspan2 - 1)
table += "</tr>";
table += "</tr>";
return table;
function fillValue(lutId, elems, index, id, tbl, stOrder, extras, trace) {
var plot = "";
var value = elems[index];
if (stOrder) {
var delimPos =\$/);
var cLin = value.substring(delimPos + 1);
var cAng = value.substring(0, delimPos);
value = cLin + " + " + cAng + "OL";
var plotPos =\$/);
if (plotPos > -1) {
plot = value.substring(plotPos + 1);
value = value.substring(0, plotPos);
var up ='u');
var down ='d');
var interp ='i');
var cValidNomSlew ='t');
var cValidNomDelay ='n');
var cValidStepOver ='s');
var cValidWindow ='w');
var cValidDiscarded ='x');
var nonValueSize = interp > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += cValidNomSlew > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += cValidNomDelay > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += cValidStepOver > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += cValidWindow > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += cValidDiscarded > -1 ? 1 : 0;
nonValueSize += (up > -1 || down > -1) ? 1 : 0;
value = value.substring(0, value.length - nonValueSize);
var mainClass = stOrder ? "stOrder" : (value < 0 || (lutId == 'qor' && value < 1))? "neg" : "num";
var fixedValue = value;
if (interp > -1)
fixedValue = "<i>" + value + "</i>";
if (cValidNomSlew > -1)
fixedValue = fixedValue + "<sup> T</sup>";
if (cValidNomDelay > -1)
fixedValue = fixedValue + "<sup> N</sup>";
if (cValidStepOver > -1)
fixedValue = fixedValue + "<sup> S</sup>";
if (cValidWindow > -1)
fixedValue = fixedValue + "<sup> W</sup>";
if (cValidDiscarded > -1)
fixedValue = fixedValue + "<sup> D</sup>";
if (up > -1 || down > -1) {
fixedValue = "<span class=\"" + (up > -1 ? "erU" : "erD") + "\">" + fixedValue + "</span>";
var innerValue = fixedValue;
if (plot) {
var link = buildPlot(tbl, 'iwp', plot);
innerValue = "<div cTt=\"\">" + fixedValue + " " + link + "</div>";
if (trace) {
innerValue = "<div cTt=\"" + trace + "\">" + innerValue + "</div>";
var table = "<td "
+ "class=\"" + mainClass + "\" "
+ "onmouseover=\"highlight(this);\" onmouseout=\"highlight(this);\" onclick=\"highlight(this);\" "
+ "id=\"el_" + lutId + "_" + id + "\""
+ ">"
+ innerValue
+ (extras ? " " + extras : "")
+ "</td>";
return table;
function createCtx(ctx, nCols, dimensions, addTimType) {
var table = "<tr><td colspan=\"" + (nCols + dimensions + 1) + "\" class=\"comment\">" + buildCtxStr(ctx, false, addTimType) + "</td></tr>";
return table;
function buildCtxStr(ctx, cutTrans, addTimType) {
if (!ctx)
return "";
var ctxArray = ctx.split(';');
var ctxStr = "";
if (ctxArray[1])
ctxStr += (ctxArray[1] == 'positive_unate' ? ' * Positive Unate' : (ctxArray[1] == 'negative_unate' ? ' * Negative Unate' : ' * Non-Unate'));
if (ctxArray[2])
ctxStr += ' * When="' + ctxArray[2] + '"';
if (ctxArray[3] && !ctxArray[2])
ctxStr += ' * Std Delay Format Condition="' + ctxArray[3] + '"';
if (ctxArray[4] && addTimType)
ctxStr += ' * Timing Type="' + ctxArray[4] + '"';
if (ctxArray[5])
ctxStr += ' * Related Bus Pins="' + ctxArray[5] + '"';
if (ctxArray[6])
ctxStr += ' * Related PgPin="' + ctxArray[6] + '"';
if (ctxArray[7])
ctxStr += ' * Related Output Pin="' + ctxArray[7] + '"';
if (ctxArray[8])
ctxStr += ' * Interdependence Id=' + ctxArray[8];
if (ctxArray[9])
ctxStr += ' * Pct Threshold=' + ctxArray[9];
if (ctxArray[10] && !cutTrans)
ctxStr += ' * Output Transition="' + ctxArray[10] + '"';
if (ctxStr == '')
ctxStr = ' * No Context';
return ctxStr;
function toHtmlString(str) {
if (!str)
return "";
var strObj = new String(str);
var fixedStr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < strObj.length; ++i) {
switch (strObj.charAt(i)) {
case '"':
fixedStr += '%22';
fixedStr += strObj.charAt(i);
return fixedStr;
function createStats(t1, t2, nCols, dimensions, focus) {
var table = "";
if (t1.getAttribute('st')) {
var cSpan = 1 + dimensions + nCols - (t2 ? 2 : 1);
table = "<tr><td colspan=\"" + cSpan + "\"</td><td noHL=\"true\" align=\"center\"><b>" + t1.getAttribute('t') + "</b></td>";
var t1Stats = t1.getAttribute('st').split(';');
var t2Stats = t2 ? t2.getAttribute('st').split(';') : null;
var statName = new Array(4);
statName[0] = (focus == "correlation" ? "Abs " : "") + "Worst";
statName[1] = "Average";
statName[2] = "Abs Average";
statName[3] = (focus == "correlation" ? "Abs " : "") + "Std Dev";
statName[4] = "RMS";
if (t2)
table += "<td noHL=\"true\" align=\"center\"><b>" + t2.getAttribute('t') + "</b></td>";
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (t1Stats[i] != '') {
table += "<tr><td colspan=\"" + cSpan + "\"><b>" + statName[i] + "</b></td>";
table += "<td noHL=\"true\" align=\"center\">" + t1Stats[i] + "</td>";
if (t2)
table += "<td noHL=\"true\" align=\"center\">" + t2Stats[i] + "</td>";
table += "</tr>";
table += "<tr/>";
return table;
function buildPlot(tbl, plotType, plot) {
var father = tbl.parentNode;
if (!father)
return "";
var granpa = father.parentNode;
if (!plot)
plot = tbl.getAttribute(plotType);
if (!plot)
return "";
var wpCount = tbl.getAttribute('wpc');
var wpRoot = tbl.getAttribute('wpr');
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var rootPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('RootPath');
var cellName = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellName');
if (!cellName)
cellName = tbl.getAttribute('t');
var secName = "";
var funcName = "";
var plotImage = rootPath + '/resource/image/';
var attrCtx = father.getAttribute('ctx');
var ctx = "";
if (attrCtx)
ctx = toHtmlString(buildCtxStr(attrCtx, true));
ctx = tbl.getAttribute('desc');
if (!ctx)
ctx = "";
switch (plotType) {
case 'p':
secName = granpa.getAttribute('eName');
plotImage += 'plot.gif';
funcName = 'showPlot';
case 'iwp':
secName = granpa.getAttribute('eName');
plotImage += 'plot.gif';
funcName = 'showPlot';
plot = wpRoot + plot;
case 'wp':
secName = 'Current Waveform';
plotImage += '4waves_plot.gif';
funcName = 'showPlotList';
plot = wpRoot + plot;
case 'vwp':
secName = 'Voltage Waveform';
plotImage += 'volt_plot.gif';
funcName = 'showPlotList';
plot = wpRoot + plot;
case 'ewp':
secName = 'Voltage Waveform';
plotImage += '4waves_plot.gif';
funcName = 'showPlotList';
plot = wpRoot + plot;
return "";
var arc = father.getAttribute('arc');
if (!arc)
arc = "";
else {
var capIndPos =\[/);
if (capIndPos > -1)
arc = arc.substring(0, capIndPos);
var table = "<a href=\"javascript:" + funcName + "("
+ "'" + rootPath + "', "
+ "'" + "../../" + plot + "', "
+ "'" + secName + "', "
+ "'" + cellName + "', "
+ "'" + arc + "', "
+ "'" + ctx + "', "
+ (plotType == 'iwp' ? "'700'" : "'600'") + ", "
+ "'550'"
+ ((plotType != 'p' && plotType != 'iwp') ? ", '" + wpCount + "'" : "")
+ ");\">"
+ "<img border=\"0\" onClick=\"disableHighlight()\" src=\""
+ plotImage + "\""
+ (plotType == 'iwp' ? "style=\"display:none\"" : "")
+ "></a>";
return table;
function buildRefTrgLinks(tbl) {
var table = "";
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
if (!pageInfo)
return "";
var cellName = pageInfo.getAttribute('CellName');
var refNode = pageInfo.getAttribute('RefNode');
var trgNode = pageInfo.getAttribute('TrgNode');
var fileExt = pageInfo.getAttribute('FileExt');
if (tbl.getAttribute('rid')) {
table += "<br/><a href=\"" + cellName + "_" + refNode + fileExt + "#" + TABLE_ID + tbl.getAttribute('rid') + "\">ref</a> | ";
table += "<a href=\"" + cellName + "_" + trgNode + fileExt + "#" + TABLE_ID + tbl.getAttribute('tid') + "\">trg</a>";
return table;
function buildTablePopup(node) {
var id = node.getAttribute('id');
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var rootPath = pageInfo.getAttribute('RootPath');
var link = '<a href="javascript:tablePopUp('
+ "'" + rootPath + "', "
+ "'" + id + "'"
+ ');">'
+ '<img border="0" onClick="disableHighlight()" src="'
+ rootPath + '/resource/image/table.gif"></a>';
return link;
// //
// End of file. //
// //