blob: 38a3495da03c77010197a339c5d3804f282661b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
cell(gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0__inv_1) {
area : 8.780800 ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
when : "!I" ;
value : "2.7e-05" ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
when : "I" ;
value : "2.74485e-05" ;
leakage_power() {
related_pg_pin : "VDD" ;
value : "2.74485e-05" ;
pg_pin(VDD) {
voltage_name : VDD ;
pg_type : primary_power ;
pg_pin(VSS) {
voltage_name : VSS ;
pg_type : primary_ground ;
pin(I) {
capacitance : 0.004541 ;
direction : input ;
driver_waveform_rise : driver_waveform_default_rise ;
driver_waveform_fall : driver_waveform_default_fall ;
input_voltage : default ;
max_transition : 11 ;
related_ground_pin : VSS ;
related_power_pin : VDD ;
pin(ZN) {
direction : output ;
function : "(!I)" ;
max_capacitance : 0.3534 ;
max_transition : 11 ;
min_capacitance : 0.001 ;
output_voltage : default ;
related_ground_pin : VSS ;
related_power_pin : VDD ;
internal_power() {
related_pin : "I" ;
fall_power(pwr_tin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.0002086, 0.0003982, 0.0005518, 0.0006349, 0.000645, 0.0006555, 0.0006748, 0.000677, 0.0006816, 0.0006835",\
"-0.0008171, -0.0003889, 0.0001534, 0.0004137, 0.0005329, 0.0005949, 0.0006209, 0.0006428, 0.0006603, 0.0006656",\
"-0.00136, -0.001115, -0.000501, -7.285e-06, 0.0002807, 0.0003995, 0.0004996, 0.0005464, 0.0005621, 0.0005947",\
"0.000436, 0.0001869, 4.883e-05, 0.0001525, 0.0003317, 0.0004407, 0.0005257, 0.000563, 0.000574, 0.0006088",\
"0.004886, 0.004071, 0.002715, 0.001826, 0.001361, 0.001145, 0.0009985, 0.0009285, 0.00088, 0.0008303",\
"0.01207, 0.0107, 0.007974, 0.00566, 0.004158, 0.003125, 0.002478, 0.002058, 0.001752, 0.001514",\
"0.02217, 0.0203, 0.01616, 0.01216, 0.009154, 0.007, 0.005489, 0.004414, 0.003618, 0.003051",\
"0.03534, 0.03302, 0.02749, 0.02166, 0.01693, 0.01323, 0.0105, 0.008453, 0.00691, 0.005751",\
"0.05173, 0.049, 0.04217, 0.03447, 0.0277, 0.02223, 0.01798, 0.0147, 0.01213, 0.01014",\
"0.07149, 0.06838, 0.0605, 0.0508, 0.0419, 0.03442, 0.02829, 0.02341, 0.01956, 0.01639");
rise_power(pwr_tin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.03396, 0.03432, 0.03483, 0.03501, 0.03506, 0.03504, 0.03491, 0.03484, 0.03539, 0.04341",\
"0.03233, 0.03285, 0.03379, 0.03442, 0.03467, 0.03483, 0.0347, 0.03502, 0.03554, 0.04354",\
"0.03253, 0.03234, 0.03273, 0.0333, 0.03377, 0.03426, 0.03437, 0.03457, 0.03483, 0.04412",\
"0.03526, 0.03478, 0.03366, 0.03336, 0.03329, 0.03396, 0.03404, 0.03433, 0.03424, 0.04549",\
"0.04062, 0.03962, 0.03777, 0.03562, 0.03491, 0.03402, 0.03395, 0.03424, 0.03433, 0.04801",\
"0.04877, 0.04727, 0.0441, 0.04121, 0.03839, 0.0369, 0.0359, 0.0349, 0.03614, 0.05392",\
"0.05998, 0.05797, 0.05361, 0.04911, 0.04529, 0.04158, 0.03932, 0.03727, 0.03948, 0.06766",\
"0.07457, 0.07198, 0.06634, 0.06033, 0.05483, 0.04959, 0.04559, 0.04266, 0.04674, 0.09503",\
"0.09274, 0.08961, 0.08263, 0.07506, 0.06785, 0.06132, 0.05492, 0.05107, 0.06196, 0.1545",\
"0.1147, 0.1111, 0.1026, 0.09321, 0.08426, 0.07593, 0.06824, 0.06529, 0.1032, 0.288");
timing() {
related_pin : "I" ;
timing_sense : negative_unate ;
timing_type : combinational ;
cell_fall(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.06302, 0.08764, 0.1729, 0.335, 0.5875, 0.9417, 1.408, 1.994, 2.712, 3.566",\
"0.08385, 0.109, 0.1949, 0.3576, 0.6099, 0.964, 1.431, 2.017, 2.734, 3.589",\
"0.1214, 0.1643, 0.2734, 0.437, 0.6903, 1.044, 1.51, 2.098, 2.812, 3.666",\
"0.1387, 0.2015, 0.365, 0.5835, 0.8444, 1.198, 1.664, 2.251, 2.969, 3.821",\
"0.1338, 0.2166, 0.4321, 0.7261, 1.064, 1.441, 1.906, 2.493, 3.208, 4.062",\
"0.1029, 0.206, 0.4736, 0.8401, 1.268, 1.74, 2.246, 2.834, 3.549, 4.402",\
"0.0439, 0.1676, 0.4881, 0.9254, 1.442, 2.015, 2.629, 3.279, 3.998, 4.851",\
"-0.0463, 0.0984, 0.4723, 0.9807, 1.584, 2.256, 2.982, 3.747, 4.552, 5.419",\
"-0.1704, -0.0033, 0.4237, 1.007, 1.691, 2.464, 3.3, 4.184, 5.114, 6.084",\
"-0.3317, -0.1421, 0.3411, 0.9953, 1.769, 2.635, 3.58, 4.587, 5.644, 6.744");
cell_rise(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.0967, 0.1417, 0.2955, 0.5867, 1.039, 1.675, 2.51, 3.563, 4.846, 6.379",\
"0.1187, 0.1641, 0.3199, 0.6127, 1.066, 1.702, 2.538, 3.589, 4.874, 6.405",\
"0.2029, 0.2578, 0.4142, 0.7067, 1.161, 1.797, 2.633, 3.687, 4.97, 6.503",\
"0.3098, 0.3892, 0.597, 0.8955, 1.348, 1.984, 2.82, 3.873, 5.157, 6.691",\
"0.4415, 0.5418, 0.814, 1.187, 1.648, 2.278, 3.115, 4.167, 5.451, 6.981",\
"0.6033, 0.723, 1.051, 1.517, 2.062, 2.701, 3.533, 4.58, 5.866, 7.394",\
"0.7954, 0.9378, 1.317, 1.867, 2.525, 3.25, 4.088, 5.133, 6.414, 7.942",\
"1.019, 1.185, 1.619, 2.244, 3.01, 3.863, 4.784, 5.836, 7.113, 8.638",\
"1.279, 1.467, 1.96, 2.656, 3.519, 4.499, 5.56, 6.689, 7.969, 9.49",\
"1.575, 1.786, 2.338, 3.108, 4.063, 5.159, 6.36, 7.638, 8.989, 10.51");
fall_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.06418, 0.1042, 0.244, 0.5111, 0.9276, 1.511, 2.279, 3.245, 4.425, 5.832",\
"0.0669, 0.1043, 0.2445, 0.5115, 0.9276, 1.511, 2.277, 3.244, 4.425, 5.832",\
"0.1264, 0.1657, 0.2687, 0.5111, 0.9266, 1.511, 2.278, 3.244, 4.425, 5.833",\
"0.1969, 0.2548, 0.4049, 0.6017, 0.9382, 1.51, 2.278, 3.246, 4.426, 5.832",\
"0.2788, 0.3542, 0.5542, 0.819, 1.124, 1.565, 2.281, 3.247, 4.427, 5.832",\
"0.3712, 0.466, 0.7106, 1.05, 1.435, 1.856, 2.413, 3.266, 4.426, 5.836",\
"0.4756, 0.5896, 0.8838, 1.289, 1.758, 2.271, 2.819, 3.504, 4.498, 5.842",\
"0.5924, 0.726, 1.071, 1.533, 2.09, 2.702, 3.348, 4.032, 4.853, 5.998",\
"0.72, 0.8752, 1.271, 1.801, 2.432, 3.146, 3.902, 4.689, 5.516, 6.483",\
"0.856, 1.038, 1.484, 2.088, 2.789, 3.589, 4.468, 5.36, 6.304, 7.282");
rise_transition(tmg_ntin_oload_10x10) {
index_1("0.02, 0.09579, 0.3618, 0.8698, 1.661, 2.772, 4.233, 6.074, 8.321, 11");
index_2("0.001, 0.003432, 0.01197, 0.02827, 0.05367, 0.08931, 0.1362, 0.1953, 0.2674, 0.3534");
values("0.1193, 0.1934, 0.4542, 0.9512, 1.726, 2.812, 4.241, 6.041, 8.245, 10.86",\
"0.1193, 0.1937, 0.4546, 0.9515, 1.726, 2.812, 4.24, 6.044, 8.243, 10.87",\
"0.1707, 0.2245, 0.4543, 0.9513, 1.726, 2.812, 4.242, 6.046, 8.242, 10.86",\
"0.2505, 0.3329, 0.5368, 0.9556, 1.724, 2.812, 4.241, 6.044, 8.245, 10.86",\
"0.3316, 0.4398, 0.7194, 1.088, 1.738, 2.812, 4.241, 6.044, 8.242, 10.87",\
"0.4246, 0.55, 0.9006, 1.365, 1.92, 2.838, 4.241, 6.043, 8.241, 10.87",\
"0.5282, 0.672, 1.076, 1.653, 2.294, 3.068, 4.288, 6.043, 8.242, 10.86",\
"0.6406, 0.806, 1.257, 1.928, 2.704, 3.528, 4.565, 6.113, 8.242, 10.86",\
"0.7644, 0.953, 1.456, 2.203, 3.114, 4.077, 5.106, 6.432, 8.34, 10.87",\
"0.8988, 1.11, 1.667, 2.478, 3.502, 4.636, 5.79, 7.042, 8.716, 11");