tree: fc8f67028ebf31f0eae1746b37d77067d86cdb4d [path history] [tgz]
  2. regression/
  3. sc_regression/
  4. smoke_test/
  5. .spiceinit
  6. Makefile

Globalfoundries 180nm MCU models-ngspice regression

Explains how to run GF180nm models-ngspice regression.

Folder Structure

 ┣ 📜Makefile
 ┣ 📜
 ┣ 📦regression
 ┣ 📦smoke_test
 ┣ 📦180MCU_SPICE_Models


At a minimum:

  • Git 2.35+
  • Python 3.6+
  • ngspice-36+

On Ubuntu, you can just

apt install -y build-essential python3

  • Check this ngspice for ngspice installation.

Regression Usage

To make a full test for GF180nm models-ngspice, you could use the following command in testing directory:

make all
  • You could also check allowed targets in the Makefile, using the following command:

    make help

Regression Outputs

  • The resulting files are in regression/<device_folder>/ with name of <device_name><options> that contains:

    1. A final report file of all results.
    2. measured folder that contains measured data used in regression.
    3. simulated folder that contains simulated data used in regression.
    4. netlists folder that contains spice files used in simulation.