blob: 357ea61a3aa74cf81490b851e48bb9a2a049b888 [file] [log] [blame]
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function NanInit() {
function goToId() {
var url = location.href;
var fIdPos ='#');
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function tablePopUp(path, id) {
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var tableNode = document.getElementById(id);
var title = "<p class=\"Subtitle\">" + tableNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('eName') + "</p>";
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var tableHtml = tableHtmlForPopUp(tableNode, pageInfo, id);
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var refFile = pageInfo.getAttribute('RefFile');
var trgFile = pageInfo.getAttribute('TrgFile');
var cellPath = '../../Cells/';
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var t = tableNode.getAttribute('unit');
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tableHtml = '<a id=\"PageInfo\" SummName=\"' + summName + '\" Corner=\"' + corner + '\" CellPath=\"' + cellPath + '\"'
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+ '<div ngTable=\"tGr\" tGr=\"1\" ctx=\";;;;;;;\" i1=\"' + i1 + '\" ' + (i2 ? ('i2=\"' + i2 + '\" ') : '') + 'arc=\"' + arc + '\">'
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+ '</div>';
return tableHtml;
function showPlot(path, str, title, cell, pin, ctx, width, height, extraTitle, deckList) {
title = "<p class=\"Subtitle\">" + title + "</p>";
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ctxStr = "<br/><span class=\"weakComment\">" + extraTitle + "</span>" + ctxStr;
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ctxStr += ";";
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ctxStr += dlArray[i] + "*";
var myWin =
function readPlot() {
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var full_path = '';
var path = '';
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tmp_name = names[i].split('/');
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final_name = tmp_name[tmp_name.length-1];
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content += '<li><a target="deck" href="' + full_path + '" onClick="document.getElementById(\'fullname\').innerHTML = \'Full Path:<br/> '
+ path + '<br/>' + tmp_name[tmp_name.length -1] + '\'">' + final_name + '</a></li>';
} else {
content += '<li><a target="deck">'+ final_name+'</a></li>';
content += '</ul><br/><p id="fullname"></p><br/><iframe name="deck" width="100%" height="55%" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
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top.resizeTo(tableWidth + 160, tableHeight + 250);
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window.document.body.innerHTML += context + '<br/><center><img src="' + str + '"/></center>';
window.document.getElementById("_title").innerHTML = title;
function deckPage(header, human_readable_info, spice_file) {
window.document.body.innerHTML = header + human_readable_info + '<br/>' + spice_file;
window.document.getElementById("_title").innerHTML = title;
function showPlotList(path, str, title, cell, pin, ctx, width, height, count) {
title = "<p class=\"Subtitle\">" + title + "</p>";
var ctxStr = "<br/><span class=\"weakComment\">Cell <span class=\"comment\">" + cell + "</span><br/>Pin <span class=\"comment\">" + pin + "</span>";
if (ctx)
ctxStr += "<br/><span class=\"comment\">" + ctx + "</span>";
ctx += "</span>";
var myWin = + '/resource/js/plot_list.html', '' , 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',top=100,left=100');
myWin.current = 1;
myWin.plotCount = count;
function readPlotList() {
var str = window.mplot;
var title = window.mtitle;
var context = window.mctx;
var current = window.current;
var plotCount = window.plotCount;
baseHtml = '<table class="navigation" width="100%">' +
' <tr>' +
' <td align="left" id="_title">' + title + '</td>' +
' <td align="right">' +
' <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../image/Nangatelogo_small.gif" border="0"/></a>' +
' <br/><br/>' +
' <span class="comment">Copyright ® 2004-2010 Nangate Inc.</span>' +
' </td>' +
' </tr>';
if (plotCount > 1) {
baseHtml += '<tr><td>';
if (current > 1)
baseHtml += '<img src="../image/first.gif" onClick="window.current = 1; readPlotList();"/>' +
'<img src="../image/blank.gif"/>' +
'<img src="../image/previous.gif" onClick="window.current--; readPlotList();"/>';
baseHtml += '<img src="../image/blank.gif"/><img src="../image/blank.gif"/><img src="../image/blank.gif"/>';
baseHtml += '<img src="../image/blank.gif"/>' + current + ' of ' + plotCount + '<img src="../image/blank.gif"/>';
if (current != plotCount)
baseHtml += '<img src="../image/next.gif" onClick="window.current++; readPlotList();"/>' +
'<img src="../image/blank.gif"/>' +
'<img src="../image/last.gif" onClick="window.current = plotCount; readPlotList();"/>';
baseHtml += '</td></tr>';
baseHtml += '</table><hr class="navigation_tb">';
window.document.body.innerHTML = baseHtml + context + '<br/><center><img name="plot" src="' + str + window.current + '.png"/></center>';
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function oFr(str) {
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function oTraceFr(str) {
if (window.opener), '_blank','');
else, '_self','');
function unsupportedBrowserMsg() {
alert("Your browser does not support this feature. Please consider using one of the Nangate Liberty Analyzer recommended browsers.");
function oTFr(str) {
if (verifyBrowser() == 'IE') {
var pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var pageInfoFather = pageInfo.parentNode;
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// Adding back original pageInfo
function getTableFromPage(file, elemId, fatherDiv) {
var xmlHttp;
try {
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
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var tableHtml = "";
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var tableNode = document.getElementById(elemId);
pageInfo = document.getElementById('PageInfo');
var title = "<p class=\"Subtitle\">" + tableNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('eName') + " [" + pageInfo.getAttribute('Corner') + "]</p>";
var ctxStr = "<br/><span class=\"weakComment\">Cell <span class=\"comment\">" + tableNode.getAttribute('t') + "</span>";
tableHtml = '#table&+' + title + '&+' + ctxStr + '&+' + elemId + '&+' + tableHtmlForPopUp(tableNode, pageInfo, elemId);
} else {
return tableHtml;
Function to change the contents of a look-up table based on a combo box selection.
function updateTable(comboBox, tableId, fallCount, riseCount) {
table = document.getElementById(tableId);
unit = comboBox.options[comboBox.selectedIndex].getAttribute('unit');
if (fallCount > 0) {
fixUnit(table.rows[2].cells[1].childNodes[0], unit);
if (riseCount > 0)
fixUnit(table.rows[2 + fallCount].cells[0].childNodes[0], unit);
} else if (riseCount > 0)
fixUnit(table.rows[2].cells[1].childNodes[0], unit);
for (i in table.rows) {
cells = table.rows[i].cells;
for (j in cells) {
try {
if (cells[j].tagName == 'TD') {
cell = cells[j].getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
tolExc = cell.getAttribute('t' + comboBox.options[comboBox.selectedIndex].value);
// Fix highlight first
textNode = cell.childNodes[0];
if (textNode.nodeName == '#text') {
if (tolExc == 'up' || tolExc == 'down') {
spanNode = document.createElement('span');
attr = document.createAttribute('class');
if (tolExc == 'up')
attr.value = 'erU';
attr.value = 'erD';
cell.replaceChild(spanNode, textNode);
textNode = spanNode.childNodes[0];
} else {
spanNode = textNode;
textNode = spanNode.childNodes[0];
if (tolExc == 'up' && spanNode.getAttribute('class') == 'erD')
spanNode.setAttribute('class', 'erU');
else if (tolExc == 'down' && spanNode.getAttribute('class') == 'erU')
spanNode.setAttribute('class', 'erD');
else if (tolExc != 'up' && tolExc != 'down')
cell.replaceChild(textNode, spanNode);
textNode.nodeValue = cell.getAttribute(comboBox.options[comboBox.selectedIndex].value);
} catch(err) {}
Helper function to set the unit information in a table header. Used only by 'updateTable'.
function fixUnit(node, unit) {
if (node.nodeValue.indexOf('[') != -1)
node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.slice(0, node.nodeValue.indexOf('['));
if (unit != '')
node.nodeValue += '[' + unit + ']';