Significant improvements to library sky130_fd_sc_hd version 0.0.1.

This commit contains major improvements to all files by regenerating
from original data, improving consistency and automated cross checking
of data.

These improvements should drastically reduce customer confusion when
using the library and further reduce future possibility for human errors to
creep into designs.

Notable improvements include;

 * A large number of files have been regenerated from original source
   data including most liberty timing files and spice simulation models
   (compared to previous hand created versions).

 * Catalog and other library aggregations are now automatically
   generated from library contents (compared to previous hand created

 * Significant improvements to documentation for all cells, including
   producing graphical representations, verified metadata and

 * Names have been cross referenced between file types (such as
   simulation, layout, schematic and timing) and now verified to match.

 * Names have been improved to fix a standard format across all supported
   libraries and PDK contents.

 * Significant improvements to the contents of text files (like the
   verilog files) through improving consistent style that has been
   automatically checked.

 * Simplified verilog files for usage with open tools, including new
   black box stubs have been created.

 * Too many numerous other changes to list here.

Signed-off-by: Kevin Kelley <>
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 479c4c2..8d0e1b9 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 :lib:`sky130_fd_sc_hd` - SKY130 High Density Digital Standard Cells (SkyWater Provided)
-Initial empty repository creation.
+Initial release of version (0, 0, 1).
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/definition.json b/cells/a2111o/definition.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da45633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/definition.json
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ "description": "2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.",
+ "equation": "X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)",
+ "file_prefix": "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o",
+ "library": "sky130_fd_sc_hd",
+ "name": "a2111o",
+ "parameters": [],
+ "ports": [
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "X",
+   "output",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "A1",
+   "input",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "A2",
+   "input",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "B1",
+   "input",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "C1",
+   "input",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "signal",
+   "D1",
+   "input",
+   ""
+  ],
+  [
+   "power",
+   "VPWR",
+   "input",
+   "supply1"
+  ],
+  [
+   "power",
+   "VGND",
+   "input",
+   "supply0"
+  ],
+  [
+   "power",
+   "VPB",
+   "input",
+   "supply1"
+  ],
+  [
+   "power",
+   "VNB",
+   "input",
+   "supply0"
+  ]
+ ],
+ "type": "cell",
+ "verilog_name": "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.pp.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.pp.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95c207b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.pp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog simulation functional model.
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+// Import user defined primitives.
+`include "../../models/udp_pwrgood_pp_pg/sky130_fd_sc_hd__udp_pwrgood_pp_pg.v"
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X   ,
+    A1  ,
+    A2  ,
+    B1  ,
+    C1  ,
+    D1  ,
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    VPB ,
+    VNB
+    // Module ports
+    output X   ;
+    input  A1  ;
+    input  A2  ;
+    input  B1  ;
+    input  C1  ;
+    input  D1  ;
+    input  VPWR;
+    input  VGND;
+    input  VPB ;
+    input  VNB ;
+    // Local signals
+    wire and0_out         ;
+    wire or0_out_X        ;
+    wire pwrgood_pp0_out_X;
+    //                                 Name         Output             Other arguments
+    and                                and0        (and0_out         , A1, A2               );
+    or                                 or0         (or0_out_X        , C1, B1, and0_out, D1 );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__udp_pwrgood_pp$PG pwrgood_pp0 (pwrgood_pp0_out_X, or0_out_X, VPWR, VGND);
+    buf                                buf0        (X                , pwrgood_pp0_out_X    );
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_PP_V
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e083cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.v
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog simulation functional model.
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X ,
+    A1,
+    A2,
+    B1,
+    C1,
+    D1
+    // Module ports
+    output X ;
+    input  A1;
+    input  A2;
+    input  B1;
+    input  C1;
+    input  D1;
+    // Module supplies
+    supply1 VPWR;
+    supply0 VGND;
+    supply1 VPB ;
+    supply0 VNB ;
+    // Local signals
+    wire and0_out ;
+    wire or0_out_X;
+    //  Name  Output     Other arguments
+    and and0 (and0_out , A1, A2              );
+    or  or0  (or0_out_X, C1, B1, and0_out, D1);
+    buf buf0 (X        , or0_out_X           );
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BEHAVIORAL_V
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.blackbox.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.blackbox.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c7b0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.blackbox.v
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BLACKBOX_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BLACKBOX_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog stub definition (black box without power pins).
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+(* blackbox *)
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X ,
+    A1,
+    A2,
+    B1,
+    C1,
+    D1
+    output X ;
+    input  A1;
+    input  A2;
+    input  B1;
+    input  C1;
+    input  D1;
+    // Voltage supply signals
+    supply1 VPWR;
+    supply0 VGND;
+    supply1 VPB ;
+    supply0 VNB ;
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_BLACKBOX_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.pp.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.pp.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7856e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.pp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_PP_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_PP_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog simulation functional model.
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+// Import user defined primitives.
+`include "../../models/udp_pwrgood_pp_pg/sky130_fd_sc_hd__udp_pwrgood_pp_pg.v"
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X   ,
+    A1  ,
+    A2  ,
+    B1  ,
+    C1  ,
+    D1  ,
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    VPB ,
+    VNB
+    // Module ports
+    output X   ;
+    input  A1  ;
+    input  A2  ;
+    input  B1  ;
+    input  C1  ;
+    input  D1  ;
+    input  VPWR;
+    input  VGND;
+    input  VPB ;
+    input  VNB ;
+    // Local signals
+    wire and0_out         ;
+    wire or0_out_X        ;
+    wire pwrgood_pp0_out_X;
+    //                                 Name         Output             Other arguments
+    and                                and0        (and0_out         , A1, A2               );
+    or                                 or0         (or0_out_X        , C1, B1, and0_out, D1 );
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__udp_pwrgood_pp$PG pwrgood_pp0 (pwrgood_pp0_out_X, or0_out_X, VPWR, VGND);
+    buf                                buf0        (X                , pwrgood_pp0_out_X    );
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_PP_V
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42a523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog simulation functional model.
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X ,
+    A1,
+    A2,
+    B1,
+    C1,
+    D1
+    // Module ports
+    output X ;
+    input  A1;
+    input  A2;
+    input  B1;
+    input  C1;
+    input  D1;
+    // Local signals
+    wire and0_out ;
+    wire or0_out_X;
+    //  Name  Output     Other arguments
+    and and0 (and0_out , A1, A2              );
+    or  or0  (or0_out_X, C1, B1, and0_out, D1);
+    buf buf0 (X        , or0_out_X           );
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_FUNCTIONAL_V
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.json b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a5abe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.json
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+  "creator": "Yosys 0.9+2406 (git sha1 46ed0db2, clang 7.0.1-8 -fPIC -Os)",
+  "modules": {
+    "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o": {
+      "attributes": {
+        "top": 1,
+        "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:35.1-61.10"
+      },
+      "ports": {
+        "X": {
+          "direction": "output",
+          "bits": [ 2 ]
+        },
+        "A1": {
+          "direction": "input",
+          "bits": [ 3 ]
+        },
+        "A2": {
+          "direction": "input",
+          "bits": [ 4 ]
+        },
+        "B1": {
+          "direction": "input",
+          "bits": [ 5 ]
+        },
+        "C1": {
+          "direction": "input",
+          "bits": [ 6 ]
+        },
+        "D1": {
+          "direction": "input",
+          "bits": [ 7 ]
+        }
+      },
+      "cells": {
+        "$and$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:57$1": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "type": "$and",
+          "parameters": {
+            "A_SIGNED": 0,
+            "A_WIDTH": 1,
+            "B_SIGNED": 0,
+            "B_WIDTH": 1,
+            "Y_WIDTH": 1
+          },
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:57.9-57.47"
+          },
+          "port_directions": {
+            "A": "input",
+            "B": "input",
+            "Y": "output"
+          },
+          "connections": {
+            "A": [ 3 ],
+            "B": [ 4 ],
+            "Y": [ 8 ]
+          }
+        },
+        "$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$2": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "type": "$or",
+          "parameters": {
+            "A_SIGNED": 0,
+            "A_WIDTH": 1,
+            "B_SIGNED": 0,
+            "B_WIDTH": 1,
+            "Y_WIDTH": 1
+          },
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58.9-58.47"
+          },
+          "port_directions": {
+            "A": "input",
+            "B": "input",
+            "Y": "output"
+          },
+          "connections": {
+            "A": [ 6 ],
+            "B": [ 5 ],
+            "Y": [ 9 ]
+          }
+        },
+        "$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$3": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "type": "$or",
+          "parameters": {
+            "A_SIGNED": 0,
+            "A_WIDTH": 1,
+            "B_SIGNED": 0,
+            "B_WIDTH": 1,
+            "Y_WIDTH": 1
+          },
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58.9-58.47"
+          },
+          "port_directions": {
+            "A": "input",
+            "B": "input",
+            "Y": "output"
+          },
+          "connections": {
+            "A": [ 9 ],
+            "B": [ 8 ],
+            "Y": [ 10 ]
+          }
+        },
+        "$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$4": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "type": "$or",
+          "parameters": {
+            "A_SIGNED": 0,
+            "A_WIDTH": 1,
+            "B_SIGNED": 0,
+            "B_WIDTH": 1,
+            "Y_WIDTH": 1
+          },
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58.9-58.47"
+          },
+          "port_directions": {
+            "A": "input",
+            "B": "input",
+            "Y": "output"
+          },
+          "connections": {
+            "A": [ 10 ],
+            "B": [ 7 ],
+            "Y": [ 2 ]
+          }
+        }
+      },
+      "netnames": {
+        "$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$2_Y": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "bits": [ 9 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58.9-58.47"
+          }
+        },
+        "$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$3_Y": {
+          "hide_name": 1,
+          "bits": [ 10 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58.9-58.47"
+          }
+        },
+        "A1": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 3 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:46.12-46.14"
+          }
+        },
+        "A2": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 4 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:47.12-47.14"
+          }
+        },
+        "B1": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 5 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:48.12-48.14"
+          }
+        },
+        "C1": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 6 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:49.12-49.14"
+          }
+        },
+        "D1": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 7 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:50.12-50.14"
+          }
+        },
+        "X": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 2 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:45.12-45.13"
+          }
+        },
+        "and0_out": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 8 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:53.10-53.18"
+          }
+        },
+        "or0_out_X": {
+          "hide_name": 0,
+          "bits": [ 2 ],
+          "attributes": {
+            "src": "./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:54.10-54.19"
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.blackbox.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.blackbox.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89c1ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.blackbox.v
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_BLACKBOX_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_BLACKBOX_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog stub definition (black box with power pins).
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+(* blackbox *)
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    X   ,
+    A1  ,
+    A2  ,
+    B1  ,
+    C1  ,
+    D1  ,
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    VPB ,
+    VNB
+    output X   ;
+    input  A1  ;
+    input  A2  ;
+    input  B1  ;
+    input  C1  ;
+    input  D1  ;
+    input  VPWR;
+    input  VGND;
+    input  VPB ;
+    input  VNB ;
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_BLACKBOX_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.svg b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b262f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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+<g transform="translate(0,19)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">A1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,41)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">A2</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,63)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">B1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,85)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">C1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,107)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">D1</text>
+<g transform="translate(140,19)">
+<line x1="20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="-10" y="0" text-anchor="end" dy="5.5">X</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,149.0)">
+<rect x="0" y="-21.0" width="140" height="127.0" stroke="#000000" fill="#FFBBBB" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt1" x="70.0" y="-5.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="5.5">Power</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,19)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">VPB</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,41)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">VPWR</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,63)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">VGND</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,85)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">VNB</text>
+<rect x="1.0" y="-20.0" width="138.0" height="274.0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="3"/>
+<text class="fnt3" x="70.0" y="-30.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="-1.0">a2111o</text>
+<text class="fnt4" x="70.0" y="274.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="1.0">sky130_fd_sc_hd</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aaeb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.symbol.v
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_SYMBOL_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_SYMBOL_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog stub (with power pins) for graphical symbol definition
+ * generation.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+(* blackbox *)
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    //# {{data|Data Signals}}
+    input  A1  ,
+    input  A2  ,
+    input  B1  ,
+    input  C1  ,
+    input  D1  ,
+    output X   ,
+    //# {{power|Power}}
+    input  VPB ,
+    input  VPWR,
+    input  VGND,
+    input  VNB
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_PP_SYMBOL_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.schematic.svg b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.schematic.svg
new file mode 100644
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+    fill:#000;
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+  <g s:type="and" transform="translate(77,157)" s:width="30" s:height="25" id="cell_$and$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:57$1">
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+    <s:alias val="$logic_and"/>
+    <s:alias val="$_AND_"/>
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+    <g s:x="0" s:y="20" s:pid="B"/>
+    <g s:x="30" s:y="12.5" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="or" transform="translate(77,27)" s:width="30" s:height="25" id="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$2">
+    <s:alias val="$or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$logic_or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$_OR_"/>
+    <path d="M0,25 L0,25 L15,25 A15 12.5 0 0 0 15,0 L0,0" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$2"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 A30 25 0 0 1 0,25" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$2"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="5" s:pid="A"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="20" s:pid="B"/>
+    <g s:x="30" s:y="12.5" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="or" transform="translate(142,34.5)" s:width="30" s:height="25" id="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$3">
+    <s:alias val="$or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$logic_or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$_OR_"/>
+    <path d="M0,25 L0,25 L15,25 A15 12.5 0 0 0 15,0 L0,0" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$3"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 A30 25 0 0 1 0,25" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$3"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="5" s:pid="A"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="20" s:pid="B"/>
+    <g s:x="30" s:y="12.5" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="or" transform="translate(207,42)" s:width="30" s:height="25" id="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$4">
+    <s:alias val="$or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$logic_or"/>
+    <s:alias val="$_OR_"/>
+    <path d="M0,25 L0,25 L15,25 A15 12.5 0 0 0 15,0 L0,0" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$4"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 A30 25 0 0 1 0,25" class="cell_$or$./cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v:58$4"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="5" s:pid="A"/>
+    <g s:x="3" s:y="20" s:pid="B"/>
+    <g s:x="30" s:y="12.5" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="outputExt" transform="translate(272,44.5)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_X">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_X" s:attribute="ref">X</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_outputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M30,0 L30,20 L15,20 L0,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_X"/>
+    <g s:x="0" s:y="10" s:pid="A"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="inputExt" transform="translate(12,152)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_A1">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_A1" s:attribute="ref">A1</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_inputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 L0,20 L15,20 L30,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_A1"/>
+    <g s:x="28" s:y="10" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="inputExt" transform="translate(12,217)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_A2">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_A2" s:attribute="ref">A2</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_inputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 L0,20 L15,20 L30,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_A2"/>
+    <g s:x="28" s:y="10" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="inputExt" transform="translate(12,87)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_B1">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_B1" s:attribute="ref">B1</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_inputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 L0,20 L15,20 L30,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_B1"/>
+    <g s:x="28" s:y="10" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="inputExt" transform="translate(12,22)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_C1">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_C1" s:attribute="ref">C1</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_inputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 L0,20 L15,20 L30,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_C1"/>
+    <g s:x="28" s:y="10" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <g s:type="inputExt" transform="translate(142,104.5)" s:width="30" s:height="20" id="cell_D1">
+    <text x="15" y="-4" class="nodelabel cell_D1" s:attribute="ref">D1</text>
+    <s:alias val="$_inputExt_"/>
+    <path d="M0,0 L0,20 L15,20 L30,10 L15,0 Z" class="cell_D1"/>
+    <g s:x="28" s:y="10" s:pid="Y"/>
+  </g>
+  <line x1="40" x2="77" y1="162" y2="162" class="net_3"/>
+  <line x1="40" x2="52" y1="227" y2="227" class="net_4"/>
+  <line x1="52" x2="52" y1="227" y2="177" class="net_4"/>
+  <line x1="52" x2="77" y1="177" y2="177" class="net_4"/>
+  <line x1="40" x2="80" y1="32" y2="32" class="net_6"/>
+  <line x1="40" x2="52" y1="97" y2="97" class="net_5"/>
+  <line x1="52" x2="52" y1="97" y2="47" class="net_5"/>
+  <line x1="52" x2="80" y1="47" y2="47" class="net_5"/>
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+  <line x1="107" x2="117" y1="169.5" y2="169.5" class="net_8"/>
+  <line x1="117" x2="117" y1="169.5" y2="54.5" class="net_8"/>
+  <line x1="117" x2="145" y1="54.5" y2="54.5" class="net_8"/>
+  <line x1="172" x2="210" y1="47" y2="47" class="net_10"/>
+  <line x1="170" x2="182" y1="114.5" y2="114.5" class="net_7"/>
+  <line x1="182" x2="182" y1="114.5" y2="62" class="net_7"/>
+  <line x1="182" x2="210" y1="62" y2="62" class="net_7"/>
+  <line x1="237" x2="272" y1="54.5" y2="54.5" class="net_2"/>
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.specify.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.specify.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d6e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.specify.v
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+(A1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+(A2 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&!A2&!C1&!D1)) (B1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&A2&!C1&!D1)) (B1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((A1&!A2&!C1&!D1)) (B1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&!A2&!B1&!D1)) (C1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&A2&!B1&!D1)) (C1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((A1&!A2&!B1&!D1)) (C1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1)) (D1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((!A1&A2&!B1&!C1)) (D1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
+if ((A1&!A2&!B1&!C1)) (D1 +=> X) = (0:0:0,0:0:0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.svg b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0813f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!-- Created by Symbolator -->
+<svg xmlns=""
+width="191" height="212" viewBox="-25 -56 191.0 212.0" version="1.1">
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+.fnt1 { fill:#000000; font-family:Times; font-size:12pt; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; }
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+.fnt4 { fill:#000000; font-family:Helvetica; font-size:10pt; font-style:normal; }
+.label {fill:#000;
+  text-anchor:middle;
+  font-size:16pt; font-weight:bold; font-family:Sans;} {fill: #0D47A1;} {fill: #0D47A1; text-decoration:underline;} {fill: #4A148C;}
+<rect x="-25" y="-56" width="100%" height="100%" fill="white"/><g transform="translate(0,0)">
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+<text class="fnt1" x="70.0" y="-5.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="5.5">Data Signals</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,19)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">A1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,41)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">A2</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,63)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">B1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,85)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">C1</text>
+<g transform="translate(0,107)">
+<line x1="-20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="10" y="0" text-anchor="normal" dy="5.5">D1</text>
+<g transform="translate(140,19)">
+<line x1="20" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>
+<text class="fnt2" x="-10" y="0" text-anchor="end" dy="5.5">X</text>
+<rect x="1.0" y="-20.0" width="138.0" height="147.0" stroke="#000000" fill="none" stroke-width="3"/>
+<text class="fnt3" x="70.0" y="-30.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="-1.0">a2111o</text>
+<text class="fnt4" x="70.0" y="147.0" text-anchor="middle" dy="1.0">sky130_fd_sc_hd</text>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..639fcf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.symbol.v
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_SYMBOL_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_SYMBOL_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog stub (without power pins) for graphical symbol definition
+ * generation.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+(* blackbox *)
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o (
+    //# {{data|Data Signals}}
+    input  A1,
+    input  A2,
+    input  B1,
+    input  C1,
+    input  D1,
+    output X
+    // Voltage supply signals
+    supply1 VPWR;
+    supply0 VGND;
+    supply1 VPB ;
+    supply0 VNB ;
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_SYMBOL_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.tb.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.tb.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dfe2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.tb.v
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_TB_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_TB_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Autogenerated test bench.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.v"
+module top();
+    // Inputs are registered
+    reg A1;
+    reg A2;
+    reg B1;
+    reg C1;
+    reg D1;
+    reg VPWR;
+    reg VGND;
+    reg VPB;
+    reg VNB;
+    // Outputs are wires
+    wire X;
+    initial
+    begin
+        // Initial state is x for all inputs.
+        A1   = 1'bX;
+        A2   = 1'bX;
+        B1   = 1'bX;
+        C1   = 1'bX;
+        D1   = 1'bX;
+        VGND = 1'bX;
+        VNB  = 1'bX;
+        VPB  = 1'bX;
+        VPWR = 1'bX;
+        #20   A1   = 1'b0;
+        #40   A2   = 1'b0;
+        #60   B1   = 1'b0;
+        #80   C1   = 1'b0;
+        #100  D1   = 1'b0;
+        #120  VGND = 1'b0;
+        #140  VNB  = 1'b0;
+        #160  VPB  = 1'b0;
+        #180  VPWR = 1'b0;
+        #200  A1   = 1'b1;
+        #220  A2   = 1'b1;
+        #240  B1   = 1'b1;
+        #260  C1   = 1'b1;
+        #280  D1   = 1'b1;
+        #300  VGND = 1'b1;
+        #320  VNB  = 1'b1;
+        #340  VPB  = 1'b1;
+        #360  VPWR = 1'b1;
+        #380  A1   = 1'b0;
+        #400  A2   = 1'b0;
+        #420  B1   = 1'b0;
+        #440  C1   = 1'b0;
+        #460  D1   = 1'b0;
+        #480  VGND = 1'b0;
+        #500  VNB  = 1'b0;
+        #520  VPB  = 1'b0;
+        #540  VPWR = 1'b0;
+        #560  VPWR = 1'b1;
+        #580  VPB  = 1'b1;
+        #600  VNB  = 1'b1;
+        #620  VGND = 1'b1;
+        #640  D1   = 1'b1;
+        #660  C1   = 1'b1;
+        #680  B1   = 1'b1;
+        #700  A2   = 1'b1;
+        #720  A1   = 1'b1;
+        #740  VPWR = 1'bx;
+        #760  VPB  = 1'bx;
+        #780  VNB  = 1'bx;
+        #800  VGND = 1'bx;
+        #820  D1   = 1'bx;
+        #840  C1   = 1'bx;
+        #860  B1   = 1'bx;
+        #880  A2   = 1'bx;
+        #900  A1   = 1'bx;
+    end
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o dut (.A1(A1), .A2(A2), .B1(B1), .C1(C1), .D1(D1), .VPWR(VPWR), .VGND(VGND), .VPB(VPB), .VNB(VNB), .X(X));
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_TB_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bca548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.v
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog top module.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.functional.v"
+`else  // FUNCTIONAL
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.pp.behavioral.v"
+`endif // FUNCTIONAL
+`else  // USE_POWER_PINS
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.functional.v"
+`else  // FUNCTIONAL
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.behavioral.v"
+`endif // FUNCTIONAL
+`endif // USE_POWER_PINS
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.cdl b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.cdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2750e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.cdl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+.SUBCKT sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1 A1 A2 B1 C1 D1 VGND VNB VPB VPWR X
+MMPA0 pndA A1 VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMPA1 pndA A2 VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMPB0 pndB B1 VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMPC0 pndC C1 VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMPD0 y D1 VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMIPX X y VPB phighvt m=1 w=1.0 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMNA0 y A1 VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMNA1 sndA1 A2 VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMNB0 y B1 VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMNC0 y C1 VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMND0 y D1 VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+MMINX X y VNB nshort m=1 w=0.65 l=0.15 mult=1 sa=0.265 sb=0.265
++ sd=0.28 topography=normal area=0.063 perim=1.14
+.ENDS sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.gds b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.gds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d1193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.lef b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.lef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0f9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.lef
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+VERSION 5.5 ;
+MACRO sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1
+  ORIGIN  0.000000  0.000000 ;
+  SIZE  4.140000 BY  2.720000 ;
+  SITE unithd ;
+  PIN A1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 2.905000 0.995000 3.290000 1.325000 ;
+        RECT 2.985000 0.285000 3.540000 0.845000 ;
+        RECT 2.985000 0.845000 3.290000 0.995000 ;
+    END
+  END A1
+  PIN A2
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 3.510000 1.025000 4.010000 1.290000 ;
+    END
+  END A2
+  PIN B1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 2.400000 0.995000 2.680000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END B1
+  PIN C1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 1.890000 1.050000 2.220000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END C1
+  PIN D1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 1.290000 1.050000 1.720000 1.290000 ;
+        RECT 1.515000 1.290000 1.720000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END D1
+  PIN X
+    ANTENNADIFFAREA  0.504500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.135000 0.255000 0.465000 1.620000 ;
+        RECT 0.135000 1.620000 0.390000 2.460000 ;
+    END
+  END X
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 -0.085000 4.140000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 0.635000  0.085000 1.310000 0.470000 ;
+        RECT 2.085000  0.085000 2.430000 0.485000 ;
+        RECT 3.715000  0.085000 3.955000 0.760000 ;
+    END
+    PORT
+      LAYER met1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 -0.240000 4.140000 0.240000 ;
+    END
+    USE POWER ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 2.635000 4.140000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 0.565000 1.815000 0.895000 2.635000 ;
+        RECT 3.325000 1.835000 3.540000 2.635000 ;
+    END
+    PORT
+      LAYER met1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 2.480000 4.140000 2.960000 ;
+    END
+  OBS
+    LAYER li1 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.650000 1.915000 0.655000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.655000 2.805000 0.825000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.825000 0.915000 1.465000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 1.465000 1.345000 1.645000 ;
+      RECT 1.135000 1.645000 1.345000 2.460000 ;
+      RECT 1.585000 0.260000 1.915000 0.650000 ;
+      RECT 2.600000 0.260000 2.805000 0.655000 ;
+      RECT 2.860000 1.495000 3.990000 1.665000 ;
+      RECT 2.860000 1.665000 3.145000 2.460000 ;
+      RECT 3.720000 1.665000 3.990000 2.460000 ;
+  END
+END sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.magic.lef b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.magic.lef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e892626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.magic.lef
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+VERSION 5.7 ;
+MACRO sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1
+  FOREIGN sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1 ;
+  ORIGIN  0.000000  0.000000 ;
+  SIZE  4.140000 BY  2.720000 ;
+  SITE unithd ;
+  PIN A1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 2.905000 0.995000 3.290000 1.325000 ;
+        RECT 2.985000 0.285000 3.540000 0.845000 ;
+        RECT 2.985000 0.845000 3.290000 0.995000 ;
+    END
+  END A1
+  PIN A2
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 3.510000 1.025000 4.010000 1.290000 ;
+    END
+  END A2
+  PIN B1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 2.400000 0.995000 2.680000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END B1
+  PIN C1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 1.890000 1.050000 2.220000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END C1
+  PIN D1
+    ANTENNAGATEAREA  0.247500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 1.290000 1.050000 1.720000 1.290000 ;
+        RECT 1.515000 1.290000 1.720000 2.465000 ;
+    END
+  END D1
+  PIN X
+    ANTENNADIFFAREA  0.504500 ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.135000 0.255000 0.465000 1.620000 ;
+        RECT 0.135000 1.620000 0.390000 2.460000 ;
+    END
+  END X
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 -0.085000 4.140000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 0.635000  0.085000 1.310000 0.470000 ;
+        RECT 2.085000  0.085000 2.430000 0.485000 ;
+        RECT 3.715000  0.085000 3.955000 0.760000 ;
+      LAYER mcon ;
+        RECT 0.145000 -0.085000 0.315000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 0.605000 -0.085000 0.775000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 1.065000 -0.085000 1.235000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 1.525000 -0.085000 1.695000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 1.985000 -0.085000 2.155000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 2.445000 -0.085000 2.615000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 2.905000 -0.085000 3.075000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 3.365000 -0.085000 3.535000 0.085000 ;
+        RECT 3.825000 -0.085000 3.995000 0.085000 ;
+      LAYER met1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 -0.240000 4.140000 0.240000 ;
+    END
+    USE POWER ;
+    PORT
+      LAYER li1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 2.635000 4.140000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 0.565000 1.815000 0.895000 2.635000 ;
+        RECT 3.325000 1.835000 3.540000 2.635000 ;
+      LAYER mcon ;
+        RECT 0.145000 2.635000 0.315000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 0.605000 2.635000 0.775000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 1.065000 2.635000 1.235000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 1.525000 2.635000 1.695000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 1.985000 2.635000 2.155000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 2.445000 2.635000 2.615000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 2.905000 2.635000 3.075000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 3.365000 2.635000 3.535000 2.805000 ;
+        RECT 3.825000 2.635000 3.995000 2.805000 ;
+      LAYER met1 ;
+        RECT 0.000000 2.480000 4.140000 2.960000 ;
+    END
+  OBS
+    LAYER li1 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.650000 1.915000 0.655000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.655000 2.805000 0.825000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 0.825000 0.915000 1.465000 ;
+      RECT 0.695000 1.465000 1.345000 1.645000 ;
+      RECT 1.135000 1.645000 1.345000 2.460000 ;
+      RECT 1.585000 0.260000 1.915000 0.650000 ;
+      RECT 2.600000 0.260000 2.805000 0.655000 ;
+      RECT 2.860000 1.495000 3.990000 1.665000 ;
+      RECT 2.860000 1.665000 3.145000 2.460000 ;
+      RECT 3.720000 1.665000 3.990000 2.460000 ;
+  END
+END sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.netlist.tsv b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.netlist.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0079b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.netlist.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1	A1:I A2:I B1:I C1:I D1:I VGND:I VNB:I VPB:I VPWR:I X:O

+Name	Formula	nd	ng	ns	nb	mname	m	w	l	mult	sa	sb	sd	topography	area	perim

+MMPA0	MOSFET	pndA	A1	VPWR	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMPA1	MOSFET	pndA	A2	VPWR	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMPB0	MOSFET	pndB	B1	pndA	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMPC0	MOSFET	pndC	C1	pndB	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMPD0	MOSFET	y	D1	pndC	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMIPX	MOSFET	X	y	VPWR	VPB	phighvt	1	1.0	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMNA0	MOSFET	y	A1	sndA1	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMNA1	MOSFET	sndA1	A2	VGND	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMNB0	MOSFET	y	B1	VGND	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMNC0	MOSFET	y	C1	VGND	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMND0	MOSFET	y	D1	VGND	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

+MMINX	MOSFET	X	y	VGND	VNB	nshort	1	0.65	0.15	1	0.265	0.265	0.28	normal	0.063	1.14

diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.spice b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.spice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a18ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.spice
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* NGSPICE file created from sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.ext - technology: sky130A
+.subckt sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1 A1 A2 B1 C1 D1 VGND VNB VPB VPWR X
+M1000 VPWR a_85_193# X VPB phighvt w=1e+06u l=150000u
++  ad=5.35e+11p pd=5.07e+06u as=2.9e+11p ps=2.58e+06u
+M1001 VGND a_85_193# X VNB nshort w=650000u l=150000u
++  ad=9.7175e+11p pd=6.89e+06u as=2.145e+11p ps=1.96e+06u
+M1002 a_414_297# C1 a_334_297# VPB phighvt w=1e+06u l=150000u
++  ad=3.6e+11p pd=2.72e+06u as=2.5e+11p ps=2.5e+06u
+M1003 a_516_297# B1 a_414_297# VPB phighvt w=1e+06u l=150000u
++  ad=8.5e+11p pd=5.7e+06u as=0p ps=0u
+M1004 VGND C1 a_85_193# VNB nshort w=650000u l=150000u
++  ad=0p pd=0u as=5.72e+11p ps=4.36e+06u
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 492.117188 890.640625 L 492.117188 925.402344 L 487.109375 925.402344 L 469.132812 897.222656 L 469.132812 925.402344 L 464.933594 925.402344 L 464.933594 890.640625 L 469.75 890.640625 L 487.917969 919.0625 L 487.917969 890.640625 Z M 492.117188 890.640625 "/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 1098.179688 595.578125 L 1098.015625 598.183594 L 1097.609375 600.542969 L 1096.878906 602.738281 L 1095.902344 604.691406 L 1094.597656 606.5625 L 1093.054688 608.1875 L 1091.347656 609.570312 L 1089.554688 610.628906 L 1087.523438 611.441406 L 1085.40625 612.09375 L 1083.128906 612.417969 L 1080.6875 612.5 L 1053.925781 612.5 L 1053.925781 553.199219 L 1078.003906 553.199219 L 1081.503906 553.441406 L 1084.59375 554.011719 L 1087.359375 554.988281 L 1089.71875 556.371094 L 1091.753906 558.160156 L 1093.378906 560.355469 L 1094.03125 561.578125 L 1094.597656 562.878906 L 1095.007812 564.097656 L 1095.332031 565.480469 L 1095.496094 566.863281 L 1095.574219 568.246094 L 1095.332031 571.175781 L 1094.597656 573.699219 L 1093.460938 576.058594 L 1091.832031 578.007812 L 1089.800781 579.796875 L 1087.359375 581.179688 L 1089.71875 582.238281 L 1091.753906 583.378906 L 1093.542969 584.679688 L 1095.007812 586.144531 L 1096.144531 587.6875 L 1097.039062 589.316406 L 1097.367188 590.292969 L 1097.851562 592.246094 L 1098.015625 593.382812 L 1098.097656 594.441406 Z M 1088.011719 569.304688 L 1087.765625 566.863281 L 1087.035156 564.832031 L 1085.894531 563.042969 L 1084.269531 561.738281 L 1082.234375 560.765625 L 1079.714844 560.113281 L 1079.144531 560.113281 L 1078.003906 559.949219 L 1076.703125 559.949219 L 1076.132812 559.867188 L 1061.492188 559.867188 L 1061.492188 578.742188 L 1076.132812 578.742188 L 1079.144531 578.578125 L 1081.746094 578.089844 L 1083.941406 577.195312 L 1085.570312 575.976562 L 1086.871094 574.347656 L 1087.683594 572.394531 L 1087.765625 571.988281 L 1087.929688 571.011719 L 1087.929688 569.875 Z M 1079.957031 605.828125 L 1082.234375 605.75 L 1084.269531 605.261719 L 1086.058594 604.445312 L 1087.523438 603.390625 L 1088.742188 602.007812 L 1089.71875 600.296875 L 1089.960938 599.648438 L 1090.125 598.914062 L 1090.371094 598.101562 L 1090.449219 597.371094 L 1090.53125 596.554688 L 1090.613281 595.660156 L 1090.449219 593.871094 L 1090.125 592.164062 L 1089.554688 590.699219 L 1088.742188 589.316406 L 1087.683594 588.175781 L 1086.464844 587.121094 L 1085.570312 586.632812 L 1084.59375 586.226562 L 1083.535156 585.898438 L 1082.398438 585.65625 L 1081.175781 585.492188 L 1079.957031 585.410156 L 1061.492188 585.410156 L 1061.492188 605.828125 Z M 1079.957031 605.828125 "/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 800.738281 612.5 L 800.738281 553.199219 L 823.597656 553.199219 L 827.175781 553.441406 L 830.511719 554.09375 L 833.605469 555.230469 L 836.449219 556.695312 L 838.972656 558.730469 L 841.332031 561.089844 L 843.285156 563.9375 L 844.910156 567.027344 L 846.132812 570.523438 L 847.027344 574.265625 L 847.515625 578.414062 L 847.757812 582.808594 L 847.515625 587.445312 L 846.945312 591.757812 L 845.96875 595.660156 L 844.667969 599.242188 L 842.957031 602.414062 L 840.84375 605.179688 L 838.566406 607.457031 L 836.042969 609.246094 L 833.277344 610.710938 L 830.269531 611.6875 L 827.015625 612.335938 L 823.597656 612.5 Z M 808.304688 605.828125 L 822.296875 605.828125 L 826.039062 605.585938 L 829.375 604.691406 L 832.300781 603.144531 L 834.742188 601.113281 L 836.695312 598.347656 L 838.320312 595.011719 L 838.808594 593.300781 L 839.296875 591.511719 L 839.703125 589.558594 L 839.949219 587.445312 L 840.113281 585.25 L 840.191406 582.890625 L 839.867188 577.601562 L 839.054688 572.964844 L 837.589844 568.980469 L 835.636719 565.808594 L 833.117188 563.203125 L 830.023438 561.332031 L 828.886719 560.925781 L 827.664062 560.519531 L 826.363281 560.277344 L 825.0625 560.03125 L 822.296875 559.867188 L 808.304688 559.867188 Z M 808.304688 605.828125 "/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 1122.746094 478.421875 L 1109.972656 478.421875 L 1109.972656 473.296875 L 1112.171875 473.050781 L 1114.121094 472.726562 L 1115.832031 472.320312 L 1117.296875 471.992188 L 1118.515625 471.585938 L 1119.574219 471.097656 L 1120.386719 470.609375 L 1121.117188 470.042969 L 1121.769531 469.390625 L 1122.421875 468.578125 L 1122.988281 467.683594 L 1123.558594 466.625 L 1123.804688 466.054688 L 1124.046875 465.40625 L 1124.292969 464.671875 L 1124.617188 463.777344 L 1124.859375 462.882812 L 1125.1875 461.824219 L 1129.902344 461.824219 L 1129.902344 519.5 L 1122.746094 519.5 Z M 1122.746094 478.421875 "/>
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+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 1122.746094 292.421875 L 1109.972656 292.421875 L 1109.972656 287.296875 L 1112.171875 287.050781 L 1114.121094 286.726562 L 1115.832031 286.320312 L 1117.296875 285.992188 L 1118.515625 285.585938 L 1119.574219 285.097656 L 1120.386719 284.609375 L 1121.117188 284.042969 L 1121.769531 283.390625 L 1122.421875 282.578125 L 1122.988281 281.683594 L 1123.558594 280.625 L 1123.804688 280.054688 L 1124.046875 279.40625 L 1124.292969 278.671875 L 1124.617188 277.777344 L 1124.859375 276.882812 L 1125.1875 275.824219 L 1129.902344 275.824219 L 1129.902344 333.5 L 1122.746094 333.5 Z M 1122.746094 292.421875 "/>
+<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);stroke-opacity:0.724409;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 1064 799 L 1110 799 M 1064 752 L 1110 752 M 1064 752 L 1064 799 M 1110 752 L 1110 799 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0.5,1079.5)"/>
+<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(19.607843%,89.411765%,88.235295%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 1064 799 L 1110 799 M 1064 752 L 1110 752 M 1110 799 L 1110 752 M 1064 799 L 1064 752 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0.5,1079.5)"/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 1211.058594 594.683594 L 1188.199219 594.683594 L 1181.9375 612.5 L 1173.882812 612.5 L 1195.03125 553.199219 L 1204.792969 553.199219 L 1225.621094 612.5 L 1217.160156 612.5 Z M 1208.941406 588.339844 L 1199.832031 561.332031 L 1190.070312 588.339844 Z M 1208.941406 588.339844 "/>
+<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;comp-op:src;clip-to-self:true;fill:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);fill-opacity:0.724409;" d="M 1247.746094 571.421875 L 1234.972656 571.421875 L 1234.972656 566.296875 L 1237.171875 566.050781 L 1239.121094 565.726562 L 1240.832031 565.320312 L 1242.296875 564.992188 L 1243.515625 564.585938 L 1244.574219 564.097656 L 1245.386719 563.609375 L 1246.117188 563.042969 L 1246.769531 562.390625 L 1247.421875 561.578125 L 1247.988281 560.683594 L 1248.558594 559.625 L 1248.804688 559.054688 L 1249.046875 558.40625 L 1249.292969 557.671875 L 1249.617188 556.777344 L 1249.859375 555.882812 L 1250.1875 554.824219 L 1254.902344 554.824219 L 1254.902344 612.5 L 1247.746094 612.5 Z M 1247.746094 571.421875 "/>
+<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,60.392159%);stroke-opacity:0.724409;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 1189 520 L 1236 520 M 1189 473 L 1236 473 M 1189 473 L 1189 520 M 1236 473 L 1236 520 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0.5,1079.5)"/>
+<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(19.607843%,89.411765%,88.235295%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 1189 520 L 1236 520 M 1189 473 L 1236 473 M 1236 520 L 1236 473 M 1189 520 L 1189 473 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0.5,1079.5)"/>
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+<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(100%,100%,100%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 395 166 L 395 175 M 390 171 L 399 171 M 394 172 L 396 172 M 394 170 L 396 170 M 394 170 L 394 172 M 396 170 L 396 172 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,0.5,1079.5)"/>
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.v b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d4359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1.v
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The SkyWater PDK Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+`ifndef SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_1_V
+`define SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_1_V
+ * a2111o: 2-input AND into first input of 4-input OR.
+ *
+ *         X = ((A1 & A2) | B1 | C1 | D1)
+ *
+ * Verilog wrapper for a2111o with size of 1 units.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This file is autogenerated, do not modify directly!
+ */
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+`default_nettype none
+`include "sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o.v"
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1 (
+    X   ,
+    A1  ,
+    A2  ,
+    B1  ,
+    C1  ,
+    D1  ,
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    VPB ,
+    VNB
+    output X   ;
+    input  A1  ;
+    input  A2  ;
+    input  B1  ;
+    input  C1  ;
+    input  D1  ;
+    input  VPWR;
+    input  VGND;
+    input  VPB ;
+    input  VNB ;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o cell (
+        .X(X),
+        .A1(A1),
+        .A2(A2),
+        .B1(B1),
+        .C1(C1),
+        .D1(D1),
+        .VPWR(VPWR),
+        .VGND(VGND),
+        .VPB(VPB),
+        .VNB(VNB)
+    );
+`else // If not USE_POWER_PINS
+module sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1 (
+    X   ,
+    A1  ,
+    A2  ,
+    B1  ,
+    C1  ,
+    D1  ,
+    VPWR,
+    VGND,
+    VPB ,
+    VNB
+    output X   ;
+    input  A1  ;
+    input  A2  ;
+    input  B1  ;
+    input  C1  ;
+    input  D1  ;
+    input  VPWR;
+    input  VGND;
+    input  VPB ;
+    input  VNB ;
+    // Voltage supply signals
+    supply1 VPWR;
+    supply0 VGND;
+    supply1 VPB ;
+    supply0 VNB ;
+    sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o cell (
+        .X(X),
+        .A1(A1),
+        .A2(A2),
+        .B1(B1),
+        .C1(C1),
+        .D1(D1)
+    );
+`endif // USE_POWER_PINS
+`default_nettype wire
+`endif  // SKY130_FD_SC_HD__A2111O_1_V
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d67d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_100C_1v65.lib.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3016 @@
+  "area": 11.2608,
+  "cell_footprint": "a2111o",
+  "cell_leakage_power": 2.280553,
+  "driver_waveform_fall": "ramp",
+  "driver_waveform_rise": "ramp",
+  "leakage_power": [
+    {
+      "value": 2.977862,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 10.8321219,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8903554,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.7395905,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.880639,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.5787329,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8410537,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8746139,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 2.9777645,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 11.7511343,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8903552,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.7395722,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8806388,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.5787203,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8410537,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8746138,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 2.9777263,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 11.3759544,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8903552,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.7395649,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8806388,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.5787153,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8410537,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8746137,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.061415,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 3.1432905,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8671986,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.0267356,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8619165,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.0161915,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8354045,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.8581102,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    }
+  ],
+  "pg_pin VGND": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VGND"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VNB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VNB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPWR": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPWR"
+  },
+  "pin A1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002435,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002364,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0038935,
+          0.0038875,
+          0.0038766,
+          0.003877,
+          0.003881,
+          0.0038929,
+          0.0039232
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0032019,
+          -0.0032073,
+          -0.0032164,
+          -0.0032101,
+          -0.0031926,
+          -0.0031488,
+          -0.0030451
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002506
+  },
+  "pin A2": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002306,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002217,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0033616,
+          0.0033392,
+          0.0032904,
+          0.0032915,
+          0.003297,
+          0.0033128,
+          0.0033517
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0032825,
+          -0.0032859,
+          -0.0032902,
+          -0.003291,
+          -0.0032895,
+          -0.0032828,
+          -0.0032646
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002395
+  },
+  "pin B1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002455,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002336,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0036401,
+          0.0036399,
+          0.0036408,
+          0.0036387,
+          0.0036353,
+          0.0036286,
+          0.0036145
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0029114,
+          -0.0029523,
+          -0.0030438,
+          -0.0030581,
+          -0.0030882,
+          -0.003155,
+          -0.0033063
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002574
+  },
+  "pin C1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002402,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002259,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0032378,
+          0.0032344,
+          0.0032279,
+          0.0032282,
+          0.00323,
+          0.0032354,
+          0.0032495
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0025937,
+          -0.0027005,
+          -0.0029441,
+          -0.0029547,
+          -0.0029763,
+          -0.0030235,
+          -0.0031298
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002545
+  },
+  "pin D1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002378,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002194,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.002104,
+          0.0020997,
+          0.0020915,
+          0.0020975,
+          0.0021128,
+          0.0021494,
+          0.0022352
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.001364,
+          -0.0013669,
+          -0.0013714,
+          -0.001373,
+          -0.0013747,
+          -0.0013763,
+          -0.0013778
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002562
+  },
+  "pin X": {
+    "direction": "output",
+    "function": "(A1&A2) | (B1) | (C1) | (D1)",
+    "internal_power": [
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0146725,
+              0.0133982,
+              0.0105724,
+              0.003217,
+              -0.0192271,
+              -0.0839638,
+              -0.2615672
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0144927,
+              0.0132195,
+              0.0103992,
+              0.0030482,
+              -0.0194011,
+              -0.0841583,
+              -0.2617624
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0142623,
+              0.0129882,
+              0.0101612,
+              0.002784,
+              -0.0196544,
+              -0.0843958,
+              -0.2620234
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0140679,
+              0.0127974,
+              0.0099677,
+              0.0026213,
+              -0.0198474,
+              -0.0845882,
+              -0.262196
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0139245,
+              0.0126092,
+              0.0098101,
+              0.0024301,
+              -0.0200797,
+              -0.0847475,
+              -0.2623311
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0148756,
+              0.0134184,
+              0.009795,
+              0.0025179,
+              -0.0199776,
+              -0.0847069,
+              -0.26232
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0213153,
+              0.0198116,
+              0.0160177,
+              0.0068693,
+              -0.0174527,
+              -0.0824534,
+              -0.2601309
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0133997,
+              0.0147645,
+              0.0184604,
+              0.0278366,
+              0.0521052,
+              0.1171879,
+              0.293736
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0132784,
+              0.0146709,
+              0.0183488,
+              0.0277567,
+              0.0519452,
+              0.1165541,
+              0.2920871
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0131825,
+              0.0145483,
+              0.0182352,
+              0.0275834,
+              0.0517994,
+              0.1170332,
+              0.2931932
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0132793,
+              0.0146279,
+              0.0181765,
+              0.0274366,
+              0.0516498,
+              0.1162796,
+              0.2929255
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0140691,
+              0.015174,
+              0.0185771,
+              0.0276235,
+              0.0516289,
+              0.1161295,
+              0.293399
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0167075,
+              0.0177742,
+              0.0208428,
+              0.029253,
+              0.0529965,
+              0.1171842,
+              0.2929515
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0226842,
+              0.0235988,
+              0.0264614,
+              0.0347809,
+              0.0577895,
+              0.1223402,
+              0.2977697
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0175053,
+              0.0161824,
+              0.0132031,
+              0.0057827,
+              -0.0166259,
+              -0.0812905,
+              -0.2588224
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0174207,
+              0.0161113,
+              0.0131306,
+              0.0056982,
+              -0.0167136,
+              -0.0813693,
+              -0.2589043
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0173521,
+              0.016005,
+              0.0130886,
+              0.0056224,
+              -0.0167931,
+              -0.0814436,
+              -0.2590023
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0172006,
+              0.0158499,
+              0.0129295,
+              0.0055281,
+              -0.016929,
+              -0.0815743,
+              -0.2591057
+            ],
+            [
+              0.017079,
+              0.0157238,
+              0.0127659,
+              0.0053588,
+              -0.0170814,
+              -0.0817078,
+              -0.2592312
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0173852,
+              0.0159567,
+              0.0127949,
+              0.0055022,
+              -0.0169585,
+              -0.0816158,
+              -0.2591886
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0248681,
+              0.02337,
+              0.0195098,
+              0.0100503,
+              -0.0142807,
+              -0.0791591,
+              -0.2567354
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A2",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0133951,
+              0.0147845,
+              0.0184587,
+              0.0278721,
+              0.0520636,
+              0.1167392,
+              0.2923536
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0132992,
+              0.0146727,
+              0.0183627,
+              0.0277488,
+              0.0519601,
+              0.1171723,
+              0.2933265
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0131693,
+              0.0145568,
+              0.0182503,
+              0.0276191,
+              0.0518258,
+              0.1164846,
+              0.292001
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0132874,
+              0.0146285,
+              0.0182391,
+              0.0274292,
+              0.0516292,
+              0.1168661,
+              0.291863
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0139671,
+              0.0151078,
+              0.0185315,
+              0.027561,
+              0.0516289,
+              0.1168405,
+              0.2933737
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0163606,
+              0.0174594,
+              0.0204877,
+              0.028922,
+              0.0527203,
+              0.1170772,
+              0.2928293
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0218143,
+              0.0227931,
+              0.0257472,
+              0.0341274,
+              0.0571938,
+              0.1216726,
+              0.2962341
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0125015,
+              0.0112507,
+              0.0086135,
+              0.0012437,
+              -0.0213784,
+              -0.0862139,
+              -0.2637495
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0122955,
+              0.0110792,
+              0.0083915,
+              0.0011213,
+              -0.0215727,
+              -0.0863939,
+              -0.263986
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0121463,
+              0.0108809,
+              0.0082621,
+              0.0008903,
+              -0.0217285,
+              -0.0865586,
+              -0.2641566
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0119984,
+              0.0107685,
+              0.0080988,
+              0.0007266,
+              -0.0218684,
+              -0.0866977,
+              -0.2642936
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0120506,
+              0.0108202,
+              0.0081348,
+              0.0007052,
+              -0.0219664,
+              -0.0867721,
+              -0.2643669
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0144803,
+              0.0130458,
+              0.0094337,
+              0.0009498,
+              -0.0215154,
+              -0.0863595,
+              -0.2639693
+            ],
+            [
+              0.021177,
+              0.0196789,
+              0.0158935,
+              0.0065014,
+              -0.0175638,
+              -0.0825986,
+              -0.2602691
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "B1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0114368,
+              0.0127557,
+              0.0162232,
+              0.0252352,
+              0.0490467,
+              0.1140476,
+              0.2884215
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0114238,
+              0.0127427,
+              0.0162042,
+              0.025215,
+              0.0490481,
+              0.1133502,
+              0.2901842
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115229,
+              0.0128052,
+              0.0162222,
+              0.025179,
+              0.049179,
+              0.1139696,
+              0.2898643
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115832,
+              0.0128318,
+              0.016129,
+              0.0250368,
+              0.0489423,
+              0.1138175,
+              0.2898925
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0124669,
+              0.0136214,
+              0.0166603,
+              0.0253207,
+              0.0489574,
+              0.1140771,
+              0.2902685
+            ],
+            [
+              0.014553,
+              0.0157292,
+              0.0188279,
+              0.0273125,
+              0.050753,
+              0.1148952,
+              0.2914683
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0206863,
+              0.0216792,
+              0.024652,
+              0.0329654,
+              0.0560465,
+              0.120244,
+              0.2949039
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
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+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0107328,
+              0.0095149,
+              0.0068656,
+              -0.0004588,
+              -0.0231079,
+              -0.0879369,
+              -0.2654928
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0105541,
+              0.0093483,
+              0.0066965,
+              -0.0006294,
+              -0.0232883,
+              -0.0881077,
+              -0.2657152
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0104383,
+              0.0092005,
+              0.0065356,
+              -0.0007977,
+              -0.0234493,
+              -0.0882883,
+              -0.2658496
+            ],
+            [
+              0.010253,
+              0.009018,
+              0.0063622,
+              -0.0009803,
+              -0.0236186,
+              -0.0884465,
+              -0.2660188
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0104585,
+              0.0092156,
+              0.0064564,
+              -0.0008953,
+              -0.0236173,
+              -0.0884307,
+              -0.2659979
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0136367,
+              0.0121734,
+              0.0087173,
+              0.0001046,
+              -0.022455,
+              -0.0873146,
+              -0.2648893
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0207836,
+              0.0192321,
+              0.0154024,
+              0.0059875,
+              -0.01831,
+              -0.0832624,
+              -0.2609075
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "C1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
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+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
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+            [
+              0.0102025,
+              0.0114715,
+              0.0148289,
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+              0.0476304,
+              0.1117107,
+              0.2871407
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0103015,
+              0.0115564,
+              0.0149232,
+              0.0237974,
+              0.0477181,
+              0.1117323,
+              0.2872615
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0105441,
+              0.0117841,
+              0.0151041,
+              0.0239842,
+              0.0477605,
+              0.1121503,
+              0.2886018
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0105994,
+              0.0118029,
+              0.0150177,
+              0.0238736,
+              0.0476913,
+              0.1125603,
+              0.288832
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0113708,
+              0.0125734,
+              0.0156089,
+              0.0242623,
+              0.0479954,
+              0.1129027,
+              0.287763
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0134432,
+              0.0145349,
+              0.017624,
+              0.0260609,
+              0.049387,
+              0.1136632,
+              0.2888274
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0193595,
+              0.0203128,
+              0.0232508,
+              0.0316401,
+              0.0549786,
+              0.1190622,
+              0.2934796
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0099791,
+              0.008743,
+              0.0060816,
+              -0.0012241,
+              -0.0238769,
+              -0.0887039,
+              -0.2662619
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0097404,
+              0.0085095,
+              0.0058675,
+              -0.0014459,
+              -0.0240975,
+              -0.0889237,
+              -0.266554
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0095894,
+              0.0083825,
+              0.0057404,
+              -0.0015977,
+              -0.0242517,
+              -0.0890844,
+              -0.2666972
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0097216,
+              0.0084796,
+              0.0058477,
+              -0.0014876,
+              -0.0241405,
+              -0.0889694,
+              -0.2665223
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0106551,
+              0.0093632,
+              0.0066537,
+              -0.0007677,
+              -0.0234639,
+              -0.088269,
+              -0.265846
+            ],
+            [
+              0.015154,
+              0.0136821,
+              0.010091,
+              0.0010786,
+              -0.0214214,
+              -0.086275,
+              -0.2638581
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0230871,
+              0.0215299,
+              0.0176224,
+              0.0081786,
+              -0.0161586,
+              -0.0811016,
+              -0.2587714
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001363916,
+            0.003720531,
+            0.01014898,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.07551919,
+            0.2060036
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0075121,
+              0.0087281,
+              0.0119872,
+              0.0206672,
+              0.044384,
+              0.1084864,
+              0.2856282
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0074872,
+              0.0087086,
+              0.0119589,
+              0.0206454,
+              0.0444084,
+              0.1085204,
+              0.2858286
+            ],
+            [
+              0.007497,
+              0.0086896,
+              0.0119092,
+              0.0205881,
+              0.0442589,
+              0.1085226,
+              0.2842312
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0076135,
+              0.0088147,
+              0.0119912,
+              0.0206804,
+              0.0442891,
+              0.1086043,
+              0.2832881
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0084809,
+              0.0095978,
+              0.0127403,
+              0.0212305,
+              0.0447218,
+              0.1096635,
+              0.2849831
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0107837,
+              0.0119204,
+              0.0149537,
+              0.0235336,
+              0.0465485,
+              0.1105594,
+              0.2876469
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0175568,
+              0.0185026,
+              0.0214026,
+              0.0297798,
+              0.0528265,
+              0.1169942,
+              0.2908756
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "max_capacitance": 0.206004,
+    "max_transition": 1.498942,
+    "power_down_function": "(!VPWR + VGND)",
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "timing": [
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.2436957,
+              0.2517941,
+              0.2697584,
+              0.3068483,
+              0.3818823,
+              0.5423427,
+              0.9350652
+            ],
+            [
+              0.246267,
+              0.2543045,
+              0.2722485,
+              0.3093063,
+              0.384516,
+              0.5446759,
+              0.9374123
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2546342,
+              0.2626611,
+              0.2805616,
+              0.3175601,
+              0.3927378,
+              0.5530044,
+              0.9454255
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2749325,
+              0.2829694,
+              0.3006157,
+              0.3379228,
+              0.413052,
+              0.5732687,
+              0.9659806
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3157995,
+              0.3237695,
+              0.3418748,
+              0.3791073,
+              0.4543194,
+              0.6144918,
+              1.0073433
+            ],
+            [
+              0.377654,
+              0.3862832,
+              0.4052139,
+              0.4440478,
+              0.5222707,
+              0.6844658,
+              1.0778297
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4854989,
+              0.494968,
+              0.5159119,
+              0.5590852,
+              0.6438607,
+              0.8149035,
+              1.2127214
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0733046,
+              0.0803707,
+              0.0964638,
+              0.1331937,
+              0.2238185,
+              0.4619541,
+              1.1050258
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0767793,
+              0.0838269,
+              0.0998724,
+              0.1365108,
+              0.2271865,
+              0.4651515,
+              1.1081698
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0857168,
+              0.0927166,
+              0.1086074,
+              0.1450684,
+              0.2355441,
+              0.4737726,
+              1.1170893
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1065116,
+              0.1133697,
+              0.1288739,
+              0.1646116,
+              0.254443,
+              0.4916038,
+              1.1334378
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1343973,
+              0.1419005,
+              0.1581143,
+              0.1939725,
+              0.2835763,
+              0.5210634,
+              1.1644572
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1559884,
+              0.1648303,
+              0.1835833,
+              0.2208761,
+              0.3098379,
+              0.5472249,
+              1.1888921
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1438827,
+              0.1543726,
+              0.1771523,
+              0.2210738,
+              0.310326,
+              0.5489276,
+              1.1918733
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0350864,
+              0.0409217,
+              0.0552415,
+              0.0862422,
+              0.1579754,
+              0.3334506,
+              0.8355399
+            ],
+            [
+              0.035066,
+              0.0413104,
+              0.0551194,
+              0.0868863,
+              0.1570139,
+              0.3342998,
+              0.8379151
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0350722,
+              0.0413106,
+              0.0550929,
+              0.0864899,
+              0.1577349,
+              0.3341425,
+              0.8385075
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0350482,
+              0.0412986,
+              0.0549745,
+              0.0868882,
+              0.1574278,
+              0.3341474,
+              0.8380659
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0350779,
+              0.0410984,
+              0.054947,
+              0.0868834,
+              0.1570252,
+              0.3340062,
+              0.8422614
+            ],
+            [
+              0.039315,
+              0.0462634,
+              0.0608154,
+              0.0932033,
+              0.1619803,
+              0.3378322,
+              0.8378134
+            ],
+            [
+              0.048839,
+              0.0560755,
+              0.0712763,
+              0.1063095,
+              0.1792649,
+              0.3520624,
+              0.8415296
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.023659,
+              0.0300998,
+              0.0466225,
+              0.091047,
+              0.2154131,
+              0.5573664,
+              1.491452
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0234858,
+              0.0300035,
+              0.046479,
+              0.0910774,
+              0.2151212,
+              0.5577833,
+              1.4946071
+            ],
+            [
+              0.023184,
+              0.0297006,
+              0.0461565,
+              0.0907185,
+              0.2151428,
+              0.5560716,
+              1.4962485
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0234799,
+              0.0298416,
+              0.0460484,
+              0.0902292,
+              0.21439,
+              0.555766,
+              1.49636
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0277123,
+              0.0335597,
+              0.048962,
+              0.0915877,
+              0.2145683,
+              0.5576401,
+              1.4914162
+            ],
+            [
+              0.034479,
+              0.0417607,
+              0.056949,
+              0.0959126,
+              0.2161418,
+              0.5573532,
+              1.4948484
+            ],
+            [
+              0.045291,
+              0.0535498,
+              0.072366,
+              0.1096904,
+              0.2216205,
+              0.5607574,
+              1.4968651
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.2749244,
+              0.2836529,
+              0.3027835,
+              0.3418237,
+              0.4186889,
+              0.5814361,
+              0.9756403
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2785196,
+              0.2872409,
+              0.306356,
+              0.3454796,
+              0.4223394,
+              0.5850436,
+              0.9792473
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2878002,
+              0.2964549,
+              0.3155504,
+              0.3542808,
+              0.4314501,
+              0.5941908,
+              0.9885734
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3069494,
+              0.3155433,
+              0.3344656,
+              0.373544,
+              0.4509703,
+              0.6134621,
+              1.0077754
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3421259,
+              0.350758,
+              0.3700247,
+              0.408859,
+              0.4861482,
+              0.6488657,
+              1.0430765
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3950093,
+              0.4039133,
+              0.423779,
+              0.4641979,
+              0.5437011,
+              0.7077671,
+              1.1026484
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4888978,
+              0.498755,
+              0.5206718,
+              0.5642505,
+              0.6496652,
+              0.8209616,
+              1.2194956
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.077229,
+              0.0843151,
+              0.1003797,
+              0.1370334,
+              0.2277163,
+              0.4653786,
+              1.1068479
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0809326,
+              0.0879454,
+              0.1039992,
+              0.140612,
+              0.2312814,
+              0.469339,
+              1.112579
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0892911,
+              0.096263,
+              0.1122857,
+              0.1487837,
+              0.2393435,
+              0.4768862,
+              1.118199
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1079781,
+              0.11487,
+              0.1305304,
+              0.1665683,
+              0.2568002,
+              0.4948704,
+              1.1378306
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1361968,
+              0.1435822,
+              0.1600352,
+              0.1958293,
+              0.2853247,
+              0.5233811,
+              1.1668955
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1626667,
+              0.1713477,
+              0.1900661,
+              0.2282251,
+              0.3175791,
+              0.5545726,
+              1.196472
+            ],
+            [
+              0.16379,
+              0.1741936,
+              0.1967765,
+              0.2405545,
+              0.3314381,
+              0.5704007,
+              1.2115774
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0398417,
+              0.0461729,
+              0.0606121,
+              0.0912196,
+              0.162223,
+              0.338736,
+              0.8442848
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0399589,
+              0.0462585,
+              0.0605408,
+              0.091541,
+              0.1623557,
+              0.3386936,
+              0.8442477
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0399117,
+              0.0463684,
+              0.0607141,
+              0.0910196,
+              0.161714,
+              0.3382526,
+              0.8390937
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0399215,
+              0.0461674,
+              0.0600096,
+              0.0924695,
+              0.1623641,
+              0.3381774,
+              0.8441727
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0398296,
+              0.0462105,
+              0.0602175,
+              0.0923393,
+              0.1617351,
+              0.3383025,
+              0.8412473
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0434776,
+              0.0500812,
+              0.0654496,
+              0.0962523,
+              0.1666253,
+              0.3396609,
+              0.8434462
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0518978,
+              0.0593517,
+              0.0752271,
+              0.1072647,
+              0.1801425,
+              0.3543188,
+              0.845601
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A2",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0235165,
+              0.0301045,
+              0.0465228,
+              0.0910413,
+              0.2154148,
+              0.5576077,
+              1.4928565
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0235094,
+              0.0299873,
+              0.0464724,
+              0.0910484,
+              0.2149366,
+              0.5574091,
+              1.4961186
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0232476,
+              0.0297733,
+              0.0462983,
+              0.0908232,
+              0.2151957,
+              0.557155,
+              1.4945697
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0233388,
+              0.0297609,
+              0.0460488,
+              0.0904946,
+              0.2144952,
+              0.5576181,
+              1.4939679
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0265223,
+              0.0332369,
+              0.0486941,
+              0.0916797,
+              0.2141997,
+              0.5572747,
+              1.4939604
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0332755,
+              0.0405268,
+              0.0558795,
+              0.0962987,
+              0.2154784,
+              0.556922,
+              1.4937601
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0429785,
+              0.0512846,
+              0.0694313,
+              0.108502,
+              0.2218737,
+              0.5614061,
+              1.4929413
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00136392,
+            0.00372053,
+            0.010149,
+            0.0276847,
+            0.0755192,
+            0.206004
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.1945565,
+              0.2022926,
+              0.2192792,
+              0.254482,
+              0.3261845,
+              0.4818839,
+              0.8727015
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1971673,
+              0.2048886,
+              0.2219403,
+              0.2572269,
+              0.3289897,
+              0.48451,
+              0.8750061
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2057337,
+              0.2132691,
+              0.2303613,
+              0.2657039,
+              0.3372112,
+              0.4929215,
+              0.8839409
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2255483,
+              0.2332038,
+              0.2502346,
+              0.2855539,
+              0.3570591,
+              0.5127221,
+              0.9037147
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2660823,
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+              0.3979314,
+              0.5535531,
+              0.9438949
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3339376,
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+              0.6339451,
+              1.0249736
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4861153,
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+              0.5164366,
+              0.5584312,
+              0.6401966,
+              0.8067008,
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.0230506,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.0679045
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0565695,
+              0.0622244,
+              0.0756702,
+              0.1090173,
+              0.1966277,
+              0.4314714,
+              1.0746666
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0662183,
+              0.0717332,
+              0.0849482,
+              0.1181572,
+              0.2055842,
+              0.4417041,
+              1.0805523
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0835024,
+              0.089221,
+              0.1023529,
+              0.135331,
+              0.2225744,
+              0.458088,
+              1.1015451
+            ],
+            [
+              0.100315,
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+              0.1212573,
+              0.154276,
+              0.2413461,
+              0.476966,
+              1.1203577
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1030441,
+              0.1112508,
+              0.12865,
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+              0.2499412,
+              0.4860933,
+              1.1259262
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0577586,
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+              0.0897855,
+              0.1315965,
+              0.2189774,
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+            0.122474,
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+              0.8399475
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0320627,
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+              0.0512629,
+              0.0818256,
+              0.1505082,
+              0.3274317,
+              0.8351594
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0317018,
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+              0.080984,
+              0.150801,
+              0.3274165,
+              0.8381672
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0317715,
+              0.0376546,
+              0.0515249,
+              0.0809992,
+              0.1507496,
+              0.3273456,
+              0.8429802
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0328187,
+              0.0385108,
+              0.0523394,
+              0.0815418,
+              0.1504916,
+              0.3262952,
+              0.8378428
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0389369,
+              0.0449489,
+              0.0590815,
+              0.0900023,
+              0.1579155,
+              0.3322282,
+              0.8371595
+            ],
+            [
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.4944088
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0179713,
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+              0.0397423,
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+              0.2106189,
+              0.5546363,
+              1.4940336
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0178028,
+              0.0235905,
+              0.039641,
+              0.084917,
+              0.2104206,
+              0.5545515,
+              1.4942442
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0198225,
+              0.0252756,
+              0.0405748,
+              0.0849061,
+              0.2103602,
+              0.5545518,
+              1.4946354
+            ],
+            [
+              0.024402,
+              0.0299018,
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+              0.0863882,
+              0.2102411,
+              0.5547538,
+              1.4949035
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0316155,
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+              0.2119605,
+              0.5537112,
+              1.4939161
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.2165885,
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+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.0230506,
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+              0.8503502
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1741189,
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+              0.8521351
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+            [
+              0.1817095,
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+              0.4690284,
+              0.8595465
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2008566,
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+              0.4882312,
+              0.8789842
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+            [
+              0.2456262,
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+              0.3777725,
+              0.5334577,
+              0.924145
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.6339702,
+              1.0252459
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+            [
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+              0.5856984,
+              0.6668706,
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+              1.0635258
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+            [
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+              0.4265899,
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+            [
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+              0.4358532,
+              1.0790884
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0784634,
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+              0.4524572,
+              1.0922234
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+            [
+              0.0914133,
+              0.0980283,
+              0.112015,
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+              0.2314422,
+              0.4672189,
+              1.1075985
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0878636,
+              0.0961166,
+              0.1132801,
+              0.1476386,
+              0.2339227,
+              0.4692154,
+              1.110906
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0305892,
+              0.0406315,
+              0.0628996,
+              0.105094,
+              0.1937192,
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+              0.8360447
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0319291,
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+              0.3263329,
+              0.838999
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+            [
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+              0.1498412,
+              0.3257508,
+              0.8379082
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0318766,
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+              0.1496085,
+              0.3265681,
+              0.8370311
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+            [
+              0.0339632,
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+              0.1508435,
+              0.3277306,
+              0.8374387
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0401629,
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+              0.1583398,
+              0.332432,
+              0.8369075
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0517519,
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+              0.0732686,
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+              1.4938648
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0167838,
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+              0.0383147,
+              0.0836389,
+              0.2095816,
+              0.5544355,
+              1.4935656
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+            [
+              0.0168058,
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+              0.0384066,
+              0.0837012,
+              0.2096955,
+              0.5532672,
+              1.4946919
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0192083,
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+              0.2094042,
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+              1.49099
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+            [
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+              0.2097347,
+              0.5532056,
+              1.4906317
+            ],
+            [
+              0.031163,
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+              0.2107949,
+              0.5532488,
+              1.4931932
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0421514,
+              0.0505529,
+              0.0685191,
+              0.1051418,
+              0.2162907,
+              0.5576047,
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+          ]
+        },
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+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+              0.8150527
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+            [
+              0.1373168,
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+            [
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+              0.276213,
+              0.4316181,
+              0.8224392
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+            [
+              0.1661511,
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+              0.2979209,
+              0.4534172,
+              0.844179
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+            [
+              0.2228067,
+              0.2303208,
+              0.2471437,
+              0.2818714,
+              0.3534265,
+              0.5087528,
+              0.8996939
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3213572,
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+              0.4568884,
+              0.6156879,
+              1.0062979
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+            [
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+              0.6463696,
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+              1.0552099
+            ],
+            [
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+            [
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+              0.4274986,
+              1.0768662
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+            [
+              0.0687071,
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+              1.0930545
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+            [
+              0.0765784,
+              0.0832437,
+              0.0974969,
+              0.1300565,
+              0.2164472,
+              0.4509538,
+              1.0958814
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+            [
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+              0.2132533,
+              0.448497,
+              1.0869793
+            ],
+            [
+              -0.0029308,
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+              0.0305107,
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+              0.1641026,
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+              0.8369648
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+            [
+              0.0318428,
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+              0.8374327
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+              0.8385529
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+            [
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+            [
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+              0.3273576,
+              0.8312548
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+            [
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+              0.8393522
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+            [
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+              0.2191584,
+              0.5589839,
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+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+  "cell_footprint": "a2111o",
+  "cell_leakage_power": 3.78173,
+  "driver_waveform_fall": "ramp",
+  "driver_waveform_rise": "ramp",
+  "leakage_power": [
+    {
+      "value": 1.53749,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.3012739,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
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+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
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+    },
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+      "value": 18.2371487,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 1.3701387,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
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+      "value": 2.9324074,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 1.3580679,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 2.9323686,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 1.3580678,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
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+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
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+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 1.3471948,
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+      "value": 1.5475711,
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+    {
+      "value": 1.3342782,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+  },
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+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VNB"
+  },
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+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPWR": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPWR"
+  },
+  "pin A1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002533,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002463,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          0.0230506,
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+        ]
+      }
+    },
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+  },
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+    "capacitance": 0.002395,
+    "clock": "false",
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+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          -0.0047232
+        ]
+      }
+    },
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+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
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+  },
+  "pin B1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002541,
+    "clock": "false",
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+          0.0052443,
+          0.0052427,
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+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+        ]
+      }
+    },
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+  },
+  "pin C1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002484,
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+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          -0.004294,
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+          -0.0045681
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
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+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002636
+  },
+  "pin D1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002461,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002263,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+      },
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+          -0.0018785
+        ]
+      }
+    },
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+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
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+  },
+  "pin X": {
+    "direction": "output",
+    "function": "(A1&A2) | (B1) | (C1) | (D1)",
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+      {
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+            0.02305058,
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+              -0.4464292
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+              -0.1416917,
+              -0.4470754
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+              -0.4473771
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+              -0.4475254
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+              -0.123775,
+              -0.4296048
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
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+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
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+              0.2107898,
+              0.5102488
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+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
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+            0.01,
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+              0.0282326,
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+              -0.4423701
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+              0.0279541,
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+              -0.1372492,
+              -0.4426743
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0278781,
+              0.025572,
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+              -0.1374379,
+              -0.4428535
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0279906,
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+              -0.4429327
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
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+            0.1224745,
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+              0.4908881
+            ],
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+              0.0195955,
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+              0.4907751
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+              0.4907721
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+            [
+              0.0514732,
+              0.0527319,
+              0.056706,
+              0.0689591,
+              0.1051231,
+              0.210934,
+              0.5106532
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0198855,
+              0.0178184,
+              0.0130806,
+              0.0011269,
+              -0.036105,
+              -0.1444364,
+              -0.4498112
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0195495,
+              0.017524,
+              0.0128073,
+              0.0008538,
+              -0.0363493,
+              -0.1447296,
+              -0.4501207
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0193152,
+              0.0172962,
+              0.0125449,
+              0.0006125,
+              -0.0366147,
+              -0.1450043,
+              -0.4503619
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0191928,
+              0.0171149,
+              0.0123472,
+              0.0004154,
+              -0.0368261,
+              -0.1451742,
+              -0.4505364
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0203825,
+              0.0183065,
+              0.0132946,
+              0.0011471,
+              -0.0362267,
+              -0.1446676,
+              -0.4500642
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0302197,
+              0.0278816,
+              0.0219659,
+              0.0070495,
+              -0.0310218,
+              -0.1395445,
+              -0.4450366
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0498143,
+              0.0473641,
+              0.0412759,
+              0.0255575,
+              -0.0145515,
+              -0.1236468,
+              -0.4294083
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "B1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0164662,
+              0.0183421,
+              0.0234728,
+              0.037445,
+              0.0757014,
+              0.1827217,
+              0.4840783
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0164274,
+              0.0182995,
+              0.0234373,
+              0.0373599,
+              0.0757473,
+              0.1836063,
+              0.4838397
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0167097,
+              0.0185172,
+              0.0235714,
+              0.0374419,
+              0.0758222,
+              0.1835942,
+              0.4840624
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0174814,
+              0.0192299,
+              0.0240889,
+              0.0377379,
+              0.0762319,
+              0.1830999,
+              0.4864542
+            ],
+            [
+              0.02075,
+              0.0223058,
+              0.0268535,
+              0.0399612,
+              0.0777844,
+              0.1855377,
+              0.4881966
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0290074,
+              0.0304137,
+              0.0347973,
+              0.047537,
+              0.0845279,
+              0.1913855,
+              0.4918365
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0496702,
+              0.0507021,
+              0.0547789,
+              0.067146,
+              0.1029786,
+              0.2081561,
+              0.5088701
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0172468,
+              0.0151027,
+              0.0105081,
+              -0.0014565,
+              -0.0387024,
+              -0.1470938,
+              -0.45245
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0170264,
+              0.0148947,
+              0.0101388,
+              -0.0017234,
+              -0.038988,
+              -0.1473597,
+              -0.4527071
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0166893,
+              0.0146357,
+              0.0099404,
+              -0.0020108,
+              -0.0392651,
+              -0.1476544,
+              -0.4530042
+            ],
+            [
+              0.016697,
+              0.0146026,
+              0.0098197,
+              -0.0021359,
+              -0.0393804,
+              -0.1477036,
+              -0.4530638
+            ],
+            [
+              0.01896,
+              0.016834,
+              0.0118275,
+              -0.0004128,
+              -0.0377717,
+              -0.1462492,
+              -0.4516457
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0288791,
+              0.0265561,
+              0.0206081,
+              0.0056197,
+              -0.0323253,
+              -0.1408139,
+              -0.4463154
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0473673,
+              0.0448961,
+              0.0385022,
+              0.0228661,
+              -0.0172282,
+              -0.1262725,
+              -0.431999
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "C1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0145098,
+              0.016316,
+              0.0213231,
+              0.0351658,
+              0.07341,
+              0.181081,
+              0.4836337
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0147009,
+              0.0164881,
+              0.0214834,
+              0.035305,
+              0.0735121,
+              0.1807978,
+              0.4839993
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0152387,
+              0.0169872,
+              0.0219074,
+              0.0356821,
+              0.07402,
+              0.1818774,
+              0.4839288
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0160356,
+              0.0177149,
+              0.0224901,
+              0.0360589,
+              0.074516,
+              0.1812592,
+              0.4829413
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0190474,
+              0.0206635,
+              0.0251681,
+              0.0382906,
+              0.0762537,
+              0.1831814,
+              0.4864847
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0265246,
+              0.027984,
+              0.0324168,
+              0.0452965,
+              0.0821759,
+              0.1892347,
+              0.491417
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0457961,
+              0.0468951,
+              0.0508164,
+              0.0632107,
+              0.0999702,
+              0.2055636,
+              0.5053631
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0159925,
+              0.013997,
+              0.0093052,
+              -0.0025848,
+              -0.0398382,
+              -0.148216,
+              -0.4536097
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0157702,
+              0.0137133,
+              0.0089873,
+              -0.0028799,
+              -0.0401535,
+              -0.1485092,
+              -0.4538509
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0156707,
+              0.0136473,
+              0.0089678,
+              -0.002966,
+              -0.0401346,
+              -0.1485014,
+              -0.4539106
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0165196,
+              0.0144061,
+              0.0097547,
+              -0.0022301,
+              -0.0394643,
+              -0.1477577,
+              -0.4531029
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0197147,
+              0.0175915,
+              0.0126708,
+              0.0004619,
+              -0.036896,
+              -0.1452954,
+              -0.4505935
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0310783,
+              0.0287066,
+              0.0227071,
+              0.0077527,
+              -0.0301225,
+              -0.1386453,
+              -0.4441353
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0513394,
+              0.0487584,
+              0.0425665,
+              0.0267361,
+              -0.0135326,
+              -0.1225686,
+              -0.4282941
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001407725,
+            0.003963381,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.03141678,
+            0.08845239,
+            0.2490334
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0104506,
+              0.0122067,
+              0.0170645,
+              0.0305837,
+              0.0687161,
+              0.1756338,
+              0.4775991
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0105118,
+              0.0122526,
+              0.0171135,
+              0.0306232,
+              0.0685164,
+              0.1755721,
+              0.4779151
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0108153,
+              0.012526,
+              0.0173204,
+              0.0308448,
+              0.068931,
+              0.1767304,
+              0.4760553
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0118889,
+              0.0134349,
+              0.0181433,
+              0.0315246,
+              0.0697478,
+              0.1766699,
+              0.4782316
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0149482,
+              0.0165329,
+              0.0211191,
+              0.0339853,
+              0.0718975,
+              0.1784738,
+              0.4801724
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0229864,
+              0.0243814,
+              0.0287449,
+              0.0416639,
+              0.0785155,
+              0.1851169,
+              0.4854764
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0437323,
+              0.0448577,
+              0.0487031,
+              0.0609004,
+              0.0972616,
+              0.2032672,
+              0.5020719
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "max_capacitance": 0.249033,
+    "max_transition": 1.498815,
+    "power_down_function": "(!VPWR + VGND)",
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "timing": [
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.1806496,
+              0.1872475,
+              0.2026084,
+              0.2361405,
+              0.3073021,
+              0.469395,
+              0.8944816
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1826914,
+              0.1893187,
+              0.2046754,
+              0.2381076,
+              0.3091884,
+              0.4714092,
+              0.895906
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1893222,
+              0.1959448,
+              0.2113544,
+              0.2446498,
+              0.3157971,
+              0.4780804,
+              0.9029812
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2040322,
+              0.2105516,
+              0.2260504,
+              0.2593938,
+              0.3304783,
+              0.4926873,
+              0.9176869
+            ],
+            [
+              0.22812,
+              0.2348436,
+              0.2503293,
+              0.2839111,
+              0.3553988,
+              0.517911,
+              0.9427497
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2741743,
+              0.2813439,
+              0.2979,
+              0.3335289,
+              0.4079747,
+              0.5740137,
+              0.9992701
+            ],
+            [
+              0.412496,
+              0.4206618,
+              0.4393875,
+              0.4792541,
+              0.5619105,
+              0.7359239,
+              1.1640227
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.06184,
+              0.0677965,
+              0.0820057,
+              0.1155992,
+              0.2009888,
+              0.4327767,
+              1.0794668
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0646003,
+              0.070542,
+              0.0847422,
+              0.1182426,
+              0.20366,
+              0.4356233,
+              1.0828118
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0720392,
+              0.0779337,
+              0.0919759,
+              0.1251565,
+              0.2104382,
+              0.4425579,
+              1.0908403
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0876548,
+              0.0935197,
+              0.1070075,
+              0.1401659,
+              0.2246065,
+              0.4567063,
+              1.1056082
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1011158,
+              0.1075981,
+              0.1219253,
+              0.1546106,
+              0.2382489,
+              0.4696354,
+              1.1168267
+            ],
+            [
+              0.09751,
+              0.1045751,
+              0.1211784,
+              0.1550393,
+              0.238239,
+              0.4693125,
+              1.1167512
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0418635,
+              0.0499908,
+              0.0689021,
+              0.1096784,
+              0.1959494,
+              0.429234,
+              1.0782975
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0293866,
+              0.034742,
+              0.04726,
+              0.0761317,
+              0.1461557,
+              0.3331311,
+              0.8817286
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0293729,
+              0.0348369,
+              0.0471693,
+              0.0764619,
+              0.1460166,
+              0.3329973,
+              0.8858233
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0294215,
+              0.0348432,
+              0.0470828,
+              0.0766244,
+              0.1464741,
+              0.3322449,
+              0.8874186
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0290214,
+              0.0348386,
+              0.0469618,
+              0.0765326,
+              0.1458445,
+              0.3330125,
+              0.8828036
+            ],
+            [
+              0.030945,
+              0.0366151,
+              0.0489788,
+              0.0770188,
+              0.147947,
+              0.3326374,
+              0.8856348
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0355484,
+              0.042001,
+              0.0545054,
+              0.0849584,
+              0.1553287,
+              0.3386463,
+              0.888774
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0478793,
+              0.054242,
+              0.0687133,
+              0.1003097,
+              0.1720047,
+              0.3525707,
+              0.8889726
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0195314,
+              0.0255026,
+              0.0406562,
+              0.0818851,
+              0.2003667,
+              0.5371588,
+              1.4931992
+            ],
+            [
+              0.019421,
+              0.0253661,
+              0.0405399,
+              0.0817639,
+              0.2003512,
+              0.5380589,
+              1.4944513
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0191179,
+              0.0250491,
+              0.040147,
+              0.0815033,
+              0.2000342,
+              0.5382788,
+              1.493593
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0201217,
+              0.0259556,
+              0.0407673,
+              0.0813784,
+              0.1998675,
+              0.5380539,
+              1.4900726
+            ],
+            [
+              0.023788,
+              0.029556,
+              0.0437749,
+              0.0828815,
+              0.1997984,
+              0.5368412,
+              1.49201
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0301899,
+              0.0364035,
+              0.0517509,
+              0.0886633,
+              0.2021181,
+              0.5388677,
+              1.4944289
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0426026,
+              0.0486422,
+              0.0655179,
+              0.1040758,
+              0.2115382,
+              0.5449134,
+              1.4955356
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.2047052,
+              0.2118615,
+              0.2284129,
+              0.2636602,
+              0.3371266,
+              0.5017531,
+              0.9275244
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2076657,
+              0.2148899,
+              0.2313952,
+              0.2665914,
+              0.3400718,
+              0.5047013,
+              0.9303847
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2146728,
+              0.2219473,
+              0.238354,
+              0.2736714,
+              0.3470995,
+              0.5117625,
+              0.9376284
+            ],
+            [
+              0.227471,
+              0.2347458,
+              0.2511759,
+              0.2864966,
+              0.3598875,
+              0.5245461,
+              0.950383
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2473399,
+              0.2545937,
+              0.2712297,
+              0.3065211,
+              0.3799192,
+              0.544679,
+              0.9705798
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2882639,
+              0.2958717,
+              0.3133447,
+              0.3504934,
+              0.4266284,
+              0.5940538,
+              1.0205565
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4270548,
+              0.4355078,
+              0.4547693,
+              0.4956177,
+              0.5773157,
+              0.7512699,
+              1.1802805
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
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+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
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+            0.249033
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+              0.2044337,
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+              1.0855217
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0679488,
+              0.0738856,
+              0.0881084,
+              0.1215778,
+              0.2068432,
+              0.4391222,
+              1.0885843
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0744589,
+              0.0803795,
+              0.094423,
+              0.1277038,
+              0.2129566,
+              0.4447389,
+              1.0915506
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0874078,
+              0.0932742,
+              0.1072065,
+              0.1398019,
+              0.2246462,
+              0.4568405,
+              1.1061323
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1002538,
+              0.1065426,
+              0.1212194,
+              0.1541845,
+              0.2383045,
+              0.4703846,
+              1.1188835
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0961499,
+              0.1032566,
+              0.1200377,
+              0.1550775,
+              0.2394827,
+              0.4709775,
+              1.1192341
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0396628,
+              0.0479087,
+              0.0675809,
+              0.108149,
+              0.1966871,
+              0.4312871,
+              1.0817626
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
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+              0.151503,
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+              0.890373
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0338355,
+              0.0394075,
+              0.0534405,
+              0.0815106,
+              0.1515731,
+              0.3373121,
+              0.8876055
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0339058,
+              0.0400689,
+              0.0525364,
+              0.0824276,
+              0.1513594,
+              0.3367648,
+              0.893997
+            ],
+            [
+              0.034106,
+              0.0399263,
+              0.0525189,
+              0.0825018,
+              0.1514391,
+              0.3367794,
+              0.8933621
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0353075,
+              0.0410758,
+              0.0532879,
+              0.0823727,
+              0.1523074,
+              0.3365441,
+              0.886941
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0395721,
+              0.0453016,
+              0.058978,
+              0.0879946,
+              0.1583027,
+              0.3406557,
+              0.8865123
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0505149,
+              0.0571143,
+              0.0714021,
+              0.1034371,
+              0.1728905,
+              0.3520406,
+              0.8914628
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+            0.00396338,
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+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
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+            [
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+              0.1999355,
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+              1.4898313
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0194172,
+              0.0254044,
+              0.0405115,
+              0.0817436,
+              0.2000915,
+              0.5382266,
+              1.4943176
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0191895,
+              0.0251293,
+              0.0402417,
+              0.0814706,
+              0.2002374,
+              0.5374486,
+              1.4939121
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0199698,
+              0.0257929,
+              0.0406458,
+              0.0813174,
+              0.1999976,
+              0.536782,
+              1.4931142
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0230917,
+              0.0291405,
+              0.0437872,
+              0.0831399,
+              0.1998949,
+              0.5380535,
+              1.4916223
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0294095,
+              0.0355799,
+              0.0513101,
+              0.0889976,
+              0.2028211,
+              0.5375304,
+              1.4945029
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0412347,
+              0.0478157,
+              0.0653585,
+              0.104638,
+              0.2135132,
+              0.5475884,
+              1.494281
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
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+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
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+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.1442281,
+              0.1505615,
+              0.1652463,
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+              0.2657212,
+              0.4243443,
+              0.8480989
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1465295,
+              0.1528768,
+              0.1675754,
+              0.1995021,
+              0.2678728,
+              0.4266504,
+              0.8506737
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1532151,
+              0.1594558,
+              0.1739779,
+              0.2062188,
+              0.2745345,
+              0.4333396,
+              0.8571108
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1675469,
+              0.1738755,
+              0.1885518,
+              0.2205367,
+              0.2889274,
+              0.4476472,
+              0.8715979
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1950174,
+              0.2016974,
+              0.2170703,
+              0.2496295,
+              0.3188066,
+              0.4781978,
+              0.9023451
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2685502,
+              0.2755662,
+              0.2916787,
+              0.3263177,
+              0.3986809,
+              0.5610856,
+              0.985061
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4430034,
+              0.4508431,
+              0.468904,
+              0.5071283,
+              0.5859761,
+              0.7541364,
+              1.180235
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+            [
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+              1.0527093
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0484957,
+              0.0533945,
+              0.065434,
+              0.0959715,
+              0.178461,
+              0.4083479,
+              1.0581289
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0564062,
+              0.0610773,
+              0.0728514,
+              0.1031798,
+              0.1855684,
+              0.4158465,
+              1.0655221
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0668252,
+              0.0719182,
+              0.083994,
+              0.1137847,
+              0.1963167,
+              0.4271505,
+              1.0730473
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0694744,
+              0.0753754,
+              0.0884966,
+              0.118725,
+              0.2004721,
+              0.4306552,
+              1.0796001
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0462879,
+              0.0530619,
+              0.0688595,
+              0.1011214,
+              0.1829535,
+              0.4133519,
+              1.0601612
+            ],
+            [
+              -0.0470059,
+              -0.0390354,
+              -0.0203538,
+              0.0185347,
+              0.1030535,
+              0.335628,
+              0.9806297
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+          ]
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+            0.01,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.8887175
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0264515,
+              0.031495,
+              0.0436622,
+              0.0721699,
+              0.1401452,
+              0.3285111,
+              0.8833581
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0265196,
+              0.0320007,
+              0.043565,
+              0.0720731,
+              0.1404878,
+              0.3277896,
+              0.8875018
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0267254,
+              0.0321082,
+              0.0440443,
+              0.0723431,
+              0.1405051,
+              0.3285905,
+              0.8861692
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0296857,
+              0.0355074,
+              0.0469277,
+              0.0749878,
+              0.1428519,
+              0.329509,
+              0.8799353
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0347988,
+              0.0400223,
+              0.0529975,
+              0.0819109,
+              0.1501316,
+              0.3335336,
+              0.8901297
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0451521,
+              0.0517198,
+              0.0650038,
+              0.0955832,
+              0.1639253,
+              0.3428219,
+              0.8867122
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+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.4901181
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0154599,
+              0.0205165,
+              0.0347464,
+              0.0763402,
+              0.1960071,
+              0.5359136,
+              1.4932261
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0153787,
+              0.0205027,
+              0.0346566,
+              0.0761568,
+              0.1958151,
+              0.5361593,
+              1.4937052
+            ],
+            [
+              0.017753,
+              0.0226353,
+              0.0362321,
+              0.0767186,
+              0.1964186,
+              0.5356725,
+              1.4924636
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0217119,
+              0.0269863,
+              0.0398562,
+              0.0781157,
+              0.1963433,
+              0.5361699,
+              1.4924596
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0275056,
+              0.0335411,
+              0.0479942,
+              0.0837048,
+              0.1984567,
+              0.5365466,
+              1.4917989
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0387355,
+              0.0451758,
+              0.0620304,
+              0.0992419,
+              0.207929,
+              0.5426175,
+              1.4925494
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
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+            [
+              0.126645,
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+              0.1476849,
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+              0.2480963,
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+              0.8309298
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1284475,
+              0.1347948,
+              0.1494803,
+              0.1814794,
+              0.2498586,
+              0.4085306,
+              0.8325274
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1344131,
+              0.140776,
+              0.1551851,
+              0.1874189,
+              0.2557475,
+              0.4145748,
+              0.8384956
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1504937,
+              0.1568266,
+              0.1714863,
+              0.2033759,
+              0.2717726,
+              0.4306561,
+              0.8546794
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1913456,
+              0.1979501,
+              0.213191,
+              0.2459385,
+              0.3153106,
+              0.4744533,
+              0.8980131
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2826651,
+              0.2896857,
+              0.3056682,
+              0.3400193,
+              0.411804,
+              0.5739723,
+              0.9985611
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4765892,
+              0.4844076,
+              0.5023443,
+              0.5401984,
+              0.6171781,
+              0.7828673,
+              1.2093032
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.1712491,
+              0.4007818,
+              1.0478191
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0460192,
+              0.050633,
+              0.0620843,
+              0.0920232,
+              0.1741876,
+              0.403955,
+              1.0528033
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0534424,
+              0.0580016,
+              0.0693142,
+              0.0990606,
+              0.1812598,
+              0.4119694,
+              1.0573535
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0616482,
+              0.0665496,
+              0.0782366,
+              0.1078808,
+              0.19019,
+              0.4201381,
+              1.0662906
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0606416,
+              0.0664307,
+              0.0792372,
+              0.1091851,
+              0.19104,
+              0.4213887,
+              1.0672122
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0306272,
+              0.0376036,
+              0.0530012,
+              0.0853745,
+              0.1668837,
+              0.396371,
+              1.0439566
+            ],
+            [
+              -0.0762711,
+              -0.0684444,
+              -0.0502836,
+              -0.0111126,
+              0.0733139,
+              0.3056366,
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+              0.8848542
+            ],
+            [
+              0.026877,
+              0.0314695,
+              0.0435475,
+              0.0720372,
+              0.1404485,
+              0.3286704,
+              0.8865169
+            ],
+            [
+              0.026944,
+              0.0316625,
+              0.0435861,
+              0.0718607,
+              0.1405032,
+              0.3281946,
+              0.8862347
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0269918,
+              0.0320784,
+              0.043988,
+              0.072476,
+              0.1404544,
+              0.3282022,
+              0.8871969
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0303038,
+              0.035513,
+              0.0472768,
+              0.0751366,
+              0.1429508,
+              0.3292399,
+              0.8904191
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0351375,
+              0.0405353,
+              0.0534996,
+              0.081011,
+              0.1493249,
+              0.3330242,
+              0.8830578
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0462887,
+              0.0521778,
+              0.0653813,
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+            0.0884524,
+            0.249033
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+              0.0143961,
+              0.0193258,
+              0.0333204,
+              0.0752849,
+              0.195869,
+              0.5356027,
+              1.4931825
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0143413,
+              0.0192661,
+              0.033399,
+              0.0753083,
+              0.1957449,
+              0.5358944,
+              1.4923666
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0146925,
+              0.0195557,
+              0.0335576,
+              0.0752954,
+              0.1957593,
+              0.535253,
+              1.4937447
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0171116,
+              0.021961,
+              0.0351995,
+              0.0757417,
+              0.1956268,
+              0.5350576,
+              1.4931762
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0210818,
+              0.0262637,
+              0.0389378,
+              0.0774537,
+              0.1959862,
+              0.5357141,
+              1.4917663
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0269457,
+              0.0332701,
+              0.0473822,
+              0.0831439,
+              0.1981426,
+              0.5375413,
+              1.4915948
+            ],
+            [
+              0.037941,
+              0.0440185,
+              0.0607323,
+              0.0986057,
+              0.2058871,
+              0.5424826,
+              1.4894801
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
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+            0.0005,
+            0.00140773,
+            0.00396338,
+            0.0111587,
+            0.0314168,
+            0.0884524,
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+              0.0989568,
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+              0.8033161
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1000919,
+              0.1064468,
+              0.1211613,
+              0.1531951,
+              0.2216681,
+              0.3804058,
+              0.8047226
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+            [
+              0.1080108,
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+              0.1290246,
+              0.1609974,
+              0.2294325,
+              0.3882271,
+              0.812165
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1319342,
+              0.138257,
+              0.1527481,
+              0.1843136,
+              0.2527095,
+              0.4115451,
+              0.8352266
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+            [
+              0.1843638,
+              0.1907052,
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+              0.3057847,
+              0.4649511,
+              0.8888841
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+              0.2825923,
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+              0.4061637,
+              0.5681906,
+              0.9921582
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+              0.505916,
+              0.5412091,
+              0.6131272,
+              0.774987,
+              1.2010501
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.0368914,
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+              0.0523661,
+              0.0814115,
+              0.163066,
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+              1.0426665
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0402085,
+              0.0446333,
+              0.0556485,
+              0.0849603,
+              0.1666269,
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+              0.0468201,
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+              0.1732699,
+              0.4025711,
+              1.0626836
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+              0.0518216,
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+              0.4091705,
+              1.0617148
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+              0.0460347,
+              0.0519565,
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+              0.4059368,
+              1.0538855
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+              0.0087592,
+              0.0157445,
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+              0.1463616,
+              0.3763239,
+              1.0245845
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+            [
+              -0.1115697,
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+              -0.0849169,
+              -0.0445883,
+              0.0415168,
+              0.2734499,
+              0.9214097
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.8819515
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+            [
+              0.0267086,
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+              0.0720465,
+              0.1405105,
+              0.327965,
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+              0.0262917,
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+              0.327583,
+              0.8881245
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+            [
+              0.0259322,
+              0.0307286,
+              0.043344,
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+              0.1402706,
+              0.3282659,
+              0.8887318
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0289472,
+              0.0340319,
+              0.0459035,
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+              0.1419383,
+              0.3283662,
+              0.889118
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0351209,
+              0.040506,
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+              0.1464047,
+              0.3328298,
+              0.8892534
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+              0.0463448,
+              0.0519,
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+              0.1537787,
+              0.3364121,
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+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.0136134,
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+              1.4988146
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0136334,
+              0.0185141,
+              0.0327991,
+              0.0749785,
+              0.1957587,
+              0.5368494,
+              1.4963081
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0145623,
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+              0.0749411,
+              0.1956642,
+              0.536986,
+              1.4974557
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0171921,
+              0.0219038,
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+              0.0754714,
+              0.1956245,
+              0.5352209,
+              1.4949504
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0214142,
+              0.0267873,
+              0.0395252,
+              0.0775123,
+              0.1961638,
+              0.5356735,
+              1.494302
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0278518,
+              0.034256,
+              0.0490148,
+              0.084398,
+              0.1988431,
+              0.5361292,
+              1.4878089
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0401932,
+              0.0470963,
+              0.0644132,
+              0.103244,
+              0.2089308,
+              0.5444479,
+              1.4918383
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,3016 @@
+  "area": 11.2608,
+  "cell_footprint": "a2111o",
+  "cell_leakage_power": 0.0002433553,
+  "driver_waveform_fall": "ramp",
+  "driver_waveform_rise": "ramp",
+  "leakage_power": [
+    {
+      "value": 3.4071829e-05,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.6144617e-05,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.000375,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "value": 0.0004349,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 3.624146e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 0.0003742,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.4284265e-05,
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+      "value": 0.0003741,
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+      "value": 3.6146487e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 0.000375,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "value": 0.0004483,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 3.624146e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
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+      "value": 0.0003742,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.4284265e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.6146487e-05,
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+      "value": 0.000375,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
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+      "value": 0.0004451,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.624146e-05,
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+      "value": 0.0003742,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 3.4284265e-05,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 3.6146487e-05,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
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+      "value": 0.0003745,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 4.3741202e-05,
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+      "value": 0.0003741,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
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+      "value": 3.6096716e-05,
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0003742,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    }
+  ],
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+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VGND"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VNB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VNB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPWR": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPWR"
+  },
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+    "capacitance": 0.002251,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
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+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+    },
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+    "capacitance": 0.002121,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          0.122474,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          -0.0026362,
+          -0.0026362,
+          -0.0026362,
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+          -0.0026358
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
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+    "capacitance": 0.002279,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          0.122474,
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+  },
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+    "capacitance": 0.002243,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          -0.002499
+        ]
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+    },
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+  },
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+    "capacitance": 0.002227,
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
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+          -0.0013229
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002419
+  },
+  "pin X": {
+    "direction": "output",
+    "function": "(A1&A2) | (B1) | (C1) | (D1)",
+    "internal_power": [
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0094761,
+              0.0088678,
+              0.0069751,
+              0.0015786,
+              -0.014199,
+              -0.0586197,
+              -0.1766023
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0093177,
+              0.0087005,
+              0.0068831,
+              0.0014394,
+              -0.0143481,
+              -0.0587728,
+              -0.1767442
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091694,
+              0.0085388,
+              0.006638,
+              0.0012387,
+              -0.0145485,
+              -0.0589705,
+              -0.1769397
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0090145,
+              0.0084072,
+              0.0065451,
+              0.0011175,
+              -0.0146937,
+              -0.0591108,
+              -0.1770795
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0088734,
+              0.0082781,
+              0.0063738,
+              0.0009315,
+              -0.0148422,
+              -0.0592291,
+              -0.177192
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0088825,
+              0.0082254,
+              0.0063201,
+              0.0009122,
+              -0.0149573,
+              -0.059282,
+              -0.1772272
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0104863,
+              0.0095295,
+              0.0070195,
+              0.0004518,
+              -0.0150979,
+              -0.0593621,
+              -0.1772937
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0101726,
+              0.0113818,
+              0.0143411,
+              0.0214669,
+              0.0391668,
+              0.0845937,
+              0.2014474
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101367,
+              0.0113591,
+              0.0142758,
+              0.021426,
+              0.0391063,
+              0.0846099,
+              0.2013449
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101001,
+              0.0113107,
+              0.0142375,
+              0.0213346,
+              0.0391324,
+              0.0841508,
+              0.2022632
+            ],
+            [
+              0.010098,
+              0.0112695,
+              0.0141029,
+              0.0211599,
+              0.0389571,
+              0.0839412,
+              0.2020321
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102475,
+              0.0112472,
+              0.0140176,
+              0.0208861,
+              0.0384559,
+              0.0837637,
+              0.2018379
+            ],
+            [
+              0.010677,
+              0.011699,
+              0.0142834,
+              0.020929,
+              0.038354,
+              0.0837659,
+              0.2017826
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0109628,
+              0.0118837,
+              0.0144788,
+              0.021063,
+              0.0387235,
+              0.083888,
+              0.2002255
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0114908,
+              0.0109262,
+              0.0090241,
+              0.0036007,
+              -0.0121561,
+              -0.0564321,
+              -0.1743406
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0114053,
+              0.0108407,
+              0.0089371,
+              0.003516,
+              -0.0122421,
+              -0.0565217,
+              -0.174426
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0113893,
+              0.0107178,
+              0.008849,
+              0.0034229,
+              -0.0123551,
+              -0.0566223,
+              -0.1745263
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0112435,
+              0.0106417,
+              0.0087818,
+              0.0033212,
+              -0.0124853,
+              -0.0567299,
+              -0.1746275
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0111904,
+              0.0104657,
+              0.0086759,
+              0.003216,
+              -0.0124907,
+              -0.0568076,
+              -0.174713
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0110933,
+              0.0104253,
+              0.0085811,
+              0.0031983,
+              -0.0126105,
+              -0.0568654,
+              -0.1747462
+            ],
+            [
+              0.012642,
+              0.0116665,
+              0.0091407,
+              0.0027802,
+              -0.0127378,
+              -0.0569285,
+              -0.1747998
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A2",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.010213,
+              0.0114363,
+              0.0143813,
+              0.0214968,
+              0.0391625,
+              0.0846705,
+              0.2013362
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101656,
+              0.0113862,
+              0.0143273,
+              0.0214394,
+              0.0391079,
+              0.0846117,
+              0.2012804
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101108,
+              0.0113211,
+              0.0142519,
+              0.021358,
+              0.0389623,
+              0.0844888,
+              0.2009592
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0100949,
+              0.0112854,
+              0.0141607,
+              0.0212142,
+              0.0390127,
+              0.084047,
+              0.2020595
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102356,
+              0.0112804,
+              0.0141107,
+              0.0210273,
+              0.038651,
+              0.0839001,
+              0.2020114
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0108016,
+              0.0118402,
+              0.0143517,
+              0.0209726,
+              0.0385957,
+              0.0836177,
+              0.2017652
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0110754,
+              0.0120426,
+              0.01469,
+              0.0213206,
+              0.0387943,
+              0.0839379,
+              0.2015069
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0084269,
+              0.0077612,
+              0.0059703,
+              0.0005865,
+              -0.0153307,
+              -0.0598913,
+              -0.1779173
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0082751,
+              0.0076287,
+              0.0058793,
+              0.0004702,
+              -0.0154455,
+              -0.060047,
+              -0.1780806
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0081717,
+              0.0075338,
+              0.0057002,
+              0.0003659,
+              -0.0155922,
+              -0.0601664,
+              -0.1781866
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0080875,
+              0.0074235,
+              0.0056327,
+              0.0001893,
+              -0.0156801,
+              -0.0602404,
+              -0.1782599
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0080217,
+              0.0073514,
+              0.0055602,
+              0.0001327,
+              -0.0157959,
+              -0.060318,
+              -0.178322
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0079703,
+              0.0072641,
+              0.0055127,
+              6.69e-05,
+              -0.0158765,
+              -0.0603986,
+              -0.1783948
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0103763,
+              0.0094122,
+              0.0069611,
+              0.0004128,
+              -0.0162446,
+              -0.0604778,
+              -0.1784499
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "B1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0091042,
+              0.0102155,
+              0.012977,
+              0.019823,
+              0.0373738,
+              0.0825179,
+              0.1989716
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091065,
+              0.0102141,
+              0.0129565,
+              0.0197982,
+              0.0372089,
+              0.0825263,
+              0.2001898
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0090887,
+              0.0101863,
+              0.01292,
+              0.0197363,
+              0.0371164,
+              0.082153,
+              0.1992518
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0089808,
+              0.010045,
+              0.0127512,
+              0.0195621,
+              0.0369733,
+              0.0823857,
+              0.2000423
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091426,
+              0.0101374,
+              0.0126247,
+              0.0193672,
+              0.0366543,
+              0.0817885,
+              0.1988398
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091417,
+              0.0101041,
+              0.0127248,
+              0.019451,
+              0.0367386,
+              0.0815036,
+              0.1988385
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0093485,
+              0.0102953,
+              0.0129703,
+              0.0195121,
+              0.0370974,
+              0.082196,
+              0.1990888
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0071887,
+              0.0065529,
+              0.0047761,
+              -0.0007046,
+              -0.0166024,
+              -0.0611907,
+              -0.1791847
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0070129,
+              0.0063448,
+              0.0045517,
+              -0.0008343,
+              -0.0167328,
+              -0.0613192,
+              -0.1793376
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0068827,
+              0.0062217,
+              0.0043728,
+              -0.0009351,
+              -0.016881,
+              -0.0614553,
+              -0.1794529
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0068018,
+              0.0061362,
+              0.0043073,
+              -0.0010656,
+              -0.0170174,
+              -0.0615545,
+              -0.1795579
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0066887,
+              0.0061082,
+              0.0042652,
+              -0.0011585,
+              -0.0170665,
+              -0.0616017,
+              -0.1796053
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0066105,
+              0.0059694,
+              0.0041489,
+              -0.0012431,
+              -0.0171371,
+              -0.0616897,
+              -0.1796867
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0092603,
+              0.0082872,
+              0.0057674,
+              -0.0006927,
+              -0.0175121,
+              -0.0617616,
+              -0.1797209
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "C1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0085331,
+              0.0095998,
+              0.0122714,
+              0.0190484,
+              0.0363404,
+              0.0816896,
+              0.1991441
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0085655,
+              0.0096272,
+              0.0123013,
+              0.0190916,
+              0.0363758,
+              0.0812155,
+              0.1992676
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0086046,
+              0.009648,
+              0.0123057,
+              0.0191238,
+              0.036579,
+              0.0813984,
+              0.1984025
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0084927,
+              0.009531,
+              0.0121395,
+              0.0188968,
+              0.0364409,
+              0.0813051,
+              0.1983126
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0084411,
+              0.0093997,
+              0.011897,
+              0.0186797,
+              0.0360916,
+              0.0814323,
+              0.1981344
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0082797,
+              0.009325,
+              0.0119133,
+              0.0185891,
+              0.0359619,
+              0.0809131,
+              0.1987204
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0084098,
+              0.0094271,
+              0.0119435,
+              0.0186649,
+              0.036067,
+              0.0812122,
+              0.1981171
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.006688,
+              0.005995,
+              0.0041607,
+              -0.0011281,
+              -0.0171263,
+              -0.0616643,
+              -0.1796691
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0064378,
+              0.0058222,
+              0.0040515,
+              -0.001336,
+              -0.0172896,
+              -0.0618482,
+              -0.1798606
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0062765,
+              0.0056553,
+              0.0038591,
+              -0.0014986,
+              -0.0174762,
+              -0.0619923,
+              -0.1800057
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0061673,
+              0.0055514,
+              0.0037119,
+              -0.0016514,
+              -0.0175663,
+              -0.0621443,
+              -0.1801534
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0062039,
+              0.0055551,
+              0.0037646,
+              -0.0016207,
+              -0.0175925,
+              -0.0621591,
+              -0.1801447
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0062415,
+              0.0056058,
+              0.0038247,
+              -0.0016088,
+              -0.0174538,
+              -0.0620554,
+              -0.1800339
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0095727,
+              0.0085841,
+              0.0060428,
+              -0.0005447,
+              -0.0178376,
+              -0.0622781,
+              -0.1801802
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001304206,
+            0.003401907,
+            0.008873575,
+            0.02314594,
+            0.06037414,
+            0.1574807
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0065565,
+              0.0075638,
+              0.0101248,
+              0.016712,
+              0.0338367,
+              0.0785281,
+              0.1966117
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0065265,
+              0.0075231,
+              0.0100911,
+              0.0167557,
+              0.0338199,
+              0.0785076,
+              0.1955162
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0064047,
+              0.0074125,
+              0.0099915,
+              0.0166355,
+              0.0339837,
+              0.0791211,
+              0.1957879
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0062764,
+              0.0072695,
+              0.0098306,
+              0.0164708,
+              0.0337739,
+              0.0790413,
+              0.1941931
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0061761,
+              0.0071455,
+              0.0096504,
+              0.0163079,
+              0.0334427,
+              0.0788605,
+              0.1955341
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0060779,
+              0.0070718,
+              0.0096398,
+              0.0163295,
+              0.0335489,
+              0.0783497,
+              0.1952884
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0062272,
+              0.007207,
+              0.0097272,
+              0.0164317,
+              0.033825,
+              0.0787033,
+              0.1945746
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "max_capacitance": 0.157481,
+    "max_transition": 1.507106,
+    "power_down_function": "(!VPWR + VGND)",
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "timing": [
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00130421,
+            0.00340191,
+            0.00887357,
+            0.0231459,
+            0.0603741,
+            0.157481
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.3522459,
+              0.3618315,
+              0.380648,
+              0.4143738,
+              0.4774648,
+              0.600293,
+              0.8680264
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3553666,
+              0.3648265,
+              0.3837725,
+              0.4176239,
+              0.4807665,
+              0.6034003,
+              0.8712241
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3667747,
+              0.3762285,
+              0.3949612,
+              0.4286747,
+              0.4917086,
+              0.6145613,
+              0.8824036
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4002298,
+              0.4097676,
+              0.428229,
+              0.4625803,
+              0.5255404,
+              0.6481334,
+              0.9164431
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4768265,
+              0.4864248,
+              0.5053617,
+              0.5397069,
+              0.6014337,
+              0.7245209,
+              0.9929507
+            ],
+            [
+              0.6386007,
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+              0.7642061,
+              0.8870258,
+              1.155132
+            ],
+            [
+              0.959579,
+              0.9701215,
+              0.9902899,
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+              1.09287,
+              1.2186994,
+              1.4892333
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.1266373
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0741506,
+              0.0813869,
+              0.0979705,
+              0.137775,
+              0.2358538,
+              0.4851193,
+              1.1311212
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0849184,
+              0.0920937,
+              0.1086473,
+              0.1482438,
+              0.2463827,
+              0.4954684,
+              1.142107
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1091038,
+              0.1161858,
+              0.1322174,
+              0.1712967,
+              0.2691702,
+              0.5186199,
+              1.1625626
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1453809,
+              0.1527552,
+              0.169263,
+              0.2080098,
+              0.3054492,
+              0.5550797,
+              1.1992694
+            ],
+            [
+              0.189618,
+              0.1982976,
+              0.215911,
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+              0.3513761,
+              0.6004494,
+              1.2484892
+            ],
+            [
+              0.220013,
+              0.2316672,
+              0.2537076,
+              0.2949559,
+              0.3916387,
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+          ]
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+            0.01,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.5758927
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0423277,
+              0.0482839,
+              0.0598844,
+              0.0851131,
+              0.1379194,
+              0.2607501,
+              0.5757141
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0424615,
+              0.0481175,
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+              0.085158,
+              0.1378974,
+              0.2607275,
+              0.5756949
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0424438,
+              0.0481688,
+              0.0601164,
+              0.0849565,
+              0.1379102,
+              0.260278,
+              0.578518
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0422118,
+              0.0478493,
+              0.0595805,
+              0.0838986,
+              0.1379245,
+              0.2593494,
+              0.5759125
+            ],
+            [
+              0.042592,
+              0.0482141,
+              0.0600242,
+              0.0839766,
+              0.1361512,
+              0.2607211,
+              0.5783816
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0483518,
+              0.0541338,
+              0.0662653,
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+              0.2657974,
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+            0.0230506,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.4974757
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0224723,
+              0.030003,
+              0.0494446,
+              0.1006797,
+              0.2340655,
+              0.5816248,
+              1.4984476
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0222724,
+              0.0297099,
+              0.0491096,
+              0.1004547,
+              0.2336471,
+              0.581054,
+              1.4944266
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0225207,
+              0.0297984,
+              0.0488227,
+              0.0997271,
+              0.2336812,
+              0.5834264,
+              1.4908595
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0251322,
+              0.03189,
+              0.0499837,
+              0.1000037,
+              0.233305,
+              0.5834459,
+              1.4900591
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0316901,
+              0.0381018,
+              0.0540013,
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+              0.2343903,
+              0.580744,
+              1.4918674
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0443452,
+              0.0507275,
+              0.0658031,
+              0.1076477,
+              0.2340751,
+              0.584381,
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+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.9218132
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4016567,
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+              0.6563933,
+              0.9262782
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.6699144,
+              0.9398158
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4480604,
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+              0.7029581,
+              0.9729683
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+            [
+              0.5199939,
+              0.5303369,
+              0.550324,
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+              0.6496943,
+              0.7743166,
+              1.0444164
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.7995336,
+              0.9239651,
+              1.1939708
+            ],
+            [
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+              1.1024778,
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.0230506,
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+              1.1308815
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0783068,
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+              0.2400853,
+              0.4890526,
+              1.1355134
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+            [
+              0.0892661,
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+              0.2508264,
+              0.4993959,
+              1.1467717
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1132986,
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+              1.1685379
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+            [
+              0.1544704,
+              0.161857,
+              0.1784198,
+              0.2173765,
+              0.3148551,
+              0.5642396,
+              1.2091961
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2115147,
+              0.2199044,
+              0.2373996,
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+              0.3738699,
+              0.622543,
+              1.2676065
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2710436,
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+              0.3035569,
+              0.3451931,
+              0.4419386,
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+              0.5810222
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0473319,
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+              0.0882212,
+              0.1409025,
+              0.2625077,
+              0.5809829
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.08832,
+              0.1413351,
+              0.2625566,
+              0.5809903
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0470484,
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+              0.2627814,
+              0.5812291
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+            [
+              0.0472219,
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+              0.1416771,
+              0.2637799,
+              0.5782431
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0472239,
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+              0.0642357,
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+              0.1414441,
+              0.2627692,
+              0.5812351
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0522147,
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+              1.4976761
+            ],
+            [
+              0.022411,
+              0.0299071,
+              0.0493412,
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+              0.234384,
+              0.582148,
+              1.4976965
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+            [
+              0.0222361,
+              0.0298023,
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+              0.2340537,
+              0.5821978,
+              1.4941851
+            ],
+            [
+              0.022324,
+              0.0297073,
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+              0.2336021,
+              0.5828959,
+              1.4943989
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0245696,
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+              0.0498084,
+              0.0993565,
+              0.2335529,
+              0.5825012,
+              1.4945254
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0301803,
+              0.0367444,
+              0.0536797,
+              0.1010093,
+              0.2339897,
+              0.5816121,
+              1.4914813
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0412765,
+              0.0479066,
+              0.0643445,
+              0.1063099,
+              0.2343002,
+              0.5842276,
+              1.4915096
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.01,
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+              0.7793169
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+            [
+              0.2831725,
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+              0.7829097
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+            [
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+              0.4136922,
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+              0.7947448
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+            [
+              0.3294826,
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+              0.8284345
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+            [
+              0.4038812,
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+              0.4300021,
+              0.4622872,
+              0.521677,
+              0.6392914,
+              0.9029044
+            ],
+            [
+              0.567225,
+              0.576278,
+              0.5940086,
+              0.6265079,
+              0.685247,
+              0.8033071,
+              1.0673233
+            ],
+            [
+              0.8926585,
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+              0.923719,
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+              1.1469274,
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+          ]
+        },
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+              1.1018468
+            ],
+            [
+              0.058227,
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+              0.2132538,
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+              0.2245469,
+              0.4720213,
+              1.1156134
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0909814,
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+            [
+              0.1200573,
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+              0.1418062,
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+              0.2747346,
+              0.5232477,
+              1.1680303
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1494811,
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+              0.3071125,
+              0.5543113,
+              1.1990636
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1571336,
+              0.1681513,
+              0.1897384,
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+              0.324989,
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+              0.571827
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0383287,
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+              0.1292278,
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+              0.5693176
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+            [
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+            [
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+            [
+              0.0383333,
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+              0.2506017,
+              0.5718093
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+            [
+              0.0399,
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+              0.1309089,
+              0.2506541,
+              0.5715045
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+            [
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+              1.4947863
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+              1.4972349
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+              0.0292386,
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+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.7521551
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+            [
+              0.2549882,
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+              0.2664145,
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+              0.7656838
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+              0.2974869,
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+            0.122474,
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+              1.096331
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+              1.1110267
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+              1.1897224
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+              0.5703767
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+              0.0383388,
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+              0.571364
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+              0.2517647,
+              0.5695313
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+              1.4938
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+            [
+              0.017898,
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+              0.5806627,
+              1.4988907
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+              0.231966,
+              0.5785505,
+              1.4937613
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+              0.0441466,
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+              0.232064,
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+        },
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+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
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+              0.7174152
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+              0.2437917,
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+              0.2322735,
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+      "value": 5.1905346e-05,
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+      "value": 5.2194777e-05,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0007833,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 6.0791751e-05,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0007838,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 6.9042028e-05,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0007833,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 6.0663964e-05,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0007834,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    }
+  ],
+  "pg_pin VGND": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VGND"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VNB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VNB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPWR": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPWR"
+  },
+  "pin A1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.0023,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002194,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0036075,
+          0.0036005,
+          0.0036012,
+          0.0036027,
+          0.0036061,
+          0.003614
+        ]
+      },
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          -0.0028975,
+          -0.0029009,
+          -0.0029087,
+          -0.0029037,
+          -0.002892,
+          -0.0028651,
+          -0.0028031
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002405
+  },
+  "pin A2": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002167,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002066,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0030097,
+          0.0030062,
+          0.0030043,
+          0.0030001,
+          0.0029903,
+          0.0029677
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0029957,
+          -0.0030004,
+          -0.0030112,
+          -0.0030111,
+          -0.0030109,
+          -0.0030103,
+          -0.0030091
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002269
+  },
+  "pin B1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002322,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002189,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0031133,
+          0.0031177,
+          0.003128,
+          0.0031284,
+          0.0031294,
+          0.0031315,
+          0.0031364
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          -0.0027035,
+          -0.0027325,
+          -0.0027993,
+          -0.0028098,
+          -0.0028342,
+          -0.0028902,
+          -0.0030195
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002455
+  },
+  "pin C1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002281,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002134,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          0.0029199,
+          0.0029174,
+          0.0029118,
+          0.0029126,
+          0.0029143,
+          0.0029182,
+          0.0029273
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0026643,
+          -0.0027064,
+          -0.0028035,
+          -0.0028064,
+          -0.0028129,
+          -0.002828,
+          -0.0028627
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002429
+  },
+  "pin D1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002272,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002073,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
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+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0020396,
+          0.0020347,
+          0.0020401,
+          0.0020525,
+          0.0020812,
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+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          -0.0014297,
+          -0.0014302,
+          -0.0014319,
+          -0.0014359,
+          -0.001445,
+          -0.0014661
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.00247
+  },
+  "pin X": {
+    "direction": "output",
+    "function": "(A1&A2) | (B1) | (C1) | (D1)",
+    "internal_power": [
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
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+              -0.2246837
+            ],
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+              -0.0741159,
+              -0.2248605
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0103902,
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+              0.0074697,
+              0.0009084,
+              -0.0185264,
+              -0.0743233,
+              -0.2250988
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102636,
+              0.009457,
+              0.0072738,
+              0.0008159,
+              -0.0187675,
+              -0.074488,
+              -0.2252614
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101066,
+              0.0093672,
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+              0.0006337,
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+              -0.0746106,
+              -0.2253822
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0100725,
+              0.0092488,
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+              0.0006608,
+              -0.018949,
+              -0.0746649,
+              -0.2254156
+            ],
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+              0.0137805,
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+              -0.0194591,
+              -0.0747607,
+              -0.2254805
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
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+            1.5
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+              0.2538324
+            ],
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+              0.0115264,
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+              0.2534116
+            ],
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+              0.011508,
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+              0.2532203
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+              0.2530546
+            ],
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+              0.0122605,
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+              0.0457864,
+              0.1022836,
+              0.2515753
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0127356,
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+              0.017033,
+              0.0249683,
+              0.046283,
+              0.1027195,
+              0.2510388
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
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+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
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+            0.2823108,
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+              -0.2221069
+            ],
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+              0.0130531,
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+              -0.2222071
+            ],
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+              0.0129586,
+              0.0122201,
+              0.009937,
+              0.0035362,
+              -0.0159329,
+              -0.0716275,
+              -0.2223277
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0128198,
+              0.0119526,
+              0.0098097,
+              0.0033853,
+              -0.0160799,
+              -0.0717303,
+              -0.2224298
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0127011,
+              0.0119806,
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+              -0.0718349,
+              -0.2225379
+            ],
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+              0.0127275,
+              0.0119196,
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+              -0.0718645,
+              -0.2225438
+            ],
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+              0.0166648,
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+              -0.0166396,
+              -0.0719411,
+              -0.2225718
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
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+            0.1224745,
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+              0.0116327,
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+              0.2538302
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115802,
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+              0.0164699,
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+              0.0467917,
+              0.1031179,
+              0.2537532
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115143,
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+              0.0163821,
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+              0.0465433,
+              0.1033242,
+              0.2526332
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115422,
+              0.0128832,
+              0.0162928,
+              0.0247455,
+              0.0463377,
+              0.1025889,
+              0.2524308
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+            [
+              0.0118091,
+              0.0129467,
+              0.0161589,
+              0.02454,
+              0.0460859,
+              0.1029897,
+              0.2523995
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0124017,
+              0.0135434,
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+              0.1022467,
+              0.2532566
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0128066,
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+              0.0465633,
+              0.1029064,
+              0.2527824
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
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+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
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+            0.1224745,
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+              0.0094805,
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+              -0.2262398
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0094008,
+              0.0086308,
+              0.0064839,
+              -2.64e-05,
+              -0.0196462,
+              -0.075629,
+              -0.2263633
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091862,
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+              -0.000116,
+              -0.0197469,
+              -0.0757724,
+              -0.2265827
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0091257,
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+              -0.0002343,
+              -0.0199125,
+              -0.0758788,
+              -0.2266737
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0090099,
+              0.0082836,
+              0.00616,
+              -0.000305,
+              -0.019952,
+              -0.0759569,
+              -0.2267433
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0089302,
+              0.0082164,
+              0.0060888,
+              -0.0003957,
+              -0.0201139,
+              -0.0760304,
+              -0.2267916
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0130669,
+              0.0117416,
+              0.0088459,
+              0.0008813,
+              -0.0203131,
+              -0.0761402,
+              -0.2268848
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "B1",
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+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
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+              0.0103044,
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+              0.2511689
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102841,
+              0.0115651,
+              0.014808,
+              0.0230013,
+              0.0444749,
+              0.1005873,
+              0.250262
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102779,
+              0.0115481,
+              0.0147571,
+              0.0229745,
+              0.0442799,
+              0.10102,
+              0.2511858
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0102064,
+              0.0114,
+              0.014571,
+              0.0227541,
+              0.0441278,
+              0.1005126,
+              0.2510446
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0103692,
+              0.0115306,
+              0.0145195,
+              0.0226319,
+              0.0437354,
+              0.1007192,
+              0.2508916
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0104404,
+              0.0115495,
+              0.0146772,
+              0.0226321,
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+              0.0997352,
+              0.2506686
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0109093,
+              0.0121038,
+              0.0150618,
+              0.0230852,
+              0.0444141,
+              0.1006361,
+              0.2500371
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+          ]
+        }
+      },
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+            0.1224745,
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+              0.0080187,
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+              -0.0769778,
+              -0.2277848
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0077837,
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+              -0.0211202,
+              -0.0771563,
+              -0.2279507
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+            [
+              0.0076731,
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+              -0.0017008,
+              -0.0213213,
+              -0.0772903,
+              -0.228099
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0075816,
+              0.0068269,
+              0.0047105,
+              -0.0017399,
+              -0.0213999,
+              -0.0773711,
+              -0.2282101
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0075268,
+              0.006752,
+              0.0045989,
+              -0.0018408,
+              -0.0215342,
+              -0.0774911,
+              -0.2282691
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0072617,
+              0.0065043,
+              0.0044476,
+              -0.0021069,
+              -0.0215162,
+              -0.077517,
+              -0.2283228
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0115211,
+              0.0103359,
+              0.0073039,
+              -0.0006592,
+              -0.0218473,
+              -0.0776371,
+              -0.2283684
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "C1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001330632,
+            0.003541162,
+            0.009423965,
+            0.02507965,
+            0.06674357,
+            0.1776222
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0096189,
+              0.0108481,
+              0.0140052,
+              0.0221474,
+              0.043401,
+              0.0994436,
+              0.2498665
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0096481,
+              0.0108752,
+              0.014024,
+              0.022173,
+              0.0433814,
+              0.10009,
+              0.2502391
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0096614,
+              0.0108676,
+              0.0140248,
+              0.0222245,
+              0.0434238,
+              0.0997738,
+              0.2492467
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0095462,
+              0.0107396,
+              0.0137826,
+              0.0218868,
+              0.043419,
+              0.0999795,
+              0.2490575
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0095344,
+              0.0107158,
+              0.0137186,
+              0.0217039,
+              0.0430581,
+              0.0992478,
+              0.2486409
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0094976,
+              0.0106352,
+              0.0136231,
+              0.0216481,
+              0.0429375,
+              0.0986866,
+              0.2494949
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0097789,
+              0.0109002,
+              0.0139516,
+              0.022025,
+              0.0433655,
+              0.0996898,
+              0.2488248
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001330632,
+            0.003541162,
+            0.009423965,
+            0.02507965,
+            0.06674357,
+            0.1776222
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0073955,
+              0.0065948,
+              0.0044413,
+              -0.0019997,
+              -0.0215802,
+              -0.0775647,
+              -0.2283854
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0071972,
+              0.0064258,
+              0.004301,
+              -0.0021751,
+              -0.0218126,
+              -0.0777864,
+              -0.2286149
+            ],
+            [
+              0.00703,
+              0.0062494,
+              0.0041518,
+              -0.0023167,
+              -0.021984,
+              -0.077958,
+              -0.2287289
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0068822,
+              0.0061267,
+              0.0039813,
+              -0.0025104,
+              -0.0221028,
+              -0.0781207,
+              -0.2289176
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0069645,
+              0.0061322,
+              0.0039712,
+              -0.0025221,
+              -0.0221978,
+              -0.0781957,
+              -0.2289515
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0074576,
+              0.0062953,
+              0.0038463,
+              -0.0025829,
+              -0.022144,
+              -0.078104,
+              -0.2288577
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0119736,
+              0.0107605,
+              0.0077056,
+              -0.0003095,
+              -0.0214073,
+              -0.0776304,
+              -0.2283276
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.001330632,
+            0.003541162,
+            0.009423965,
+            0.02507965,
+            0.06674357,
+            0.1776222
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0072875,
+              0.0084437,
+              0.0114652,
+              0.0194534,
+              0.0405207,
+              0.0964192,
+              0.2455421
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0072464,
+              0.0084078,
+              0.0114241,
+              0.0193578,
+              0.0405588,
+              0.0965094,
+              0.2459205
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0071191,
+              0.0082877,
+              0.0112925,
+              0.0192994,
+              0.0404221,
+              0.0964817,
+              0.2453348
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0069421,
+              0.0080936,
+              0.0111151,
+              0.0190415,
+              0.0402272,
+              0.0963207,
+              0.2469394
+            ],
+            [
+              0.006887,
+              0.0080596,
+              0.0110694,
+              0.0189315,
+              0.0399065,
+              0.0962699,
+              0.246013
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0068799,
+              0.0079954,
+              0.0111391,
+              0.0190935,
+              0.0400993,
+              0.0957478,
+              0.2456823
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0074771,
+              0.0085173,
+              0.0115898,
+              0.0196316,
+              0.0407127,
+              0.0967112,
+              0.2465381
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "max_capacitance": 0.177622,
+    "max_transition": 1.510239,
+    "power_down_function": "(!VPWR + VGND)",
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "timing": [
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.2938701,
+              0.302575,
+              0.3199605,
+              0.352828,
+              0.4151101,
+              0.5399952,
+              0.8252479
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2970534,
+              0.3057387,
+              0.3233512,
+              0.3560741,
+              0.4180156,
+              0.54336,
+              0.828618
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3085333,
+              0.3171356,
+              0.3346412,
+              0.3671246,
+              0.4294291,
+              0.5546238,
+              0.8393386
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3400217,
+              0.3486618,
+              0.3662851,
+              0.3996576,
+              0.4607059,
+              0.5861991,
+              0.8712452
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4100188,
+              0.418653,
+              0.4362032,
+              0.4692704,
+              0.5307492,
+              0.6562712,
+              0.9412402
+            ],
+            [
+              0.5542865,
+              0.5629099,
+              0.5807465,
+              0.6134906,
+              0.6760155,
+              0.8011577,
+              1.086098
+            ],
+            [
+              0.8253072,
+              0.8350314,
+              0.8543213,
+              0.8907072,
+              0.9570101,
+              1.0871226,
+              1.3761303
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0639487,
+              0.0707114,
+              0.0865663,
+              0.1246108,
+              0.2200813,
+              0.4678494,
+              1.1236437
+            ],
+            [
+              0.068085,
+              0.0748192,
+              0.0905996,
+              0.1285887,
+              0.2242199,
+              0.4715456,
+              1.1274988
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0781699,
+              0.0848581,
+              0.1004658,
+              0.1382347,
+              0.2338001,
+              0.4811228,
+              1.1372085
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0998992,
+              0.1065096,
+              0.1219161,
+              0.1589916,
+              0.2543356,
+              0.5011379,
+              1.1576282
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1290769,
+              0.136033,
+              0.1517333,
+              0.1886703,
+              0.2835585,
+              0.5312061,
+              1.1872222
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1573613,
+              0.1660612,
+              0.1824705,
+              0.2200921,
+              0.3143998,
+              0.5619181,
+              1.2184931
+            ],
+            [
+              0.153144,
+              0.1640616,
+              0.1857446,
+              0.2269109,
+              0.3199811,
+              0.5666187,
+              1.2217583
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0365351,
+              0.0420126,
+              0.0538349,
+              0.0785483,
+              0.1327988,
+              0.2591999,
+              0.6075847
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0364492,
+              0.042073,
+              0.0537759,
+              0.078844,
+              0.1329842,
+              0.2597269,
+              0.6030865
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0364853,
+              0.0420349,
+              0.0536382,
+              0.0780874,
+              0.132685,
+              0.2596826,
+              0.6034908
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0363647,
+              0.0417626,
+              0.0535657,
+              0.0779454,
+              0.1317417,
+              0.2608707,
+              0.6041834
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0363191,
+              0.0419797,
+              0.0535844,
+              0.0776514,
+              0.1317124,
+              0.2603971,
+              0.6039059
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0377039,
+              0.0429275,
+              0.0546028,
+              0.0796145,
+              0.1320806,
+              0.2601213,
+              0.6080565
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0434493,
+              0.0493011,
+              0.0620858,
+              0.0870538,
+              0.1429952,
+              0.2705442,
+              0.611329
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0205795,
+              0.0275053,
+              0.0457029,
+              0.0943791,
+              0.2247989,
+              0.5707478,
+              1.4967658
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0205364,
+              0.0274139,
+              0.0456307,
+              0.0943932,
+              0.2245401,
+              0.5716166,
+              1.5010952
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0202967,
+              0.0272008,
+              0.0453547,
+              0.0942528,
+              0.2243894,
+              0.5712437,
+              1.4995926
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0207932,
+              0.0274218,
+              0.0453128,
+              0.093535,
+              0.2245744,
+              0.5720822,
+              1.5016614
+            ],
+            [
+              0.023789,
+              0.0297544,
+              0.0464702,
+              0.0939114,
+              0.2235119,
+              0.5722191,
+              1.5019872
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0303386,
+              0.0363649,
+              0.0516368,
+              0.0953658,
+              0.2246637,
+              0.5708476,
+              1.5027951
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0422169,
+              0.048993,
+              0.0636135,
+              0.1023957,
+              0.2250119,
+              0.5755435,
+              1.4962466
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.332508,
+              0.3420324,
+              0.3609328,
+              0.3955718,
+              0.4593015,
+              0.5863525,
+              0.8728992
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3371064,
+              0.3466433,
+              0.3655803,
+              0.4002904,
+              0.4641131,
+              0.5902775,
+              0.8767269
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3499381,
+              0.3593924,
+              0.3783623,
+              0.4128127,
+              0.4765112,
+              0.6036138,
+              0.8902682
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3805226,
+              0.390033,
+              0.4089489,
+              0.4431126,
+              0.506919,
+              0.6340543,
+              0.9205206
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4452978,
+              0.454803,
+              0.4737037,
+              0.508379,
+              0.5719948,
+              0.6983848,
+              0.9850565
+            ],
+            [
+              0.5781495,
+              0.5877254,
+              0.6067788,
+              0.6415162,
+              0.7054003,
+              0.8325989,
+              1.119142
+            ],
+            [
+              0.8277365,
+              0.8383166,
+              0.85904,
+              0.8963363,
+              0.9635914,
+              1.0945072,
+              1.3838167
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0673789,
+              0.0741614,
+              0.0899009,
+              0.1280119,
+              0.2232997,
+              0.4713209,
+              1.1260276
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0718541,
+              0.0785911,
+              0.0943936,
+              0.1322887,
+              0.2277991,
+              0.4755512,
+              1.1312372
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0820633,
+              0.0887505,
+              0.1044372,
+              0.1422927,
+              0.2377354,
+              0.4855345,
+              1.1385738
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1038,
+              0.1103825,
+              0.1258095,
+              0.1631467,
+              0.2581567,
+              0.5063449,
+              1.1590052
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1374127,
+              0.144396,
+              0.1602685,
+              0.1975118,
+              0.2921257,
+              0.5404389,
+              1.1944175
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1766483,
+              0.1851248,
+              0.2023599,
+              0.2400966,
+              0.3346661,
+              0.5816899,
+              1.2386028
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1979182,
+              0.2088694,
+              0.2306051,
+              0.2715722,
+              0.3657394,
+              0.6131299,
+              1.2665481
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0412893,
+              0.0471038,
+              0.0583065,
+              0.0824847,
+              0.1351501,
+              0.2636125,
+              0.6099893
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0412281,
+              0.0471047,
+              0.0580238,
+              0.0825101,
+              0.1363022,
+              0.2645705,
+              0.6080808
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0413987,
+              0.0471146,
+              0.0580762,
+              0.082983,
+              0.1361658,
+              0.264311,
+              0.6059994
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0413914,
+              0.0466276,
+              0.0582151,
+              0.0827369,
+              0.1366119,
+              0.2648189,
+              0.6086887
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0411373,
+              0.0469772,
+              0.0580543,
+              0.0823982,
+              0.1362881,
+              0.2645136,
+              0.6062056
+            ],
+            [
+              0.042369,
+              0.0477814,
+              0.0591003,
+              0.0824879,
+              0.1358999,
+              0.2637816,
+              0.6099344
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0473731,
+              0.053461,
+              0.0658148,
+              0.0895273,
+              0.1434693,
+              0.2720747,
+              0.6137628
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A2",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
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+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
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+              0.0206069,
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+              1.5008506
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0204672,
+              0.0273513,
+              0.045641,
+              0.0944512,
+              0.2247254,
+              0.5713265,
+              1.4980082
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0203723,
+              0.0272057,
+              0.0453321,
+              0.0943264,
+              0.2246488,
+              0.5719467,
+              1.4972018
+            ],
+            [
+              0.020598,
+              0.0272799,
+              0.0450441,
+              0.0935412,
+              0.2238559,
+              0.5726556,
+              1.4962059
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0236307,
+              0.0297322,
+              0.0463905,
+              0.0936534,
+              0.2239798,
+              0.5714513,
+              1.5029196
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0296209,
+              0.035733,
+              0.0507836,
+              0.0951666,
+              0.2246692,
+              0.5704319,
+              1.4992159
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0408683,
+              0.0471462,
+              0.0621007,
+              0.101696,
+              0.2252152,
+              0.5740374,
+              1.4966601
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+            0.00133063,
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+              0.7507969
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2369557,
+              0.2450998,
+              0.2615697,
+              0.2927717,
+              0.3510111,
+              0.4716367,
+              0.7542246
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2495344,
+              0.2576764,
+              0.2741558,
+              0.3048948,
+              0.3639326,
+              0.4844514,
+              0.7658444
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2805171,
+              0.2885888,
+              0.3050522,
+              0.3362217,
+              0.3950572,
+              0.5152019,
+              0.7970091
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3490192,
+              0.3570901,
+              0.3735293,
+              0.40437,
+              0.4634975,
+              0.5841552,
+              0.8654513
+            ],
+            [
+              0.49421,
+              0.5027254,
+              0.5199386,
+              0.5520808,
+              0.6115174,
+              0.7330426,
+              1.0151966
+            ],
+            [
+              0.7716095,
+              0.7811198,
+              0.801078,
+              0.8375221,
+              0.902648,
+              1.0306088,
+              1.3158642
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.1008428
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0538284,
+              0.0596694,
+              0.074036,
+              0.110134,
+              0.2036871,
+              0.4496308,
+              1.1016978
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0643482,
+              0.070077,
+              0.0842827,
+              0.1201793,
+              0.2134386,
+              0.4603803,
+              1.1156206
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0831483,
+              0.0888509,
+              0.103035,
+              0.1387852,
+              0.232123,
+              0.4779649,
+              1.1317588
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1046665,
+              0.1109367,
+              0.1253604,
+              0.1609791,
+              0.2540359,
+              0.5013047,
+              1.1565757
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1182717,
+              0.1261261,
+              0.1424325,
+              0.1783817,
+              0.2710185,
+              0.5171527,
+              1.1727533
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0905667,
+              0.1011357,
+              0.1223747,
+              0.162188,
+              0.2550634,
+              0.5014793,
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.599449
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0331814,
+              0.0384295,
+              0.0494521,
+              0.0724611,
+              0.1247023,
+              0.252615,
+              0.5997514
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0331821,
+              0.0384735,
+              0.0493974,
+              0.0736067,
+              0.1252624,
+              0.2518596,
+              0.6006889
+            ],
+            [
+              0.03318,
+              0.0384288,
+              0.0494319,
+              0.072522,
+              0.1252686,
+              0.2525284,
+              0.5983279
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0330637,
+              0.0384451,
+              0.0496264,
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+              0.1252601,
+              0.252222,
+              0.6031924
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0362795,
+              0.0415762,
+              0.0525797,
+              0.0754096,
+              0.1267216,
+              0.2534233,
+              0.603184
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0442494,
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+              0.0622872,
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+              0.2648644,
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+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              1.5003491
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0170715,
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+              0.0419635,
+              0.0909349,
+              0.2214677,
+              0.5715085,
+              1.5003144
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0169474,
+              0.0236235,
+              0.041782,
+              0.0908794,
+              0.2212249,
+              0.5708697,
+              1.5001501
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0180145,
+              0.0244063,
+              0.0419603,
+              0.0906287,
+              0.2219991,
+              0.5696502,
+              1.4962935
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0213638,
+              0.0269886,
+              0.0432382,
+              0.0912537,
+              0.2209168,
+              0.5709624,
+              1.4991813
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0287767,
+              0.034091,
+              0.0484852,
+              0.0924636,
+              0.2223502,
+              0.5686401,
+              1.4996666
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0406081,
+              0.0474008,
+              0.0614725,
+              0.1001125,
+              0.2233801,
+              0.5729703,
+              1.4952601
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+            0.177622
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+            [
+              0.2097823,
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+              0.7265629
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2124513,
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+              0.2682617,
+              0.3272039,
+              0.447109,
+              0.7289347
+            ],
+            [
+              0.223632,
+              0.2316542,
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+              0.337515,
+              0.458428,
+              0.7399009
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2534105,
+              0.2615056,
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+              0.3091152,
+              0.3675525,
+              0.4882122,
+              0.769543
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3234925,
+              0.3315542,
+              0.3481335,
+              0.3790886,
+              0.438139,
+              0.5588396,
+              0.8401764
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4749683,
+              0.4836242,
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+              0.5939903,
+              0.7156254,
+              0.9973842
+            ],
+            [
+              0.7540545,
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+              0.7857319,
+              0.8238976,
+              0.8915063,
+              1.0165011,
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
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+            0.122474,
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+              1.0960666
+            ],
+            [
+              0.051756,
+              0.057357,
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+              0.1068721,
+              0.2000217,
+              0.4465205,
+              1.0983821
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0619227,
+              0.0674483,
+              0.0812704,
+              0.1169734,
+              0.2099412,
+              0.4557768,
+              1.1082508
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0789604,
+              0.0846115,
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+              0.1339435,
+              0.2269508,
+              0.4730847,
+              1.1265306
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0974481,
+              0.1037399,
+              0.1178866,
+              0.1530851,
+              0.2461295,
+              0.4926519,
+              1.1461092
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1056225,
+              0.1137894,
+              0.1297136,
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+              0.2585576,
+              0.5042223,
+              1.1597153
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0682197,
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+              0.1007769,
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+              0.2339013,
+              0.4802602,
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+          ]
+        },
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+              0.5989971
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0330362,
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+              0.0491621,
+              0.0723614,
+              0.1253517,
+              0.2512538,
+              0.5984149
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+            [
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+              0.04944,
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+              0.124676,
+              0.2514262,
+              0.5984891
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0332202,
+              0.0384092,
+              0.0495855,
+              0.0730148,
+              0.1257548,
+              0.2526438,
+              0.598489
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0333456,
+              0.0385468,
+              0.0497378,
+              0.0725473,
+              0.124573,
+              0.2519863,
+              0.5992565
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0373102,
+              0.0427015,
+              0.0534974,
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+              0.1289654,
+              0.2542067,
+              0.5996087
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0503357,
+              0.0560333,
+              0.0682603,
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+              0.2680057,
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+              1.5008327
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0162134,
+              0.0228306,
+              0.0408216,
+              0.0899077,
+              0.2216789,
+              0.5695724,
+              1.5015084
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0162431,
+              0.0228383,
+              0.040867,
+              0.0900647,
+              0.2210483,
+              0.571232,
+              1.5034252
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0175458,
+              0.0237824,
+              0.0412691,
+              0.0901676,
+              0.2215416,
+              0.5701278,
+              1.4984566
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0213129,
+              0.0267865,
+              0.0428129,
+              0.0907163,
+              0.2207175,
+              0.5716262,
+              1.5029569
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0288561,
+              0.034293,
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+              0.0921573,
+              0.2228116,
+              0.5674713,
+              1.4995146
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0415248,
+              0.0488463,
+              0.0630262,
+              0.1007565,
+              0.2232211,
+              0.5735552,
+              1.4899907
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
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+            0.122474,
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+            [
+              0.1704973,
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+              0.2850552,
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+              0.6870821
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1715977,
+              0.1796706,
+              0.196285,
+              0.2274081,
+              0.2861016,
+              0.4067036,
+              0.6881367
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1812234,
+              0.189299,
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+              0.2366711,
+              0.295634,
+              0.4163843,
+              0.6982644
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2078907,
+              0.2158898,
+              0.2324101,
+              0.2635366,
+              0.3224917,
+              0.442938,
+              0.7246177
+            ],
+            [
+              0.275662,
+              0.2836556,
+              0.2999708,
+              0.3308141,
+              0.3896173,
+              0.5101486,
+              0.7918219
+            ],
+            [
+              0.4197429,
+              0.428908,
+              0.4471734,
+              0.480241,
+              0.5392711,
+              0.6607375,
+              0.9423536
+            ],
+            [
+              0.6644087,
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+              0.6992318,
+              0.7404883,
+              0.8095689,
+              0.9350059,
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+          ]
+        },
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+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
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+              1.0854043
+            ],
+            [
+              0.046943,
+              0.0523096,
+              0.0657831,
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+              0.1926191,
+              0.438385,
+              1.0949551
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.0756167,
+              0.1106405,
+              0.2029371,
+              0.4479376,
+              1.1140153
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0712009,
+              0.0767953,
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+              0.2191466,
+              0.4636406,
+              1.1263557
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0856497,
+              0.0920315,
+              0.1062271,
+              0.1412119,
+              0.2336907,
+              0.4793017,
+              1.1343108
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0869622,
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+              0.1122742,
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+              0.2401668,
+              0.4869552,
+              1.1388425
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.051528,
+              0.0745475,
+              0.1161288,
+              0.2078956,
+              0.4542736,
+              1.1072629
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
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+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+              0.6030115
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+            [
+              0.0332014,
+              0.0382503,
+              0.0494585,
+              0.0723468,
+              0.1256994,
+              0.2521997,
+              0.6031577
+            ],
+            [
+              0.033108,
+              0.0381088,
+              0.0493783,
+              0.0726258,
+              0.1249831,
+              0.2522693,
+              0.5992311
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0331119,
+              0.0385352,
+              0.0496731,
+              0.072537,
+              0.1254696,
+              0.2523574,
+              0.6017077
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0326007,
+              0.03803,
+              0.0491803,
+              0.0728074,
+              0.1246364,
+              0.2522703,
+              0.6034553
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0409052,
+              0.0458439,
+              0.0567731,
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+              0.129578,
+              0.2543728,
+              0.5991379
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+            [
+              0.0577282,
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+              0.077175,
+              0.1010245,
+              0.1492586,
+              0.2655713,
+              0.608253
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00133063,
+            0.00354116,
+            0.00942396,
+            0.0250797,
+            0.0667436,
+            0.177622
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.015717,
+              0.0223708,
+              0.0406222,
+              0.090002,
+              0.2212851,
+              0.5731213,
+              1.4958724
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0156987,
+              0.0223455,
+              0.0405197,
+              0.0901411,
+              0.2211587,
+              0.5726378,
+              1.5102388
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0159347,
+              0.0224736,
+              0.0406395,
+              0.0899965,
+              0.2213698,
+              0.5708414,
+              1.5084731
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0176703,
+              0.0237748,
+              0.0413362,
+              0.0898276,
+              0.2210787,
+              0.5730069,
+              1.5065122
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0217472,
+              0.0273326,
+              0.0429301,
+              0.0906217,
+              0.2203527,
+              0.5713672,
+              1.5079181
+            ],
+            [
+              0.030669,
+              0.0360046,
+              0.0499252,
+              0.0923247,
+              0.2227297,
+              0.5675783,
+              1.502328
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0448803,
+              0.0520777,
+              0.0664352,
+              0.10328,
+              0.2231187,
+              0.5748276,
+              1.4923781
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_n40C_1v76.lib.json b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_n40C_1v76.lib.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d87108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cells/a2111o/sky130_fd_sc_hd__a2111o_1__ff_n40C_1v76.lib.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3016 @@
+  "area": 11.2608,
+  "cell_footprint": "a2111o",
+  "cell_leakage_power": 0.001119943,
+  "driver_waveform_fall": "ramp",
+  "driver_waveform_rise": "ramp",
+  "leakage_power": [
+    {
+      "value": 9.7617667e-05,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001254,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017897,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0018867,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001256,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017878,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 9.8052175e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001254,
+      "when": "!A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
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+      "value": 0.0017897,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
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+      "value": 0.0019075,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001256,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017878,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 9.8052175e-05,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001254,
+      "when": "!A1&A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017897,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0019015,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0001256,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
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+    {
+      "value": 0.0017878,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 9.8052175e-05,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001254,
+      "when": "A1&!A2&B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017887,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0001362,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&!C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017877,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.000125,
+      "when": "A1&A2&!B1&C1&!D1"
+    },
+    {
+      "value": 0.0017878,
+      "when": "A1&A2&B1&!C1&D1"
+    }
+  ],
+  "pg_pin VGND": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VGND"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VNB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_ground",
+    "voltage_name": "VNB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPB": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPB"
+  },
+  "pg_pin VPWR": {
+    "pg_type": "primary_power",
+    "voltage_name": "VPWR"
+  },
+  "pin A1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002355,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002252,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0041821,
+          0.0041746,
+          0.0041762,
+          0.0041801,
+          0.0041888,
+          0.0042091
+        ]
+      },
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+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
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+          -0.003344,
+          -0.0033562,
+          -0.0033511,
+          -0.0033394,
+          -0.0033123,
+          -0.0032499
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002458
+  },
+  "pin A2": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002215,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002115,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0035044,
+          0.0034951,
+          0.0034965,
+          0.0034999,
+          0.0035077,
+          0.0035256
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0035047,
+          -0.0035032,
+          -0.0034998,
+          -0.0035001,
+          -0.003501,
+          -0.0035028,
+          -0.0035071
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002314
+  },
+  "pin B1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002372,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002237,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.003639,
+          0.003634,
+          0.0036343,
+          0.0036351,
+          0.003637,
+          0.0036413
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0031392,
+          -0.003176,
+          -0.0032608,
+          -0.0032727,
+          -0.0032999,
+          -0.0033627,
+          -0.0035074
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002506
+  },
+  "pin C1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002328,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002175,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0033807,
+          0.0033844,
+          0.0033931,
+          0.0033907,
+          0.0033852,
+          0.0033725,
+          0.0033433
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
+        "values": [
+          -0.0030905,
+          -0.0031436,
+          -0.003266,
+          -0.0032696,
+          -0.0032779,
+          -0.003297,
+          -0.0033411
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002481
+  },
+  "pin D1": {
+    "capacitance": 0.002324,
+    "clock": "false",
+    "direction": "input",
+    "fall_capacitance": 0.002121,
+    "internal_power": {
+      "fall_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          0.0023389,
+          0.0023307,
+          0.0023364,
+          0.0023495,
+          0.0023796,
+          0.0024489
+        ]
+      },
+      "rise_power power_inputs_1": {
+        "index_1": [
+          0.01,
+          0.0230506,
+          0.0531329,
+          0.122474,
+          0.282311,
+          0.650743,
+          1.5
+        ],
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+          -0.0015989,
+          -0.0016014,
+          -0.0016073,
+          -0.0016092,
+          -0.0016134,
+          -0.0016232,
+          -0.0016457
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "max_transition": 1.5,
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "rise_capacitance": 0.002526
+  },
+  "pin X": {
+    "direction": "output",
+    "function": "(A1&A2) | (B1) | (C1) | (D1)",
+    "internal_power": [
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
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+            [
+              0.0125694,
+              0.0115502,
+              0.0090238,
+              0.0012043,
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+              -0.0942893,
+              -0.2893591
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0124122,
+              0.0114474,
+              0.0087725,
+              0.0009492,
+              -0.023473,
+              -0.0945419,
+              -0.289605
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0121742,
+              0.0111725,
+              0.0085867,
+              0.000761,
+              -0.0237363,
+              -0.0947586,
+              -0.2898573
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0119704,
+              0.0110073,
+              0.0083579,
+              0.0005525,
+              -0.0239387,
+              -0.0949348,
+              -0.290052
+            ],
+            [
+              0.011812,
+              0.0108266,
+              0.0082524,
+              0.0003573,
+              -0.0240819,
+              -0.0950993,
+              -0.2901476
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0116298,
+              0.0106224,
+              0.0081975,
+              0.0002815,
+              -0.0241809,
+              -0.0951465,
+              -0.2901846
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0172159,
+              0.0157623,
+              0.0120575,
+              0.0022951,
+              -0.0239748,
+              -0.0952549,
+              -0.2902739
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
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+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
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+              0.0134229,
+              0.0150726,
+              0.0192599,
+              0.0296717,
+              0.0566653,
+              0.1277825,
+              0.3211863
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0133408,
+              0.0149896,
+              0.0191696,
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+              0.0566187,
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+              0.3214789
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+            [
+              0.0133103,
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+              0.056264,
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+              0.3225281
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0133136,
+              0.0149259,
+              0.018939,
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+              0.0560136,
+              0.1280164,
+              0.3211398
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0138382,
+              0.0151865,
+              0.0187049,
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+              0.0556987,
+              0.1272873,
+              0.3220381
+            ],
+            [
+              0.014784,
+              0.0161235,
+              0.019552,
+              0.0292562,
+              0.0555272,
+              0.1267529,
+              0.3216542
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0161062,
+              0.0173651,
+              0.0209255,
+              0.0306196,
+              0.0566383,
+              0.1277979,
+              0.3217174
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
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+            0.009989868,
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+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
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+            [
+              0.0154493,
+              0.0144545,
+              0.0118266,
+              0.0039,
+              -0.0204222,
+              -0.0913224,
+              -0.2863205
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0153582,
+              0.0143756,
+              0.0117199,
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+              -0.0914476,
+              -0.2864493
+            ],
+            [
+              0.015134,
+              0.014129,
+              0.0114269,
+              0.0036626,
+              -0.0207158,
+              -0.091584,
+              -0.2866046
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0151043,
+              0.0141179,
+              0.0114179,
+              0.0034128,
+              -0.0208455,
+              -0.0916933,
+              -0.286711
+            ],
+            [
+              0.014908,
+              0.0139068,
+              0.0112314,
+              0.0034165,
+              -0.0209688,
+              -0.0918356,
+              -0.2868127
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0148388,
+              0.0138322,
+              0.0112056,
+              0.0033081,
+              -0.0210128,
+              -0.091871,
+              -0.2868507
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0207943,
+              0.0193079,
+              0.0155226,
+              0.0057006,
+              -0.0207772,
+              -0.0919604,
+              -0.2869178
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A2",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0135227,
+              0.0151866,
+              0.0193612,
+              0.0297665,
+              0.0568073,
+              0.1284953,
+              0.3216536
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0134312,
+              0.0150797,
+              0.0192427,
+              0.0296432,
+              0.0566429,
+              0.1284777,
+              0.3212745
+            ],
+            [
+              0.013374,
+              0.0149988,
+              0.0191566,
+              0.0295044,
+              0.0565196,
+              0.1277781,
+              0.3223801
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0134454,
+              0.0150171,
+              0.0190817,
+              0.0293175,
+              0.0560451,
+              0.1276399,
+              0.3220598
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0141231,
+              0.015477,
+              0.019071,
+              0.0292041,
+              0.0561038,
+              0.1274756,
+              0.3219728
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0147193,
+              0.0160668,
+              0.0196107,
+              0.0293293,
+              0.0559486,
+              0.1269765,
+              0.3218453
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0158519,
+              0.0170971,
+              0.0206733,
+              0.0304316,
+              0.0570566,
+              0.1283954,
+              0.3215447
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0110583,
+              0.0101077,
+              0.0075627,
+              -0.0003394,
+              -0.0249179,
+              -0.0961504,
+              -0.2912667
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0108746,
+              0.0099081,
+              0.0073833,
+              -0.0004917,
+              -0.0251358,
+              -0.0963551,
+              -0.2914665
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0106779,
+              0.0097455,
+              0.0072467,
+              -0.0006644,
+              -0.025264,
+              -0.0965255,
+              -0.2916359
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0105722,
+              0.0096306,
+              0.0071197,
+              -0.0007629,
+              -0.025425,
+              -0.0966388,
+              -0.2917463
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0104891,
+              0.0095524,
+              0.0070073,
+              -0.0008955,
+              -0.0255463,
+              -0.0967322,
+              -0.2918081
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0109976,
+              0.0096024,
+              0.0064988,
+              -0.0011139,
+              -0.0256356,
+              -0.0968119,
+              -0.2918678
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0158613,
+              0.0144011,
+              0.0106496,
+              0.000883,
+              -0.0252925,
+              -0.0968677,
+              -0.2918798
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "B1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0118894,
+              0.0133889,
+              0.0172676,
+              0.0272825,
+              0.0536817,
+              0.1255462,
+              0.3181491
+            ],
+            [
+              0.011877,
+              0.0133533,
+              0.0172165,
+              0.0272193,
+              0.0538876,
+              0.1250017,
+              0.318449
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0118742,
+              0.0133467,
+              0.0171785,
+              0.0271621,
+              0.0536966,
+              0.1255679,
+              0.319603
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0117853,
+              0.0132256,
+              0.0169212,
+              0.0268911,
+              0.0534349,
+              0.1248035,
+              0.3195433
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0120439,
+              0.013393,
+              0.0170513,
+              0.02676,
+              0.0532836,
+              0.1246072,
+              0.3194137
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0123573,
+              0.0137043,
+              0.0173072,
+              0.0270409,
+              0.05324,
+              0.1248951,
+              0.3189049
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0137746,
+              0.0152396,
+              0.0187892,
+              0.0284791,
+              0.0548043,
+              0.1261418,
+              0.3171682
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0092377,
+              0.0081652,
+              0.0057491,
+              -0.0020819,
+              -0.0267253,
+              -0.0979551,
+              -0.2930544
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0090197,
+              0.0080912,
+              0.0055453,
+              -0.0022577,
+              -0.0269389,
+              -0.098174,
+              -0.2932612
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0088801,
+              0.007931,
+              0.0053792,
+              -0.0024641,
+              -0.0271178,
+              -0.0983325,
+              -0.2934401
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0087501,
+              0.0078021,
+              0.0052777,
+              -0.0026082,
+              -0.027267,
+              -0.0984594,
+              -0.2935613
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0087369,
+              0.0077728,
+              0.0051284,
+              -0.0027368,
+              -0.0273355,
+              -0.098567,
+              -0.2936321
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0096803,
+              0.0082808,
+              0.0046169,
+              -0.0028254,
+              -0.0273687,
+              -0.0985945,
+              -0.2936717
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0146439,
+              0.0131508,
+              0.0093461,
+              -0.0005045,
+              -0.0269876,
+              -0.0983861,
+              -0.2933389
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "C1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0110346,
+              0.012471,
+              0.0162603,
+              0.0261811,
+              0.0526057,
+              0.1239856,
+              0.3172
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0110741,
+              0.0125117,
+              0.016282,
+              0.0261914,
+              0.0527764,
+              0.1244674,
+              0.3185702
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0111154,
+              0.0125298,
+              0.0162157,
+              0.0261638,
+              0.0526689,
+              0.1239749,
+              0.317085
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0109797,
+              0.0123773,
+              0.0160146,
+              0.0258682,
+              0.0524081,
+              0.1237254,
+              0.3167188
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0110854,
+              0.0124363,
+              0.0160147,
+              0.025724,
+              0.0522477,
+              0.1240039,
+              0.3177949
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0113033,
+              0.0126701,
+              0.0162917,
+              0.0259213,
+              0.0523559,
+              0.1229153,
+              0.3180015
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0126058,
+              0.0139018,
+              0.0175304,
+              0.0271308,
+              0.0535774,
+              0.1245424,
+              0.3184997
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      {
+        "fall_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0084142,
+              0.0074627,
+              0.005019,
+              -0.0028742,
+              -0.0274623,
+              -0.0987344,
+              -0.2938244
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0082139,
+              0.0072523,
+              0.0047282,
+              -0.0031402,
+              -0.027731,
+              -0.0989973,
+              -0.2941248
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0080462,
+              0.0071085,
+              0.0045758,
+              -0.0033524,
+              -0.027921,
+              -0.0991573,
+              -0.2942382
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0078614,
+              0.0069418,
+              0.0044019,
+              -0.003535,
+              -0.0281009,
+              -0.0993128,
+              -0.294396
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0081355,
+              0.0071972,
+              0.0044814,
+              -0.0034757,
+              -0.0280889,
+              -0.0992848,
+              -0.2943252
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0111088,
+              0.0096505,
+              0.0059268,
+              -0.0033543,
+              -0.027691,
+              -0.0988518,
+              -0.2938483
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0158814,
+              0.0145977,
+              0.0103777,
+              0.0006853,
+              -0.0258592,
+              -0.0974891,
+              -0.292311
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "D1",
+        "rise_power power_outputs_1": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.02305058,
+            0.05313293,
+            0.1224745,
+            0.2823108,
+            0.6507428,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.003681542,
+            0.009989868,
+            0.02710751,
+            0.07355624,
+            0.1995949
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0082429,
+              0.009597,
+              0.0132011,
+              0.0228235,
+              0.0488738,
+              0.1192738,
+              0.3130526
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0081873,
+              0.0095402,
+              0.0131529,
+              0.0228124,
+              0.0491103,
+              0.1201488,
+              0.3136836
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0081052,
+              0.0094542,
+              0.0130765,
+              0.0227322,
+              0.0489637,
+              0.1201248,
+              0.3147516
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0079604,
+              0.009317,
+              0.0129249,
+              0.0225583,
+              0.048826,
+              0.1202211,
+              0.3133138
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0080784,
+              0.0094364,
+              0.0130427,
+              0.0225097,
+              0.0486141,
+              0.1200395,
+              0.3137554
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0083701,
+              0.0097094,
+              0.0132979,
+              0.0229327,
+              0.0490581,
+              0.1196199,
+              0.3134123
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0101294,
+              0.0114289,
+              0.0149504,
+              0.024608,
+              0.0507694,
+              0.122154,
+              0.31491
+            ]
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "max_capacitance": 0.199595,
+    "max_transition": 1.509341,
+    "power_down_function": "(!VPWR + VGND)",
+    "related_ground_pin": "VGND",
+    "related_power_pin": "VPWR",
+    "timing": [
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.00368154,
+            0.00998987,
+            0.0271075,
+            0.0735562,
+            0.199595
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.2447661,
+              0.2524758,
+              0.2686577,
+              0.3003792,
+              0.3615848,
+              0.4890257,
+              0.7914788
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2478894,
+              0.2555832,
+              0.2718785,
+              0.3031622,
+              0.3647148,
+              0.4922311,
+              0.7938741
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2590537,
+              0.2667268,
+              0.2829683,
+              0.3142534,
+              0.3758478,
+              0.5033368,
+              0.8049878
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2882782,
+              0.2959665,
+              0.3122587,
+              0.3439363,
+              0.4047478,
+              0.5324568,
+              0.834783
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3503939,
+              0.3580588,
+              0.3744144,
+              0.4058741,
+              0.467114,
+              0.5945438,
+              0.8970525
+            ],
+            [
+              0.472061,
+              0.4801569,
+              0.4969951,
+              0.5296931,
+              0.5916739,
+              0.7200358,
+              1.0225157
+            ],
+            [
+              0.6907981,
+              0.699593,
+              0.7180983,
+              0.753658,
+              0.8201948,
+              0.9549319,
+              1.2607448
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "cell_rise del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.00368154,
+            0.00998987,
+            0.0271075,
+            0.0735562,
+            0.199595
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0583168,
+              0.0646182,
+              0.0795756,
+              0.1158896,
+              0.2083542,
+              0.4525068,
+              1.1130978
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0621113,
+              0.0684285,
+              0.0833138,
+              0.1195243,
+              0.2121432,
+              0.4564575,
+              1.115369
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0716553,
+              0.0778463,
+              0.0924915,
+              0.1285023,
+              0.2209499,
+              0.465777,
+              1.1242215
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0904888,
+              0.0965675,
+              0.111222,
+              0.1466283,
+              0.2386981,
+              0.48362,
+              1.1412999
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1124447,
+              0.119044,
+              0.1332785,
+              0.1691069,
+              0.2609055,
+              0.5059324,
+              1.1667796
+            ],
+            [
+              0.1231901,
+              0.1313905,
+              0.1483089,
+              0.1838925,
+              0.2752943,
+              0.5200463,
+              1.181642
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0842117,
+              0.0949951,
+              0.1165321,
+              0.15629,
+              0.2461403,
+              0.4906892,
+              1.1505865
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "fall_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
+            0.650743,
+            1.5
+          ],
+          "index_2": [
+            0.0005,
+            0.00135675,
+            0.00368154,
+            0.00998987,
+            0.0271075,
+            0.0735562,
+            0.199595
+          ],
+          "values": [
+            [
+              0.0311593,
+              0.0363957,
+              0.0481601,
+              0.0726005,
+              0.1268085,
+              0.2602522,
+              0.6355909
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0313086,
+              0.036562,
+              0.0482195,
+              0.0731478,
+              0.127454,
+              0.2609116,
+              0.6359452
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0314101,
+              0.0366631,
+              0.0482282,
+              0.0731678,
+              0.1276972,
+              0.2611585,
+              0.6362433
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0311075,
+              0.0364456,
+              0.0478422,
+              0.0729686,
+              0.1280253,
+              0.2614201,
+              0.6332351
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0311876,
+              0.0366378,
+              0.0482459,
+              0.0724041,
+              0.1266942,
+              0.2616841,
+              0.6361054
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0334635,
+              0.039083,
+              0.0507806,
+              0.0750711,
+              0.1304088,
+              0.2625751,
+              0.6367208
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0392451,
+              0.0449098,
+              0.0572728,
+              0.0832269,
+              0.1409061,
+              0.2737206,
+              0.6375123
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "related_pin": "A1",
+        "rise_transition del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
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+            1.5
+          ],
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+            0.0735562,
+            0.199595
+          ],
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+              0.2150062,
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+              1.5014215
+            ],
+            [
+              0.0188387,
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+              0.0884931,
+              0.2153902,
+              0.5589724,
+              1.4983015
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.2151124,
+              0.5607134,
+              1.5006113
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.2149127,
+              0.5604097,
+              1.4959662
+            ],
+            [
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+              0.2141186,
+              0.5604729,
+              1.5002308
+            ],
+            [
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+              1.5006185
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+              0.0977235,
+              0.2162246,
+              0.562725,
+              1.4963096
+            ]
+          ]
+        },
+        "timing_sense": "positive_unate",
+        "timing_type": "combinational"
+      },
+      {
+        "cell_fall del_1_7_7": {
+          "index_1": [
+            0.01,
+            0.0230506,
+            0.0531329,
+            0.122474,
+            0.282311,
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+          ],
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+            0.0271075,
+            0.0735562,
+            0.199595
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+              0.8334901
+            ],
+            [
+              0.2820749,
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+              0.5342162,
+              0.8379372
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+            [
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+              0.8499476
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+            [
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+              0.4441795,
+              0.5739412,
+              0.8774546
+            ],
+            [
+              0.3786154,
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