blob: 875f2d80c066cea140f2fbf71231e73a83f2e9af [file] [log] [blame]
# This plug-in is called after optDesign -preCTS from the run_prects.tcl flow
# script. The user can use this plug-in for:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Secondary power pin routing for low power cells
# - State retention flops
# - Always-on-buffers
# - Level-shifters
# - Check the connectivity and geometry on these nets
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Below are some example commands ...
# Secondary power routing for SRPG/AON/LVL cells using nanoroute ...
# It requires vars(secondary_pg,cell_pin_pairs) to be defined in the lp_config.tcl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: In the early stage of the flow (before CTS) if user wants to estimate the
# routing resource impact due to secondary pg pin routing, he can do secondary pg pin
# connection before CTS OR if user enables "vars(route_secondary_pg_nets)" as true in
# OVERLAY/lp_config.tcl then same would be done before the routing stage also.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Check for Geometry and connectivity violations on power nets
verifyConnectivity \
-type special \
-noAntenna \
-nets { VSSsoc VDDdvfs VDDw VDDsmc VDDuart VDDwake VDDpll } \
-report $vars(rpt_dir)/$vars(design).conn.rpt
verifyGeometry \
-allowPadFillerCellsOverlap \
-allowRoutingBlkgPinOverlap \
-allowRoutingCellBlkgOverlap \
-error 1000 \
-report $vars(rpt_dir)/$vars(design).geom.rpt