blob: 929bc99c3a479060a387879ba67c8806d20a82b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# PLUG files contain DESIGN SPECIFIC information, so please review
# all PLUG files before they are used by run_model_gen.tcl or
# run_proto.tcl and remove any DTMF design specific information
# and replace with data valid for your design.
history keep 30 ;#default = 15
setPreference FlightLineInMove 0 ;#makes the interactive moving of BLOBs/BBOXes extremely slow... so turning off.
# LIMITATION: proto flow will not allow interactive constraints to be
# preserved in designs with ILMs. prototype_timing uses its own .sdc files
# which need to be handled explicitly, but interactive constraints
# writes out one sdc file merging all the constraints.
# Since proto_timing modifies the timing graph, FE thinks that some interactive constraints have been
# entered and so unflattenIlm writes out the constraints to one file, and so we lose
# the protoInterfaceLogic.sdc file reference.
set Rda_ILM::ilmgPreserveInteractiveConstr 0
catch {setLayerPreference power -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference power -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump0 -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump0 -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump1 -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump1 -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump2 -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump2 -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump3 -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference bump3 -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference coverCell -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference coverCell -isSelectable 0}
catch {setLayerPreference M[expr 1 + [getMaxRouteLayer]]Pin -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference layerBlk -isVisible 0}
catch {setLayerPreference text -isVisible 0}
#Some designs need these set for proper propagation of case_analysis,
# but these are not default settings,
# so make sure that these are necessary for your new design:
#Setting this to TRUE will give better reduction ratio (in some case very significant improvement),
# however, note that when comparing number of top-level paths full netlist vs. flexmodel netlist,
# there will probably be a different number of paths if top-level is using the default of FALSE:
set_global timing_case_analysis_for_sequential_propagation true
setAnalysisMode -caseAnalysis true -sequentialConstProp true
set_global timing_case_analysis_for_icg_propagation always
set_global report_timing_format {timing_point cell delay fanout load slew}
set_table_style -name report_timing -no_frame -indent 0
setDrawView fplan
#set_proto_mode -create_dir proto_model
#specify flexmodels (COMMENT THESE OUT FOR YOUR DESIGN):
# set_proto_model -model ptn_wrapper -type flex_module
# set_proto_model -model tdsp_core -type flex_module
# UNCOMMENT this line for selecting all models for routing blockage
# characterization. By default only 10% of the models will be used
# set_proto_mode -characterize_percent_rt_blockage 1.0