blob: b4508306103f5c94be31ffcd5932b33006ecd472 [file] [log] [blame]
# This plug-in script is called before partitioning in the run_partition.tcl script.
# - Assign partition pins
# - Set pin-placement parameters for pin-assignment:
# - pinDepth, to avoid min-area violations when
# DRC is run at the partition-level
# - pinPitch and pin-layers set to single layer
# for each side (T/B/L/R)
# - Fix the pin locations after assignment
set pin_depth(2) 0.4
set pin_depth(3) 0.4
set pin_depth(4) 0.4
set pin_depth(5) 0.4
set pin_depth(6) 1.5
set pin_spacing 2
set pin_layer(T) [list 2 4]
set pin_layer(B) [list 2 4]
set pin_layer(L) [list 3 5]
set pin_layer(R) [list 3 5]
foreach ptn $vars(partition_list) {
foreach layer [list 2 3 4 5] {
setLayerPinDepth -cell $ptn -layer $layer -depth $pin_depth($layer)
setMinPinSpacingOnEdge -cell $ptn -spacing $pin_spacing
foreach edge "T B L R" {
setAllowedPinLayersOnEdge -cell $ptn -edge $edge -layer $pin_layer($edge)
setPtnPinStatus * * fixed