Fix 130nm inspiration doc link
diff --git a/README.src.rst b/README.src.rst
index 60767fa..bdcdd1a 100644
--- a/README.src.rst
+++ b/README.src.rst
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 The `130nm process <>`_ was first commercialized around the 2001-2002 time frame and is now primarily used in the area of research, small microcontroller development, and mixed signal embedded designs such as IoT devices.
-A living Google document at <> has been created to provide **inspiration** from what researchers, commercial entities and other groups have done with similar **sized** process nodes. As there are widely different constraints and possibilities from changes in both the manufacturing process and materials it is important **not** to assumed that the exact results found in the `130nm inspiration document <>`_ can be identically reproduced on the `SKY130 Process Node`_.
+A living Google document at <> has been created to provide **inspiration** from what researchers, commercial entities and other groups have done with similar **sized** process nodes. As there are widely different constraints and possibilities from changes in both the manufacturing process and materials it is important **not** to assumed that the exact results found in the `130nm inspiration document <>`_ can be identically reproduced on the `SKY130 Process Node`_.
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