blob: 92e5249147f0693cf962ac8f60ebc3f7af66bbf3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.SUBCKT sky130_fd_sc_lp__busdrivernovlp_20 A TE_B VGND VNB VPB VPWR Z
MI28 TE TE_B VNB nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.42 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
+ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MMN1 Z net89 VNB nfet_01v8 m=14 w=0.64 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
+ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI26 net89 TE_B VNB nfet_01v8 m=2 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI25 net89 A VNB nfet_01v8 m=2 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
+ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI24 net61 A VNB nfet_01v8 m=2 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
+ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI23 net57 net58 VNB nfet_01v8 m=2 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI22 net58 TE_B VNB nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.42 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI21 net58 net89 VNB nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.42 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI13 net90 net57 VNB nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.42 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI14 net44 TE VNB nfet_01v8 m=1 w=0.42 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
+ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MMP0 Z net57 VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=20 w=1.26 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI27 TE TE_B VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI11 net90 net57 VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI20 net58 net89 VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI19 net100 TE_B VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI10 net57 A VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=2 w=1.26 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI18 net89 net90 VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=2 w=1.26 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI17 net88 A VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=2 w=1.26 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI12 net90 TE VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=1 w=0.84 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
MI9 net57 TE VPB pfet_01v8_hvt m=2 w=1.26 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265
+ sb=0.265 sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
.ENDS sky130_fd_sc_lp__busdrivernovlp_20