Limited release of the SKY130 IO and periphery cells.

Release of a subset of the full IO. This release includes;
 * Power pads;
    - High voltage - `top_power_hvc_wpad`, `top_ground_hvc_wpad`
    - Low voltage - `top_power_lvc_wpad`, `top_ground_lvc_wpad`
 * Reference generators - `top_refgen`, `top_refgen_new`.
 * Standard GPIO (`top_gpiov2`).
 * I2C compatible GPIO with over-voltage tolerance (`top_gpio_ovtv2`).
 * Special SIO (`top_sio`) with differential macro (`top_sio_macro`).
 * System wide reset influencing XRES cell (`top_xres4v2`).

Future release will include;
 * Original standard GPIO (`top_gpio`).
 * More power pad versions.
 * More XRES cells.
 * More reference generators (`top_vrefcapv2`, etc).
 * Spice and CDL models for the IOs.

Signed-off-by: Tim 'mithro' Ansell <>
35 files changed