Adding GitHub Actions for LVS testing
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0_test.yml b/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0_test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7b20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0_test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a Github Actions for testing LVS rule deck of GF180MCU
+name: Standard Cells gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0 LVS testing
+# Controls when the workflow will run
+  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
+  push:
+  pull_request:
+  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+  workflow_dispatch:
+# Defines environment variables
+  PDK_ROOT: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rules/klayout
+  PDK: lvs
+# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
+  # This workflow contains a single job called "LVS_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0_testing"
+  LVS_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0_testing:
+    # The type of runner that the job will run on
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
+    steps:
+      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      # Gets python version with list of needed requirements
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.9'
+          cache: 'pip'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/requirements.test.txt'
+      # Installs requirements
+      - run: pip install -r ./rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
+      # Installs Klayout verison 0.27.8
+      - name: Installing Klayout 0.27.8
+        run: |
+          wget
+          sudo apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5svg5-dev
+          sudo dpkg -i ./klayout_0.27.8-1_amd64.deb
+          sudo apt-get install -f -y
+      # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
+      - name: Testing LVS for Standard Cells gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0
+        run: |
+          cd ./rules/klayout/lvs/testing
+          make test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0 -j$(nproc)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0_test.yml b/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0_test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..358a71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/lvs_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0_test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a Github Actions for testing LVS rule deck of GF180MCU
+name: Standard Cells gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0 LVS testing
+# Controls when the workflow will run
+  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
+  push:
+  pull_request:
+  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+  workflow_dispatch:
+# Defines environment variables
+  PDK_ROOT: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rules/klayout
+  PDK: lvs
+# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
+  # This workflow contains a single job called "LVS_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0_testing"
+  LVS_gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0_testing:
+    # The type of runner that the job will run on
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
+    steps:
+      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      # Gets python version with list of needed requirements
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.9'
+          cache: 'pip'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/requirements.test.txt'
+      # Installs requirements
+      - run: pip install -r ./rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
+      # Installs Klayout verison 0.27.8
+      - name: Installing Klayout 0.27.8
+        run: |
+          wget
+          sudo apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5svg5-dev
+          sudo dpkg -i ./klayout_0.27.8-1_amd64.deb
+          sudo apt-get install -f -y
+      # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
+      - name: Testing LVS for Standard Cells gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0
+        run: |
+          cd ./rules/klayout/lvs/testing
+          make test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0 -j$(nproc)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lvs_regression.yml b/.github/workflows/lvs_regression.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09d8b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/lvs_regression.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a Github Actions for testing LVS rule deck of GF180MCU
+name: LVS Regression test
+# Controls when the workflow will run
+  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
+  push:
+  pull_request:
+  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+  workflow_dispatch:
+# Defines environment variables
+  PDK_ROOT: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rules/klayout
+  PDK: lvs
+# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
+  # This workflow contains a single job called "LVS_Regression_testing"
+  LVS_Regression_testing:
+    # The type of runner that the job will run on
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
+    steps:
+      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      # Gets python version with list of needed requirements
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.9'
+          cache: 'pip'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/requirements.test.txt'
+      # Installs requirements
+      - run: pip install -r ./rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
+      # Installs Klayout verison 0.27.8
+      - name: Installing Klayout 0.27.8
+        run: |
+          wget
+          sudo apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5svg5-dev
+          sudo dpkg -i ./klayout_0.27.8-1_amd64.deb
+          sudo apt-get install -f -y
+      # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
+      - name: Testing LVS for Regression
+        run: |
+          cd ./rules/klayout/lvs/testing
+          make test-LVS_main -j$(nproc)
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lvs_switch_checking_test.yml b/.github/workflows/lvs_switch_checking_test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f97947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/lvs_switch_checking_test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a Github Actions for testing LVS rule deck of GF180MCU
+name: LVS Switch Checking (Rule deck arguments) test
+# Controls when the workflow will run
+  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events
+  push:
+  pull_request:
+  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+  workflow_dispatch:
+# Defines environment variables
+  PDK_ROOT: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/rules/klayout
+  PDK: lvs
+# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
+  # This workflow contains a single job called "LVS_Switch_checking_testing"
+  LVS_Switch_checking_testing:
+    # The type of runner that the job will run on
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
+    steps:
+      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      # Gets python version with list of needed requirements
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.9'
+          cache: 'pip'
+          cache-dependency-path: '**/requirements.test.txt'
+      # Installs requirements
+      - run: pip install -r ./rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
+      # Installs Klayout verison 0.27.8
+      - name: Installing Klayout 0.27.8
+        run: |
+          wget
+          sudo apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5svg5-dev
+          sudo dpkg -i ./klayout_0.27.8-1_amd64.deb
+          sudo apt-get install -f -y
+      # Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
+      - name: Testing LVS for Switch Checking
+        run: |
+          cd ./rules/klayout/lvs/testing
+          make test-LVS_switch -j$(nproc)
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/gf180mcu.lvs b/rules/klayout/lvs/gf180mcu.lvs
index 3fb970a..d542bfa 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/gf180mcu.lvs
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/gf180mcu.lvs
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 # true: use net names instead of numbers
 # false: use numbers for nets
-if $spice_net_names
-  spice_with_net_names = $spice_net_names
+if $spice_net_names == "true"
+  spice_with_net_names = true"Extracted netlist with net names: #{$spice_net_names}")
   spice_with_net_names = true
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
 # true: put in comments with details
 # false: no comments
-if $spice_comments
-  spice_with_comments = $spice_comments
+if $spice_comments == "true"
+  spice_with_comments = true"Extracted netlist with comments in details: #{$spice_comments}")
   spice_with_comments = false
@@ -100,9 +100,11 @@
-if $scale
+if $scale  == "true"
   device_scaling(1000000)"device_scaling: true")
+"device_scaling: false")
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/Makefile b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/Makefile
index b372c15..c701ac9 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/Makefile
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/Makefile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 all: test-LVS
-test-LVS: Add_run-dir  test-LVS_switch  test-LVS_SC  test-LVS_main
+test-LVS: Add_run-dir  test-LVS_switch  test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc  test-LVS_main
 # --------- RUN FOLDER ----------
@@ -33,16 +33,24 @@
 	@cd $(Testing_DIR)
-	@ mkdir -p $(run_folder)/switch_checking  $(run_folder)/main  $(run_folder)/std_cells
+	@ mkdir -p $(run_folder)/switch_checking  $(run_folder)/main  $(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0 $(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0
 # --------- test-LVS_SC ----------
-test-LVS_SC: Add_run-dir
+test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc: test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0 test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0
+test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0: Add_run-dir
 	@cd $(Testing_DIR)
-	@ python3 --run_dir=$(run_folder)/std_cells  |& tee $(run_folder)/std_cells/results.log
+	@ python3 --cell_lib=gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0 --run_dir=$(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0  |& tee $(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0/results.log
+test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0: Add_run-dir
+	@cd $(Testing_DIR)
+	@ python3 --cell_lib=gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0 --run_dir=$(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0  |& tee $(run_folder)/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0/results.log
 # ----- test-LVS_regression ------
@@ -114,16 +122,16 @@
 # Help Target
 	@echo "\n ==== The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile ====\n"
-	@echo "... all                  (the default if no target is provided          )"
-	@echo "... Add_run-dir          (Create output directory of all runs           )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS             (To run LVS full regression                    )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_switch      (To run switch checking regression             )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_SC          (To run standard cells LVS regression          )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_main        (To run main LVS regression for all devices    )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_MOS         (To run main LVS regression for MOS devices    )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_BJT         (To run main LVS regression for BJT devices    )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_DIODE       (To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_RES         (To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_MIMCAP      (To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_MOSCAP      (To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
-	@echo "... test-LVS_MOS-SAB     (To run main LVS regression for SAB MOS devices)"
+	@echo "... all                  	(the default if no target is provided          )"
+	@echo "... Add_run-dir          	(Create output directory of all runs           )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS             	(To run LVS full regression                    )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_switch      	(To run switch checking regression             )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS-gf180mcu_fd_sc	(To run standard cells LVS regression          )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_main        	(To run main LVS regression for all devices    )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_MOS         	(To run main LVS regression for MOS devices    )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_BJT         	(To run main LVS regression for BJT devices    )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_DIODE       	(To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_RES         	(To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_MIMCAP      	(To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_MOSCAP      	(To run main LVS regression for diode devices  )"
+	@echo "... test-LVS_MOS-SAB     	(To run main LVS regression for SAB MOS devices)"
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
index bca6885..6719492 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
             with open(f'testcases/{layout}_generated.cdl', 'w') as file:
-        result = os.popen(f"klayout -b -r ../gf180mcu.lvs -rd input=testcases/{layout}.gds -rd report={layout}.lvsdb -rd schematic={layout}_generated.cdl -rd target_netlist={layout}_extracted.cir -rd thr={workers_count} {switches}").read()
+        result = os.popen(f"klayout -b -r ../gf180mcu.lvs -rd input=testcases/{layout}.gds -rd report={layout}.lvsdb -rd schematic={layout}_generated.cdl -rd target_netlist={layout}_extracted.cir -rd thr={workers_count} {switches} -rd lvs_sub='vdd!'").read()
         # moving all reports to run dir
         out_dir = arguments["--run_dir"]
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
             for file in man_testing:
                 file_clean = file.split("/")[-1].replace(".gds","")
                 if layout == file_clean:
-                    result = os.popen(f"klayout -b -r ../gf180mcu.lvs -rd input={file} -rd report={layout}.lvsdb -rd schematic={layout}.cdl -rd target_netlist={layout}_extracted.cir -rd thr={workers_count} {switches}").read()
+                    result = os.popen(f"klayout -b -r ../gf180mcu.lvs -rd input={file} -rd report={layout}.lvsdb -rd schematic={layout}.cdl -rd target_netlist={layout}_extracted.cir -rd thr={workers_count} {switches} -rd lvs_sub='vdd!'").read()
                     dir_clean = file.replace(".gds","")
                     os.system(f"mv -f {dir_clean}.lvsdb {dir_clean}_extracted.cir {out_dir}/LVS_{device_dir}/")
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
index f2f397d..358e04c 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
 Usage: (--help| -h)
- (--run_dir=<run_dir>) [--num_cores=<num>]
+ (--cell_lib=<cells>) (--run_dir=<run_dir>) [--num_cores=<num>]
-    --help -h              Print this help message.
-    --run_dir=<run_dir>    Selecting your output path.    
-    --num_cores=<num>      Number of cores to be used by LVS checker 
+    --help -h               Print this help message.
+    --cell_lib=<cells>      Select the cell library to run LVS against (gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0, gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0)
+    --run_dir=<run_dir>     Selecting your output path.    
+    --num_cores=<num>       Number of cores to be used by LVS checker 
 from docopt import docopt
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
         cdl_input = f"sc_netlists/{sc_input_clean}"
     # Cleaning netlist [Remove unnecessary chars] and writing it again
-    unnecessary_chars = ["$SUB=" ,"$[" , "]"]
+    unnecessary_chars = ["$SUB=" ,"$[" , "]", "$"]
     if "sc" in sc_input and "io" not in sc_input:
@@ -107,8 +108,12 @@
     #            "GF018green_ipio_5p0c_75_3lm"     , "GF018green_ipio_5p0c_75_4lm"      , "GF018green_ipio_5p0c_75_5lm"      ,
     #            "GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7"               , "GF018hv5v_green_sc9" ] 
-    cell_list = [ "gf180mcu_fd_io_3lm"     , "gf180mcu_fd_io_4lm"  , "gf180mcu_fd_io_5lm",
-                  "GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7"      , "GF018hv5v_green_sc9" ] 
+    # cell_list = [ "gf180mcu_fd_io_3lm"     , "gf180mcu_fd_io_4lm"  , "gf180mcu_fd_io_5lm",
+    #               "GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7"      , "GF018hv5v_green_sc9" ] 
+    # [ "gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0"      , "gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0" ]
+    cell_list = [arguments["--cell_lib"]]
     # Create GDS splitter script
     if os.path.exists("sc_testcases/sc_split") and os.path.isdir("sc_testcases/sc_split"):
@@ -134,7 +139,8 @@
     os.system(f"rm -rf sc_testcases/split_gds.rb")
     # Create cdl splitter script
-    sc_cdl = ["GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7" , "GF018hv5v_green_sc9"]
+    # ["gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0" , "gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0"]
+    sc_cdl = [arguments["--cell_lib"]]
     sc_result = []
     get_line = False
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.cdl b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.cdl
similarity index 97%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.cdl
index a9dcb2f..61921e7 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.cdl
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.cdl
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
+* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
 * Revision: 1.0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254788595112
 ** N=2765 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254788595113
 ** N=2077 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -16,36 +30,36 @@
 ** N=5 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885952
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I08
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I04 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46889004 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_I04 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885950 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I04 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 .SUBCKT nmos_1p2$$47119404 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885950 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_I04 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
 .SUBCKT ypass_gate vss 3 b d bb db ypass pcb vdd
 ** N=26 EP=9 IP=25 FDC=5
-X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
-X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
+X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_I04 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
+X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_I04 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
 X4 b d 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=1405 15300 1 0 $X=-25 $Y=7790
 X5 b d ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 24575 1 0 $X=260 $Y=17090
 X6 bb db ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 34595 1 0 $X=260 $Y=27110
@@ -63,8 +77,8 @@
 M5 28 47 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=16135 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M6 31 48 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=20090 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M7 2 9 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=22330 $Y=2370 $D=2
-X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
-X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
+X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_I04 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
+X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_I04 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
 X12 3 4 2 8 pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=23475 15755 1 0 $X=22045 $Y=8245
 X13 3 4 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 25030 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=17545
 X14 5 6 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 35050 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=27565
@@ -77,17 +91,17 @@
 X21 1 31 33 4 32 6 48 7 8 ypass_gate $T=22070 455 1 180 $X=17420 $Y=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859514
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I02
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885958
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859539
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I13
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -97,17 +111,17 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859510
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I06
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859529 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I15 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3.42e-06 AD=8.892e-13 AS=1.5048e-12 PD=4.46e-06 PS=8.6e-06 NRD=0.304094 NRS=0.51462 m=1 nf=2 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859541
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -127,12 +141,12 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859520
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I08
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859540
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -168,15 +182,15 @@
 M26 13 12 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=5.902e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=2.79e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.114537 m=1 nf=1 $X=14450 $Y=12055 $D=8
 M27 wep 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-06 AD=1.92e-12 AS=1.92e-12 PD=9.92e-06 PS=9.92e-06 NRD=0.48 NRS=0.48 m=1 nf=3 $X=12720 $Y=870 $D=8
 M28 men 13 10 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.54e-06 AD=1.1804e-12 AS=1.9976e-12 PD=5.58e-06 PS=1.084e-05 NRD=0.229075 NRS=0.387665 m=1 nf=2 $X=20050 $Y=12055 $D=8
-X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859529 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
-X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859529 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
+X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
+X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
 .SUBCKT M1_PSUB$$44997676
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859513
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -186,18 +200,18 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859534 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I17 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.135e-05 AD=3.3596e-12 AS=3.3596e-12 PD=1.658e-05 PS=1.658e-05 NRD=0.651982 NRS=0.651982 m=1 nf=5 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859533 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I09 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=6 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=3.12e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=1.72e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.216667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=3.12e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=1.72e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.216667 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859532 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I05 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=5 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=1.56e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=1.12e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.433333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=1.56e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=1.12e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.433333 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -213,17 +227,17 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859538
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I03
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859536 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I16 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859512
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -254,34 +268,34 @@
 M20 vdd 25 26 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=18950 $Y=1670 $D=8
 M21 10 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.362e-05 AD=4.3584e-12 AS=4.3584e-12 PD=2.008e-05 PS=2.008e-05 NRD=0.211454 NRS=0.211454 m=1 nf=3 $X=18750 $Y=13710 $D=8
 M22 se 19 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.72e-05 AD=7.072e-12 AS=8.0512e-12 PD=3.24e-05 PS=3.856e-05 NRD=0.955882 NRS=1.08824 m=1 nf=10 $X=12740 $Y=20450 $D=8
-X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859529 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
-X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859534 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
-X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859534 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
-X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859533 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
-X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859533 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
-X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859533 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
-X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859532 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
-X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859532 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
-X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859532 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
-X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859536 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
+X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
+X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_I17 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
+X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_I17 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
+X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_I09 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
+X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_I09 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
+X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_I09 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
+X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_I05 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
+X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_I05 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
+X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_I05 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
+X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_I16 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859544
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I18
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885953
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I11
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859551
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I13
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859545
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -305,7 +319,7 @@
 M14 vdd se 15 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=17045 $Y=7030 $D=8
 M15 5 qp 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=19680 $Y=6685 $D=8
 M16 vdd 17 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=21920 $Y=6685 $D=8
-X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859536 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
+X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_I16 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46887980 1 2 3
@@ -323,13 +337,13 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885956 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I10 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859511 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I20 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -340,7 +354,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_NWELL_CDNS_4025478859533
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -351,7 +365,7 @@
 M2 vss 10 4 vss nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=11165 $Y=8655 $D=2
 M3 3 wep vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=1.13602e-12 AS=1.7523e-12 PD=4.5e-06 PS=8.3e-06 NRD=0.515152 NRS=0.794613 m=1 nf=2 $X=3025 $Y=35440 $D=8
 M4 vdd 2 7 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=6980 $Y=26220 $D=8
-X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
+X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_I04 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
 X6 d 2 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=2655 26220 0 0 $X=1225 $Y=25510
 X7 db 7 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=4895 26220 0 0 $X=3465 $Y=25510
 X9 vdd 2 4 pmos_1p2$$46887980 $T=415 26220 0 0 $X=-1015 $Y=25510
@@ -360,10 +374,10 @@
 X12 d 2 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=2655 12695 0 0 $X=1510 $Y=12010
 X13 db 7 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=4895 12695 0 0 $X=3750 $Y=12010
 X14 7 vss 2 vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=7135 12695 0 0 $X=5990 $Y=12010
-X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885956 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
-X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885956 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
-X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859511 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
-X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859511 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
+X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_I10 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
+X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_I10 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
+X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_I20 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
+X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_I20 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
 X19 vss 12 men vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=3470 9035 0 0 $X=2325 $Y=8350
 X20 vss 11 4 vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=7060 10495 1 0 $X=5915 $Y=8860
@@ -715,7 +729,7 @@
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025478859515
 ** N=1558 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -724,11 +738,11 @@
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025478859517
 ** N=1191 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025478859512
 ** N=2001 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -737,7 +751,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859560
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I11
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -747,7 +761,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859571
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -817,16 +831,16 @@
 X23 vss 31 32 vdd A[0] 17 18 xpredec0_bot $T=27120 3160 0 0 $X=26590 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025478859547
 ** N=38 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859559
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I05
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859558
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I03
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -915,7 +929,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859566
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I21
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -960,16 +974,16 @@
 X34 2 188 189 pmos_1p2$$47109164 $T=32795 1405 1 180 $X=28795 $Y=720
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595104
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_POLY2_CDNS_40254788595104
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595107
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I15
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -979,7 +993,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.1e-05 AD=2.86e-12 AS=4.84e-12 PD=1.204e-05 PS=2.376e-05 NRD=0.0945455 NRS=0.16 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595105
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I18
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1091,7 +1105,7 @@
 ** N=49 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595110 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I19 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.011e-05 AD=4.4484e-12 AS=4.4484e-12 PD=2.11e-05 PS=2.11e-05 NRD=0.0435213 NRS=0.0435213 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1105,27 +1119,27 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.526e-05 AD=6.5676e-12 AS=1.11144e-11 PD=2.63e-05 PS=5.228e-05 NRD=0.0411718 NRS=0.0696754 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859599 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I17 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.59e-06 AD=2.8996e-12 AS=2.8996e-12 PD=1.406e-05 PS=1.406e-05 NRD=0.0667678 NRS=0.0667678 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595111 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I09 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.64e-06 AD=1.1616e-12 AS=1.1616e-12 PD=6.16e-06 PS=6.16e-06 NRD=0.166667 NRS=0.166667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859580 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I16 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.72e-05 AD=1.2272e-11 AS=1.39712e-11 PD=5.24e-05 PS=6.256e-05 NRD=0.550847 NRS=0.627119 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859578 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I02 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.92e-05 AD=4.992e-12 AS=5.6832e-12 PD=2.44e-05 PS=2.896e-05 NRD=1.35417 NRS=1.54167 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025478859568
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1157,10 +1171,10 @@
 M23 32 30 31 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=-6.59976e-13 AS=-6.40776e-13 PD=-2.72923e-06 PS=-2.68923e-06 NRD=-0.71612 NRS=-0.695287 m=1 nf=1 $X=22550 $Y=5525 $D=8
 M24 vdd 19 32 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=1.12024e-12 PD=5.42e-06 PS=4.68056e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.2174 m=1 nf=1 $X=24210 $Y=4215 $D=8
 M25 19 31 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.54e-05 AD=4.4e-12 AS=4.4e-12 PD=2.16e-05 PS=2.16e-05 NRD=0.909091 NRS=0.909091 m=1 nf=7 $X=26535 $Y=4215 $D=8
-X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859580 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
-X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859580 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
-X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859578 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
-X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859578 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
+X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
+X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
+X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_I02 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
+X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_I02 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$47512620
@@ -1271,12 +1285,12 @@
 X85 vss 20 21 vdd A[0] 17 16 xpredec1_bot $T=51110 3160 0 0 $X=50580 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859591 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I06 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=9e-07 AD=3.96e-13 AS=3.96e-13 PD=2.68e-06 PS=2.68e-06 NRD=0.488889 NRS=0.488889 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859597 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I10 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1334,9 +1348,9 @@
 X9 3 4 18 19 14 15 ICV_1 $T=0 9000 0 0 $X=-340 $Y=8660
-.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1 A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] 
-+ CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5] Q[4] 
-+ Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] WEN[2] WEN[1] 
+.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1 A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0]
++ CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5] Q[4]
++ Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] WEN[2] WEN[1]
 + WEN[0]
 ** N=5565 EP=36 IP=3508 FDC=9725
 M0 4646 VSS 733 VSS nmos_5p0 L=7.7e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.81613e-13 AS=2.82e-13 PD=1.84258e-06 PS=2.14e-06 NRD=0.782258 NRS=0.783333 m=1 nf=1 $X=120390 $Y=176390 $D=2
@@ -2532,11 +2546,11 @@
 M1190 606 614 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=7.02e-06 AD=1.8252e-12 AS=3.0888e-12 PD=8.06e-06 PS=1.58e-05 NRD=0.148148 NRS=0.250712 m=1 nf=2 $X=418770 $Y=97440 $D=8
 M1191 607 606 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.128e-05 AD=5.5328e-12 AS=9.3632e-12 PD=2.232e-05 PS=4.432e-05 NRD=0.0488722 NRS=0.0827068 m=1 nf=2 $X=418790 $Y=67070 $D=8
 M1192 613 VDD VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=9.801e-13 AS=2.33887e-12 PD=4.29e-06 PS=9.09e-06 NRD=0.444444 NRS=1.06061 m=1 nf=2 $X=418870 $Y=112830 $D=8
-X1198 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
-X1199 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
-X1200 615 614 936 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885951 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
-X1201 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885950 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
-X1202 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402547885950 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
+X1198 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I04 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
+X1199 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I04 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
+X1200 615 614 936 VDD pmos_5p0_I04 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
+X1201 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I04 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
+X1202 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I04 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
 X1208 VDD 618 616 pmos_1p2$$46273580 $T=242390 65835 1 0 $X=240960 $Y=64015
 X1209 VSS 617 787 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=233925 66830 0 0 $X=232780 $Y=66145
 X1210 618 VSS 616 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=243510 68190 1 0 $X=242365 $Y=66555
@@ -2682,21 +2696,21 @@
 X1330 VSS VDD 917 925 924 923 922 921 920 VDD 4830 1 4831 4231 4247 4232 4248 4233 4249 4234
 + 4250 4235 4251 4236 4252 4832 4833 4858 4859 4860 4861
 + xdec8 $T=152015 216635 0 0 $X=152015 $Y=215495
-X1333 860 VSS 862 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595110 $T=175115 254995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=254315
-X1334 861 VSS 863 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595110 $T=260115 254995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=254315
+X1333 860 VSS 862 nmos_5p0_I19 $T=175115 254995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=254315
+X1334 861 VSS 863 nmos_5p0_I19 $T=260115 254995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=254315
 X1338 VDD 860 862 pmos_1p2$$204216364 $T=189610 255150 0 90 $X=176320 $Y=253670
 X1339 VDD 861 863 pmos_1p2$$204216364 $T=248135 255150 0 90 $X=234845 $Y=253670
-X1340 862 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859599 $T=198405 254995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=253955
-X1341 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859599 $T=219905 254995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=253955
-X1342 863 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859599 $T=233255 254995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=253955
-X1343 862 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595111 $T=202950 254995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=254315
-X1344 863 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254788595111 $T=224800 254995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=254315
+X1340 862 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I17 $T=198405 254995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=253955
+X1341 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_I17 $T=219905 254995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=253955
+X1342 863 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I17 $T=233255 254995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=253955
+X1343 862 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I09 $T=202950 254995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=254315
+X1344 863 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I09 $T=224800 254995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=254315
 X1345 VSS VDD GWEN CLK 4665 927 wen_v2 $T=208415 16605 0 0 $X=208280 $Y=15275
 X1346 VSS 1 VDD CLK A[5] A[4] A[3] 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 xpredec1 $T=219860 111460 0 0 $X=219855 $Y=111455
-X1347 VDD 864 CLK pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859591 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
-X1348 VDD 865 864 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859591 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
-X1349 VSS 864 CLK nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859597 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
-X1350 VSS 865 864 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025478859597 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
+X1347 VDD 864 CLK pmos_5p0_I06 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
+X1348 VDD 865 864 pmos_5p0_I06 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
+X1349 VSS 864 CLK nmos_5p0_I10 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
+X1350 VSS 865 864 nmos_5p0_I10 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
 X1370 VSS 734 735 5534 5535 5536 5537 ICV_19 $T=307090 180630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=180290
 X1371 VSS 734 735 5538 5539 5540 5541 ICV_19 $T=307090 189630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=189290
 X1372 VSS 734 735 5542 5543 5544 5545 ICV_19 $T=307090 198630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=198290
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.gds b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.gds
similarity index 79%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.gds
index 779c500..5397ff3 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__128x8m8wm1.gds
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram128x8m8wm1.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.cdl b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.cdl
similarity index 97%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.cdl
index d41cd5d..1026454 100755
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.cdl
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.cdl
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
 * Revision: 1.0
@@ -9,11 +23,11 @@
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254849787108
 ** N=2765 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254849787105
 ** N=2653 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -21,36 +35,36 @@
 ** N=5 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497872
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I08
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I09 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46889004 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_I09 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497871 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I12 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 .SUBCKT nmos_1p2$$47119404 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497871 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_I12 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
 .SUBCKT ypass_gate vss 3 b d bb db ypass pcb vdd
 ** N=26 EP=9 IP=25 FDC=5
-X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
-X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
+X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_I09 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
+X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_I09 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
 X4 b d 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=1405 15300 1 0 $X=-25 $Y=7790
 X5 b d ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 24575 1 0 $X=260 $Y=17090
 X6 bb db ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 34595 1 0 $X=260 $Y=27110
@@ -68,8 +82,8 @@
 M5 28 47 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=16135 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M6 31 48 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=20090 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M7 2 9 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=22330 $Y=2370 $D=2
-X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
-X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
+X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_I09 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
+X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_I09 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
 X12 3 4 2 8 pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=23475 15755 1 0 $X=22045 $Y=8245
 X13 3 4 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 25030 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=17545
 X14 5 6 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 35050 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=27565
@@ -82,17 +96,17 @@
 X21 1 31 33 4 32 6 48 7 8 ypass_gate $T=22070 455 1 180 $X=17420 $Y=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978714
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497878
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I17
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978739
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I10
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -102,17 +116,17 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978710
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I11
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978727 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I18 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3.42e-06 AD=8.892e-13 AS=1.5048e-12 PD=4.46e-06 PS=8.6e-06 NRD=0.304094 NRS=0.51462 m=1 nf=2 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978741
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I13
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -132,12 +146,12 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978720
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I08
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978740
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I13
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -173,15 +187,15 @@
 M26 13 12 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=5.902e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=2.79e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.114537 m=1 nf=1 $X=14450 $Y=12055 $D=8
 M27 wep 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-06 AD=1.92e-12 AS=1.92e-12 PD=9.92e-06 PS=9.92e-06 NRD=0.48 NRS=0.48 m=1 nf=3 $X=12720 $Y=870 $D=8
 M28 men 13 10 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.54e-06 AD=1.1804e-12 AS=1.9976e-12 PD=5.58e-06 PS=1.084e-05 NRD=0.229075 NRS=0.387665 m=1 nf=2 $X=20050 $Y=12055 $D=8
-X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978727 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
-X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978727 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
+X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_I18 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
+X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_I18 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
 .SUBCKT M1_PSUB$$44997676
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978713
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -191,18 +205,18 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978734 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I06 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.135e-05 AD=3.3596e-12 AS=3.3596e-12 PD=1.658e-05 PS=1.658e-05 NRD=0.651982 NRS=0.651982 m=1 nf=5 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978733 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I16 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=6 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=3.12e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=1.72e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.216667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=3.12e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=1.72e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.216667 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978732 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I03 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=5 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=1.56e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=1.12e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.433333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=1.56e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=1.12e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.433333 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -218,17 +232,17 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978738
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I10
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978736 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I05 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978712
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I21
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -259,34 +273,34 @@
 M20 vdd 25 26 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=18950 $Y=1670 $D=8
 M21 10 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.362e-05 AD=4.3584e-12 AS=4.3584e-12 PD=2.008e-05 PS=2.008e-05 NRD=0.211454 NRS=0.211454 m=1 nf=3 $X=18750 $Y=13710 $D=8
 M22 se 19 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.72e-05 AD=7.072e-12 AS=8.0512e-12 PD=3.24e-05 PS=3.856e-05 NRD=0.955882 NRS=1.08824 m=1 nf=10 $X=12740 $Y=20450 $D=8
-X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978727 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
-X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978734 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
-X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978734 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
-X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978733 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
-X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978733 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
-X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978733 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
-X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978732 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
-X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978732 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
-X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978732 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
-X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978736 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
+X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_I18 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
+X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_I06 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
+X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_I06 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
+X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_I16 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
+X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
+X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
+X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_I03 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
+X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_I03 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
+X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_I03 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
+X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_I05 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978744
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I09
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497873
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978751
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I04
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978745
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -310,7 +324,7 @@
 M14 vdd se 15 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=17045 $Y=7030 $D=8
 M15 5 qp 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=19680 $Y=6685 $D=8
 M16 vdd 17 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=21920 $Y=6685 $D=8
-X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978736 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
+X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_I05 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46887980 1 2 3
@@ -328,13 +342,13 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497876 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I03 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978711 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I02 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -345,7 +359,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_NWELL_CDNS_4025484978728
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -356,7 +370,7 @@
 M2 vss 10 4 vss nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=11165 $Y=8655 $D=2
 M3 3 wep vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=1.13602e-12 AS=1.7523e-12 PD=4.5e-06 PS=8.3e-06 NRD=0.515152 NRS=0.794613 m=1 nf=2 $X=3025 $Y=35440 $D=8
 M4 vdd 2 7 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=6980 $Y=26220 $D=8
-X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
+X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_I09 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
 X6 d 2 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=2655 26220 0 0 $X=1225 $Y=25510
 X7 db 7 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=4895 26220 0 0 $X=3465 $Y=25510
 X9 vdd 2 4 pmos_1p2$$46887980 $T=415 26220 0 0 $X=-1015 $Y=25510
@@ -365,10 +379,10 @@
 X12 d 2 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=2655 12695 0 0 $X=1510 $Y=12010
 X13 db 7 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=4895 12695 0 0 $X=3750 $Y=12010
 X14 7 vss 2 vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=7135 12695 0 0 $X=5990 $Y=12010
-X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497876 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
-X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497876 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
-X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978711 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
-X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978711 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
+X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_I03 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
+X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_I03 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
+X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_I02 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
+X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_I02 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
 X19 vss 12 men vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=3470 9035 0 0 $X=2325 $Y=8350
 X20 vss 11 4 vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=7060 10495 1 0 $X=5915 $Y=8860
@@ -743,11 +757,11 @@
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254849787107
 ** N=2827 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025484978710
 ** N=2001 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -756,7 +770,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978760
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I19
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -766,7 +780,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978767
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I02
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -836,16 +850,16 @@
 X23 vss 31 32 vdd A[0] 17 18 xpredec0_bot $T=27120 3160 0 0 $X=26590 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025484978742
 ** N=38 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978759
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I11
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978758
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -934,7 +948,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978766
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -979,16 +993,16 @@
 X34 2 188 189 pmos_1p2$$47109164 $T=32795 1405 1 180 $X=28795 $Y=720
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787105
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I06
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_POLY2_CDNS_4025484978797
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787108
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I15
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -998,7 +1012,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.1e-05 AD=2.86e-12 AS=4.84e-12 PD=1.204e-05 PS=2.376e-05 NRD=0.0945455 NRS=0.16 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787106
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I17
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1233,7 +1247,7 @@
 ** N=49 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787102 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I18 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.011e-05 AD=4.4484e-12 AS=4.4484e-12 PD=2.11e-05 PS=2.11e-05 NRD=0.0435213 NRS=0.0435213 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1247,27 +1261,27 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.526e-05 AD=6.5676e-12 AS=1.11144e-11 PD=2.63e-05 PS=5.228e-05 NRD=0.0411718 NRS=0.0696754 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787101 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I01 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.59e-06 AD=2.8996e-12 AS=2.8996e-12 PD=1.406e-05 PS=1.406e-05 NRD=0.0667678 NRS=0.0667678 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787111 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I04 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.64e-06 AD=1.1616e-12 AS=1.1616e-12 PD=6.16e-06 PS=6.16e-06 NRD=0.166667 NRS=0.166667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978780 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I05 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.72e-05 AD=1.2272e-11 AS=1.39712e-11 PD=5.24e-05 PS=6.256e-05 NRD=0.550847 NRS=0.627119 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978778 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I20 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.92e-05 AD=4.992e-12 AS=5.6832e-12 PD=2.44e-05 PS=2.896e-05 NRD=1.35417 NRS=1.54167 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025484978763
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1299,10 +1313,10 @@
 M23 32 30 31 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=-6.59976e-13 AS=-6.40776e-13 PD=-2.72923e-06 PS=-2.68923e-06 NRD=-0.71612 NRS=-0.695287 m=1 nf=1 $X=22550 $Y=5525 $D=8
 M24 vdd 19 32 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=1.12024e-12 PD=5.42e-06 PS=4.68056e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.2174 m=1 nf=1 $X=24210 $Y=4215 $D=8
 M25 19 31 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.54e-05 AD=4.4e-12 AS=4.4e-12 PD=2.16e-05 PS=2.16e-05 NRD=0.909091 NRS=0.909091 m=1 nf=7 $X=26535 $Y=4215 $D=8
-X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978780 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
-X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978780 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
-X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978778 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
-X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978778 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
+X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_I05 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
+X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_I05 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
+X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_I20 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
+X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_I20 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$47512620
@@ -1413,12 +1427,12 @@
 X85 vss 20 21 vdd A[0] 17 16 xpredec1_bot $T=51110 3160 0 0 $X=50580 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978791 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I15 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=9e-07 AD=3.96e-13 AS=3.96e-13 PD=2.68e-06 PS=2.68e-06 NRD=0.488889 NRS=0.488889 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978797 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I16 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1603,9 +1617,9 @@
 X9 3 4 18 19 14 15 ICV_1 $T=0 9000 0 0 $X=-340 $Y=8660
-.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1 A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] 
-+ A[0] CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5] 
-+ Q[4] Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] WEN[2] 
+.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1 A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1]
++ A[0] CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5]
++ Q[4] Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] WEN[2]
 + WEN[1] WEN[0]
 ** N=5478 EP=37 IP=4140 FDC=16461
 M0 4301 VSS 712 VSS nmos_5p0 L=7.7e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.81613e-13 AS=2.82e-13 PD=1.84258e-06 PS=2.14e-06 NRD=0.782258 NRS=0.783333 m=1 nf=1 $X=120390 $Y=176390 $D=2
@@ -2785,11 +2799,11 @@
 M1174 606 614 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=7.02e-06 AD=1.8252e-12 AS=3.0888e-12 PD=8.06e-06 PS=1.58e-05 NRD=0.148148 NRS=0.250712 m=1 nf=2 $X=418770 $Y=97440 $D=8
 M1175 607 606 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.128e-05 AD=5.5328e-12 AS=9.3632e-12 PD=2.232e-05 PS=4.432e-05 NRD=0.0488722 NRS=0.0827068 m=1 nf=2 $X=418790 $Y=67070 $D=8
 M1176 613 VDD VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=9.801e-13 AS=2.33887e-12 PD=4.29e-06 PS=9.09e-06 NRD=0.444444 NRS=1.06061 m=1 nf=2 $X=418870 $Y=112830 $D=8
-X1185 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
-X1186 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
-X1187 615 614 879 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497870 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
-X1188 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497871 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
-X1189 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548497871 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
+X1185 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I09 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
+X1186 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I09 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
+X1187 615 614 879 VDD pmos_5p0_I09 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
+X1188 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I12 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
+X1189 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I12 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
 X1195 VDD 618 616 pmos_1p2$$46273580 $T=242390 65835 1 0 $X=240960 $Y=64015
 X1196 VSS 617 802 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=233925 66830 0 0 $X=232780 $Y=66145
 X1197 618 VSS 616 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=243510 68190 1 0 $X=242365 $Y=66555
@@ -2937,21 +2951,21 @@
 + 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146
 + 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4133 1
 + xdec32 $T=152015 180635 0 0 $X=152015 $Y=179495
-X1315 803 VSS 805 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787102 $T=175115 326995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=326315
-X1316 804 VSS 806 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787102 $T=260115 326995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=326315
+X1315 803 VSS 805 nmos_5p0_I18 $T=175115 326995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=326315
+X1316 804 VSS 806 nmos_5p0_I18 $T=260115 326995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=326315
 X1320 VDD 803 805 pmos_1p2$$204216364 $T=189610 327150 0 90 $X=176320 $Y=325670
 X1321 VDD 804 806 pmos_1p2$$204216364 $T=248135 327150 0 90 $X=234845 $Y=325670
-X1322 805 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787101 $T=198405 326995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=325955
-X1323 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787101 $T=219905 326995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=325955
-X1324 806 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787101 $T=233255 326995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=325955
-X1325 805 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787111 $T=202950 326995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=326315
-X1326 806 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254849787111 $T=224800 326995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=326315
+X1322 805 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=198405 326995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=325955
+X1323 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=219905 326995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=325955
+X1324 806 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=233255 326995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=325955
+X1325 805 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I04 $T=202950 326995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=326315
+X1326 806 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I04 $T=224800 326995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=326315
 X1327 VSS VDD GWEN CLK 4572 870 wen_v2 $T=208415 16605 0 0 $X=208280 $Y=15275
 X1328 VSS 1 VDD CLK A[5] A[4] A[3] 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 xpredec1 $T=219860 111460 0 0 $X=219855 $Y=111455
-X1329 VDD 807 CLK pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978791 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
-X1330 VDD 808 807 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978791 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
-X1331 VSS 807 CLK nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978797 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
-X1332 VSS 808 807 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025484978797 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
+X1329 VDD 807 CLK pmos_5p0_I15 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
+X1330 VDD 808 807 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
+X1331 VSS 807 CLK nmos_5p0_I16 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
+X1332 VSS 808 807 nmos_5p0_I16 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
 X1344 VDD VSS 713 714 5383 5384 5385 5386 ICV_18 $T=307090 180630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=180290
 X1345 VDD VSS 713 714 5387 5388 5389 5390 ICV_18 $T=307090 198630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=198290
 X1346 VDD VSS 713 714 5391 5392 5393 5394 ICV_18 $T=307090 216630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=216290
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.gds b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.gds
similarity index 77%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.gds
index 295dae5..7fd6339 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__256x8m8wm1.gds
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram256x8m8wm1.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.cdl b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.cdl
similarity index 98%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.cdl
index ac62982..971b9e5 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.cdl
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.cdl
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
 * Revision: 1.0
@@ -9,11 +23,11 @@
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025487279643
 ** N=2765 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025487279644
 ** N=3805 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -21,36 +35,36 @@
 ** N=5 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727962
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I13 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46889004 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_I13 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727960 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I02 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 .SUBCKT nmos_1p2$$47119404 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727960 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_I02 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
 .SUBCKT ypass_gate vss 3 b d bb db ypass pcb vdd
 ** N=26 EP=9 IP=25 FDC=5
-X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
-X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
+X2 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_I13 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
+X3 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_I13 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
 X4 b d 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=1405 15300 1 0 $X=-25 $Y=7790
 X5 b d ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 24575 1 0 $X=260 $Y=17090
 X6 bb db ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 34595 1 0 $X=260 $Y=27110
@@ -68,8 +82,8 @@
 M5 28 47 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=16135 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M6 31 48 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=20090 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M7 2 9 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=22330 $Y=2370 $D=2
-X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
-X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
+X10 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_I13 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
+X11 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_I13 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
 X12 3 4 2 8 pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=23475 15755 1 0 $X=22045 $Y=8245
 X13 3 4 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 25030 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=17545
 X14 5 6 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 35050 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=27565
@@ -82,17 +96,17 @@
 X21 1 31 33 4 32 6 48 7 8 ypass_gate $T=22070 455 1 180 $X=17420 $Y=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279614
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I18
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727968
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I13
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279639
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -102,17 +116,17 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279610
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I16
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279629 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I15 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3.42e-06 AD=8.892e-13 AS=1.5048e-12 PD=4.46e-06 PS=8.6e-06 NRD=0.304094 NRS=0.51462 m=1 nf=2 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279641
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I04
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -132,12 +146,12 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279620
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I11
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279640
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I19
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -173,15 +187,15 @@
 M26 13 12 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=5.902e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=2.79e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.114537 m=1 nf=1 $X=14450 $Y=12055 $D=8
 M27 wep 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-06 AD=1.92e-12 AS=1.92e-12 PD=9.92e-06 PS=9.92e-06 NRD=0.48 NRS=0.48 m=1 nf=3 $X=12720 $Y=870 $D=8
 M28 men 13 10 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.54e-06 AD=1.1804e-12 AS=1.9976e-12 PD=5.58e-06 PS=1.084e-05 NRD=0.229075 NRS=0.387665 m=1 nf=2 $X=20050 $Y=12055 $D=8
-X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279629 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
-X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279629 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
+X48 vdd 7 10 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
+X49 vdd 8 13 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
 .SUBCKT M1_PSUB$$44997676
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279613
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I02
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -191,18 +205,18 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279634 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I10 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.135e-05 AD=3.3596e-12 AS=3.3596e-12 PD=1.658e-05 PS=1.658e-05 NRD=0.651982 NRS=0.651982 m=1 nf=5 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279633 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I16 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=6 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=3.12e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=1.72e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.216667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=3.12e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=1.72e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.216667 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279632 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I17 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=5 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=1.56e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=1.12e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.433333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=1.56e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=1.12e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.433333 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -218,17 +232,17 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279638
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I09
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279636 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I08 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279612
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I09
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -259,34 +273,34 @@
 M20 vdd 25 26 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=18950 $Y=1670 $D=8
 M21 10 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.362e-05 AD=4.3584e-12 AS=4.3584e-12 PD=2.008e-05 PS=2.008e-05 NRD=0.211454 NRS=0.211454 m=1 nf=3 $X=18750 $Y=13710 $D=8
 M22 se 19 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.72e-05 AD=7.072e-12 AS=8.0512e-12 PD=3.24e-05 PS=3.856e-05 NRD=0.955882 NRS=1.08824 m=1 nf=10 $X=12740 $Y=20450 $D=8
-X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279629 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
-X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279634 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
-X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279634 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
-X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279633 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
-X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279633 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
-X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279633 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
-X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279632 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
-X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279632 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
-X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279632 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
-X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279636 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
+X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
+X27 vss 18 2 vss nmos_5p0_I10 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
+X28 19 18 4 vss nmos_5p0_I10 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
+X29 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_I16 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
+X30 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
+X31 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_I16 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
+X32 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_I17 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
+X33 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_I17 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
+X34 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_I17 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
+X39 26 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_I08 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279644
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I05
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727963
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I10
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279651
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I03
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279645
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -310,7 +324,7 @@
 M14 vdd se 15 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=17045 $Y=7030 $D=8
 M15 5 qp 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=19680 $Y=6685 $D=8
 M16 vdd 17 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=21920 $Y=6685 $D=8
-X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279636 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
+X22 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_I08 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46887980 1 2 3
@@ -328,13 +342,13 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727966 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I06 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279611 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I07 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -345,7 +359,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_NWELL_CDNS_4025487279632
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -356,7 +370,7 @@
 M2 vss 10 4 vss nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=11165 $Y=8655 $D=2
 M3 3 wep vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=1.13602e-12 AS=1.7523e-12 PD=4.5e-06 PS=8.3e-06 NRD=0.515152 NRS=0.794613 m=1 nf=2 $X=3025 $Y=35440 $D=8
 M4 vdd 2 7 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=6980 $Y=26220 $D=8
-X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
+X5 4 vdd 10 vdd pmos_5p0_I13 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
 X6 d 2 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=2655 26220 0 0 $X=1225 $Y=25510
 X7 db 7 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=4895 26220 0 0 $X=3465 $Y=25510
 X9 vdd 2 4 pmos_1p2$$46887980 $T=415 26220 0 0 $X=-1015 $Y=25510
@@ -365,10 +379,10 @@
 X12 d 2 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=2655 12695 0 0 $X=1510 $Y=12010
 X13 db 7 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=4895 12695 0 0 $X=3750 $Y=12010
 X14 7 vss 2 vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=7135 12695 0 0 $X=5990 $Y=12010
-X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727966 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
-X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727966 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
-X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279611 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
-X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279611 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
+X15 8 vdd 9 datain 8 vdd pmos_5p0_I06 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
+X16 9 10 11 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_I06 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
+X17 8 vss 9 datain 8 vss nmos_5p0_I07 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
+X18 9 10 11 12 men vss nmos_5p0_I07 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
 X19 vss 12 men vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=3470 9035 0 0 $X=2325 $Y=8350
 X20 vss 11 4 vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=7060 10495 1 0 $X=5915 $Y=8860
@@ -944,16 +958,16 @@
 X7 7 8 17 18 24 25 28 29 ICV_40 $T=6000 18000 0 180 $X=2660 $Y=13160
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796104
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_POLY2_CDNS_40254872796105
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796108
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I03
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -963,7 +977,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.1e-05 AD=2.86e-12 AS=4.84e-12 PD=1.204e-05 PS=2.376e-05 NRD=0.0945455 NRS=0.16 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796106
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I05
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1100,7 +1114,7 @@
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025487279614
 ** N=2001 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1109,7 +1123,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279656
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I21
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1119,7 +1133,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279667
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1189,16 +1203,16 @@
 X23 vss 31 32 vdd A[0] 17 18 xpredec0_bot $T=27120 3160 0 0 $X=26590 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025487279648
 ** N=38 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279655
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279654
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I04
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1287,7 +1301,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279662
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I18
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1336,7 +1350,7 @@
 ** N=49 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796102 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I20 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.011e-05 AD=4.4484e-12 AS=4.4484e-12 PD=2.11e-05 PS=2.11e-05 NRD=0.0435213 NRS=0.0435213 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1350,27 +1364,27 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.526e-05 AD=6.5676e-12 AS=1.11144e-11 PD=2.63e-05 PS=5.228e-05 NRD=0.0411718 NRS=0.0696754 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796101 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I14 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.59e-06 AD=2.8996e-12 AS=2.8996e-12 PD=1.406e-05 PS=1.406e-05 NRD=0.0667678 NRS=0.0667678 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796111 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I11 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.64e-06 AD=1.1616e-12 AS=1.1616e-12 PD=6.16e-06 PS=6.16e-06 NRD=0.166667 NRS=0.166667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279676 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I17 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.72e-05 AD=1.2272e-11 AS=1.39712e-11 PD=5.24e-05 PS=6.256e-05 NRD=0.550847 NRS=0.627119 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279674 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I06 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.92e-05 AD=4.992e-12 AS=5.6832e-12 PD=2.44e-05 PS=2.896e-05 NRD=1.35417 NRS=1.54167 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025487279669
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1402,10 +1416,10 @@
 M23 32 30 31 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=-6.59976e-13 AS=-6.40776e-13 PD=-2.72923e-06 PS=-2.68923e-06 NRD=-0.71612 NRS=-0.695287 m=1 nf=1 $X=22550 $Y=5525 $D=8
 M24 vdd 19 32 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=1.12024e-12 PD=5.42e-06 PS=4.68056e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.2174 m=1 nf=1 $X=24210 $Y=4215 $D=8
 M25 19 31 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.54e-05 AD=4.4e-12 AS=4.4e-12 PD=2.16e-05 PS=2.16e-05 NRD=0.909091 NRS=0.909091 m=1 nf=7 $X=26535 $Y=4215 $D=8
-X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279676 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
-X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279676 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
-X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279674 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
-X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279674 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
+X46 vdd IGWEN 11 pmos_5p0_I17 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
+X47 vdd GWE 19 pmos_5p0_I17 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
+X48 vss IGWEN 11 nmos_5p0_I06 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
+X49 vss GWE 19 nmos_5p0_I06 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$47512620
@@ -1516,12 +1530,12 @@
 X85 vss 20 21 vdd A[0] 17 16 xpredec1_bot $T=51110 3160 0 0 $X=50580 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279687 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I08 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=9e-07 AD=3.96e-13 AS=3.96e-13 PD=2.68e-06 PS=2.68e-06 NRD=0.488889 NRS=0.488889 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279693 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I15 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1619,9 +1633,9 @@
 X9 1 2 3 4 22 23 18 19 ICV_3 $T=0 18000 0 0 $X=-340 $Y=17660
-.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1 A[8] A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] 
-+ A[1] A[0] CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] 
-+ Q[5] Q[4] Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] 
+.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1 A[8] A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2]
++ A[1] A[0] CEN CLK D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6]
++ Q[5] Q[4] Q[3] Q[2] Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3]
 + WEN[2] WEN[1] WEN[0]
 ** N=24897 EP=38 IP=4916 FDC=29933
 M0 23498 VSS 703 VSS nmos_5p0 L=7.7e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.81613e-13 AS=2.82e-13 PD=1.84258e-06 PS=2.14e-06 NRD=0.782258 NRS=0.783333 m=1 nf=1 $X=120390 $Y=176390 $D=2
@@ -3105,11 +3119,11 @@
 M1478 606 614 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=7.02e-06 AD=1.8252e-12 AS=3.0888e-12 PD=8.06e-06 PS=1.58e-05 NRD=0.148148 NRS=0.250712 m=1 nf=2 $X=418770 $Y=97440 $D=8
 M1479 607 606 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.128e-05 AD=5.5328e-12 AS=9.3632e-12 PD=2.232e-05 PS=4.432e-05 NRD=0.0488722 NRS=0.0827068 m=1 nf=2 $X=418790 $Y=67070 $D=8
 M1480 613 VDD VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=9.801e-13 AS=2.33887e-12 PD=4.29e-06 PS=9.09e-06 NRD=0.444444 NRS=1.06061 m=1 nf=2 $X=418870 $Y=112830 $D=8
-X1488 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
-X1489 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
-X1490 615 614 1062 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727961 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
-X1491 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727960 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
-X1492 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402548727960 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
+X1488 614 614 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I13 $T=419815 124190 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=116760
+X1489 615 615 613 VDD pmos_5p0_I13 $T=419815 151940 0 180 $X=418175 $Y=144510
+X1490 615 614 1062 VDD pmos_5p0_I13 $T=419825 159875 0 180 $X=418185 $Y=152445
+X1491 614 614 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I02 $T=419815 133465 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=126035
+X1492 615 615 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I02 $T=419815 143485 0 180 $X=418535 $Y=136055
 X1498 VDD 618 616 pmos_1p2$$46273580 $T=242390 65835 1 0 $X=240960 $Y=64015
 X1499 VSS 617 1000 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=233925 66830 0 0 $X=232780 $Y=66145
 X1500 618 VSS 616 VSS nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=243510 68190 1 0 $X=242365 $Y=66555
@@ -3310,21 +3324,21 @@
 X1606 VSS VDD 1 CLK 23884 23885 23878 23879 23880 23881 23882 23883 23893 23892 23891 23890 23889 23888 23887 23886
 + A[2] A[1] A[0]
 + ypredec1 $T=145470 26355 0 0 $X=146365 $Y=26735
-X1609 1001 VSS 1003 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796102 $T=175115 470995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=470315
-X1610 1002 VSS 1004 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796102 $T=260115 470995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=470315
+X1609 1001 VSS 1003 nmos_5p0_I20 $T=175115 470995 0 90 $X=164385 $Y=470315
+X1610 1002 VSS 1004 nmos_5p0_I20 $T=260115 470995 0 90 $X=249385 $Y=470315
 X1614 VDD 1001 1003 pmos_1p2_02_R90 $T=189610 471150 0 90 $X=176320 $Y=469670
 X1615 VDD 1002 1004 pmos_1p2_02_R90 $T=248135 471150 0 90 $X=234845 $Y=469670
-X1616 1003 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796101 $T=198405 470995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=469955
-X1617 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796101 $T=219905 470995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=469955
-X1618 1004 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796101 $T=233255 470995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=469955
-X1619 1003 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796111 $T=202950 470995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=470315
-X1620 1004 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254872796111 $T=224800 470995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=470315
+X1616 1003 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I14 $T=198405 470995 0 90 $X=191195 $Y=469955
+X1617 1 2 VSS VDD pmos_5p0_I14 $T=219905 470995 0 90 $X=212695 $Y=469955
+X1618 1004 VDD 2 VDD pmos_5p0_I14 $T=233255 470995 0 90 $X=226045 $Y=469955
+X1619 1003 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I11 $T=202950 470995 0 90 $X=199690 $Y=470315
+X1620 1004 VSS 2 nmos_5p0_I11 $T=224800 470995 0 90 $X=221540 $Y=470315
 X1621 VSS VDD GWEN CLK 23877 1053 wen_v2 $T=208415 16605 0 0 $X=208280 $Y=15275
 X1622 VSS 1 VDD CLK A[5] A[4] A[3] 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 xpredec1 $T=219860 111460 0 0 $X=219855 $Y=111455
-X1623 VDD 1005 CLK pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279687 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
-X1624 VDD 1006 1005 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279687 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
-X1625 VSS 1005 CLK nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279693 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
-X1626 VSS 1006 1005 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025487279693 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
+X1623 VDD 1005 CLK pmos_5p0_I08 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
+X1624 VDD 1006 1005 pmos_5p0_I08 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
+X1625 VSS 1005 CLK nmos_5p0_I15 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
+X1626 VSS 1006 1005 nmos_5p0_I15 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
 X1638 VDD VSS 23266 23267 23268 23269 23270 23271 23272 23273 23943 23944 23945 23946 23947 23948 23949 23950 704 705
 + 24738 24739 24740 24741 24742 24743 24744 24745 24746 24747 24748 24749 24750 24751 24752 24753 24754 24755 24756 24757
 + ICV_31 $T=307090 180630 1 180 $X=303750 $Y=180290
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.gds b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.gds
similarity index 81%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.gds
index 750c41a..cd71da3 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__512x8m8wm1.gds
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram512x8m8wm1.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.cdl b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.cdl
similarity index 97%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.cdl
index df02f92..f643daa 100755
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.cdl
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.cdl
@@ -1,24 +1,38 @@
+* Copyright 2022 GlobalFoundries PDK Authors
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
 * Revision: 1.0
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254123696109
 ** N=1781 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236960 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I13 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236962
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I01
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I01 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.81e-06 AD=2.9964e-12 AS=2.9964e-12 PD=1.45e-05 PS=1.45e-05 NRD=0.0646109 NRS=0.0646109 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
@@ -203,19 +217,19 @@
 .SUBCKT pmos_1p2$$46889004 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 pmos_5p0_I01 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-1195 $Y=-620
 .SUBCKT nmos_1p2$$47119404 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=4 FDC=1
-X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236960 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
+X0 1 2 3 4 nmos_5p0_I13 $T=-155 0 0 0 $X=-835 $Y=-620
 .SUBCKT ypass_gate vss 3 b d bb db ypass pcb vdd
 ** N=26 EP=9 IP=25 FDC=5
-X1 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
-X2 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
+X1 bb b pcb vdd pmos_5p0_I01 $T=1240 50985 1 0 $X=200 $Y=43555
+X2 bb db 3 vdd pmos_5p0_I01 $T=1250 43050 1 0 $X=210 $Y=35620
 X4 b d 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=1405 15300 1 0 $X=-25 $Y=7790
 X5 b d ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 24575 1 0 $X=260 $Y=17090
 X6 bb db ypass vss nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=1405 34595 1 0 $X=260 $Y=27110
@@ -233,8 +247,8 @@
 M5 28 47 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=16135 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M6 31 48 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=20090 $Y=2370 $D=2
 M7 2 9 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.14e-06 AD=2.964e-13 AS=3.99e-13 PD=2.18e-06 PS=3.11e-06 NRD=0.912281 NRS=1.22807 m=1 nf=2 $X=22330 $Y=2370 $D=2
-X9 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
-X10 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
+X9 5 3 7 8 pmos_5p0_I01 $T=23310 51440 1 0 $X=22270 $Y=44010
+X10 5 6 2 8 pmos_5p0_I01 $T=23320 43505 1 0 $X=22280 $Y=36075
 X12 3 4 2 8 pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=23475 15755 1 0 $X=22045 $Y=8245
 X13 3 4 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 25030 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=17545
 X14 5 6 9 1 nmos_1p2$$47119404 $T=23475 35050 1 0 $X=22330 $Y=27565
@@ -247,32 +261,32 @@
 X21 1 31 33 4 32 6 48 7 8 ypass_gate $T=22070 455 1 180 $X=17420 $Y=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236969
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I15
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369640
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I06
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369620
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I17
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369639
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I20
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369629 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I11 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3.42e-06 AD=8.892e-13 AS=1.5048e-12 PD=4.46e-06 PS=8.6e-06 NRD=0.304094 NRS=0.51462 m=1 nf=2 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236968
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I03
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -282,7 +296,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369614
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I04
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -297,7 +311,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369641
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I07
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -338,25 +352,25 @@
 M26 13 14 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=5.902e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=2.79e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.114537 m=1 nf=1 $X=14450 $Y=12055 $D=8
 M27 wep 8 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-06 AD=1.92e-12 AS=1.92e-12 PD=9.92e-06 PS=9.92e-06 NRD=0.48 NRS=0.48 m=1 nf=3 $X=12720 $Y=870 $D=8
 M28 men 13 5 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.54e-06 AD=1.1804e-12 AS=1.9976e-12 PD=5.58e-06 PS=1.084e-05 NRD=0.229075 NRS=0.387665 m=1 nf=2 $X=20050 $Y=12055 $D=8
-X37 vdd 8 5 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369629 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
-X38 vdd 9 13 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369629 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
+X37 vdd 8 5 pmos_5p0_I11 $T=8920 2870 1 0 $X=7880 $Y=540
+X38 vdd 9 13 pmos_5p0_I11 $T=16690 12625 0 0 $X=15650 $Y=12005
 .SUBCKT M1_PSUB$$44997676
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369612
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I18
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369637 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I17 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369636
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I12
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -366,19 +380,19 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369638 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I12 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=5 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=1.56e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=1.12e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.433333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=1.56e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=1.12e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.433333 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369632 1 2 3 4 5
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I13 1 2 3 4 5
 ** N=6 EP=5 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=3.12e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=1.72e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.216667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 2 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=3.12e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=1.72e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.216667 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369633 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I07 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.135e-05 AD=3.3596e-12 AS=3.3596e-12 PD=1.658e-05 PS=1.658e-05 NRD=0.651982 NRS=0.651982 m=1 nf=5 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -388,7 +402,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369613
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I05
 ** N=6 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -424,34 +438,34 @@
 M20 vdd 25 19 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.2e-06 AD=5.28e-13 AS=5.28e-13 PD=3.28e-06 PS=3.28e-06 NRD=0.366667 NRS=0.366667 m=1 nf=1 $X=18950 $Y=1670 $D=8
 M21 10 7 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.362e-05 AD=4.3584e-12 AS=4.3584e-12 PD=2.008e-05 PS=2.008e-05 NRD=0.211454 NRS=0.211454 m=1 nf=3 $X=18750 $Y=13710 $D=8
 M22 se 27 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.72e-05 AD=7.072e-12 AS=8.0512e-12 PD=3.24e-05 PS=3.856e-05 NRD=0.955882 NRS=1.08824 m=1 nf=10 $X=12740 $Y=20450 $D=8
-X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369629 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
-X27 19 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369637 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
-X31 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369638 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
-X32 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369638 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
-X33 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369638 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
-X34 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369632 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
-X35 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369632 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
-X36 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369632 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
-X37 vss 26 2 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369633 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
-X38 27 26 4 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369633 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
+X23 vdd 11 20 pmos_5p0_I11 $T=21255 985 0 0 $X=20215 $Y=365
+X27 19 vss 25 vss nmos_5p0_I17 $T=18950 4420 0 0 $X=18270 $Y=3800
+X31 20 vss 21 4 vss nmos_5p0_I12 $T=8080 4420 0 0 $X=7400 $Y=3800
+X32 22 vss 23 21 22 nmos_5p0_I12 $T=11705 4420 0 0 $X=11025 $Y=3800
+X33 24 vss 25 23 24 nmos_5p0_I12 $T=15325 4420 0 0 $X=14645 $Y=3800
+X34 20 vdd 21 4 vss pmos_5p0_I13 $T=8080 1480 0 0 $X=7040 $Y=860
+X35 22 vdd 23 21 22 pmos_5p0_I13 $T=11705 1480 0 0 $X=10665 $Y=860
+X36 24 vdd 25 23 24 pmos_5p0_I13 $T=15325 1480 0 0 $X=14285 $Y=860
+X37 vss 26 2 vss nmos_5p0_I07 $T=5370 25030 0 0 $X=4690 $Y=24410
+X38 27 26 4 vss nmos_5p0_I07 $T=12415 25030 0 0 $X=11735 $Y=24410
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369649
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I02
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236963
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I02
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369651
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I14
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369644
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I04
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -475,14 +489,14 @@
 M14 vdd se 15 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=17045 $Y=7030 $D=8
 M15 5 qp 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=19680 $Y=6685 $D=8
 M16 vdd 17 24 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=2.9484e-12 AS=3.969e-12 PD=1.238e-05 PS=1.841e-05 NRD=0.0917108 NRS=0.123457 m=1 nf=2 $X=21920 $Y=6685 $D=8
-X20 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369637 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
+X20 vss 16 5 vss nmos_5p0_I17 $T=15150 13365 1 0 $X=14470 $Y=12145
-.SUBCKT M1_NWELL_CDNS_4025412369636
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369611 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I11 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
 M1 3 5 2 6 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -498,7 +512,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 4 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236966 1 2 3 4 5 6
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I18 1 2 3 4 5 6
 ** N=6 EP=6 IP=0 FDC=2
 M0 2 4 1 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=2.496e-13 AS=4.224e-13 PD=1.48e-06 PS=2.8e-06 NRD=0.270833 NRS=0.458333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
 M1 3 5 2 6 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=4.224e-13 AS=2.496e-13 PD=2.8e-06 PS=1.48e-06 NRD=0.458333 NRS=0.270833 m=1 nf=1 $X=1120 $Y=0 $D=8
@@ -521,18 +535,18 @@
 M2 vss 7 4 vss nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=9.988e-13 PD=5.42e-06 PS=5.42e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.193833 m=1 nf=1 $X=11165 $Y=8655 $D=2
 M3 3 wep vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=1.13602e-12 AS=1.7523e-12 PD=4.5e-06 PS=8.3e-06 NRD=0.515152 NRS=0.794613 m=1 nf=2 $X=3025 $Y=35440 $D=8
 M4 vdd 2 11 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.134e-05 AD=4.9896e-12 AS=4.9896e-12 PD=2.356e-05 PS=2.356e-05 NRD=0.0388007 NRS=0.0388007 m=1 nf=1 $X=6980 $Y=26220 $D=8
-X5 4 vdd 7 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
+X5 4 vdd 7 vdd pmos_5p0_I01 $T=11165 455 0 0 $X=10125 $Y=-165
 X6 d 2 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=2655 26220 0 0 $X=1225 $Y=25510
 X7 db 11 3 vdd pmos_1p2$$46889004 $T=4895 26220 0 0 $X=3465 $Y=25510
-X10 5 vss 6 datain 5 vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369611 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
-X11 6 7 8 12 men vss nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369611 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
+X10 5 vss 6 datain 5 vss nmos_5p0_I11 $T=2765 1790 1 0 $X=2085 $Y=210
+X11 6 7 8 12 men vss nmos_5p0_I11 $T=6905 725 0 0 $X=6225 $Y=105
 X12 d 2 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=2655 12695 0 0 $X=1510 $Y=12010
 X13 db 11 wep vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=4895 12695 0 0 $X=3750 $Y=12010
 X14 11 vss 2 vss nmos_1p2$$46883884 $T=7135 12695 0 0 $X=5990 $Y=12010
 X15 vss 12 men vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=3470 9035 0 0 $X=2325 $Y=8350
 X16 vss 8 4 vss nmos_1p2$$46563372 $T=7060 10495 1 0 $X=5915 $Y=8860
-X17 5 vdd 6 datain 5 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236966 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
-X18 6 7 8 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236966 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
+X17 5 vdd 6 datain 5 vdd pmos_5p0_I18 $T=2765 3195 0 0 $X=1725 $Y=2575
+X18 6 7 8 men 12 vdd pmos_5p0_I18 $T=6905 3605 0 0 $X=5865 $Y=2985
 X19 vdd 12 men pmos_1p2$$46273580 $T=2920 7175 1 0 $X=1490 $Y=5355
 X20 vdd 8 4 pmos_1p2$$46273580 $T=7060 8140 1 0 $X=5630 $Y=6320
 X21 vdd 2 4 pmos_1p2$$46887980 $T=415 26220 0 0 $X=-1015 $Y=25510
@@ -1054,11 +1068,11 @@
 M346 55 61 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=7.02e-06 AD=1.8252e-12 AS=3.0888e-12 PD=8.06e-06 PS=1.58e-05 NRD=0.148148 NRS=0.250712 m=1 nf=2 $X=116215 $Y=72345 $D=8
 M347 tblhl 55 VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.128e-05 AD=5.5328e-12 AS=9.3632e-12 PD=2.232e-05 PS=4.432e-05 NRD=0.0488722 NRS=0.0827068 m=1 nf=2 $X=116235 $Y=41975 $D=8
 M348 63 VDD VDD VDD pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.97e-06 AD=9.801e-13 AS=2.33887e-12 PD=4.29e-06 PS=9.09e-06 NRD=0.444444 NRS=1.06061 m=1 nf=2 $X=116315 $Y=87735 $D=8
-X349 61 61 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236960 $T=117260 108370 0 180 $X=115980 $Y=100940
-X350 62 62 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236960 $T=117260 118390 0 180 $X=115980 $Y=110960
-X352 61 61 63 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=117260 99095 0 180 $X=115620 $Y=91665
-X353 62 62 63 VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=117260 126845 0 180 $X=115620 $Y=119415
-X354 62 61 pcb[4] VDD pmos_5p0_CDNS_402541236961 $T=117270 134780 0 180 $X=115630 $Y=127350
+X349 61 61 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I13 $T=117260 108370 0 180 $X=115980 $Y=100940
+X350 62 62 VDD VSS nmos_5p0_I13 $T=117260 118390 0 180 $X=115980 $Y=110960
+X352 61 61 63 VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=117260 99095 0 180 $X=115620 $Y=91665
+X353 62 62 63 VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=117260 126845 0 180 $X=115620 $Y=119415
+X354 62 61 pcb[4] VDD pmos_5p0_I01 $T=117270 134780 0 180 $X=115630 $Y=127350
 X355 VSS VDD 446 447 448 449 ICV_1 $T=115535 187035 0 0 $X=115195 $Y=186695
 X356 61 62 VSS VDD 450 451 452 453 ICV_2 $T=115535 151035 0 0 $X=115195 $Y=150695
 X357 61 62 VSS VDD 454 455 456 457 ICV_2 $T=115535 169035 0 0 $X=115195 $Y=168695
@@ -1125,7 +1139,7 @@
 X412 VSS 82 83 662 663 664 665 ICV_18 $T=4535 182535 1 180 $X=1195 $Y=182195
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_402541236962
 ** N=666 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1144,16 +1158,16 @@
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025412369620
 ** N=1201 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369694 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I09 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=6e-07 AD=2.64e-13 AS=2.64e-13 PD=2.08e-06 PS=2.08e-06 NRD=0.733333 NRS=0.733333 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369691 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I15 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=1.2e-06 W=9e-07 AD=3.96e-13 AS=3.96e-13 PD=2.68e-06 PS=2.68e-06 NRD=0.488889 NRS=0.488889 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
@@ -1173,7 +1187,7 @@
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369660
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I21
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1228,7 +1242,7 @@
 X5 1 3 2 nmos_1p2$$47336492 $T=6480 36070 0 0 $X=5335 $Y=35385
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369666
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I19
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1317,16 +1331,16 @@
 X85 vdd 16 17 pmos_1p2$$47109164 $T=44700 47595 0 0 $X=42105 $Y=46910
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025412369671
 ** N=7 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369678 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I08 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.92e-05 AD=4.992e-12 AS=5.6832e-12 PD=2.44e-05 PS=2.896e-05 NRD=1.35417 NRS=1.54167 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369680 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I06 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=4.72e-05 AD=1.2272e-11 AS=1.39712e-11 PD=5.24e-05 PS=6.256e-05 NRD=0.550847 NRS=0.627119 m=1 nf=10 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
@@ -1359,13 +1373,13 @@
 M23 33 2 31 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=9.6e-07 AD=-6.59976e-13 AS=-6.40776e-13 PD=-2.72923e-06 PS=-2.68923e-06 NRD=-0.71612 NRS=-0.695287 m=1 nf=1 $X=22550 $Y=5525 $D=8
 M24 vdd 20 33 vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.27e-06 AD=9.988e-13 AS=1.12024e-12 PD=5.42e-06 PS=4.68056e-06 NRD=0.193833 NRS=0.2174 m=1 nf=1 $X=24210 $Y=4215 $D=8
 M25 20 31 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.54e-05 AD=4.4e-12 AS=4.4e-12 PD=2.16e-05 PS=2.16e-05 NRD=0.909091 NRS=0.909091 m=1 nf=7 $X=26535 $Y=4215 $D=8
-X48 vss IGWEN 12 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369678 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
-X49 vss GWE 20 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369678 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
-X50 vdd IGWEN 12 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369680 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
-X51 vdd GWE 20 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369680 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
+X48 vss IGWEN 12 nmos_5p0_I08 $T=10115 16070 0 0 $X=9435 $Y=15450
+X49 vss GWE 20 nmos_5p0_I08 $T=23345 16070 0 0 $X=22665 $Y=15450
+X50 vdd IGWEN 12 pmos_5p0_I06 $T=10115 9420 0 0 $X=9075 $Y=8800
+X51 vdd GWE 20 pmos_5p0_I06 $T=23345 9420 0 0 $X=22305 $Y=8800
-.SUBCKT M1_PACTIVE_CDNS_4025412369650
 ** N=38 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1374,7 +1388,7 @@
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369671
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I10
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1423,12 +1437,12 @@
 X23 vss 31 32 vdd A[0] 17 18 xpredec0_bot $T=27120 3160 0 0 $X=26590 $Y=-5
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369659
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I09
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369658
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I16
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1542,7 +1556,7 @@
 X37 1 194 195 2 A[0] 189 188 ypredec1_bot $T=18830 5135 0 0 $X=18730 $Y=1970
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_4025412369616
 ** N=2401 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1569,7 +1583,7 @@
 ** N=13 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696102 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I14 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.011e-05 AD=4.4484e-12 AS=4.4484e-12 PD=2.11e-05 PS=2.11e-05 NRD=0.0435213 NRS=0.0435213 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
@@ -1579,26 +1593,26 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.526e-05 AD=6.5676e-12 AS=1.11144e-11 PD=2.63e-05 PS=5.228e-05 NRD=0.0411718 NRS=0.0696754 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696100 1 2 3 4
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I03 1 2 3 4
 ** N=4 EP=4 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 4 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=6.59e-06 AD=2.8996e-12 AS=2.8996e-12 PD=1.406e-05 PS=1.406e-05 NRD=0.0667678 NRS=0.0667678 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696111 1 2 3
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I05 1 2 3
 ** N=3 EP=3 IP=0 FDC=1
 M0 2 3 1 2 nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=2.64e-06 AD=1.1616e-12 AS=1.1616e-12 PD=6.16e-06 PS=6.16e-06 NRD=0.166667 NRS=0.166667 m=1 nf=1 $X=0 $Y=0 $D=2
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696105
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I16
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT M1_POLY2_CDNS_40254123696102
 ** N=2 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696108
+.SUBCKT nmos_5p0_I10
 ** N=3 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1608,7 +1622,7 @@
 M0 2 3 1 1 pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.1e-05 AD=2.86e-12 AS=4.84e-12 PD=1.204e-05 PS=2.376e-05 NRD=0.0945455 NRS=0.16 m=1 nf=2 $X=-155 $Y=0 $D=8
-.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696106
+.SUBCKT pmos_5p0_I08
 ** N=4 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
@@ -1733,15 +1747,15 @@
 M96 vdd 301 RWL[6] vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3e-05 AD=7.8e-12 AS=9.6e-12 PD=3.156e-05 PS=4.192e-05 NRD=0.078 NRS=0.096 m=1 nf=3 $X=115560 $Y=27260 $D=8
 M97 RWL[7] 299 vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=3e-05 AD=9.6e-12 AS=9.6e-12 PD=4.192e-05 PS=4.192e-05 NRD=0.096 NRS=0.096 m=1 nf=3 $X=115560 $Y=32900 $D=8
 M98 vdd vss vdd vdd pmos_5p0 L=3.94e-06 W=4.9455e-05 AD=0 AS=3.14863e-11 PD=0 PS=0.00012136 NRD=0 NRS=1.04277 m=1 nf=9 $X=130365 $Y=280 $D=8
-X110 DLWL vss 37 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696102 $T=31730 38360 0 90 $X=21000 $Y=37680
-X111 DRWL vss 38 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696102 $T=116730 38360 0 90 $X=106000 $Y=37680
+X110 DLWL vss 37 nmos_5p0_I14 $T=31730 38360 0 90 $X=21000 $Y=37680
+X111 DRWL vss 38 nmos_5p0_I14 $T=116730 38360 0 90 $X=106000 $Y=37680
 X112 vdd DLWL 37 pmos_1p2$$204216364_R90 $T=46225 38515 0 90 $X=32935 $Y=37035
 X113 vdd DRWL 38 pmos_1p2$$204216364_R90 $T=104750 38515 0 90 $X=91460 $Y=37035
-X114 37 vdd 29 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696100 $T=55020 38360 0 90 $X=47810 $Y=37320
-X115 men 29 vss vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696100 $T=76520 38360 0 90 $X=69310 $Y=37320
-X116 38 vdd 29 vdd pmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696100 $T=89870 38360 0 90 $X=82660 $Y=37320
-X117 37 vss 29 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696111 $T=59565 38360 0 90 $X=56305 $Y=37680
-X118 38 vss 29 nmos_5p0_CDNS_40254123696111 $T=81415 38360 0 90 $X=78155 $Y=37680
+X114 37 vdd 29 vdd pmos_5p0_I03 $T=55020 38360 0 90 $X=47810 $Y=37320
+X115 men 29 vss vdd pmos_5p0_I03 $T=76520 38360 0 90 $X=69310 $Y=37320
+X116 38 vdd 29 vdd pmos_5p0_I03 $T=89870 38360 0 90 $X=82660 $Y=37320
+X117 37 vss 29 nmos_5p0_I05 $T=59565 38360 0 90 $X=56305 $Y=37680
+X118 38 vss 29 nmos_5p0_I05 $T=81415 38360 0 90 $X=78155 $Y=37680
 X119 vss vdd 270 men 271 272 273 286 287 288 289 ICV_24 $T=8635 4500 1 0 $X=8630 $Y=-1140
 X120 vss vdd 274 men 275 276 277 290 291 292 293 ICV_24 $T=8635 13500 1 0 $X=8630 $Y=7860
 X121 vss vdd 278 men 279 280 281 294 295 296 297 ICV_24 $T=8635 22500 1 0 $X=8630 $Y=16860
@@ -2144,12 +2158,12 @@
 + ICV_26 $T=93605 151035 1 180 $X=90265 $Y=150695
-.SUBCKT M1_PSUB_CDNS_40254123696108
 ** N=2765 EP=0 IP=0 FDC=0
-.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1 A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] CEN CLK 
-+ D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5] Q[4] Q[3] Q[2] 
+.SUBCKT gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1 A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] CEN CLK
++ D[7] D[6] D[5] D[4] D[3] D[2] D[1] D[0] GWEN Q[7] Q[6] Q[5] Q[4] Q[3] Q[2]
 + Q[1] Q[0] VDD VSS WEN[7] WEN[6] WEN[5] WEN[4] WEN[3] WEN[2] WEN[1] WEN[0]
 ** N=5630 EP=35 IP=395 FDC=6349
 M0 VSS 395 599 VSS nmos_5p0 L=6e-07 W=1.36e-06 AD=3.536e-13 AS=5.984e-13 PD=1.88e-06 PS=3.6e-06 NRD=0.191176 NRS=0.323529 m=1 nf=1 $X=233770 $Y=54135 $D=2
@@ -2331,10 +2345,10 @@
 + 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571
 + 5572 5573 5574
 + rcol4_64 $T=302555 25095 0 0 $X=297105 $Y=5955
-X191 VSS 597 CLK nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369694 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
-X192 VSS 598 597 nmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369694 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
-X193 VDD 597 CLK pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369691 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
-X194 VDD 598 597 pmos_5p0_CDNS_4025412369691 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
+X191 VSS 597 CLK nmos_5p0_I09 $T=234280 46585 1 0 $X=233600 $Y=45365
+X192 VSS 598 597 nmos_5p0_I09 $T=239670 46585 1 0 $X=238990 $Y=45365
+X193 VDD 597 CLK pmos_5p0_I15 $T=234280 43425 1 0 $X=233240 $Y=41905
+X194 VDD 598 597 pmos_5p0_I15 $T=239670 43425 1 0 $X=238630 $Y=41905
 X197 VSS 395 VDD CLK A[5] A[4] A[3] 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 5503 xpredec1 $T=219860 111460 0 0 $X=219855 $Y=111455
 X198 VSS 5450 VDD GWEN CLK 5451 607 wen_v2 $T=208415 16605 0 0 $X=208280 $Y=15275
 X201 VSS VDD 395 CLK VSS VSS 5485 5486 5490 5491 xpredec0 $T=146075 111460 0 0 $X=144630 $Y=111455
diff --git a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.gds b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.gds
similarity index 75%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.gds
index 612fda0..d53a578 100644
--- a/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sram__64x8m8wm1.gds
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_ip_sram__sram64x8m8wm1.gds
Binary files differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0.cdl
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similarity index 100%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/GF018hv5v_mcu_sc7.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu7t5v0.gds
Binary files differ
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similarity index 100%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/GF018hv5v_green_sc9.cdl
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0.cdl
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similarity index 100%
rename from rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/GF018hv5v_green_sc9.gds
rename to rules/klayout/lvs/testing/sc_testcases/gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0.gds
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/testcases/sample_gppmos_5p0_dw_sab.gds
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a551a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/testcases/sample_gppmos_6p0_sab.gds
Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ddf19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/klayout/lvs/testing/testcases/sample_pmos_6p0_sab.gds
Binary files differ
diff --git a/rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt b/rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6804c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/klayout/requirements.test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@